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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by Deus001 Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:59 pm

There was a small part of the dancing passion that hoped she might be able to put Ralph away with what she just did, but reality meant that wasn't going to be the case. Ralph still had fight left in him, it was only when Eliza was able to beat the stuffing out of him would she be able to attain the W. Ms Harenwood would grunt slightly, and motion three fingers at the ref just for the sake of it.

Still the dancing passion would admit reluctantly that Mr Acker was competent in the ring, if a bit of a snob. If the man were to prevail over Eliza then it would not be so easy, the young woman was a much better combatant in the squared circle. The question was now to carry on the assault on Eliza's blue haired opponent, but how to go about this?

It would be a bit of a difficult task seeing as how Ralph had made sure to go on the defence, with his arms up to cover himself. But Ms Harenwood was intent on trying to press on and stay close to him, that was how she preferred it. A close quarters sort of dance. Eliza would try to move close and try to gracefully zip behind Mr Acker, if that worked she'd attempt to cinch in a basic waisthold. It wasn't anything fancy like the tiger feint kick Eliza just did, but no point in always trying to go for the grand moves. You'd just tire yourself out otherwise.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by TheRacker Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:49 pm

As Ralph stood up, he was already preparing next attack in his mind. Staying defensive and waiting for right opportunity seemed like best idea. He saw Eliza sliding behind him and Ralph had to do something, before she could do some kind of attack. Before she could grab him, Ralph would turn around and crouch. After it, Ralph would waste no time and tried to roll behind Eliza.

If he would get there, Ralph would grab Elizas legs and pull them toward him, causing her to fall down on her face. He would release one leg and wraps his legs around the other one. Ralph would finish the maneuver by grabing her ankle, applying ankle lock on her.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by Deus001 Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:17 pm

Eliza liked to believe that she was fast, it was central to her play style. It was one of her main pros, doubly so considering that most of her opponents were larger and bigger than her. But still it was something that she was used to, guys were usually her dance partners growing up. And they tended to be slower than she was.

Wrestling however was a different kind of dance, with different people involved. And Ralph was about the height of the dancing passion, and was waiting to see what Ms Harenwood would perform next. But she didn't expect the sudden response that Mr Acker would give, considering the hits he took earlier. Perhaps Eliza should have aimed for the head, although she'd probably miss the eyes. The dancing passion was uncertain of what to do in this regard, and Ralph was able to take advantage of it. Her blue haired opponent had swiped the nearest leg of the dancing passion, sending Eliza down to the mat as she was knocked off balance.

However that wasn't the worst thing, Ralph was again attempting to target the legs of Ms Harenwood. Only it was with a painful ankle lock, on instinct Eliza made to move towards the nearest ropes. The hold was difficult to escape, Ralph had fallen down and wrapped his legs around the hold. Meaning that essentially Eliza was having to drag Mr Acker's weight along with her, it was a good thing that there were nearby ropes. But even so getting close to them was going to be a difficult task in and of itself. "Ghnh!" Eliza sharply grunted out, her regal facial features contorted into a wince. But she was going to roll her sleeves up and keep going as best she could, Eliza just needed to catch a rope break.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by TheRacker Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:04 pm

Ralph was firmly hodling her ankle with legs tightly wraped around one of her own. But Eliza was pretty strong for a dancing girl. And although she was moving bit slower toward rope as last time, she could still drag Ralph along. But this time Ralph won't let her go. He won't make same mistake as last time, when he gave Eliza new opening. He chosed to wear her down a bit more and geting cut by a rope break rather than simply letting her go.

And that's exectly how it happened. Still busy with her ankle, he suddenly heard Rope break! with referee pulling him away from Eliza. Ralph held her ankle for few more seconds before finally leting her go. After it, Ralph grabed his opponents leg and draged her closer to the center of the ring.

He kicked her body once and turned around to run toward one corner. Crowd start roaring and Ralph began enjoying the fight again. He climed to the top of the turnbuckle and waved to crowd before jumping off, trying to hit Elizas chest with diving elbow drop.

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Quick pick: | Ralph | Ivan | Joe | Juni | Valentyna | Alma | Diabolica | Dajana |

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by Deus001 Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:48 pm

Sweat was starting to drip down the forehead of the dancing passion, it glistened in the lights of the arena. If there was one good thing about wrestling it was that it certainly kept you fit, which came in handy as Eliza was able to free herself by dragging Ralph along with her to the ropes. In the past Ms Harenwood might have certainly tapped out there and then, but she'd trained her upper body alongside her lower one.

So it was with no small relief that Eliza felt when she reached the bottom rope, she could feel the pain inflicted on her leg. It was one at least, she still had the other. It was just a case of trying to keep on keeping on, but Ralph was intent on trying to press his advantage. He grabbed hold of the affected leg and dragged Ms Harenwood into the middle of the ring, Eliza let out a grunt as Ralph kicked her. Her lower lip was bit as she got herself ready for the next move of her opponent.

