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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Edmund Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:16 pm

James screamed in pain when he was bent in half over Tigresa's knee. He then lay limp on the mat and began to pant heavily. He couldn't move because of the amount of pain that was shooting through his body with each move he made. He decided to just lay on the mat and take whatever the two female's threw at him, though they'd obviously score the first fall if he didn't recover quickly from this move they had successfully executed on him. He tried to rise, but groaned in pain and fell back down.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Lunchador Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:32 pm

Vida felt a victorious rush run through her body, after her leg lariat took James down. The crowd popped for the well-coordinated move, and Vida could barely contain her excitement. Getting back to her feet, she hopped into the air, arms and legs flailing in excitement. Santa Tigresa, meanwhile, simply ducked out of the ring and stood on the floor. The veteran was catching her breath, but couldn't help but smile at the reception her youthful protege was getting.

Vida's mood turned, however, when she turned back to poor James. The handsome young man got back to his feet, but then dropped. Vida cringed, recognizing how hard he was trying against such difficult odds. Immediately, the young luchadora snapped into action, wanting to spare James further pain. Hopping over him, Vida ran to the corner and hopped onto the corner turnbuckle. Once there, the young woman get into position, then throw herself off.

Rising into the air, Vida would twist into her finishing move, the Phoenix Fall, a vertical cross body that would hopefully catch James against his midsection and plant him against the mat. If she could manage to connect with that strike, Vida would press her taut midsection against his, and finally pin James against the mat for a three-count.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Edmund Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:48 pm

James just groaned when Vida jumped over him and began to climb the closest turnbuckle. He watched her climb up, spin around and leap off of it for a finisher. James knew he needed to move, but his body wouldn't let him. He then braced for impact when she was halfway to him. His body shot up right before he fell back down on his back, going limp and closing his eyes.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Lunchador Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:18 pm

Vida felt a massive rush, as the air of the arena pushed her hair backward. Her body cruised straight into James', dropping him flat against the mat. A chill ran through her body, making her tender body quiver against his figure. Still, she could only clutch onto his legs, grasping him close and hoping to score a pin.

"ONE!" The referee counted, as she pressed her firm figure against him,into the mat.

Santa Tigresa meanwhile, was nodding her head with the ref count. She knew that both her protege and herself were feeling guilty about this match, but at least Vida was getting some experience in.

"TWO!" The ref girl counted out, as Vida tucked her lithe body against James, hoping that she could keep in trapped against the mat just one more moment, trying to gain that last count to get the first fall, in this match.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Edmund Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:30 pm

"THREE!" the bell sounded, indicating that Vida and Tigresa had scored the first pinfall. James just lay there, too dazed to even move from his spot. He waited a little while before trying to sit up, holding his ribcage and groaning softly, "Shit." he whispered to himself. The ref came to check on him, but he shooed her away, telling her he was fine and that he could continue the match. Slowly, he made his way to his feet and staggered a little bit, using the ropes to keep him from losing his balance.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Lunchador Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:31 pm

Hearing the ref count three sent a chill through Vida's lithe, young body, making her quiver on top of James' chest and then explode into a triumphant leap. It was the young woman's first taste of victory in an AFW ring, and she was going to savor it. The young latina jumped up and down, kicking her legs upward and extending her arms in triumpt to the crowd, as the ring announcer called the first fall of the match for the Superestrellas.

Santa Tigresa, meanwhile, hung back by her corner. She seemed less thrilled with the win, but didn't move a hand to hinder Vida's celebration. She let the girl have her moment. As the fanfare died down, however, she turned a careful eye to James, already fending off the official.

Vida did the same. She was suddenly well aware of everything they had just subjected the handsome young man to. As the official checked James over, Vida took her spot in the corner. She watched James carefully, wanting to give him as much time as he needed, in order to recover. "J-just tell me when you're ready," she said, biting her lip.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Edmund Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:43 pm

James only smiled to Vida, it was a soft, sad smile, "Well...maybe um...well...maybe we could, I don't know...go out to dinner after the match?" he blushed a deep shade of red and looked down at his boots, completely forgetting about all the pain he had just been put through and how he had just lost the first fall to her team. He wasn't fully confident in himself and he just looked away from her, staring off to the side or at his boots as he awaited an answer, leaning against one of the turnbuckles.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Lunchador Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:06 pm

Vida's back straightened, her arms closing around her chest. She certainly wasn't expecting that, out of her match! Her face reddened deeply, out of embarrassment. Santa Tigresa, meanwhile, planted her masked face in both hands and leaned her thick body against the ropes. The crowd gave a mixed reaction, some cheering the young man's boldness while others laughed at his attempt.

The referee, meanwhile, moved back to the center of the ring. "Are you ready?" she asked, looking both of them up and down.

"Uh, agh," Vida stammered, looking back to Santa Tigresa, then back to James. As soon as she looked at him, she cast her gaze away, back at her boots. "R-ready," she said, a deep crimson blush running from her cheeks, down her neck, all the way to her chest.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Edmund Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:25 pm

James' blush grew brighter and he nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready." He stepped forward and attempted to lock up with, pressing his chest against her's and blushing even more, backing up a little, "S...sorry." he looked away.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

Post by Lunchador Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:33 pm

Vida stumbled, seeing how awkward things were becoming. The fans were stomping the floor, ready for the next round to start, but she blamed herself. Santa Tigresa, meanwhile, was pulling her hair out of her mask, keeping a close eye on Vida and waiting to see how this next round would open.

The second the referee signaled them to start, Vida rushed into the lock up. Her firm young body pressed up against James' and buckling almost instantly. Vida's kness quivered, then gave; she bit her lip and gulped hard, as James looked away. Vida could have pressed an advantage there, possibly; however, the shiver that ran through her young flesh betrayed the fact that she was completely unready. James had every bit of control at that point in the match.

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James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa - Page 4 Empty Re: James Justice vs Vida Fenix and Santa Tigresa

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