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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Deus001 Sat May 09, 2015 11:50 pm

John lifted an eyebrow to Sion's comment, it was then followed by a smirk with the artist leaning back. One of the artist's folded arms was moved to his chin and he replied with "Nah I don't trust turtle wax, I'm a good old elbow grease man. Got a nice 1959 Chevrolet bel air, cherry red and handles like a dream."

Meanwhile back in the ring Lucy was planning to take the fight right to Lita, the skirt of the British girl going wild as Ms Grange lept into the air. But Lita was moving quick too, and the motions that she did resulted in Lita moving right under Lucy. Sliding and dodging the dropkick attack, Lucy grunted as her attack caught nothing but air, followed up by Ms Grange hitting the mat on her belly.

On reaction Lucy was wasting no time in trying to get back up, only that worked against her this time. As Lita was getting her ready for a superkick, Lucy tried to raise her arms up to try and lighten the impact to her head, but the attack would send Ms Grange onto her back where she'd be open for something. Lucy just hoped she could turn whatever came next around somehow.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Maxy Wed May 13, 2015 8:30 pm

Sion looks back towards the match and from the side tells John in response “1967 Shelby Cobra GT 500.” Even though it was actually a mustang and not a cobra there was a reason why he referred to it as such but did not mention why. As for the action in the ring, after the superkick Lita would drag Lucy towards the corner. She had something in mind as she did that. She had her top rope finishing move in mind, looked flashy but also carried a lot of impact behind it. Lina was more interested with the in ring action as well as she saw Lita climbing to the top.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Deus001 Wed May 13, 2015 10:19 pm

John was a bit of a car aficionado, it was a hobby than anything else. Mr Carnaby knew the model, and couldn't help but give a whistle to show that he was impressed. "Heard they handle nice, you've got good taste dude." the artist said with a nod and smile. Mr Knight meanwhile was a motorbike man, a Kawasaki ninja man to be specific.

In the ring Lucy was hoping to have gotten herself back up as quick as she could, Ms Grange knew what Lita was capable of. And didn't want to make any mistakes if she could help it, otherwise Lita would surely make Britain's baby girl pay for it. And considering the attacks that Britain's paragon took, it might be best to last as long as possible. Perhaps then Ryan might be able to come in and do damage, till then it was down to Lucy.

And Lita wasn't making it easy for her, right after the superkick Lucy's opponent was dragging her to a corner. At least it wasn't Daisuke's corner, then Lucy would really be in the shark's nest. Lita was then trying to get to the top rope, and Lucy knew that whatever was coming was nothing good. Ms Grange was enough of a high flyer to know that.

Gritting her teeth Lucy knew she needed to do something, it was swim or sink. And Ms Grange sure as hell wasn't going to sink if she could help it, with that in mind as Lita was proceeding to get up the turnbuckles Lucy got to her knees. She still felt a tad groggy however, so Lucy moved in a somewhat staggering pace. But she would get in close, mounting the bottom rope. Lucy then tried to start getting in some blows to Lita's midriff. "N-Not letting you...." Ms Grange hissed out.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Maxy Thu May 14, 2015 9:47 pm

Usually Lita could get up there without much trouble, maybe it was that she couldn’t get up fast enough or making not leaving Lucy where she was might have given her opposition some more time, but whatever the reason when Lita got to the top she felt Lucy was already there. Lina’s seen this many times before and it ends usually with the person either being sacked on the turnbuckle or being thrown off, either way the fact that Lucy was getting Lita a couple of shots didn’t looked good from what she was seeing.

As for John, Sion didn’t pay any direct reply to John’s whistle or comment, though Lina was mildly starting to take John’s casual talk as being a bit annoying, though she didn’t say anything about it, at least not yet.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Deus001 Thu May 14, 2015 10:23 pm

Ms Grange liked to believe that in the ring she kept a level head, her Brother rubbed off on her there. With his stern and tactile approach to the squared circle being a mostly effective one, Lucy was a girl who trained just as much Mr Knight did. It was a serious craft where you either gave it your all or didn't bother trying at all, one or the other.

Still Lucy also knew that desperation could be quite the adrenaline booster, which was why Ms Grange was where she was. Mounting the turnbuckle and swinging mostly wildly at Lita, and it seemed to be working. For now at least. But this was just borrowed time, if Lucy didn't find a way to turn the situation around then it certainly wouldn't look good for her. The British girl had moved from the bottom rope to the middle one, trying to whittle down Lita some more with blows from either side. The crowd was holding it's collective breath, Ryan was leaning forward on the ropes and biting his lower lip. John had noticed and could only mutter "Shit Lucy that's dangerous....." the artist shook his head from side to side slightly. The turnbuckles and highflying was something that the master of creation refused to go near, apart from that match against the Ishii siblings. But that was the exception.

