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Champions & #1 contenders

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ray Blackthorn

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Ray Blackthorn  Empty Ray Blackthorn

Post by Fluffy Tail Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:44 am

Name: Ray Blackthorn
Alignment: Extreme Heel
Species: Anthro Dragon
Hair: Purple  
Eyes: Light Blue
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 185lbs
Nationality: Unknown
Entrance Theme: KingDoom - Go Fuck Yourself

Preferred Matches: She prefers hentai matches, matches which allow sexual acts,
or matches which have sexual stipulations. However if someone challengers her to
a non-sexual match she wont refuse.  

Preferred Attacks: When she isn't using every dirty attack in the book she will
try for things like facesits, smothers and any other moves which involve either
her sex or her opponents.

Strengths: Her massive size and extreme strength often help her subdue her
opponent with relative ease. And if that wasn't enough she has plenty of
endurance and durability to back it up.

Weaknesses: Her attacks and grab attempts are pretty slow and easy dodge. Plus
her cocky attitude can often get the better of her.


Ring Attire: Ray doesn't bother with clothing. But if she ever has to wear something she will just grab the skimpiest thing available.

Personality: Mean, cruel, vicious, sadistic, and any other word which means
complete bitch. Ray is probably the nastiest person you would ever have the
misfortune of meeting. For the entirety of a match she will do nothing but trash
talk, using perhaps the foulest language available whilst always making sure to
remind her opponents how much better she is than them. She doesn't at all care
about her opponents wellbeing or feelings and does everything for her own
personal enjoyment, always taking great pride in shattering her opponents both
mentally and physically. To top it all off this dragoness is sex crazed! Firmly
believing that her opponents are nothing more than toys for her pleasure.  

History: Raised in a volcano with hundreds of other dragons Ray had to quickly
learn how to handle herself, and quickly learn to handle herself she did. Ray
would always stalk around looking for fights with other anthro dragons, and
when she eventually found a fight it always ended the same way, with the other
dragon getting brutally beaten before being sexually assaulted, it was a
barbaric culture to say the least. Unfortunately for her, after some years had
past Ray was unable to get into fights with any of the other dragons, they were
all too afraid of her! Either she had already beaten and humiliated them in the
past or they had heard about the things she had done. Everyone just refused to
fight her. Filled with even more anger than usual Ray stormed off, leaving the
colossal volcano for good, intent on searching the world until she found
somewhere where she could put her unpleasant skill set to good use.

Fun Facts:
- If someone ever beats her she will not rest until she has her revenge.
- She can eat just about anything.
- She acts just as atrociously outside of the ring as she does inside.
- Never wears clothes unless she has to.

AFW Information

Record: 1-1-0
Vs. Tawncal And Lapin Yun via forced cumming
Vs. Daisuke Maxwell via pinfall




Fluffy Tail

Posts : 1076
Join date : 2015-06-23
Location : Under The Bed

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