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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Bianca Garcia
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Iris Takahashi
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Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli


Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Velvet Valentine

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Post by Kelsea Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:12 pm

Velvet Valentine

glasses - Velvet Valentine TYc2DLS

Anka Reinhardt

Name: Velvet Valentine
Other Alias: The Valentine
Real name: Anka Valentine Reinhardt
Age: 26
Eyes: Amber brown
Hair: Dark grey
Height: 5"9
Weight: 190lbs
Nationality: French/German

Alignment: Face/tweeners

Tactics and style Pro/hentai wrestler (power house): Much like her mentor Belinda, Velvet Valentine blends Pro wrestling powerhouse moves with hentai.. using her weight to her advantage along with slams and bombs to wear down her opponent so that they can’t resist when she wants to make them her valentine

Preferred matches: Hentai (but she matches not to cut the foreplay and jump straight to hentai, she enjoys wrestling down her opponent first)

Favoured moves: powerslams, powerbombs, belly to belly suplex, german suplex

Finishing move/s:
Big Bertha – A 190lbs frog splash from off the top ropes

Cupid’s Heart Bomb – Adapted and pretty much the same as Belinda’s Sex bomb... When she has her opponents head between her thighs she'll slides her hands down across their belly and fondle their crotch... Then again when she has the opponent up on her shoulders, she'll hold her in place and tease their crotch with her tongue before performing the powerful sitdown powerbomb (No teasing for a non hentai variant)

My Valentine – Adapted from Belinda finisher, the Triple S (otherwise known as Sexually Sublime Stretch). A tight Octopus hold in which Anka uses her arm not to drill an elbow into the victims waist, but instead will reach around to fondle either their crotch or breast

Velvet Embrace – Anka catches her opponent in a tight fitting bear hug, she usually likes to strip the top half of their clothing and her own before hand so that they will be naked breast against naked breasts. Keeping the squeeze on, she’ll then reach down to grasp the hip rim of what ever underwear her opponent has on and lifts up to add a wedgie to the hot bear hug

Entrance Music: Tangomix – Alexander Burei ft Natta



Personality: Anka has a bubbly larger than life personality, the kind of person you would expect to be the life of the party. She leans fairly far towards the extroverted side of the scale and can be consider overly confident in herself (if not a little arrogant at times), but still in generally she is friendly and fun to be around.. At times, usually when she’s not talking big, she can come across as a daydreamer and fantaziser... Sometimes gazing dreamily at a person with eyes that suggests she is undressing them or imaging putting them into one of her hentai holds, until they feel uncomfortable enough to blush or look away. Her moral code, although usually good and decent, can become a little compromised by her sexual urges.. She has a tendency to push certain personal boundaries and do some questionably semi heelish acts when she becomes excited. She is very sensual, a bit of a tease and someone that craves a lot of physical contact both in matches and out of match relationship

History: Anka is part of a fairly large French/German family, her parents weren’t particularly poor or rich and living was fairly traditional. She always had an insatiable sexual appetite (ironically her body developing a lot faster and becoming a lot larger than most of her peers), but it wasn’t until her mid to late teens that she started experimenting sexually with fellow girls only to realize she liked them just as much as boys.

After finishing school she didn’t dive straight into work, Anka really only wanted to have fun and so ended up bumming off of her parents until they kicked her out in an attempt to force her to sort her life out and get into work. Anka had no choice but to start somewhere and found herself a barmaid job that paid the bills. A number of patrons happened to be fans of AFW and would request that it was put on the TV in the bar when it was on. Watching all them sexy women wrestling each other in close contact soon converted Anka into a fan herself, particularly the hentai division.

Needing to generate a little extra cash and enticed with what she had seen on AFW, Anka came up with a fix for both. She started to offer patrons a chance to wrestle her, they would have to pay heavily of course but if they were able to win, she would spend the night with them. Quite a few regular patrons of the bar had their eyes on the buxom barmaid so it was easy finding challengers willing to part with the cash, it quickly became a hit.

Anka didn’t have any formal wrestling training, but she often prevailed due to 1. her size, weight and surprising strength 2. Most guys becoming distracted by her assets as well as some well placed and timed fondles 3. She made sure most of her challengers were pretty drunk at the time.

One fateful night none other than Belinda Leroux, Belinda and Blond Bombshell, would walk into Anka’s bar. She had at that time only recently started a sabbatical from AFW and was travelling to different countries to enjoy herself. Both Anka and the regulars in the bar could not believe their eyes and whether Belinda wanted it or not, she had fans swooning over her for most of the evening. When Anka got the chance to talk to her, she was unusually bashful and even more so when Belinda started hitting on her playfully. One of the other customers joked that Belinda should take up Anka wrestle challenge, but after the joke was explained to Belinda she actually took up the offer much to Anka’s shock

The match was fairly light hearted and Belinda obviously went easy on Anka, allowing her to take the lead a bit, it would have been heavily mismatched anyway. However when Anka was tempted by her own excitement to throw in a couple of fondles and semi hentai moves, Belinda reciprocated that excitement and also got somewhat carried away.. Proceedings soon became very hentai and very one sided, Anka was put in pretty much every hentai hold she had seen while watching AFW before finally being put in Belinda’s Triple S and being forced to cum twice without being released!

After winning, Belinda took her prize (Anka, in accordance to the “Anka wrestling challenge” people had told her about) back to her hotel room for an extremely long sexual night that Anka would never forget. Belinda had completely used Anka, but the morning afterwards Anka stuck around as she was quite taken with Belinda and wanted more.. Surprised by Anka’s appetite, Belinda offered to give her hentai/pro wrestling training while she was on her sabbatical in German. Anka accepted enthusiastically and so she began on the path that would eventually lead to her signing up for on the AFW

Other facts:
-Anka is dual nationality, French mother and German Father. Germany is ultimately where she calls home, but her family regularly had stints in France.

-Anka’s accent is a cross between French and German, she also tends to mix a match certain words from both languages when speaking English in a way that might seem confusing to others but perfectly normal to herself (She'll do this even when it wouldn't grammatically work in either French or German)

-Her first name Anka, is German while her middle name Valentine is French. Her middle name did lend to her ring name, however it is pronounced differently (more like Valenteen).

-Anka was shy meeting Belinda in person for the first time, but that shyness has far from gone when it comes to meeting other AFW stars

Anka's Blog

Real name: Anka Valentine Reinhardt

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥♥♥ Ja *scoffs* could you expect any less-a from Belinda Ze Blonde Bombshell's protégé? Vearing nothings but hearts for attire-z and ze naked body of ma opponent over one shoulder? Heh.. Dummkopf, but do not vorry your süß petit head... you can still be ma valentine ♥

Wins: 1
Losses: 2
Draws: 1


**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:

Belinda Leroux




Belinda Leroux ♥♥♥
Natasha Loclear ♥♥♥
Akashi Tanikaze ♥♥
Chiyori Seo ♥
(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)

Valentine's Day Card

Je suis desja d'amour tanné Ma tres doulce Valentinée *Promo*
Velvet Valentine vs. Chiyori Seo
How many sleeps till Valentine's Day? *Promo*
Velvet Valentine vs. ??? ~ (Valentine's Day match)
Hentai is an art *Promo*
SS 16 Harsdstyle Hentai: Marisa Evans Vs. Velvet Valentine
Fright Fight Main Event - Velvet Valentine Vs Natasha Loclear (C) - Hentai Title Match
SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear incomplete

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