Eliza sized up what Ralph was doing, mounting the turnbuckles for a high risk move. Him waving to the crowd was giving the young woman time to catch her breath and her bearings. There were three words going through the mind of Ms Harenwood, wait for it. And as soon as Ralph jumped Eliza would spring into action, she couldn't just up and move after the moves she'd just endured. But there was a simple and novel solution, just roll away. And Mr Acker would hit nothing but canvas, and that's exactly what Eliza would do. Let him hit the mat hard, and then Eliza would spring her next move. Ralph would get what was going to come to him, the Harenwood's always got what was due them.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by TheRacker Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:41 am

It was good decision that Ralph went for rope break instead of simply letting her go and trying something else. She might be tough, but her ankle definitely hurt and he assumed that Eliza won't be able to get back on her feet right away. And he was right - well kind off. It's true Ralph went with high risk move, but it was also high reward.

Eliza can't get on her feet and he could finish match right away. He just had to land this hit. Beside, going for a jump was best way to get audience - at least some part of it - back on his side. He knew exactly what to do for their entertainment and favour.

He climbed on the turnbuckles and saw Eliza was still laying in the center of the ring. It looked like she was in pain, so he turned around and greet the crowd. Ralph smiled after he turned back and saw Eliza in exactly same position. He tap his elbow and jumped. But she set him a trap. As soon as Ralph jumped, Eliza swiftly rolled away. He couldn't do anything, but landing on mat with loud "smack".

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by Deus001 Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:31 pm

Ralph landed with a heavy thud, next to Eliza. Her sudden dodge had seemed to pay off here, buying the young woman time. That move looked impressive, no doubt. But it didn't connect and Ms Harenwood was still in this, and besides now that Ralph had fallen and landed next to her she now had an idea. If this could work then it might spell victory for the dancing passion, the chance was here and the time was now.

Eliza would quickly adjust her body and move close to Ralph's head while on the ground, intending to wrap her toned lower limbs around his neck. Ms Harenwood was attempting a straight up headscissors on the man, but that would just be the preclude. After locking in her impressive legs into the hold, Eliza would then proceed to start tilting her body from side to side in an effort to start rolling about.

The dancing passion had called this move the ballroom roller, the pressure on Ralph's neck combined with the dizzying motions of the rolling would be sure to take the wind out of sails. This could be the key to victory that the dancing passion would need, there was good positioning too considering they were smack dab in the centre of the ring.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by TheRacker Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:57 pm

Ralph was still down on the mat due to impact from the jump, but it seemed that Eliza won't was any time. It didnt took much before he felt legs around his neck and at this point, Ralph knew he was in troubles. He saw earlier what they're capable doing and having them wraped around his neck didn't mean anything good. But on his suprise, Eliza didn't apply much preasure on his neck.

He instinctivly places his hands on her thighs, trying to spread them apart. But doing this was pretty much pointless and Ralph knew that. However, real nightmare just began. Eliza start rolling around and Ralph quickly lost track where they were. He knew they were somewhere near center of the ring, but he was too disoriented to move toward the rope.

But Ralph won't give up that easily. If Eliza though she will make him tap out here, she was wrong. Ralph spreads his arms and legs as wide as he can and flexes his muscles to stop them rolling around the ring. He felt little dizzy though, so keeping his limbs spreaded was all he could do at this momment.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by Deus001 Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:06 pm

Eliza smelled victory, it wasn't the sweat from both her and Ralph. No the way she'd managed to get the ballroom roller locked in, combined with the tiredness of both competitors. The moving was to confuse and disorient Ralph, to make it harder for him to kick out of the hold. The crowd was certainly enjoying it, no doubt wishing they were the lucky person to be between the legs of the dancing passion.

But Mr Acker seemed to have caught on to what Eliza was doing, and had adjusted his body in such a way that trying to tilt him about within the legs of Ms Harenwood seemed near impossible. If he wasn't being shook about then it meant Ralph might have the chance to get his bearings, Eliza refused to let that happen. Not when victory seemed so near.

Suddenly Eliza would tighten the grip of her legs around Ralph's neck, the pressure could be near akin to a vice. Ms Harenwood would also try to lean forward and grab hold of Mr Acker's hands with her own, now that the spinning was over. It was time to really start applying pressure. "Tap out Mr Acker! Yield or pass out!" Eliza shouted in a best commanding tone as she could muster, her legs was the strongest part of her body. Ralph would surely feel the pressure, Eliza's lower limbs constricting like a snake around his neck.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

Post by TheRacker Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:20 pm

Ralph was glad that spining was over, but this didn't mean end of problems. His neck was still traped between Eliza's legs and trying to spread them with his arms didn't bring much success. It took just few moments of not being carefull and bit too cocky and match turned into battle for survival.

Ralph hated to admit, but Eliza is right. If he won't find the way out very soon, he might pass out because of her strong legs. At least Ralph end up on his stomach when they were rolling around, so he might do something from there. It will be hard, since he's pretty exhausted already, but this is only option he see.

As Eliza was applying more preasure, Ralph get on one knee and uses his arms to push himself upward. He was on all fours now and his plan was to stand up and drop down on Eliza. However, this would probably require some slopy mistake from Eliza since only getting on all fours was pretty hard.

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Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker. - Page 4 Empty Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Ralph Acker.

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