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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco

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"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco Empty "Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco

Post by LunarOcean Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:36 pm

Full Name: Betriz Raso Nolasco
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Eyes: Bright red
Hair: Purple
Height: 6'00
Weight: -unable to be added-
Nationality: Portuguese
Alignment: Face with a naughty side.
Entrance Music: Flashy flamenco music.

Fighting Style:
Betriz's experience as a theatre dancer is useful in her fast paced, energetic style. Well balanced (in terms of physical balance) and unpredictable, she keeps her movements serpentine and fluttering, weaving in and out of combat. She excels in carefully manipulating her opponent's balance, keeping a careful eye on their footwork relative to the rest of their bodyparts' positions. It is almost judo-like in how she uses their weight against them, dazzling them with disorienting shoves and pushes before sending them flying over their heads. It's not uncommon for these "dances" transition into gruelling submissions and ground games. Betriz's close-up intimate tactics involve a bit of body-on-body grinding like Aniek but focuses moreso on rapid, snakelike movements, almost dancing against her opponents, but unless she finds her opponent particularly attractive, she won't draw it out, preferring to slide herself over them and back onto her feet. She's quite flexible and as such certain stretches, pulls, and bends don't quite damage her to same degree as others, making her difficult to catch a hold of espcially when she starts getting sweatier. On an aside, she is an oil wrestling master, moving over the slippery substance with practically no difficulty.

Favored Moves:
Dance movements that lead into strikes or if done as holds, unbalance the foe. Leg sweeps, lock ups, and splits are usually done very quickly, inhabiting the upper echelons when it comes to technique. Body grinds tend to be faster paced and a lot more spirited, seductive as opposed to ruthlessly aggressive. When doing so, she'll usually target the underboob with her own (more sensitive there). Fairly good with leg locks (enjoys the achilles tendon hold: although training with Linh to get better at that. Indian deathlock is one she enjoys to do, showing off her balance and her trunk. Grapevines she usually does to embarrass her foes before linking it to sliding over them. Is known to spin her foes around, grabbing them from behind and going into a dragon sleeper. Occasionally does lotus locks with her opponent's laying face-down on the mat.


Lightning Strikes: Spinning piledriver chained into a complex hold. Powerful, but requires a lot of momentum for her to set up and pull off. Betriz faces her opponent and grabs their elbows, pulling them towards her. She might give them a kiss and a docking, before falling back and pressing her feet against their stomach and kicking them into the air. Leaping up she grabs and piledrives them into mat. This may be followed up by a matchbook submission variant ( where she pulls the legs further back with her own (until they're past her sides), pushes the opponent's body forwards, and pins their arms between them for complete helplessness.

Reverse Grapevine Hold: A counter to full body press-pins, Betriz quickly moves her legs between her opponents, crossing them over in the ankles and hooking her heels around them to keep them scissored together. From ths position she gets her arms under her opponent's armpits, putting their head under her own shoulder, and putting them into a butterfly hold.

Slip and Slide: Done on an oppononent who's dizzied, stunned, caught off guard, or getting up. Sliding under her, grabbing her hands, and causing her trip and fall face first. Sitting on top of her opponent's back, her legs squeeze in from the side, securing her opponent's thighs together while she painfully yanks their arms up against their own bodies. This is similar to Miss Spencer's finisher from Rumble Roses. If her opponent ends up flipping over, she will flip them onto their stomach and move them into the previously described position.

Love Nest: A corner submission. Betriz rubs her front up her opponent, letting them feel her dense tits and enviable core, momentarily smothering them. As she does so, she lifts up their legs and moves them under the mid/top ropes. She scissors her own legs over their crotch/thighs and crosses their arms over their chest. Like a hanging ball of pleasure, her trapped opponent's rear/crotch is getting a nice rub down while their condensed tits are kissing constantly with her's.



Betriz might be seen as lazy in how laid back she is, but the league wakes up something spicy in her. A veteran of Aphrodite Productions, she's returned from a stifling office job to bring stylishness and grace into the ring. The Portguese woman has the refined mannerisms of a noblewoman but the risque mannerisms of a masque attendant. She plays up the fun loving somewhat hedonistic fiery spirited lady aspect up quite a bit. She's got experience in the real deal but is rather caring beneath her party girl attitude. Understands the younger girls quite well and isn't afraid to tease or goof off with them, making her a bit of a tutor and an unofficial "counsellor" of sorts to many of her younger compatriots in the past.


The daughter of a wealthy businesswoman and her stay at home husband, Betriz was born into a life of luxury and excitement. With more freedom than many parents would be comfortable giving their child, she was always skirting on the edge of getting into serious trouble but never quite getting there. While she was certainly spoiled she had a more welcoming demeanour rather than the usual arrogant self-inflated egotism of most modern day lords and nobles, something attributed to her rather generous father.

However, as she got older, that old freedom started to lessen as her parents prepared her for a life following their footsteps or at least something more viable than youthful excess and exuberant parties. Betriz the fiery socialite started to be replaced by Betriz the moderate and proper young businesswoman to be, doing well in her higher education. However, that youthful flame never quite died, it merely turned elsewhere. She was the kind of woman who studied and worked hard but released all that pent up stress with double the effort but soon, she found herself burnt out by this double life.

Searching for a different kind of pleasure during her last years as an undergraduate, she spent a few short stints in the women's wrestling underground, finding that there were others like her who also let it out twice as hard. It's here she'd first appear on the radar for Aphrodite Productions but disappeared for a few years later on as she managed to get a good government job, one that unfortunately cut into her time. However, on occasion she would have a throwdown with a few close friends, just so she wouldn't lose that edge.

When she was 26, that's when she made her AP debut, immediately becoming a smash hit with her passionate flair and sensual moves. She gained a reputation as a particularly flexible one, especially in oil wrestling, where she'd wind and slither about like some eel or snake, slipping out of punishing holds and between her opponent's legs before they found themselves prisoners to her slicked up body. After a gruelling match with many other ladies who wanted the coveted belt, she soon became the longest reigning champion of AP oil wrestling, losing the title only twice.

After AP closed down, she was once again thrown back into the world of dull cubicles and stacks of paperwork. That was until a few emails from Linh told her of a new wrestling federation that might be well suited to her tastes. It wasn't long before she rose out obscurity again to represent the stylish and the extravagant in the world of female wrestling.


Highly flexible, practically a contortionist. Her body is somewhere between champion swimmer and veteran dancer with ridge-like musculature to giver her an edge. While she appears quite graceful, she's nearly pure muscle underneath her frilly clothes although it looks sleek and smooth as opposed to bumpy and rough; she looks like a creature maximized for powerful, fast movement. A bit like this: crossed with Powerful legs and bountiful, spherical tits, usually has a fancy bikini like this the following:,,


[url=]Tessa (Win)[/url:3fbyr1ig]


Betriz in her prime!

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco RacJvZF.jpg

One of Bertriz's opponents in a not so prime time.

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco IVCyHy4.jpg

Taking the oil wrestling championship for the first time.

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco UWBL6Bq.jpg

A sexfight against an older opponent who very directly taught her a thing or two.

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco Iq0ff3W.jpg

Her shawl occasionally could be used as a whip for some more liberal matches.

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco 0bCT73p.jpg

Certainly not very camera shy.

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco Fcyy76b.jpg

One of her more recent photos.

"Violet Lightning" - Betriz R. Nolasco Km9dRFz.jpg

Last edited by 12611 on Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:56 pm; edited 6 times in total

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