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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Post by LtLukas Sat May 23, 2015 5:14 pm

Eka breathed deeply. She had her wrestling outfit on, with her tight leather pants and black bikini top. She reflected on how she had already had it ripped off in the ring before and she was mightily embarrassed. When Lena got someone from the crowd to pull her top off it wasn't quite as shameful as it wasn't in front of so many people, but the wound cut deeper as she considered Lena a friend. She didn't honestly expect that sort of behavior from the girl. But it was there anyway. She subconsciously adjusted her top, making sure the strings were nice and tight in the back.They were. Good.

The Georgian girl peaked into out of the curtain onto the main arena floor. The battle before her looked like it was winding down and one of the girls just had to hit their finishers to be done with it. The curtain rustled a little bit as it closed. A microphone found her way into her hand before she handed it to one of the techs to make sure it was working. It was, for better or worse. A surge of noise seemed to indicate the match was over and startled Eka. This was beginning to feel like the point of no return.

It didn't have to be. Lena didn't have to be a jealous asshole. Was that it? Just jealousy between them? No...what she did was much more than jealousy. It was something deep-seated, something wrong. The victor walked through the curtain with her head held high, followed by the loser a minute or two later. Eka knew what she was going to ask for, and wondered which one she would be. Lena was good, but she would have to have faith in herself.

Eka's music began to play over the PA system of the arena. Russian composer. Heh. Eka thought she should have changed it for this little thing. But whatever. It was go time.

Eka waved as a few people cheered. The applause was meager, but there. The Georgian Princess wasn't quite a fan favorite, but she always tried as hard as she could and they appreciated that. She hopped up into the ring and tapped the mic. All good.

"Ladies and gentlemen. If you want to see some body match where two girl beat the crap out of each other, you're out of luck. But there can be something more, yes? Tonight, I ask not for a feud but for reconciliation. Lena Smelostova, Lena the Bold, come on out. I wish to speak with you. You shamed me greatly when I did not deserve such treatment. And I wish to settle it. One way or another. So come on out. Let's talk, Lena."

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Post by fdukna Wed May 27, 2015 9:41 am

Lena was feeling really bad since this incident happened. She felt guilty, and really sad. Eka was her friend, and probably her best friend here, if not one of the only one. Why couldn't have she controled her anger. Lena was thinking of all good memories that she had with Eka, the day they meet each other, the party. Lena even feels that she wants to cry when she thinks about the situation. How can it get better? Eka will never forgive her, it went too far, Lena went to far. Now the Georgian girl will probably ask for a revenge match, Lena must accept it. No matters who win, it's the only occasion both girls have to talk .

The Russian girl was backstage when she heart Eka talking about her. When it came to her ears that she wanted a reconciliation, Lena was suddenly happy, reassured. And the she came to join Lena into the main area floor. She was thinking "What will I say? I don't have any excuses, I don't even know myself why I reacted like that? What on earth will I just say to everyone"?

When Lena comes up to the floor, she doesn't look at Eka yet, and take the micro, thinking about what she must find. She waits a few seconds and just say, in a very sober voice "How do you want to settle it? Do you think a match will give you your bra back?" Oh Gosh! Why did she have to say that? The crowd laughed at Eka just after Lena said that . Lena wasn't laughing . Maybe it was the competition or something, but she thinks that she have to calm down and stop acting the contrary that her mind and her will tell her to do .

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Fix You Empty Re: Fix You

Post by LtLukas Thu May 28, 2015 9:44 am

Eka waited. She felt so dumb, so exposed out in the ring by herself. What felt like half an eternity past before Lena entered the arena. Eka smiled, then frowned. She was happy to see her for a fleeting second. Then she realized why she was here. It wasn't to goof off in the ring in front of everyone. It was to settle the score.

And then Lena had to go and make everything worse. The laughter of the crowd felt derisive, almost cool. Eka's face flushed red. Why on Earth did Lena have to go and say that? Eka came here to try and reconcile and make things right. It looked like Lena was here just to rub things in. Eka grabbed the side of her pants and hiked them up a little bit, as if to say that such things would not happen again. It was a nervous tic and the Georgian girl couldn't help it. But if just reinforced the fact that she could no longer afford to be friendly.

