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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Panda Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:43 am

Emily vs Anne
No-DQ POW match with Hentai allowed
Win by securing handcuffs to the opponent

Emily caught herself going about her pre-match prep with something of an unexpected spring in her step, a tiny bit surprised by this discovery. Sure, this was just another POW match, with some Hentai sprinkled on top. Hell, it didn't even have a unique twist on it like that one match with Sig.

No, what got her excites about this match was the fact that she'd been booked for an entire series of matches with whoever her opponent was this time around. All she knew was regarding the current match, with the anticipation regarding the others serving to excite the redhead quite a bit. Really, the fact that, one way or another, she and her opponent would really be getting to know each other was the cherry on top.

Practically giddy with excitement, Emily all but bounded onto the stage, in her usual red bikini paired with white wrestling boots. The departure from her usual sneakers being in part due to her not relying on kicks nearly enough to want to give up the minor degree of protection the boots offered her. Or maybe she was just trying a new look out, the redhead really want sure anymore.

Making her way down the ramp, Emily climbed up into the ring, not bothering to climb a turnbuckle and acknowledge the cheers. It gave her a nice buzz to know she had fans even though she'd most certainly place herself as a heel. Definitely meant the people who saw her got their money's worth.

With this reassurance fresh in her mind, Emily leaned up against a turnbuckle and waited.

Last edited by I_care_not_till_I_must on Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot the No-DQ stipulation)


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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Lilybell Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:45 am

Anne limbered up backstage while she waited for her opponent to finish processing down to the ring. She was dressed in a black t-shirt of the band "Babymetal", which had been growing on her since she'd seen them with River that first night in Japan; a red pleated skirt, torn thigh high stockings, and a pair of black wrestling boots. As soon as she heard her theme music, "Size Queen" by Blowtorch Betty, she bounded out to the top of the ramp. Yeah, she definitely liked this music better than her standard entrance, but Lily said she couldn't change that until she won a match... and she'd come close. Her last two matches, however, had been humiliating. Sure, she had enjoyed her little exhibition match against Yuki... anytime she and her sorta-girlfriend could dress up like schoolgirls and catfight was always fun, even if she had gotten her ass royally handed to her. Then there was her Tension match. She had run the show up to that last second only to have her own pin reversed... defeat snatched from the jaws of victory only made it sting so much worse. She had lost before, but she actually cried after that one. So close...

But today would be different! Or at least she hoped it would be. Lily had set her up with a nemesis, another heel apparently. She knew nothing about the girl, as she refused to do her homework before a match, but assumed this would either be some giantess to tear her apart or a pillow queen for her to dismantle. As she skipped down the ramp, however, she saw that the girl wasn't much bigger than she was. And damn she looked good in that bikini... that drew a sinister little smirk to the rocker's lips. Rolling into the ring her bleach blonde hair, highlighted bright red, cascaded loose around her and her skirt flared out exposing her black lace panties for just a moment. Springing back to her feet she moved to take her place in the opposing corner before giving the woman a silent lift of her head in stoic greeting. The fans had cheered her entrance as well, but mostly because she had a tendency to come out of her clothes during a match... and she got turned on pretty easily. They lusted for her more than they loved her, but today she'd show them a new side. Today she would dominate!

And then... the bell.

Character Selection (Availability may vary)
Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Full_007-im-7f8fbcaf-d75f-49ec-a408-d7bca515dbb1

Posts : 1694
Join date : 2014-09-14

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Panda Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:56 am

Emily couldn't help but offer her opponent a smirk in return, catching a hint of her opponent's fire behind the stoic greeting.

Yup, this is definitely going to be something to enjoy. 

Emily's smirk widened into a grin, the redhead all too comfortable with the match ahead of her, uncaring of how it ended. She could already tell that, no matter what, this would be a blast.

"Well, if nothing else," Emily called out, drawing closer to the center of the ring and settling into a wrestling stance, "Let's give these people their money's worth."

With that, the bell rang and the redhead opted to stay where she was.


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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Lilybell Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:19 am

Anne returned Emily's smile, actually encouraged by the familiar glint in her opponent's eye. In the bat of an eye winning slipped away from Anne's mind as her light hearted nature resurfaced. She had gotten into this business because she enjoyed sex, violence, and having people watch her do both. Really, she enjoyed people watching her do anything so long as they seemed psyched about it.

"Oh, hell yes." With that simple reply she would wait for the bell and as it released its sonorous tone she would launch from her corner like a loosed arrow. Recklessly she charged at Emily and hurled herself into the air, legs spread wide showing her sheer panties again as she attempted a Lou Thesz Press, to ride Emily down to the mat. An attentive wrestler might see this coming, but it was an entertaining way to get the ball rolling.

