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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Bluemouse Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:28 am

Match is to one fall, by pin, knockout, or submission.
Hardcore rules - No DQ, no countouts, no rope breaks. Falls count anywhere.

If Bonnie Gastin wins, she receives the Friction contracts of Allison Watson and Lu Jiao Jocelyn, to do with as she pleases.
If Allison Watson wins, she receives the Friction contract of her niece, Emily Clarkson, to do with as she pleases.

The music begot the usual boos, but Allison paid no mind to the crowd as she strode down the entrance ramp. Her eyes were calmly focused on the ring, and nothing else, at least nothing else in the arena.

Over many bottles of deep red wine, Allison had recently gained new perspective. Little Emily Clarkson, a pitiful wrestler in her own right, but a brilliant and determined girl, had proved much more dedicated to the notion of a career in pro wrestling than Allison had anticipated, and all of it was because of the way the girl worshiped her. It filled Allison with... feelings that only took root and blossomed when germinated with enough wine.

While she loved her craft, the art that she had created over more than a decade in wrestling, that she had suffered so much for, she knew that it was for her and her alone to enjoy. It was not for Emily. She knew the things she did made her what one would call a "bad person", but she cared so little for what other people thought that it didn't matter to her. All that had mattered to her in the last several years had been the indulgence of her own passions. Her apartment, her furnishings, the art on the walls and in cases, the books on the bookshelf that flanked her fireplace and the bottles of wine in her kitchen, they were all carefully chosen for the way they made her feel. Her actions in the ring were the same, and none of it was for anyone else.

And yet, here she was. She told herself that for her niece to try to follow in her footsteps was insulting, and the girl had no right. That was what she told herself to quiet down the other feelings.

Then as she slipped gracefully through the ropes and stretched her long, supple body, she felt nothing at all. She waited patiently for her opponent to arrive one last time.

Last edited by Bluemouse on Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Lobo Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:08 am

Bonnie Gastin:

Bonnie Gastin hit the arena stage as "Shout At The Devil" by Motley Crue began to blast through the arena speakers.

The Texan girl, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, clad in white high top sneakers, skinny jeans, a white crop top and both of her hands wrapped up with tape. She stepped out onto the entrance stage with a slow, casual walk as she stood among the cheering fans. Normally Bonnie would smile, but not tonight. Every day she regretted making a fool of herself during the rematch against Allison, something she couldn't live down. Everyday she feared someone like Clyde, Mercy or Duffy or Violate would get assaulted just like poor, Kagami.

This wasn't a game anymore. Bonnie was offered this match and she took it without a second thought. This was her chance to finally avenge her family, her friends and her honor.

Bonnie looked to the ring and saw Allison. The crowd saw a beautiful but vain woman. Bonnie saw a monster.

She wasted no time. Bonnie rushed to the at full speed, trying to slide under the ropes and charge right for Allison, trying to bully her into her corner and throw a hail of overhand rights to her head while she gave a possessed, almost feral cry.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Bluemouse Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:05 am

Allison's icy green eyes fell on Bonnie when the girl stepped into view. From her ballistic approach, it was obvious that Bonnie wasn't going to waste time, and Allison stayed in her corner and let the smaller girl come to her.

She raised her hands when she drew close to ward off Bonnie's wild punches and keep them from landing flush, and wasted no time in taking advantage of the lack of rules by driving her knee up between the Texan's legs.

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Lobo Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:54 am

Bonnie was full of rage and hunger. Every punch was like an extension of all the turmoil she had endured and she intended to let Allison feel this pain and make her understand.

But Bonnie's strikes didn't connect as she hoped and was caught between her legs!

"AUUH!!" Bonnie cried as staggered off Allison and crumbled to her knees, cradling her poor womanhood while the crowd booed. Another certain Texan shouting obscenities from the stands when he saw the low blow.

"....C-Coward..." Bonnie spat, shutting her eyes tightly as she nursed her crotch.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Bluemouse Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:55 pm

"That's not the word..." Allison said wanly while she gazed down at Bonnie.

She strode over to Bonnie and pushed her onto her back with her boot, and picked up one of her ankles, just enough to lift and separate her legs... With Bonnie's hands covering the area, Allison kicked with the toe of her boot directly into Bonnie's womanhood.

There was no sign of delight on her face as she worked. For once, she didn't enjoy it at all.

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Lobo Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:31 am

Bonnie got flopped over onto her stomach, still wincing from the earlier low blow that had the crowd booing the British woman to no end.

Bonnie, with determination to not take another blow, reared back her free leg and tried to slam it into Allison's gut in an effort to halt the assault and work towards freeing herself.


Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Bluemouse Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:44 am


Bonnie's heel smacked against Allison's stomach and backed her up a step. The resistance seemed to help rouse the tall Brit's instincts as she bared her teeth and put a hand over her midsection. She lunged back at Bonnie with a vicious stomp while the girl was still down.

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Lobo Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:53 am

Bonnie saved herself from another low blow and was working herself back up to feet. Her crotch was still sore but she pressed on with haste to stand before Allison came back on her, driving her boot into Bonnie's back and flattening her against the mat.

"GUH!" Her stomach hit the mat and her body bounced with the impact.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Bluemouse Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:16 am

Allison swooped down to grab Bonnie by the hair with both hands and dragged her swiftly off to stuff her in the corner, her stomach against the turnbuckles with Allison pressed tightly against her back.

"How much do you remember about our first encounter?" She whispered harshly in her ear. "I can jog your memory..."

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

Post by Lobo Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:08 am

Bonnie cried out loudly as Allison grabbed her by her long blonde hair, leaving Bonnie stumble and stagger around until she reached the corner, hitting it stomach first with a firm grunt as she felt the vile Brit press against her back, gritting her teeth tightly as she felt the woman's tight supple figure against her toned back.

She spat angrily, trying throw an elbow back at Allison's head to get her off. If Bonnie could get loose, she'd shove Allison back and blast right out of the corner with a running front dropkick, plowing both of her feet right into the chest of her opponent with all she had!

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match Empty Re: Allison Watson vs Bonnie Gastin - Contract Match

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