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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Pride Show! (For Rei)

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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by KillerV Sat May 16, 2015 1:44 am

The Pride Show! (For Rei) 16368298546_124d41de2a_b

It took awhile for the arena lights to go out before Cassandra sneaking to get on stage before the a single light shining down above her showing that shes wearing her blue skimpy frilly skirt , stockings, shoes, top and sleeves, and her signature top hat. Cassandra Eden has returns to AFW after a long hiatus she been looking forward to return but as a Friction member instead of being around Tension guys, a nice change for now, she smiles happily down the ramp skipping heading to the ring but goes around it to reach to the announcer tables and gesturing em to give her the mic, once she got it in her hands she then takes it to the ring as she walks up to the steel steps and entering the ring, moving to the center and waving to everyone like a friendly girl. "Hey everyone! Nice to see your ugly faces as this pretty girl is waaaay better than you and always will!"  Faking her smiles while holding the mic while everyone booing at her comments.

"Well ANYWAY! SHUSH! SHUSH! Im not here to wrestle actually, for instead, I have someone to introduce to everyone new to the wrestling league, girls and boys, here is my partner.... Hamath X. Wilzert!"

The Pride Show! (For Rei) 16206598238_b06776187d_b

Hamath have her own music playing as the tall blonde coming out from the backstage standing tall in her dark blue uniform not showing any skin like Cassandra. Her uniform makes it look like she is used to stand out in the cold of winter but right now its summer, doesnt seem to bother Hamath at all as the tall blonde heading to the ring and climbing in to move beside Cassandra, the tiny girl patting the back of her partner while the new girl just stood there, arms cross, look like she doesnt have much to say and just waiting for her opponent to come out and face her. 

"This is Hamath, now I forget who is facing her, I hope you are good enough to take on this tall beauty **Though Im more beautiful** lets see how well you can take her, please come on out mystery person you!" Both wrestlers looking out at the stage just waiting to see who this girl is.

KillerV- Character Select

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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by Rei Sat May 16, 2015 1:48 pm

Mikayla didn't have any delusions about this match compared to her first one. The first time out, she had been wrestling with a friend, and that had set the tone for the match. It had been competitive, and Mikayla had ended up unconscious on the mat at the end, but it still hadn't been anything close to savage. Tonight, even if the woman she was facing was another gem, there was no guarantee that the match would have that same healthy competitiveness to it. It wasn't that she was nervous, but she was being realistic. Whoever it was that she fought, she wasn't going to be holding anything back, either. She had gotten her first match in the history books, and as incredibly fun as it had been, it was still a loss. Mikayla wanted to mark down that first win, and really feel like she belonged among the wrestlers in the AFW as their equal.

She had already made it out near the stage after getting dressed in her same tube top, short jacket, and shorts combo, and stood pulling her legs up behind her back to stretch as she waited for her music. She had walked up just in time for someone, whom she had first assumed to be her opponent, to start speaking out in the ring, wearing what Mikayla would have to call a really tacky outfit and seemingly running off at the mouth about whoever and whatever. But as Mikayla stood there, she noticed another blonde inching her way towards the stage and walking out to her own music to join the other one out on the stage. Mikayla quirked an eyebrow, peering out towards the crowd, but a few moments later, after some more jibber-jabber that she couldn't quite hear, she heard her music trigger. A grin crossed her face, the giddiness hitting her again for a brief moment. Before she got serious, she could enjoy this whole experience again.

She bounded onto the stage to a chorus of cheers, stopping to stick her hands up to the crowd a moment with a bright smile on her face before continuing on down the ramp, a little more calmly than in her previous match but being no less kind to the crowd as she slapped hands with a number of them as she passed by. As she scaled the steps up into the ring and threw up a leg to enter, she took stock of both women staring at her, the one in the weird, frilly number and the one from backstage, who looked severely overdressed for the ring. They looked more like woman and statue than two women, and Mikayla only quirked an eyebrow at them as she stepped to a turnbuckle and hopped up to beam at the fans once more and point at a few wearing goldenrod for her and hauling a sign. Heck yes, she already had a group that was dedicated!

She hopped back down, again peering over at the two women and wondering if she should say anything. Probably not, she thought, as she squatted a few times to stretch her two greatest weapons.


