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Champions & #1 contenders

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Cassandra Empty Cassandra

Post by daemongirl Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:05 am

General Information


Name: Cassandra
Alias: Pandora
Gender: female
Age: 35
Eyes: gold
Hair: blonde
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150
Origin: "Born" in a lab using the genes from her mother and father
Alignment: Good
Entrance Music:


Combat Information

Combat Type: Close combat, long range, erotic
Strength: Rank - ★★★★★
Defence: Rank - ★★★★★
Endurance: Rank - ★★★★★
Speed: Rank - ★★★★
Technique: Rank- ★★★★
Counter: Rank - ★★★
Usual Attacks: Cassandra typically begins a battle by manifesting her twin cannons and opening fire on her target(s) while relying on her energy barriers to protect her against any attacks she sees coming. If they close the distance she will use her cannons as blades instead, using wide swings and cleaving blows to take out the limbs of her opponent to disable them rather than kill them. When a battle is erotic in nature she will rely on her stamina and physical prowess to carry her through, using her ample breasts as weapons themselves.
Usual Matches: Hentai, powers

Style Information:

Wrestling Style: ★★★★
High Flying Style: ★★
Martial Arts: ★★★★★
Strikes with the hand/fist: ★★★★★
Strikes with the leg/foot: ★★★★★


Favorite Attacks:

Common Finishers:

Critical Finisher:

-Hovering: She can stand upon one of her energy barriers to hover.
-Stigmatic Body: Her body is made of special cells called stigmata which grants her monstrous levels of strength, endurance, and speed as well as giving her the ability to produce plasma energy which powers her combat. She is strong enough to take a blast capable of destroying large buildings directly with little to no damage and can move fast enough to leave behind an after image.
-Plasma Texture: Cassandra can manipulate the plasma energy she produces and form clothing and weapons formed of this plasma texture, these creations both incredibly durable and in the case of weapons capable of channeling her plasma into massive blasts of energy.
-Regeneration: She can produce a healing aura that will only heal those she wishes it too, this light boosting their cellular regeneration to such a level even limbs and minor organs will regrow if lost.
-Barrier Manifestation: Cassandra can create plasma barriers around herself and others to defend against energy and ranged attacks, a number appearing on one of her barriers telling her how much total energy her barriers have remaining. While she can make barriers for multiple people they drain her energy faster.
-Freezing: Cassandra can focus her energy and then project it outward, either in all directions or focusing it on specific points, this freezing effect is similar to having an intense gravity field all around oneself, restraining ones movements greatly if one can move at all. It can also be used to negate similar effects upon herself.

N-3 State: Cassandra can enter whats known as the N-3 state in battle if pushed far enough, this state grants her even greater physical attributes and raw destructive power while also allowing her barriers to absorb energy to boost their stores. In this form she can not be spoken to however as she is more of a force of nature.


Personal information:

Wearing one of her favorite dresses:
Cassandra Cassandra_freezing_by_unrealyeto-d7xg9f6
Cassandra Freezing_by_nagatoizu-d76t7wc

In her plasma texture battle uniform:
Cassandra Freezing___cassandra_render_by_alexadrufcs-d8ip1rx

Waking up in the morning:
Cassandra Ch_526294_0

Personality: Cassandra is usually a very quiet person and rarely talks or changes her expression. Despite this, she is a loving woman who adores children, and despises mothers who don't love their children. She's very affectionate and protective and glares ill-intently at anyone who she deems a threat to those she cares for or seeks to protect. Cassandra has a sense of fashion and while she doesn't show much in the way of joy when wearing good clothes she does take the time to pick out the most flattering clothes for herself. Despite this she has no issue with becoming nude in public if it should happen, but she won't strip down for no reason either.

History: Cassandra's mother was a being who appeared upon the earth during a time when man was sending messages to the stars asking for a sign and she was the answer, a human woman in shape but whose body was made entirely of stigmatic cells. These cells gave her physical traits far beyond any human as well as a number of special powers, humans of course taking her in for study only the lead scientist fell in love with her and married the woman named Maria. Unable to have children of their own Cassandra's father used the genetics labs at his disposal and with cells from both him and Maria grew their daughter Cassandra. They weren't to be a happy family however as the power Maria had became too much for her to handle and soon her body began to break down, her husband forced to preserve her life by placing her into cryostasis. Due to how she was created Cassandra was born nearly fully grown and finished maturing a year after her "birth" but began to suffer the same side effects her mother had despite only being 90% stigmata cells. For most of her life Cassandra was forced to spend several years sleeping like her mother with only a year or two spent awake between each period of time in stasis, Cassandra however did not age even one year leading her father to realize she and her mother were likely immortal so long as their bodies didn't break down. While he could not reverse the degradation Maria had already suffered he discovered through studying her a way to save their daughter, allowing Cassandra to leave the stasis tube for the last time.


Additional information:

Facts of :

-Hot springs
-High calories foods
-Alcohol (but can't hold her drink)

-Mothers who dislike or abandon their children.

General Status:







Posts : 4410
Join date : 2012-03-31
Age : 33

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