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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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A Nice, Warm Shower

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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by EnigmaDroid Sun May 31, 2015 6:48 pm

Theodora felt like a nice, warm shower was in order. While she would normally take a shower at home, she decided to instead spend her time in the AFW's shower facilities, large, expansive rooms filled with shower heads, and little else. There was nothing particularly wrong with her shower, she just felt as if she wanted to do something different today, often a common sentiment held by the big buxom woman. Thus, she began by stripping down, a relatively simple task as she was wearing her typical, quite skimpy attire, turned a valve, and moaned lightly to herself as warm, steamy water now poured onto her,

She rubbed the water all across her body, feeling as the room became slowly engulfed in steam, as she grabbed some shampoo she had brought for herself and began to rub it across her hair,  washing it down as the foam and bubbles fell down her body. Theodora was a bit disappointed that she would have nobody to share a shower with, but she didn't think about it too much. After all, she did always have herself if she felt she wanted to have a little fun while in the facility. . .

It wasn't long until Theodora found herself subconsciously rubbing one of her hands against her own crotch, realizing that she was feeling quite hot and bothered as of the moment. 'Hrm, could I get away with. . .' she began to ponder to herself, as she wondered whether or not anyone might walk in on her having a little fun with herself. "Eh, what the hell, not like anyone's coming in here anytime soon anyways. . ." She finally said aloud to no one in particular, before using her hand to play with herself.

Within a few minutes, she was already thrusting a few fingers into her own wet folds vigorously, moaning as the warm water splashed around her face and body. Her face was a bit beet red, Theodora herself both somewhat excited and mildly embarrassed that she was reduced to doing this to herself with no one to truly have fun with, though she tried to pay no mind to it. After all, she doubted anyone would come into the facilities anytime soon anyways, a hopeful thought she continued to tell herself as she edged ever so closer to climax.

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Apologies once again for my leave of absence, I did not mean to be gone for so long, and I apologize for forcing people to wait.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2014-12-31

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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by Guest Sun May 31, 2015 7:05 pm

"Wheeww... I'm beat..." Tsubame said to no one in particular as she entered the locker room at the AFW bathhouse.

Having just finished a workout session in the gym, the brunette was sweaty and felt like she could have used a little shower to relax while cleaning herself. There didn't seem to be anyone else around at the moment, judging from how empty the locker room was, not that she minded. Tsubame quickly took off her red sports bra, shorts, and underwear so she could dump them in the locker before going to the shower room. She grabbed a towel and wrapped herself in it, humming to herself as she made her way into the the room.

It looked like there's somebody else inside, but at least it's not crowded. Tsubame thought that she'd just take a shower and leave as soon as she's done, no real need to have a chit chat with the other girl if she didn't start. It's just one of those days where she felt like she could have used some time for herself.

Then she saw something that made her grip on her towel loosened, causing it to fall and uncovered her body.

The other girl was actually having some "fun" with herself without all the care in the world, as if she's inside her own house or something. While Tsubame was aware that some girls in AFW were downright nymphomaniacs, seeing one of them doing something like that in a public place was something she's found rather disturbing. Sure, there probably was no one else there when the girl started doing "that", but, really? Why couldn't she just waited for a bit and do it at her place? Ugh.

"Excuse me...?" Tsubame blurted. "T-this is a public place, you know!"


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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by EnigmaDroid Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:05 pm

Theodora felt good, great even, as she continued her dirty work. It was an arousing experience for her, to masturbate in a  room where getting caught would be embarrassing, to say the least. Of course, Teddy doubted that she would get caught at all, seeing as to how the showers were both empty and probably not too likely to be used soon from the looks of things. If things panned out as she had hoped, Teddy would be out of the room before anyone even realized she was there.

"Ooh. . . Yes. . ." Was all she muttered to herself as she moaned, feeling her hand make short work of her desire. It wouldn't be long before she climaxed, not at this rate at least. "Just. . . a little more. . ." Teddy continued to moan out, feeling an orgasm come very close. She would finally finish indulging herself, just a few more seconds andi-

And then she heard someone else's voice. Teddy, nearly shocked by this, stopped her fingering suddenly, looking back to see whom had just entered. Unsurprisingly, it was a beautiful women, one of many in the AFW. Of course, that didn't stop the current moment from being any less embarrassing by one bit.