Character Selection (Availability may vary)
Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Full_007-im-7f8fbcaf-d75f-49ec-a408-d7bca515dbb1

Posts : 1694
Join date : 2014-09-14

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Panda Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:37 am

Emily felt a spark of amusement rush through her at Anne's reply. It was quite rare for her to meet a kindred soul, she'd found. The others had been concerned with winning or destroying her or even having the shit beaten out of them, but this girl was different. Anne didn't seem like she particularly cared, and the reckless charge only reinforced that suspicion.

Digging in, Emily watched her opponent before noticing sodding in her approach. Stepping forward to meet her opponent's charge with her own, the redhead found herself all but catching Anne, who'd been kind enough to bodily hurl herself at Emily. 

The redhead would try to quickly wrap her arms around Anne, intending to start things off with a nice bear hug. 

"Well that was awful kind of you," Emily remarked.


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Join date : 2015-08-23

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Lilybell Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:10 pm

Anne had thrown herself into Emily's awaiting arms, too the audience it seemed as though she had leaped into the taller girl expressly for the hug. Normally, Anne would have responded to this with a few thrown punches, but so far things had been civil so she'd let them stay that way for now.

With her feet dangling a few inches off of the mat and her modest breasts rubbing up against the redhead's face, Anarchy decided to play a little. While Emily squeezed around her waist she would try to hug her opponent with both her arms and legs, scissoring her legs about the bikini-clad girl's waist and squishing her soft breasts into her face.

"Nnf! Well, ya know... uhnf... I've always preferred to hug out my problems." She joked through the gradual compression.

Character Selection (Availability may vary)
Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Full_007-im-7f8fbcaf-d75f-49ec-a408-d7bca515dbb1

Posts : 1694
Join date : 2014-09-14

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Panda Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:23 pm

Whatever reply that Emily might have had queued up was sharply cut off when the other girl wrapped herself around the redhead, Anne's breasts smothering Emily. While this wasn't exactly a situation she could say she minded, she was fairly sure she would be minding it pretty soon. That aside, part of her was a little disappointed that the girl hadn't taken the opportunity to try socking her a few, but the redhead chalked it up to some attempt at civility.

Ah well, nothing wrong with taking advantage of it I guess.

Grinning from under the cover of Anne's breasts, Emily opted to tighten her grip and start running, hopefully ramming the girl back-first into the turnbuckle.


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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Lilybell Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:42 pm

A more intelligent wrestler might have tried to escape her current predicament, especially when their little cuddle-fest started to pick up speed... but Anne wasn't that smart. Her only response was to squeeze tighter right up until her body collided forcefully with the turnbuckle. As if somehow surprised she threw her head back with a cry of pain, her limbs releasing their grip around Emily's head and waist.

Her body still writhing with the burning sensation in her spine, Anne lost her patience with civility. A little soft catfighting and sexy playtime was one thing, but obviously this match was going to be a little harder than that. Still reeling from both the bearhug and the crash with the turnbuckle all she could must in that moment was a loud growl and a quick elbow to the top of Emily's head.

Character Selection (Availability may vary)
Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Full_007-im-7f8fbcaf-d75f-49ec-a408-d7bca515dbb1

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Join date : 2014-09-14

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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Panda Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:24 am

Emily grinned as she felt Anne impact against the turnbuckle, the impact feeling quite nice with the other girl cushioning her. The redhead couldn't help but feel amused by Anne's response shortly before the elbow to the head landed sharply.

Emily took a step back, the top of her head buzzing from the elbow shot, before shooting a feral grin at her opponent.

"Now that's more like it," Emily noted before charging back in, telegraphing a massive Haymarket before ducking low, trying to spear Anne between her shoulder and the turnbuckle.


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Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Empty Re: Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making

Post by Lilybell Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:45 am

Anne was not a great technical wrestler, nor was she known for putting a lot of stock in blocking. After falling back down onto her feet, the rocker rested her shoulders against the turnbuckle while she regained her footing and caught her breath from the bearhug. When she saw the haymaker coming, instead of raising her guard she ducked her head with a quick crouch. While this might have been a good idea against an actual haymaker, here it was not the correct course of action.

The spear caught Anne directly in the chest rather than the stomach, knocking the wind out of the girl and sending her toppling back into the turnbuckle once more. Off balance she slipped down into a sitting position, one arm catching on the bottom rope as she wheezed loudly, trying to refill her lungs. Shameless, or just careless, her legs were splayed open giving everyone an easy look up her skirt at her lacy panties.

Character Selection (Availability may vary)
Emily vs Anne Match 1: Rivals In The Making Full_007-im-7f8fbcaf-d75f-49ec-a408-d7bca515dbb1

Posts : 1694
Join date : 2014-09-14

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