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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by Tatyina Sat May 16, 2015 10:38 am

Match Type: Standard
Winning Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or Knockout

Minney was finally getting another match and she was pretty excited! it had been a while since she had wrestled, but whenever she was told she had a new match, she always jumped for joy. She couldn't wait! When her music started up, she hopped out from the backstage area. The crowd cheered for the adorable little jobber, always rooting for her to over come the odds. She hadn't really been able to do that yet, but she was determined!

Minney hopped into the ring and bounced on her heels. She had been doing her best trying to train. As long as she wasn't fighting one of the scary monster girls that peppered the league, she was confident she could do ok! Maybe if she was fighting one of her fellow kawaii, she could even pull off a victory. She had to do better. For her, and for her sister and for... everything! She was sure she could do it!

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by fdukna Sat May 16, 2015 12:02 pm

Lena was quite excited too. She didn't know a lot about her next opponent, but she always train as if she was about to fight the strongest girl in the league. She makes a few push-ups in backstage. Lena is dressed quite sexy today, with a very tight violet wrestling short, and a tight red sleeveless wrestling suit for the upper body, that let her stomatch exposed .

Finally she hears her opponent's entrance, waits, and finally hears her music, and comes into the ring, cheering the crowd. She notices that the crowd was a bit less enthousiastic than for her opponent, but quite enthousiastic too, maybe because of her outfit and physical appareance. But it was ok , Lena didn't mind.

When she comes into the ring, she then stares at her opponent. On the contrary of Lena, this girl looks like a cute girl , more than a wrestler. She was quite attractive too, and looked joyful and very sympathic.
Before the match starts, Lena comes up to her opponent to shake hands "Hello, my name is Lena, I'm Russian. I wanted to wish you a good match before it starts She says, smiling at her smaller opponent and offering her hand

Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova HJnKETq Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Sad-an11Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova B9891010Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova 5ba47710

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by Tatyina Sun May 17, 2015 9:30 pm

Minney watched as her opponent came down the ramp. She was a tall girl, almost a foot bigger than Minney herself and when they met in the center of the ring, Minney had to crane her neck to look Lena in the eye. Still, the girl's friendly attitude had Minney's own rather chipper personality emboldened.

She took Lena's hand and gave it an eager shake. "Hi, Lena-chan! I'm Minney!" She chirped. "I hope we both have a good match!" She said. "I'll do my best!" Despite the size gap, Minney was feeling confident. She returned to her corner and waited for the bell to ring.

Once the bell rang, Minney hopped forward with her arms up like she might lock up. However, she stopped halfway through and stared at Lena. No doubt the girl was much stronger. Minney would have to find an alternative solution to this large, Russian problem.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by fdukna Sun May 17, 2015 10:41 pm

As Lena watches Minney more closely, she was surprised that she had to fight this girl, that seems so nice and cute to fight anybody. She even wanted to hug her kindly than hitting her. But it's the rules, so she will have to do it. So she comes back to her side of the corner, and then waits for the bell. DING DING DING

Just after that, she sees her opponent coming to her direction, arms forward, then suddenly stopping "What the hell is she doing?" Lena asks herself as she stares blankly at Minney. And after a few seconds, Lena will start to come up to Minney, with a determined walk.

When she will be close to her opponent, Lena will try to grab her shirt, then will try to sweep her legs dynamicaly, hoping to throw her opponent to the ground, to make her back hit the ground quite hard
If she is successful, she will move back forward a little bit, waiting for Minney to stand up again

Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova HJnKETq Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Sad-an11Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova B9891010Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova 5ba47710

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by Tatyina Wed May 20, 2015 8:06 am


Minney squealed when Lena grabbed her shirt. She was yanked easily and the leg sweep had her sprawling to the mat with a thud. She hit and rolled and slowly pushed to her hands and knees She looked over at Lena and shook her head. "Ugh... you're tough, but I can't back down!"

Minney leaped off her feet and launched herself at Lena, just trying to barrel into the large girl.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by fdukna Wed May 20, 2015 9:17 am

After she threw Minney to the ground, Lena moved backward a little bit. After her few seconds, she sees her opponent standing up , and rushing toward her. Lena was not expecting it, and she tries to not fall as Minney comes up to her by surprise, as the russian girl is taken off guard for now, since minney recovered quicker than she would have thought
"Awwk" She moans as Lena comes up to her, trying to stay on balance

Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova HJnKETq Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Sad-an11Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova B9891010Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova 5ba47710

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by Tatyina Wed May 20, 2015 9:58 am

Minney grunted as she crashed into Lena. Unfortunately, once she had started to push Lena back, and then found the bigger Russian to be far more resilient, she had run out of further options. She really hadn't thought that far ahead and so found herself pushing her head into Lena's chest and grabbing the girl's hips, trying to drive her backwards or to the canvas with all her might, her knees bent and her body shaking with strain.


Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by fdukna Wed May 20, 2015 10:22 am

After a few moments of struggle, Lena feels her hips grabbed, and, since she was taken by surprise, she finally falls on the ground on her ass, as Miney is on top of her. "ouch!"
After that, Lena will quickly try to wrap her leg's around her opponent's waist, hoping to secure a closed-guard, as she tries to grab Miney's wrists to secure herself

Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova HJnKETq Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Sad-an11Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova B9891010Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova 5ba47710

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by Tatyina Fri May 22, 2015 3:09 am

Minney's fall to the canvas was a bit more comfortable for her as she plopped face first into Lena's chest. She squealed and squirmed a bit from the embarrassment, but was otherwise fine. However, when she began to push up and off, she felt Lena's legs coil around her waist.


Minney's eyes bugged out a bit as she felt the sudden constriction. Still, she tried to push up, pressing her palm against the only place she could, Lena's chest. But as she tried to use the ample bosom to push herself free, her wrists were quickly seized and she was held in place. "Ehh... l-leggo!" She huffed. "Onegai! Pleease!" She whined and struggled, her palms pushing into Lena's chest and her hips twisting from side to side as she tried to wriggle free.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

Post by fdukna Sun May 24, 2015 12:36 pm

Lena now had her opponent in a closed guard, she wasn't squeezing that much, just enough to keep her in place, just putting enough force to make Minney's struggling useless "wow she doesn't need a lot to be hurt. I must pay attention not to go too hard on her" The Russian girls thinks to herself ""You're ok Minney? I still haven't done anything" She asks her opponent.

Then Lena will pull Minney's right wrists toward her with both arm, than she will wave her legs up , hoping to pass her left behind the American girl's chin, while willing to wrap her right leg around her left feet. if it works, Lena would be able to start squeezing, willing to attempt a classic triangle choke on her opponent .

Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova HJnKETq Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Sad-an11Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova B9891010Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova 5ba47710

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Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova Empty Re: Minney Navarre Vs. Lena Smelostova

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