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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by KillerV Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:55 am

Bella continues to drag her new friend into the night and head into the first American fast food in Japan as they would step foot inside, she take a nice deep breath to get the good smell of fast food inside of her, her breasts somewhat get a bit big from breathing in but it shrunk when exhaling it all out. "Ahhhhhhh..... grease and beef.... awesome."

She looks at K and blinks a bit, she gotta confess herself that she actually never set foot in NY, sad, very sad. "Oh well yeah I.... well... shush!" She show her puffy face before marching to the cashier ready to order the food... but wonder if she could since she is so bad at speaking Japanese. "Hi.... ummmm... I want this... ONE!" she pointed the picture, thankfully its there when she needs it, and the person nodded and unsure what he was saying but at least the cashier lights up the price though. "Ahhhh okay... ummm.... here!" Handing over the money and waiting for their meal.

"Oh you should try em, I just ordered it and couple of large cups if you dont mind." She held one cup for herself and handed to K for the other. "Btw... why are people looking at us? Did we.... do something... weird?" She was abit oblivious of whats going on from the people staring at us.

KillerV- Character Select

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by acuyra Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:38 pm

Kozue started to reach for her wallet, but Bella beat her to the punch and paid for their meals. She could afford this sort of thing no problem, these days. She was hardly rich, but Tension Heights had low rent, and she made decent money in the ring. Still, food was free food. The best meal is the one you don't have to pay for.

Kozue took the cup and went over to the machine, mixing a few drinks together. A little ginger ale for spice, some strawberry Sprite for flavor, a dash of Orange Hi-C for that tangy taste. Making a nice, black concotion.

"Hm?" She looked over her shoulder at Bella, then back to the awkward patrons."Had to guess? They're staring at your tits. That is some rack you got there. Saying in that the most heterosexual way possible." With the AFW, that clarification was always needed."Like two little boys, wrestling under a blanket. Does all that weight hurt?"

Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 SPoWQN2

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by KillerV Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:30 am

Bella humming loud enough that K can probably hear of the tune, the original Super Mario theme from good o' NES, really like the 8-bit sounds, its so cute actually. While shes waiting and seeing few employees whipping up their.... **Pizzurger? Burrrzza?** she thought in her head before she forgot that she held a large cup for her to get some drinks in. "Mmmmmm grape plus Dr. P mix.... yum yum grape~"

Then she turns to K and moving to stand right beside her, sipping some grape favor Dr. Pepper, weird mix but love it. Bella was asking her a question about the people in the fast food place and K respond made her all puffy. "Two little boys? These are my girls!" She crossed her arms under her busty bust bust breasts and cradle it like her own babies. "There there... meanie KK didnt mean to get your gender wrong" Course she was just being silly and looked back at her. "Oh no not at all, I mean, for generations to generations in our family... all girls by their highschool years have umm...'natural gifts'.... except Im the only child so...." She shrugged and took a nice long sip of her awesome soda mix. "Plus I got use to it, doesnt hurt at all..... my boobs defies gravity, HA!"

And then our meal is ready and waiting for the two girls.

KillerV- Character Select

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by acuyra Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:52 am

"Yeah, the puberty fairy was a bit weird with me." Kozue held out her hand in front of her chest and squeezed a non-existent breast, putting on a lewd mime act. If people were staring before, now they were staring more awkwardly. "High school hit and I didn't get much at all. Not much to speak of, up top. Dynamite ass, though."

She looked over her shoulder to make sure it was still there. Yup. Still bouncy.

"But yeah, you'll fit right in with AFW. Lot of guys fall for that sort of shit. Give them a shake and they start getting googly eyed, gives you a free hit." She walked over to her trey and picked it up, holding her nose close and giving the Pizza Burger a long sniff. Smelled like pizza and burgers. That made perfect sense, but still, a weird thing for the senses. It was like her nose wasn't designed to take it, getting mixed signals.

