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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by Daaharu Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:49 am

"Hey, it's not like I'm a bad guy or anything. If you're looking for a real bitch, you'll find her about fifty paces that way." Bastet would jut her finger back over her shoulder towards the ring, pointing at the Bunnies and Leah in particular. She would make a dismissive little scoffing sound. "All I'm saying is that you just don't seem to have enough...presence to really contend for this title. Maybe sometime in the future, once you've filled out some more, sure. But right now? Right now you are literally the fifth or sixth most qualified team for this title, at best."

As Yukiko tried to shove her way past, Bastet would plant her feet, taking a bit of offense at the attempt to use physical force to get past her. She was content to just warn the girl to back off before, but now she was getting frustrated. "Hey! Back off, twiggy!" Bastet would insist. "You come back and lose to us once we've settled things with these two! Just wait...your...turn!"

Anubis would step in, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "We still have unfinished business with the Love Bunnies. You're not getting your shot at them until we're satisfied. It's going to be just as simple as that. They haven't beaten us fairly yet, and there's no way in hell their ridiculous stipulation for the triple threat match will be allowed to stand. Just as soon as we get that straightened out. We're going after them."

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by k0hryuu Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:28 pm

Despite being stonewalled by the two much larger women, the two Frozen Flame girls didn't back down. This was, after all, their first real big time appearance, and they didn't want to look soft. Both Akiko and Yukiko had been very anxious for this fight earlier, and all these unwelcome interruptions delaying the match quickly irritated them.

"Screw you, fatty! You don't know shit about us!"" Yukiko snapped, glaring back up at Bastet. "I've still got more than enough woman on me to kick your ass, and the ass of those bitches in the ring. It's OUR turn now, and we're here to take it!"

Akiko, likewise, squared off against Anubis, a determined look in her eyes. She really didn't want things to come to blows now. That would likely just play into the Bunnies' devious plans. But these stubborn sisters weren't backing off, and it was only a matter of time before Yuki-chan explosive temper would end up setting things off. "Look, we got the card tonight. If you wanna fight them, you better talk to whoever's in charge here first.

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by Daaharu Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:38 am

"Look, we're only saving you some trouble, idiot," Bastet would growl, jabbing a finger at Yukiko as the smaller wrestler got in her face. The cat-eared Goddess might not have been completely reasonable right now, but she knew that she was fundamentally in the right in her dispute with the Love Bunnies, and the same now went for this spat with...whatever these two girls called themselves. Bastet couldn't remember. "They. Are. Going. To. Cheat. If we couldn't stop them from cheating us out of the title, what makes you think you're going to do any better? Go home. Save yourself the embarrassment. And, most importantly, if you really want this title...get to the back of the line!"

Anubis would back up her sister, trying to remain a little calmer and a little more even-headed. "If I were you, I wouldn't put much stock in the notion that you're 'on the card' for tonight," the jackal-eared Goddess would explain. "The way in which the Love Bunnies pick their opponents is questionable at best, and violates several rules at worst. Obviously, AFW management has no control over these two—either that, or they don't care enough to put them in line. Well, if they don't care, my sister and I are going to resolve this ourselves." She would straighten up a little bit. "You don't want to throw yourselves into the middle of this."

This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by k0hryuu Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:52 pm

"Too late for that. We didn't come here just to back down." Akiko stated with a determined look in her eyes. Both Yukiko and her joined to AFW to fight, not just bicker and argue with some grandstanding performers. No matter what reasons those two would give, she didn't want to quit before even giving things a shot.

Yukiko grunted as Bastet jabbed her with a finger, only barely holding her self back from retaliating violently. "Back of the line!? It sounds like you two already had your shot and failed! Now you're just being the stupid bitches keeping other people from getting a fair chance!" she fumed, "I don't care whatever happened before, it's our turn now!"

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by Kelsea Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:03 pm

At that point the security Leah had been yelling at had reluctantly made their way up to the top of the ramp way with both the Goddesses and Frozen Flame, trying to get in between them before things started getting to heated.