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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by KillerV Sat May 16, 2015 9:42 pm

Cassandra with Hamath watching the stage until the golden blonde girl coming out from the backstage and showing up all cheerful and happy, soaking by all the cheers from the crowd as the petite girl in blue opening her hand like pretending to imitate people yapping and such, course for Hamath, shes not impressed by her opponent, her first opponent but will see how it goes.

"Oh this goldielock going up against her? Well good luck!" Cassandra leaving the ring and goes to stand by the ringside closer to Hamath as the taller blond would grab her coat to take it off just showing shes wearing white tank top, tossing her coat by her corner ready for the match. "Lets see how good you are." Hamath showing bit of seriousness until the bell rings and start the match.

Once it does get start it, she would stepping out, hands out, glaring at this girl waiting for her to come lock up with a 6'1" woman, hoping she could get her hands on her shoulders trying to power the girl with a big shove to see her sending the other blonde flying backward.

KillerV- Character Select

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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by Rei Sun May 17, 2015 4:51 pm

It seemed Mikayla was certainly dealing with the odd couple, wasn't she? Despite her silence, she continued to study both of them as she waited for the bell to ring and occupied her time with more stretching, wondering why the woman she assumed to be her opponent needed the other one around. She was certainly large enough that having someone watching her back seemed like overkill. And yet, the other woman was the one who did all of the talking. Maybe she was her translator, because her name on the match card certainly hadn't sounded Japanese or anything close to American, English, Scottish, or anything that would speak English. Maybe she was her manager. Or maybe they were like the heels that Mikayla had seen on TV a bunch of times, where one wrestled and the other landed cheap shots...

Whatever the case, now was not the time for Mikayla to concern herself with figuring out their relationship. She only needed to figure out how to topple the larger one.

She stepped her way towards the center of the ring, studying up the "Hamath" that she was supposedly facing and straightening her gloves. It didn't take the most observant person in the world to figure out that the other blonde was a few inches taller and brawnier in her upper body, but Mikayla was in no way deterred, having never known anything of intimidation. Her brothers had been six-and-a-half foot beasts (or so she constantly told them), and she had been able to beat them regularly even when she'd been smaller and younger. And just like when Mikayla had wrestled her brothers, she had to be slippery and get what she wanted, not play into the other woman's hand. At the thought, the blonde grinned widely again, bouncing on her feet. Thinking about the match so analytically made her feel like she had truly arrived as a wrestler, too.

Finally, Hamath, who had thusfar reminded Mikayla of a very well-shaped stone given how much she had said and how much emotion she had shown, spoke, and Mikayla forced out a smile. The woman certainly didn't have Fallon's bubbly personality, that was for sure. "You know, I'm trying to figure that out, too," she replied, just before she heard the bell ring. went match number two.

Mikayla put her hands up to match Hamath as the taller woman approached, and she accepted the test of strength willingly, clasping her hands with her opponent's and using her powerful legs as leverage to hold herself in place as she leaned in. Instantly the blonde noticed that this was no intimate, enjoyable battle of wills as it had been in her match with Fallon. The woman, using her height and strength, was clearly intent simply on boring her way through Mikayla, and though Mikayla's feet remained rooted firmly on the canvas, her arms were forced back as Hamath shoved against her. "Grrrn...", she growled, giving up ground with a step backwards but refusing to let the woman toss her to the mat. Well, if she wanted to get to Mikayla's side of the ring so badly, the smaller blonde would help her.

Mikayla slipped to the side, out of the brunt of the woman's weight, and slid over far enough to scissor her calves around the larger woman's ankles and bring her to the mat with a drop-toe hold that would use Hamath's forward leverage against her.


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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by KillerV Mon May 18, 2015 5:23 am

Cassandra outside of the ring clapping her hands to get herself to cheer on her partner in the ring and even going around in the ring posing to get some publicity and sharing herself to everyone with their cameras flashing at her. "Come on everyone, take as much pics as you like, no panties shots for you though!" Cassandra blowing some kiss and such to everyone thats waiting for the match to actually start to get some actions before turning to look in the ring.

As for Hamath who is in the ring against Mikayla looking for a good challenge to see who good this girl is, course this would be her first match so she expected to make a big impact out of this one and better defeat this girl for sure, confident that she would crush her. "Hmph...." She wasnt too amuse by her respond so she would get her hands on her shoulders to start off the match and shove her hard, but not expecting she would slipped in and pulling her legs down to dropping her down on her front. "Urgh" Though, she tries to regain her senses and getting herself on all fours if she can.