"Not my style, though." She backed away and stood on her tiptoes, looking around for a good seat, preferable at a table that was clean and not coated with grease stains. "I don't go for that soft shit. Just go in and fight, not trying to screw some guy in the ring."

Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 SPoWQN2

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by KillerV Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:45 am

"Hah well you looked juuuuust fine to me, and dont you think Im hitting on you, I would if I were a dude.... but dudes wont have these babies!" She snuggles her own breasts just loving it and of course K like her own ass too, Bella thought about her own ass as she takes a firm feel of her own ass, its nice and tight too, clearly her own ass is better than K anyday.

Bella looked at K while sipping more of her grape Dr. Pepper which its halfway gone, need to refill em up soon. "Hah, using my girls to get a lucky shot? I dont know maybe, course guys will get all googly over my boobies or booty, oh guys they're such a tool." She watches K picking up the readied tray before Bella herself refill her drinks just in cause if she gets real thirsty if the food she order turns out to be real.... unique.

Following her from behind as they find the table for them to sit and soon to dig on to their burger pizza hybrid monster pie wtf Japan food. Sitting down in the chair assuming she'll be sitting across of her ninja friend, ready to eat. "Oh you dont? Well I might try out the 'sexy Bella' and 'competitive Bella', see which one works for me, just need someone to test out on, someone who isnt too tough, think of anyone you recommend?" she then eye balling the unique food, Grabbing one slice of it and start pulling, the cheese stretches out all gooey and greasy, doesnt matter, its going into her belly, after placing on the plate first. "Mmmmmmm"

KillerV- Character Select

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by acuyra Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:29 am

"Some dudes have those babies." Kozue made her way over to a neat little booth near the back of the restaurant, where they wouldn't have to worry about too many prying eyes. If Bella was going to do things like grab her own ass in public, some measure of privacy would be good. "You never seen man-tits, before? They can get pretty big. And disgusting."

She sat down and took out the wine bottle, shaking around what was left. About a quarter of the stuff. Perfect. "Recommendations?" She actually paused to consider that one. There were plenty of wrestlers in Tension she knew of, but only a select few she really knew. "Hard to say." She popped the bottle open and poured it into her cup, mixing what was left with the Strawberry Sprite. Should be tasty. "I mean, we got a lot of tough guys, a few wimps, not a lot in between."

Kozue stood up and dumped the bottle in a trashcan that it was most certainly not supposed to go in. "My advice? Just roll with it. Don't worry about who you're facing, you'll get into the right groove soon enough. Don't worry so much about winning or losig, just get the basics early on."

She sat back down and just watched her for a few moments as Bella tore into the Frankenburger. "So, what's the verdict? Taste good?""

Last edited by 12547 on Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 SPoWQN2

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by KillerV Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:49 am

"Oh dont say that! That just brings horrible ima--gurrrrrgha!" she grabbed her head and frizzle her hair and shaking like trying to get the bad thoughts out of her head, just making a scene but doesnt care, not wanting to think about dudes with babies.... "GAHHH! Why do you have to say that?!" she quickly follow K to the table and really need to flush out that horrible images in her head, how dare that ninja girl sneaky put those words into her brain.

Thankfully once they sat down, and K telling her about the recommendations on who to take on in the Tension rosters. "Hmmmm, I guess just like said, go with the flow huh?" Well not 100% but close enough, and enough to have Bella forget so quickly about the dudes boobs. Now with that over, she can finally take a bite of her pizzburg. "Here I go, first meal in Japan!"

She took a bite of the burger, and start munching, chewing, not making a sound while eating it, her eyes looking left and right like shes analysing the food to figure out if anything tasted weird or something of a sort. "Mooooh, mits mnot mbad mat mall! Mmmm.... mI mpretty mtasty mactually." She then take a drinks to sip on the straw to gulp it down the rest of the food in her belly. "Mmm ahh.... I like it, Im not too picky with it comes with food.