"That's right, get that stupid cat and jackal out of here! Buh-bye now!" beside Leah, Mara started to wave genuinely as Leah said buh-bye to the Goddesses... Seemingly oblivious to the hostility

The new and improved: Kelsea's Karacters

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by Daaharu Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:19 am

The Goddesses had their attention focused on the other tag team in front of them, but they did notice the security approaching. Out of the corner of her eye, Bastet watched a security guard come up and try to get in between her and Yukiko. "You are in no way allowed to try to remove us from this arena, you know," Bastet would say, matter-of-factly, to the security guard. The fact that security had come out just at Leah's say-so was ridiculous, and only went to show the level of leniency the Love Bunnies were given by the AFW administration.

"Even if you are going by the ridiculous stipulation that the Bunnies had for our last match—which, as I'm sure you've heard, is in no way legitimate—there's nothing that says you can throw us out of the arena. Only that we're not supposed to have another title match with them," Bastet would explain to the guard, and also into the microphone, for the benefit of everyone else in attendance.

"That doesn't mean we can't speak to them, or watch them...or give them the same...consideration they showed us during our title match," Bastet would continue, smirking a little as she finished that speech. As much as she would hate to interfere with a match, it would serve the Love Bunnies right for cheating so voraciously for so long. "None of that is punishable."

"Of course, maybe it would just be easier to erase that stipulation that those brain-addled Bunnies put in, hmm? Everyone here knows who would win between us and them in a fair fight...not to mention between us and these two over here." She would wave her hand in the general direction of Frozen Flame.

This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Age : 29

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by k0hryuu Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:16 pm

The Frozen Flame duo scowled at the off-handed insult, but didn't act on it. As tempting as it would be to settle things with the two Goddesses right now, there were still two other opponents waiting for them in the ring with a much larger payoff to claim. With security keeping the two dark-skinned women occupied, Akiko and Yukiko took the chance to slip past them.

"Have fun with those guys. We have bigger fish to fry." Yukiko taunted, sticking out her tongue at Bastet in a childish provocation.

"Once we jack that title belt from them, feel free to come at us any time." Akiko added in smugly. And with those parting shots, the two of them strode towards the ring, eager to get what they came for.

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by Kelsea Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:55 pm

Leah sighed and looked the other way, making a talk talk talk sign with her hand as Bastet made reference to the fairness of the situation

"God.. who would have known that Gods could be so whiny.." the ironically whiny bunny commented "Now if you'll excccccuse us.." Leah said with extra prissy-ness as she looked back up the ram towards the Goddesses, feeling quite confident now that the security was at least in between the Goddesses and the ring "Some of us here have a title match to be had... And its obviously not you, cause we all know that you're not going to be due any tag team title matches any time soon!"

The new and improved: Kelsea's Karacters

This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 ELZuoMvThis ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 OG5hnuaThis ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Cg3CzYmThis ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 398g342

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by Daaharu Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:58 pm

Security, despite Anubis and Bastet laying out exactly how trying to throw them out of the arena was completely unjust, didn't seem to be budging. At least they were not actively trying to throw the Goddesses out, but now they were needlessly complicating things. If Anubis or Bastet had made a move towards the ring, they probably would intervene. Now, this little Frozen Flame team started to make their way down to the ring, where the Love Bunnies were still mocking the Goddesses.

Bastet flashed a look to her sister. She had been the one to take the lead in this tag team championship campaign, and she was going to keep taking the lead. Anubis understood. They would leave for now, if only to get security off their backs. But they were not done here. Not by a long shot.

"Good luck," Bastet would call out to Akiko and Yukiko as the girls made their way down to the ring. "When they cheat you out of this title, you had better have enough sense to get out of the way, because we're the first in line to take a real shot at these bitches once AFW management gets its collective ass in gear." With that, the Goddesses would take their leave.

This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Age : 29

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This ring ain't big enough for the four of us - Page 2 Empty Re: This ring ain't big enough for the four of us

Post by k0hryuu Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:10 am

Blowing off the Goddesses last comments with a wave, Yukiko and Akiko marched down to the ring. Climbing up onto the canvas, the brightly-colored duo faced off with the two Bunnies already waiting for them. After all the annoying delays, they were both anxious to get the fight started.

"I bet you really did pick us 'cuz you thought'd we be easy opponents." Yukiko smirked, as she cracked her knuckles.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not gonna be the case." Akiko added in with her own cocky grin.

And with that, Akiko and Yukiko finally given the chance to execute what they had been preparing in the locker room just minutes earlier. Striking proud, identical poses, they pointed their fingers at the Tag-Team champions, while simultaneously announcing; "We hope you're ready to get thrashed!"

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