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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by FairyGirl Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:10 pm

It was a pretty calm opening to the match to be sure. The two girls doing a good job slowly working the other opponent and getting a feel for their strength level. It might not have been the most exciting opening, but it was hugely beneficial for Shino to have an idea just what she was going up against here. This was the one chance to get a feel for what Chloe could do and she didn't plan on wasting that.

Once she started to notice that Chloe was showing some signs of weakness, that seemed to be a trigger for Shino to go full tilt. She had already started to strain herself though she was trying to keep it off her face. So full tilt really was just a moderate jump from where they currently were, but she hoped that the pure surprise of it would make up for the lack of actual power being displayed.

The girl planning on continuing to push as hard as she could until her opponent fell or they stopped having room to move backwards. Although now it was impossible to hide the strain on her face and her body shaking a bit from the effort.

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by LunarWolf Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:26 pm

Chloe was starting to struggle quite a bit, it seemed as if her somewhat cold demeanor-ed foe seemed to have a bit of a strength advantage over her. It wasn't a huge one as she seemed to be able to hold her ground quite well against the girl, there were quite equal in size so it wasn't strange that their strength was somewhat similar. Sadly for Chloe she was losing ground more and more as her body was being pushed back by that of Shino's.

The white haired Brazilian could notice the cringe on Shino's face and the strain she was going through but there was no way for her to use that strain...for there was a guarantee that she was straining even more. As time went by Chloe started to feel her feet slipping and soon forced to step back further and further, being pushed back towards the corner with each minute passing.

" Nngh..." The red clad wrestler growled out in frustration as it only went worse and worse for her and before long she had been pushed up into the corner by Shino, trapped by the girl's frame and the ropes and turnbuckle. " Kh...don't think this means anything..nggh."


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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by FairyGirl Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:13 pm

If there was anything to be happy about and sneak a smile in for it was the fact that she was winning this strength showdown. It wasn't by much so there was hardly anything to be really cocky about, but Shino would take it. Any advantage was one that should be cataloged and kept ready for later.

It felt like it'd taken forever for Shino to actually get Chloe into that corner. Taking a few moments to catch her breath a bit from that much exertion. In the meantime she decided to push the girl against the corner and pin her there while she recovered a bit.

"Maybe not..." She replied to the statement, but still feeling pretty good about it. "But, it certainly is something to keep in mind." A smile squeaking out though she tried to keep it out of sight. Quickly she decided to step back and try to grab Chloe's arm to yank her out of the corner and send her running towards some nearby ropes. After that strength showdown this seemed like the time to get the match moving again and set up to knock Chloe back down on her return.

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by LunarWolf Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:21 pm

Chloe grit her teeth as she caught the sight of that smile upon Shino's face, the girl was clearly feeling good about her minuscule victory in strength, something which annoyed Chloe a bit since she had wanted to be the one with the strength advantage in this match....this just meant that she'd have to teach this cocky Shino a thing or two later. The green clad girl would have to taste defeat at speed and brawling, as well as some fun high-impact, high-speed high-flying moves from the devastator.

When she heard those words from Shino, the white haired Brazilian would grown out in defiance, pushed up against the corner with her foes frame tightly pressing against her own, red against green, black against black, pale white against tanned. It wasn't long though before the fair haired girl grabbed a hold of Chloe's arm and whipped her around, throwing the Brazilian into a run for the ropes, which she'd quickly spin around in mid run so her back hit the ropes and she was rebounded off back to Chloe.

She'd keep running up towards the green clad warrior until she was put a few steps away, where the adrenaline junkie would attempt to jump up and stretch her legs out in front of her, attempting to impact with her feet hard against Shino's perky breasts for a swift dropkick! " Don't get cocky!"


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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by FairyGirl Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:39 am

Certainly there was nothing that Shino expected less than what just happened in this match. She didn't mind being able to push Chloe around a bit and feeling a bit good about herself. Some confidence was hardly a terrible thing especially with her lack of AFW experience to work from.

Sadly her confidence burned her pretty badly here. Shino had been so ready to knock that girl down and show her who was really capable and well....that happened. Even Shino who generally hid her expressions pretty well couldn't hide the shock when Chloe just lept like that and stretched out her legs. Shino so surprised she couldn't suppress the actual and audible moan from those feet slamming hard against her breasts sending the girl flying backwards onto her rear. Shino groaning as the pain in her breasts shot through her and she needed some time before trying to get up.

