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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by acuyra Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:54 am

Patty was free!

Her ingenuity and skill had paid off. Domino was a good, solid wrestler, but even he couldn't hold on to a wily Irish lass like her forever. Her mighty blow was far too much for him to handle, and it left him wide open for the follow up.

...she was drawing a little blank on what that followup would be, though. A clothesline? She could do that. Nice and simple, just run past him with her arms stretched out. Patty dashed towards Domino and prepared the move, ready to drop him with her swift attack and get a little payback.

And then he hit her in the chest and dropped her flat. Again. "Guuuuuh." She hissed as she rubbed her chest, swearing she could still his forearm against her, like a phantom pain. Patty winced hard and made a vague attempt at sitting back up.

Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 SPoWQN2

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Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:07 am

"Don't like hugs, huh?," asks Domino. He leans forward, propping his hands to his knees with a teasing smile. "You want me to play a little rougher with ya? I think I could oblige that."

That amethyst gaze turns to the camera. "What do you guys think? Wanna see Patty all stretched out?"

Of course, the camera can't answer. But he's pretty certain the audience is the sort who'd love to see that kind of thing. Heck, that's probably why they wanted her in the ring. Not because they dislike her, but because there's a certain kinky sensuality to it. Whether they're willing to admit that or not!

The teen reaches down for Patty's head, foregoing gripping her by the hair, but trying to guide her up to her feet regardless. And once she's presenting the target, he aims to ram his knee into the girl's slender belly - again, lightly, with his hands still holding her head to try to keep her on her feet.


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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by acuyra Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:20 pm

Patty was quite sure her audience wanted to see nothing of the kind. Her work was refined and tasteful, far above the low brow antics that plagued the AFW. She attracted a higher class of wrestling fan, one who wasn't laboring under perverse fetishes.

Then again, her fans had voted her into this spot. So, maybe, it was time she had a little chat with her bases, and figured out exactly what they wanted Breaking the Tension! to be...

Patty was roughly hauled up in the next moment while she still came to her senses, trying to make some order out of what was going on. She was barely able to put two and two together in time to process the knee blasting her in the gut, shooting hard into her rock-hard, toned stomach, forged in iron from her rigorous two weeks of training.

She gagged and bent forward, as her body folded into a perfect right angle.

Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 SPoWQN2

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Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:59 pm

With as many hits as he's delivered to Patty's toned little body, he can appreciate her workout regime. Sure, she probably doesn't have chiseled abs under that leotard - in fact, he's sure about that. But she's not exactly a dough-girl. She's feminine; in shape. Natural.

Domino moves around behind her and leans in. His right arm slips between her legs, the left under her chin to haul her body back across his shoulders. Once he has the girl in place, his fingers dig into the smooth skin of her bare inner-thigh, the other hooking that chin, and both pull down to slowly begin arching her spine inwards in a torture rack submission hold. This also happens to have the side-effect of tensing every muscle along his upper-body, and the young model turns deliberately to the camera.


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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by acuyra Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:14 pm

Patty was fine. She could do this. Oh, sure, it felt like she was about to cough up a lung, but aside from that it was nothing she couldn't handle, and she steeled herself with a solid, defiant gaze. She had to think of her father, and all the trials he'd gone through. Going into warzones, talking with hardened criminals, attending political banquets. If he could take the heat, so could she.

Of course, he'd never stepped into a wrestling, so maybe it wasn't a fair comparison. And he certainly never had someone like Domino lifting her up and holding her on his shoulders, twerking her spine in a direction it was surely never meant to go. Soooooooo...yeah. A little bit beyond the call of duty.

Patty squirmed like a woman possessed in Domino's hold, flailing around and tapping away at his shoulder after about three seconds of the hold. She was still thinking of the fans, even now - after all, she couldn't bring them quality content from a hospital bed!

Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 SPoWQN2

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Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:20 pm

Domino continues to slowly, steadily apply pressure along her spine, bowing her body backwards. And almost immediately, he feels a delicate girlhand swatting his shoulder. Eyes widen in surprise before he can settle on a more confident look. Of course she tapped! Because he was working her over to his best of ability!


But he quickly overturns her to set her on her boots. To ensure she doesn't simply spill to the mat, Domino keeps an arm around her waist. "Giving in already? Shame," he chides with a click of his tongue. "Didn't even get to showcase a finisher. But I guess if they want some of that action, they just have to watch one of my matches." Hint, hint, audience~


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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by acuyra Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:05 pm

Patty flew out of Domino's arms the second her feet touched solid ground and skittered over to the nearest corner, then turned around so her back could lean against it and relax. She'd always wondered why that particular hold hurt so much, and now she knew why - it felt like her spine was being bent into a pretzel.

"Owowowowowowow..." She shut her eyes tight and leaned against the turnbuckle, easing into it as best as she could.

Ran, bless her heart, looked at her from behind the camera with a concerned look. "Patty, are you okay?"

"Yes!" She chirped and put on a weak version of her usual smile. "Just a little back injury from a spelunking accident I had a few years ago, flairing up. I'm fine, totally fine!"

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Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:28 pm

Oh. Oh. Crap, he hurt her.

Domino worries his teeth over his bottom lip, watching her baby her spine. The look is potentially endearing to some fans, showing a more relatable, human side, but he tries to stow it. He approaches the girl slowly, his hands slightly up in a classic 'I'm totally harmless' way - not unlike how someone might approach a frightened cat. But once he comes in close enough, he goes to just set a hand to her shoulder.

"You did good, though! Can't help those old injuries!," he notes with an upbeat tone, totally playing along. And totally not buying her excuse. But what can someone say in a situation like this? Round two? Heck no! If she wanted to go again with him, that'd be her decision. He can't try to goad her into more fighting after that - he'd seem like a monster!


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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by acuyra Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:52 pm

Patty threw Drake the greatest, most convincing, most genuine fake laugh of her entire life as she smiled between him and the camera. It had been her fault, really - she hadn't properly limbered up before the match, which made this whole thing a far, far shorter affair than she'd planned on...and less victorious, too. Tension might have had some pushover males amongst the ranks, but Domino didn't seem to be one of them.

Ran, in the meantime, was groaning under her breath. The edits on this one would be long and difficult, indeed.

"That's quite true!" Patty exclaimed, giving his back a rub and using him as a convenient post to lean on. "Sorry folks, but it doesn't look like your girl is going to be tearing up the Tension ranks anytime soon...but that's a small matter, when we have guys like Domino here to keep the competition thumping!" She looked up to Drake, glad to give him the focus so she could take a few deep breaths off screen. "Any last words for all the Tensioners watching this at home, Drake?"

Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:03 pm

Domino eases his arm around Patty's shoulders, gently tugging her in against his side. See, folks? They're all good here. No hurt feelings! At least, none that Domino's aware of.

When she gives the focus in his direction, he turns his full attention to the camera and winks. "Darn right." Oh, a message for the Tensioners? "For the fans out there? Your girl Patty's a tough cookie. Takes a lott'a brass to step up to someone like me, and she went all in." He makes a quick showing of tightening his arm around her shoulders - a snug. "For you competitors?" His head inclines, his smile darkening. "If you get in my way on the road to a title, you'd better double up your training. I'm comin' for you."


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Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino  - Page 4 Empty Re: Breaking the Tension! Episode 7: Domino

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