"You are from Russia, yes? I am from Georgia and America. When we have a dispute, we settle it. Sometimes we fight, sometimes we apologize and make up, but we always settle it. There is nothing wrong in losing in honest, hard-fought combat, just as there is nothing wrong with apologizing. But it is clear that you think I have wronged you, yes? It is clear that you hold some animosity towards me. We were friends and then we were not. I ask you, how will we fix this? Shall we just go our separate ways? I don't want that, and I would be surprised if you wanted that. So I ask you for one or the other. A match, or an apology, yes? And after that, it will all be fixed."

Eka took a deep breath. Despite her nerves, her voice was calm and collected and she talked with an even tone. "Do not think this is coming from a place of malice. This is coming from my heart. There is no reason you acted the way you did. So what shall it be, Lena? Think about it. Then be forthright."

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Fix You Empty Re: Fix You

Post by fdukna Thu May 28, 2015 10:31 am

Lena felt really bad now, even suddenly sad, melancholic of her friendship with Eka. She knows that is she wants to save it it's her responsibility . She listens quietly to what Eka had to say. Lena is willing to apologyze, but she knows it won't be enough, both girls should settle it in the ring. Lena knows she has something in her advantage for this type of situation, it's that Eka felt attracted to Lena, the contrary was true as well, but Lena has an idea.

When Eka finished to talk, Lena will smile, kindly this time and come up to Eka. The she will try to hug her, the most tenderly and nicely as she could, putting one arm to cuddle her chin. Lena wasn't looking for a kiss or anything else, she thinks that this way Eka would be more willing to be friendly, and would remember how their friendship was important. Then she would whisper in her hear "Yes, I apologyze sincerely, and I couldn't stop being sad everyday after what happened. Trust me . But we must settle it in the ring, if we don't fight, the rancor you have against me will always stay inside you, and it is not good, because it will come up in the future. So yes, we must fight. Me too this is coming from my earth" Lena says with a sincere and tendre voice.

"What I will never been able to explain you, is why I acted like that. It was like it wasn't me, and a few time later I did that I didn't even remember I did that. You are not forced to trust me, but I don't hate you . Lena continue, with a more serious, and a bit creepy voice,if we take into account what she is saying

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Fix You Empty Re: Fix You

Post by LtLukas Thu May 28, 2015 10:43 am

Eka didn't quite know how to react to the hug. It was something totally unexpected. Her whole body tensed for a second as she feared the absolute worst- she half expected Lena to start attacking her, right then and there. But it wasn't an ambush, it was a hug. Eka breathed out, trying to relax. But she couldn't. What Lena said was right. She would still have some inner turmoil if they didn't hash it out in the ring.

She put the mic up to her mouth. "I accept your apology and I forgive you. I am sorry you were sad. You don't hate me. Good. I don't hate you either. But we must settle this yes?" Eka took a step back from Lena. The tender look in her eyes turned hard. She was a wrestler and it was time to wrestle.

"Submission match. You and me. What happens, happens." The crowd erupted in cheers. They were almost as excited as Eka was. Her heart almost pounded out of her chest as she waited for an answer.

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Fix You Empty Re: Fix You

Post by fdukna Sat May 30, 2015 10:54 pm

Lena felt a bit relieved as Eka said she accepted her apologizes. This Georgian girl was really an angel. So few people would have accepted Lena's apologizes. As Eka smiles back, Lena doesn't join her either, and stays where she was.
"Yes, I agree! Let's do that" Lena answers quite cheerfuly, and the crowd cheers even more when the Russian girl answers.
They will do this match, and after that they will be friend again, Lena was excited both for the match and for the rebirth of their friendship. She even wanted to hug Eka again, but she'll have to wait the match for that

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Fix You Empty Re: Fix You

Post by LtLukas Sun May 31, 2015 5:51 am

Eka casually flipped the mic over her shoulder. She had said all she wanted to before the audience. Now it was time to go. A ref began walking down the ramp and the crowd began picking up. Eka finally had a chance to let it all out in a sense, to engage in an honest competition to make her feelings known. She cracked a smile. Let my strength be enough to carry the day, Eka thought, and let this competition be fair.

The ravenhaired girl took a few steps back and crouched into her stance.

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