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by LunarWolf Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:14 pm

Driving her feet into the chest of the bluish haired girl and with it was able to down Shino onto her rear. Even if Shino had a slight edge over her in strength the Brazilian wasn't going to let that bother her, she just had to be faster and hit with even deadlier precision to take the girl down a few pegs and destroy that confidence which her victory over the strength test.

After she had taken the green clad girl down, the red clad wrestler would quickly try and move up onto her knees and head for Shino's legs, attempting to grab them by their ankles as she attempted to push up to her feet. If she could catch Shino's legs the Brazilian would try and roll Shino over onto her front after placing the girl's legs in underneath her armpits. After rolling her over, Chloe would attempt to seat herself down on Shino's lucious rear and try to place the girl in a painful boston crab submission!


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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by FairyGirl Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:03 pm

Certainly it was a frustrating moment for Shino getting knocked down so effectively, all the more so since she couldn't keep up that mask of disinterest when taking a hit she didn't expect.

Still a bit dazed from that strike, Shino gasped feeling those hands grabbing her ankles. "What? Knock it off!" Shino groaned trying to kick free, before getting flipped over onto her front! That rear of hers bouncing up and down as she couldn't get herself free. Once she felt that girl sitting down the pain really started to shoot through her back and legs. Feeling like her body was being bent in half! Shino struggling to silence herself and not cry out loudly....Struggling to try and crawl for the ropes to get out of this mess. It was all she could think to do now.

Fairy World Characters

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by LunarWolf Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:54 pm

Rolling Shino over made it so Chloe was able to seat herself down on that smackable rear of hers and with it placing the teal haired girl in a painful boston crab submission hold, and the words of the green clad wrestler was too good for the Brazilian to pass up. " Sorry Caxia, Can't do that. How about I'll just knock you out instead!" Chloe'd let out as she'd attempt to wrench back further on Shino's frame and pain the girl even more.

Tension was already starting to form between these two combatants and it seemed as if Chloe was planning to take it a step further. As Shino tried to crawl and drag the pair towards the ropes, the red-clad wrestler would attempt and let go of one leg, pull back further on the girl with a single legged boston crab submission and with it reach back with her now free arm towards Shino's head, attempting to grab at the girl's short hair. " Smart thing to do is to tap now, before you get too humiliated!" Chloe would shout out as she'd try to push Shino's head forward into the mat to smack the girl's face into the canvas.

Last edited by LunarWolf on Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by FairyGirl Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:50 pm

To say the situation was poor for Shino was putting it nicely. The girl groaning and trying to silence her cries as she felt that powerful effort to wrench Shino's body back further. "" Shino cried out as the pain shot through her back and body. The girl making her best effort to crawl for those ropes not willing to give in here. Her only hope at this point was crawling in this pitiful manner and hoping to get close enough. There was just no way Shino would let this cocky Brazilian have her way.

At least that was the intention of Shino until she reached a much more troublesome point. Feeling one leg get released but only to be exchanged with the intensity of all that pressure going now on a single leg, feeling that really getting wrenched. The pressure and pain building up in her hip which felt like it would shatter from the strain. On top of that she groaned feeling the hand grabbing her hair and then smacking her face down into the mat. Shino groaning in pain as she felt that impact and the continued excruciating pain in her back and hip. "Like....I'd give up...aghhhh!" Despite Shino's complaints she couldn't crawl herself that much further forward and now that pain was really making it hard to think. She couldn't even keep her cries in, her calm demeanor getting beaten away at. The girl feeling like she might actually do so if she couldn't drag their bodies forwards with her hands alone and the freed leg.

Fairy World Characters

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Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz - Page 2 Empty Re: Shino Waters Vs. Chloe Ruiz

Post by LunarWolf Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:04 pm

It seemed as if the white haired girl was now starting to get to Shino, digging in under the girl's skin as she was getting this previously clam and cool demeanored girl to resort to insults and foul words, along with getting her to cry out in pain now. A wide grin grow upon Chloe's face as she was enjoying herself quite immensely right now. " Cry all you want caxia, it won't do you any good...but I'll enjoy it." The Brazilian let out as she pulled back further on that leg of Shino's.

She's pull back on Shino's head to pull the head up off of the mat, attempting to pull Shino upwards so that she could attempt and stretch Shino's flexibility a bit and attempt to have the sole of the girl's boot touch against the back of her head. " Come on Caxia! You were so cocky when you learned you were just a tiny bit stronger...but it looks like I'm ten times the wrestler."


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