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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:21 pm

Emi scowled down at her captive's upbeat teasing. She was the one with him at her mercy, and he still had the nerve to make a taunt at her? He was either very brave, or very foolish. She responded by giving an extra squeeze to his neck as she smiled sweetly. "Well, your body is just impeccable when it comes to experiencing torture." The girl responded with a sugary, yet deadly tone.

Her focus on wrenching her neck and taunting him caused her however to fail to realise the biceps reaching around her slender waist for his own lock. As Emi felt her heels slide off the ground, the girl's eyes went wide and her face into a rare picture of shock as Blaise lifted her. "Wh...?!" Her body arced as the male wrestler held tightly onto her, driving her head and shoulders squarely and painfully into the canvas. "A-Aaaah!!" Her body was stunned in the maneuver, her face wincing in pain and allowing Blaise to follow up his move.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:08 pm

Blaise gives a huff as she tightens further on the headlock. But his focus is on hoisting her body into the air. And once she's airborne, he can't see her face. He can hear her, though, and that sound of shock and dismay is almost musical in contrast to the snappy confidence she's been exuding so far!

He told'er 'bout that confidence!

The mat thunders beneath their combined weight as they crash down, with Emilia's back taking the brunt of it. He releases her and pops to his feet, adrenaline pumping. Without hesitating, Blaise hops over her body to race to the ropes opposite of her. He pivots to press his back into those ropes and rushes forward at her. At the last moment, his legs pump and the acrobatic teen springs into a crisp backflip over her! Body taut, he slams his sleek, abused abdominals across her midsection in a standing shooting star press!

He reaches an arm between her legs to hook her thigh and draw the limb into the air, his back arched to grind his stomach tight across hers for a pin attempt!

Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:30 pm

As the canvas rumbles under the impact of Emilia's back striking down from Blaise's manuever, the girl stays down wincing in pain as Blaise releases her. She rolls slightly, a mixture of agony and shock keeping her down. Had that really just happened? Had this happy-go-lucky, obnoxiously cheerful opponent of hers actually taken her by surprise?

It was about to happen again. Her eyes were shut tight from the sharp pain of the move, and she opened them in time to see Blaise rushing at her. His legs were bent down as he performed a shooting star press, leaping into the air. The teenager's body eclipsed the skylights above, and Emi let out a yelp as he smashed down upon the girl. "Waaah!!" The cry was rather adorable as her body hunched under Blaise's. It gave the impression of a porcelain doll who was being handled more roughly then necessary.

Trapped under the male wrestler, Emi is winded slightly by the moonsault and feels Blaise wrap an arm around her thigh, lifting one of her legs up for a pin attempt. The sleek, sturdy muscles on his stomach rubbed against her more feminine abs and this confused her. This...this shouldn't be happening! Not to the Silver Scorpion! How could he...?!

The referee slapped the mat, yelling "One!". The action combined with the single word was enough to prompt a reaction from her, as she quickly aimed to curve her legs back to spring into the air and kick out, hopefully throwing Blaise off of her.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:08 pm

The action gets a response from more than just Emilia - the audience has erupted into a burst of cheering at the sudden reversal of the match! Blaise had been getting beaten up the entirety of this fight, and this display of persistent, on top of acrobatic defiance has garnered some hefty praise!

The impact, of course, hurts Blaise. He's already had a tenderized midsection, thanks to her shoulder ramming into him. Well, and her backside. Can't forget that. But now he's essentially bellyflopped across the girl's midsection. Thankfully, she's not built like a brick. Actually, the landing was nicer than he'd expected; ache and all.

Hearing the referee begin the count, Blaise can't help but be kind of hopeful that he's taken the girl completely by surprise and score a pinfall! The cry she let out was... surprisingly cute, and somehow endearing, and he'd be enjoying his time spent pressing into her body more, were it not for the pure adrenaline coursing through his system. He can only focus on holding her down.

'Three seconds. Come on, three seconds...'

But he can feel her thigh flexing in his grasp, and in short order, she's kicked free of the pin. Blaise shifts onto his knees beside her, panting softly. So he didn't get the pin. That's fine, as long as he can keep the pressure on. Besides, a pin after just one move isn't too impressive. He's got more in'em than that!

"Have it your way. I'm happy to dish out more punishment," he parrots back at her with a cheeky smile. He takes just a second to admire the way she looks there on the mat - a seemingly rare moment of vulnerability. But he can't spare too much time. His hands grab for her head, intent to draw the beautiful teen up to her feet again, with the intention to take her by the arm and Irish whip her into a turnbuckle!


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:16 pm

Emi lies down on the ground, quaking in fury as her body tenses with a deathly glare on her face aimed at the audience. This was meant to be her grand display, her debut, and they were heaping praise and support onto this upstart little fool instead of her! Her chest heaves up and down as she takes a few breaths of relief, her anger clear through the heavy sounds coming out of her mouth.