Cassandra from the outside turning her head and seeing her partner dropped down like a tree and went down first, gasping as the petite frilly girl goes around the ring from the outside close enough to see her from the side, pounding her fists, getting whatever distraction. "No! No! No! No! NO!"

KillerV- Character Select

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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by Rei Tue May 19, 2015 5:23 pm

Mikayla did not think it a credit to her in-match mindset that her mind briefly broke into the chorus of a Pitbull song, but timber seemed the right term for the situation as she caught the larger woman around the ankles and watched her collide with the mat before her with a loud thud. The blonde, having slid down onto her side to perform the maneuver, immediately popped back up, planning her next move. Though she had only been in the one match with Fallon thusfar, that single match had already taught her much, and she thought, following Fallon's lead, that she would best be served taking out the larger woman's legs before she worried about anything else. After all, what good was all that strength if it didn't have a great base to stand on?

With that in mind, she practically leaped on the other blonde as she pushed herself up onto all fours, gunning for the same ankle that she had just scissored to get the woman on the mat in the first place, trying to get it reeled into her arms for an early ankle lock. As she reeled it in, the incessant beating on the mat and screaming coming from the side of the mat briefly drew her eyes, but it seemed the other woman was only having some kind of a temper tantrum. The woman could be a manic fan all she wanted to, as long as she didn't get involved in the match. Mikayla continued working, looking to bring Hamath's leg in close to her chest.


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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by KillerV Thu May 21, 2015 7:01 am

Hamath! What you doing?!" Cassandra crying out loud while she sees her partner taken down fairly quick from the drop toe hold, her taller blonde partner can see her expression not happy about it and course the opponent seems to be glad she got lucky pulling that off, now for the worst as Cassandra pounding her fists on the ring apron seeing that she went for her ankle and lifting it up, trying to lock it up.

For Hamath, she did get up on all fours for a moment before feeling her one leg that was trapped to get tripped down only to pull up by her ankle and locking it in, not gonna like it when it fully locked in and doing some damages to her. She needs to reverse it and only know one way to do so- the taller blonde would roll to her side while pulling her knees up to her chest to reel Mikayla in and hoping to thrust her feet out to pushes her off and away, releasing the hold at the same time too. Hamath have a plan that if that would work, she would shove her by her feet to send the opponent to the ropes and hopefully she bounces right back at her where she is ready thrust her boots again, with force to the stomach.

KillerV- Character Select

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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by Rei Fri May 22, 2015 9:11 pm

Mikayla had figured that nothing more than a toe hold would be enough to leave the other blonde ripe for an ankle lock; the match had just started, after all, and a toe hold wasn't exactly a killer move by any means. But it had been worth a shot... now Mikayla dealt with the woman as she rolled over onto her back, wringing her leg free of Mikayla's arms as she did so and leaving the blonde to be cast backwards as the woman drew her feet in and threw them back out at the smaller blonde, shoving her backwards and away from her while she remained downed. The Minnesotan stumbled backwards a few feet, but managed to remain upright with the help of the ropes. She leaned forward again, ready to fight and brushing a blonde strand of hair from her eyes.

Knowing she would gain nothing else by attacking Hamath in this state, Mikayla took the chance to circle the larger woman, considering what to do next. It was a good start...but she had also had a good start in her match with Fallon. She hadn't won that match. This time, she needed to stay on her toes, and not be so risky. She did have her ace in the hole... she didn't need to get crazy.


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The Pride Show! (For Rei) Empty Re: The Pride Show! (For Rei)

Post by KillerV Mon May 25, 2015 7:14 am

Hamath got herself to escape from the attempt ankle lock and its a good thing that she turning over and booting her away to get out of her grip seeing Mikayla backing off, glaring at her like that, she takes her moment to get up to her feet and briefly brushing her pants off a little, glad she isnt too further humiliated at all, now with both wrestlers seemingly up to their feet, like a stand off.

"Oh good! Wheeeeeeeew!" she then turn to face the crowd fanning her face with her hand, smiling at everyone thinking its everything is okay.

Hamath now up to her feet as the blonde opponent looking on, gesturing her to come at her while slowly circling around like the standard start off and trying to come in close, hoping to go for a lock up if Mikayla allowed, if she does then she would try to pull her head as she turn to get it under her arm to locking in tightly, wrenching her head tightly against her side in a side headlock, holding her tightly as she can.

KillerV- Character Select

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