Regardless Lucy pressed on, she just hoped she could stun Lita long enough to try a move on her. Either that or Ms Grange might get pushed off, the British girl then thought to herself that if she was already in danger. She might as well go all the way, one big gamble so to say. After going for a couple of more swings at Lita the young woman would try to then to move up and then bring Lita down with her in a good old fashioned hurricanrana!

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Maxy Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:06 am

Even though Lita was being hammered away on at the high position Lita still got in a retaliation shot to try to get Lucy off her, or at least to take her down a notch so she can recover, but that didn't happen and soon Lita found herself being flipped over Lucy and coming down the hard way. Neither Daisuke, Sion, nor Lina liked what they just saw as Lita had a good thing going right up until that happened.

Lina called out to Lita to tell her where she was as Daisuke had to get herself ready just in case if Lita was able to get a tag in. Neither Daisuke nor Lina knew what Lucy was going to do next, whether it be get up and do something to her herself or bring Ryan back in. Either way Daisuke knew she had to be alert just in case if the action came her way.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Deus001 Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:34 pm

Lucy knew that these moves could be risky as hell, either you got it done right or you crashed hard. But it seemed that this time, it looked like things were going her way. Her vision becoming a blur as she sent Lita for a loop, it hadn't been a move Ms Grange did in a while. But it was a bread and butter classic for high flyers, learning it the hard way back in the day. The ring shook with the impact as Lucy brought her opponent down. John felt it from where he was, and it served as a reminder of why he despised the top ropes.

Ryan smirked and said "Bravo Lucy!" a move like that was rather decisive. They said that desperation could let you do something that was a miracle, although Mr Knight wasn't one to use such a simile. Not in the ring at least, outside he could be poetic if given the prompt. Ryan leaned forward on the ring apron, lightly bouncing on his feet as he praised his Sister's ability in the ring.

Lucy wasn't responding, she was kinda busy right now after having just busted out her move. She took a few seconds to get into a crawling position, and made an attempt to get atop Lita for a pin. The British girl hoped that her opponent was stunned enough for maybe a sneaky win.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Maxy Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:28 pm

A short moment after Lina called out to Lita, Lucy went for the cover on Lita. Lina didn't like what just happened but let out a sigh of relief when she saw Lita kick out of the pin. Lina encouraged Lita to hang in there and try to stay focused as Lita was trying to get her senses back after that kick out.

Sion keeps an eye on the action while casually moving towards the other side of the ring, to get a few of the action from a slightly different perspective.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Deus001 Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:07 pm

Lucy liked to believe that she was persistent in battle, like a spitfire so to say. The young woman knew that this was essential for her to win in the squared circle, sometimes it would feel like a battle of wills. Although that mostly applied to singles competition, tag teaming meant you could have the odd rest in battle. Ms Grange was hoping that the stylish and classic move would have rendered Lita out of it enough to get a win.

But then Lita kicked out, and Lucy would groan aloud. And then motion the 3 finger count symbol to the ref, who insisted that it was only two. The British girl shook her head, Mr Knight would pipe in by saying "Worry not Lucy! Victory will be at hand!" Ryan knew his adoptive sibling well. She was good in the ring, but sometimes let her emotions get to her. That rarely occurred with the young man, approaching the battles as if they were games of chess. One play could determine the fate of the match after all.

John remained silent, a hand under his chin. He eyeballed Sion moving around the side of the ring, the artist doubted that the man would try to pull a fast one. Didn't seem the type to the master of creation. Giving a nod to Lucy to give his encouragement. Ms Grange took a deep breath, getting herself mentally intact. Lucy would then decide to keep things simple and basic, she planned to try and lock Lita into a side headlock while keeping her stance low. Nice and clean, a far cry from the high risk move she'd just done prior.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

Post by Maxy Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:26 pm

While the thought didn’t enter his mind of doing it, at least not yet, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to wonder if Sion was plotting something given where he was heading. He saw Lucy grabbing hold of Lita with a side headlock while Lita was still down. Sion was more in Lita’s line of sight than Daisuke or Lina, which Lita could barely see him there.

He said nothing but did gesture to her to try to stand up. He, Lina and Daisuke then started slap part of the canvas to get Lita some momentum going, which some of the fans started clapping as well as Lita attempted to stand back up, and if she was able to get vertical again after being down there for some time she would fire a couple of elbow shots to Lucy’s midsection, trying to break free.

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Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.) - Page 7 Empty Re: Ryan and Lucy vs Daisuke and Lita. (For Maxy.)

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