As Blaise mirrors the words she had said to him during her first pin attempt, her eyes widened with malice. Once a scorpion is stung, it intends to repay the move in kind. "Grrr..." The growl escaped her lips, the sort of sound a wild animal would make. As the male wrestler took a hold of her head and lifted her to her feet, she staggered slightly before he took her arm and yanked her towards the turnbuckle.

Emi flew across the ring and twisted, her back slamming hard against the metal pole and sending a jolt of pain down her spine like electricity. She grits her teeth with an inward smile forming. Although she was having difficulties right now, this could easily be used to her advantage. Revenge was clear in her mind, fueled by the continuing cheers of the spectators and her ultimate desire to wipe that constant peppy smile from her foe's face. She waited to see how Blaise would follow up, and then launch a hopeful counterattack.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:29 pm

That furious look and growl she'd given him didn't escape him, but it does nothing to dull his smile. Now that the tables have turned, she's getting enraged. She was all brass and cockiness before - it has to be at least a little embarrassing. But while he can sympathize, it's not breaking his stride. The roar of the sensationalized audience is energizing! It's so rare that he gets a pop like that in the middle of a match, it's almost electrifying!

Blaise watches Emi smack into the turnbuckle, evidently reeling from the compounding slams she's taken. The spunky teen turns aside to pump his fist into the air in salute to the audience before taking off at a full-on sprint towards her! And the moment he closes in on her, he springs into the air and aims to slam his toned pecs hard into her breasts to crush her between his body and the unyielding cornerpost.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:36 pm

"That's it. Come charging at me like a bull." Her arms were draped around the ropes of the ring and she was slightly slack, giving the impression that she was very vulnerable right now. As Blaise rushed towards her, the girl rose her head up weakly to see him attempt another leap onto her.

She smirks, cruelly. He had played exactly into her hands, right where she wanted him. With new vigour coursing through her body and igniting her spirit, the Silver Scorpion gripping the ropes tightly as she suddenly lifts her right leg up. Her sharp heel protruded forth with the intent to strike Blaise directly in the face in a counter as he flew at her.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:46 pm

All that energy, all that buildup, and all that enthusiasm comes crashing to a halt against Emilia's boot. Naturally, it would have to be a heeled boot; not that it makes any kind of difference to Blaise right now. Pain is pain, and his head is filled only with a collage of as many expressions of "ow" as he knows.

The audience winces at the hit. It looked harsh.

As for Blaise? The teen is dead in the air immediately upon impact, having no way to pull back or brace himself. His back lands hard on the mat, and he simply lies there before her. Legs spread, arms out to either side, and his face turned to the side, he looks completely out of it.

"Nngh...," is all he manages.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:02 pm

Blaise looked rocked to his core as he rebounds off the hit from Emi's heel, collapsing in a pitiful manner to the floor before the girl who stood there, surveying her work with a very satisfied look. "Did you enjoy tasting that?" She laughed, mocking him, before she leisurely approached his fallen form with a hand on one hip, which were both swaying in an intoxicating manner.

She moved around to Blaise's head, bending down with her chest directly over him as she takes both sides of his head in her own, aiming to pull him up while he was stunned. Turning him to face her, Emi would grace her victim with a wink before she pulled him into a lock under her right arm. Her index and middle finger would slip in between his right hip and those sapphire trunks of his, hooking around them to give her something to grip on. With a small giggle, Emi made to heave her opponent into the air, holding him vertically and upside down. She would even hold him there in the air, as a demonstration of her impressive strength to the audience.

Last edited by AmethystStar on Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

Post by Guest Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:19 pm

Blaise can scarcely concentrate as she leans over him. He hears her say something, but it's fuzzy. He can't quite make it out. With his head throbbing now, the teen finds himself taken into her hands and lead up to his feet again.

His gaze meets hers, his focus soft. He isn't smiling anymore, at least. He looks entirely too dazed for that. He finds his head tucked under her arm again, his shoulder against her chest. His right arm wraps around her waist by pure instinct. He offers no resistance as she hooks his trunks, but his mind is starting to clear, at least. Slowly.

The girl puts on an impressive display of strength as she hefts him into the air, supporting his body upside-down. His arm is moved from her waist to loop her neck, trying to brace himself... but he knows what's coming. He hovers, ramrod straight, his sleek body tense and on full display as his boots point to the skylights.

"You're.. pretty strong..," he murmurs under her arm. "..gotta admit.. that's impressive..."

Even though he knows he's going to be in a world of pain, he'll give credit where it's due. She's strong; stronger than he expected, and he likes that. He's not a sucker for pain, but damn. She's got him, and he's bracing for the impact as much as he can - which happens to give the audience plenty to appreciate with this unobstructed view of his taut, athletically slender physique.


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Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron - Page 4 Empty Re: Emilia Hawthorne vs Blaise Cameron

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