KillerV- Character Select

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by acuyra Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:29 am

Kozue stared on as Bella had her little spaz attack, just letting it run its course. She was starting to suspect the poor girl wasn't entirely right in the head. But then again, most of the people she'd met since coming to this island weren't. No reason to hold that against her. Besides, she was fun company, and Kozue could sure as hell name less pleasant people to spend her time with.

She let Bella be the guinea pig, holding off on taking a bite until she got a quick review from the redhead. "Don't talk with your mouth full. Rude." She wagged a finger Bella's way, then picked up her own sandwich and gave it a sniff, sampling the flavor once more before she shrugged and took a full bite.

It tasted like...eating a burger and pizza at the same time. Pretty good.

Kozue swallowed and followed it up with a quick mouthful of Sprite to wash it down. "Not bad, not bad." She licked off a little mustard from her lips. "So, Bella, where you coming from?"


Last edited by 12547 on Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:29 am; edited 1 time in total

Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 SPoWQN2

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by KillerV Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:30 am

"MMMPH!" She took a one hard swallow before taking a glass of mixed soda grape and Dr. Pepper, washing down her first meal of the day even its late, had some snacks earlier when she was lost in the park, Bella felt stupid for only eating her few beef jerky sticks that she found at one of the mini market, took her awhile to purchase one but at least she got it in her belly, now a much worthy meal to fill her up a bit.

"Well exscuuuuse me!" She takes a deep breath and checking with her tongue making sure nothing get stuck between her teeth. "Well I am glad you like it, now, about to attack on Pizzburger!" Just when she open her mouth just as wide as she can possible can, surely people around her curious how silly she does things, but Bella halt her bite and going to respond to her pal K.

"Oh Im from Italy, half that and half Greek, pure European oh yeah! I didnt stay for very long by the time I graduate highschool and quickly start moving out to travel, being a photographer and ummmm.... kind of a treasure hunter, get pay to go out and get stuff for people, at the right price course, I am pretty careful who I make a deal with, dont want to get backstab by anyone you know? So after doing some of those, I felt like I should stop treasure hunting for awhile and just start, taking it easy, Im alright with budget.... its all good, its all good!" She looked at the side where the cashier is, she secretly ordered something where they have the stuff for her, she got up and about to head on over. "B-R-B"

She head back to her table with K, sitting down where she left off, taking out a toy she got, unwrapping it and turns out to be a Pokemon toy. "Heh a fish.. I mean, aww Magikarp? Boo...."

KillerV- Character Select

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Half Sightseeing, Half Lost - Page 3 Empty Re: Half Sightseeing, Half Lost

Post by acuyra Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:14 am

Attention deficit disorder. Definitely ADD.

Kozue chomped down on the burger while Bella spoke on, gnawing at one of the tougher pepperoni's. Just like a real pizza, the cheese could be a bitch to deal with, and she had to gnaw her way through a little bit just to make it work. Still good, though.

"Please don't ever say 'BRB' out loud. Or LOL. Or FTW. Or any crap you'd say in a chatroo." Kozue shook her head. "I like you, and I want to keep on liking you, and shit like that's just going to make it harder." Kozue wiped some tomato sauce from her lips as she looked back at Bella with a smirk. She was joking. Mostly. "But a treasure hunter, really? That's actually a thing?" Even if it was real and not just a fantasy in Bella's head, who the hell would hire this girl? She was nice, sure, but she didn't exactly scream professionalism. Kozue might hire her for a photoshoot or something, but finding something that had real value? Nope.

"You just go around hunting...treasures? So, what, you're like Indiana Jones with a nice rack." She paused and cocked her head to the side with a little chuckle. "Or, well, that'd be Lara Croft. Pre-reboot. Still, that's cool, I guess. What have you found so far? Ark of the Covenant, Philosopher's Stone, shit like that?"

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