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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Old_Man_Tai Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:57 am

Silver Ace let out a sigh as, without music, she went down to the ring ignoring the crowd as she entered the ring and asked for a microphone from a stagehand.

Holding the microphone up, she began to speak, softly.

" you all saw the last time I was out here...I've been dealing with a rather...unique problem lately. This...this psycho bitch Amethyst, seems to have some kind of obsession with my close personal friend, Valley Doll. Upon seeing me with Valley backstage recently, she attacked me, both backstage, and after my match with Alaina, throwing me over these ropes and letting me splat onto the ground..."

She said quietly, without her usual energy to go with it as she took a pause before speaking again, walking around the ring.

"You know how you have those moments sometimes, where time seems to stand still? That's what it was like, falling through the air to the floor...In seconds, I had time to realize something...I remember when I first came in here, I gave Iron Maiden the toughest fight she'd had to that point. The fact that I came so close to beating her, and that it took Taylor Parker to beat her, was something that made me proud. It showed how tough and good I was. Then I challenged Taylor Parker, and she didn't take me seriously. She and her mother thought she'd steam right through me, and while I lost, I still gave her one of the hardest fought wins she's had, and nearly knocked her right out in the middle of the ring."

"My point is, even though I lost those matches, I came out of them having made a name for myself. Nobody would have fucked with me back then. Nobody would have tried attacking me backstage or after a match.

I' realized, during that fall..that somewhere along the line...I lost my edge. I got hurt, started facing lesser complacent, had the Entropy Title stolen from me just after I got this bitch thinks she can just attack me whenever she likes and try to seriously injure me?"

Ace shook her head, gripping the microphone a bit tighter.

"No, no way. Fuck that! This crazy bitch wants to start something, I'm more then happy to oblige. So I thought, since Summer Splash is around the corner, why not fight there, with the whole world watching?"

She held her finger up, continuing.

"But a normal match?'s just not good enough. You see, in order to gain back some of that fire that I had facing Iron Maiden, and Taylor, and Akashi, and Gwendolyn, I need...I need something dangerous. Something risky. I need to be as goddamned crazy as Amethyst is."

She said, getting louder, the crowd starting to cheer at the passion in her voice.

"So I don't want Amethyst, the craziest bitch in AFW, in a normal match, or a weapons match, or anything wrestling related...I want to fight her. I want to hurt her. I want to her just why you don't fuck with Silver Ace. Amethyst wants to throw me out of the ring? Fine, but at Summer Splash, lets see if you can throw me off something...higher." She pointed up, to illustrate her point. "The most dangerous match in wrestling history! Two wrestlers, 25 feet above the ring, fighting on a narrow scaffold! No pinfalls, no submissions, no interference. The ONLY way to win, is to throw your opponent off, and let them fall ALL the way down to the ring below! Whaddya say bitch!?"

She screamed, waiting for Amethyst, who she was certain was watching somewhere, to respond, pacing around the ring, looking around all over, in case the bitch came from the crowd again, the crowd cheering at the idea of such a spectacle as what Ace had described.

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Alexandra Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:17 am

Amethyst lurched through the audience, her face wearing a wide grin as she slowly pushed towards them, moving ever closer to ringside. She could hardly believe it. Ace was calling her out? She just couldn't wrap her mind around it. Was the girl crazy, or was she just stupid?

It didn't matter though. If she wanted to call out Amethyst, then Amethyst was more then happy to oblige her.

Once she reached the edge of the crowd, she silently slipped over the barricade and snuck towards the ring. With no wasted movements, and no loud noises, she slipped under the ropes and into the ring, trying to creep towards Ace as silently as she could. Once she neared her, she leaned in close, and whispered to her, her voice a low, soft sound.

"I say you're just as crazy as I am, bitch!"

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Old_Man_Tai Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:37 am

Ace couldn't help it. She jumped. Somehow, Amethyst had still managed to get behind her, managing to be sneaky even when Ace was trying to be vigilant.

Still, she grinned at her opponent, hopping on her feet, raising the microphone again.

"You know what? Maybe I am. You'll see firsthand, I can be just as crazy and just as dangerous as you or anyone else here! You'll be seeing the REAL Silver Ace standing across from you...then looking down at you as you come crashing down."

"But thats Summer Splash...but right now...I've got you in a ring to myself!"

She yelled, dropping the microphone and charging at Amethyst, trying to tackle her down!

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Alexandra Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:37 am

Amethyst laughed at Ace's brave words. It was almost cute, the way the girl thought she could stand up to the Violent Violet. She would have applauded her for her bravery, if she didn't hate her so much.

She opened her mouth to answer the girl, when Ace suddenly charged forward, tackling into her. With a loud cry of surprise, Amethyst was brought down to her back, quickly trying to buck her body to throw Ace off of herself.

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Old_Man_Tai Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:27 am

Ace didn't stay on top long, only landing a few punches before getting bucked off of her.

Getting back up to her feet quickly, she got her arms up, bouncing on her feet like a jackrabbit, waving Amethyst forward.

"Come on! Come on! Too scared to fight when your not sneaking up on me!?"

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Alexandra Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:12 pm

Amethyst climbed slowly to her feet, but she didn't approach Ace. She stood there, holding her ground as she stared at the silver-haired challenger, looking her over, from head to toe.

Then, she tilted her head back, and began to laugh, the shrill sound echoing through the arena.

"Me? Scared of you?" she cackled, shaking her head from side to side, amazed by Ace's challenger. "Why would I ever be scared of a silver-haired slut like you?!" She calmed her laughing, and tilted her head to the side, staring towards Ace with a smile.

"Do you really want to do this now, Haley?" she asked, gazing into Ace's eyes. "Do you really want me to fuck you up and leave you a bloody stain before Summer Splash even begins?!"

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Old_Man_Tai Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:22 am

Ace just kept bouncing, fists raised, her smirk never leaving her face. Without a weapon or a sneak attack, she was positive she could handle this bitch.

"You gonna keep talking or fight?"

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Alexandra Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:49 am

Amethyst stared at Ace for a moment longer, then shook her head. Her answer to the girl was short, sweet, and to the point.

"I'm not fighting."

She then turned from Ace, moving towards the ropes, as if she was going to slip out of the ring again. She paused as she approached them, and looked back over her shoulder towards her, calling out again to the girl. "I only fight on my terms. You want me at Summer Splash? Then you've got me. I'm not going to waste my time with you here."

She then turned back to the ropes, grabbing for them as if she was ready to make her exit.

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Old_Man_Tai Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:03 am

Perhaps surprisingly, Ace let her go.

"I'll see you there!"

She yelled as Amethyst left, before backing out of the ring herself, watching Amethyst make her retreat so she wouldn't get snuck up on again. She'd see this psycho bitch soon enough, and then she'd really be in for a fight.

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Mama Weer all Crazee Now Empty Re: Mama Weer all Crazee Now

Post by Alexandra Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:06 am

Perhaps also true to her words, Amethyst stuck to what she said. She slipped out of the ring and hopped over the barricade again, slinking back into the crowd as she made her exit.

She could be patient. She could wait to destroy Ace. There was no point in doing it now, when she could humiliate her in front of the entire world at Summer Splash!

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