"Oh. . . Hello there, sorry, I didn't think anyone would be coming by soon. . ." Teddy quickly began to work on her explanation, her beet red face betraying her otherwise professional tone as she tried to explain to the new arrival in the shower. At the same time, Teddy had to admire her looks, especially now that her entire body was completely exposed, giving Theodora quite the view.

*Insert obligatory character sig here*

Apologies once again for my leave of absence, I did not mean to be gone for so long, and I apologize for forcing people to wait.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2014-12-31

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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by Guest Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:16 am

The startled look of the other woman only made Tsubame felt even more awkward, part of it because she felt half bad for interrupting at the wrong time. The woman should have known any better not to what she's doing in the first place anyways! She gulped, realizing that her towel was gone, and went to pick it up before taking place in front one of the showers after letting out a sigh of disdain, far away from the perverted woman.

"Honestly... I guess some people here just a bundle of walking lust..." the brunette muttered as she hang her towel nearby and turned the water on.

She probably should have left or anything, but Tsubame somehow didn't really feel like doing so after already stripping herself to her birthday suit. She hoped that a minute in the shower could help her relax and forget about what she just saw.


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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by EnigmaDroid Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:17 pm

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it when there are beautiful ladies all around me like you. . ." Teddy tried to give Tsubame a small justification for her lewd wrongdoings, still feeling a bit embarrassed over the small fiasco between the two. "Is there any way I could, uh, make things up to you?" She then continued, seemingly intent on atoning for her perceived mistake to Tsubame.

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Apologies once again for my leave of absence, I did not mean to be gone for so long, and I apologize for forcing people to wait.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2014-12-31

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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by Guest Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:37 pm

Tsubame gave the girl a glance as she heard what she said, then scoffed away to hide her slightly blushing cheeks. As if that's a legit reason to do that. Then she heard the girl offering something to make things up, which she found rather funny considering that she only got a little shock at most.

"Eh... I-I'm fine... Just... be careful next time," Tsubame replied before continuing to wash herself, her mind still wondering if there's something the other girl could do to "make things up".


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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by EnigmaDroid Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:40 pm

Theodora herself tried to keep her mind off of any dirty thoughts, only to find herself drifting towards them regardless, even as she tried to clear her mind of them. She tried to look at the other wrestler's face, but only found her eyes drifting downwards. . .

"I'm sorry, I don't think I've gotten your name yet, mine's Theodora Roosevelt, but you can call me Teddy," She began, trying to start a slightly less awkward conversation. "And I'll make sure to be somewhere a little more private next time."

*Insert obligatory character sig here*

Apologies once again for my leave of absence, I did not mean to be gone for so long, and I apologize for forcing people to wait.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2014-12-31

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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by Guest Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:24 am

"Oh, I'm Tsubame," the brunette said while still occasionally glanced to the other girl. "Teddy... isn't that a little... boyish..." she commented.

Theodora is much wore womanly, but maybe the nickname was easier to say. The girl's large figure kinda made it fit, though. Tsubame wouldn't be surprised if the girl's signature move was a bearhug!


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A Nice, Warm Shower Empty Re: A Nice, Warm Shower

Post by EnigmaDroid Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:19 am

"Nice to meet you then Tsubame." Teddy began, still feeling the wet water splash down on her. "Yeah, it's pretty boyish, then again I was tougher than any of the boys at my schools, so there's that." She added, reminded of her past once more. "Kind of a funny story to it actually, turns out with a name like Theodora Roosevelt, you can't go long around a history teacher without them calling you Teddy." She added, pointing out the beginning of her now common nickname.

"I like Tsubame by the way, has a lot of 'oomph' to it, if you get what I mean." Teddy continued, complementing Tsubame's name as well. She imagined Tsubame to be quite a technical, if perhaps hentai oriented, fighter, making up for her lack of pure brawn with some tricks up her sleeve and quick wits.

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Apologies once again for my leave of absence, I did not mean to be gone for so long, and I apologize for forcing people to wait.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2014-12-31

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