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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Happy New Year from Killer King!

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Happy New Year from Killer King! Empty Happy New Year from Killer King!

Post by KillerV Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:10 am

(was late due to being sick on New Year weekend)


Its a starting of a new year, 2016, a fresh start for something new to show off to everyone and forget all the bad stuff happened in the past, Killer King truly wants to forget everything horrible and kept all the wonderful memories. But what King wanted to show and tell everyone is something he rarely do for 'the people' of the arena, everyone starts booing right away when his intro music starts playing as he coming out on stage wearing pretty different attire. Not his usual dark red trunks and black boots but instead, wearing black shirt and pants with logo design on the shirt and his pants have some streaks on it, kept his signature black beast mask on to conceal his identity even though good amount of people saw his face live and on show during the match against the bastard Johnny.

He comes to the ring until he could roll himself in and pop up on his feet, moving towards to the ropes close to the ring announcer tables as he gesture them to give King the mic. He takes it in his hand and moving to the center, waiting for a brief moment for everyone to hopefully stop booing him, until he couldnt wait any longer after a minute of his precious time and began to yell on the mic out loud. "SHUT UP!"

The people booing even louder than before but eventually they slowly dying down until he get his chance to talk again. "Well!..... Happy... FUCKIN New Year! Suppose to be a new day, month and year for everyone. Im sure everyone is all fuckin happy huh? Well guess what, I dont care about ANY OF YOU! But I do have something important to tell you all, for once!" The crowd booing more and more until King would cut their voices with his own. "ANYWAY! I have something to say to many of you people, and the rosters, and management. My 'King's Crew' is no longer with me, all of them QUIT on me and I get the blame for not doing well? HA! THEY ALL FUCKED UP so it isnt my fault whatsoever! So, now Im on my own which I like BUT.... I havent been alone at all, I have been training, training really well. Oh wait, Im not talking about me, Im talking about as a manager and trainer, I personally training someone to be as good as me, deadly and badass like me.............. SO............ bitches and assholes, I give you, a future best heel Tension wrestler!"

The lights went out only darkness, a long pause before the his music playing and the light shining down on stage to show whoever it may be............


KillerV- Character Select

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Happy New Year from Killer King! Empty Re: Happy New Year from Killer King!

Post by killcarrion Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:47 pm


While Krys was by no means under any further obligation to waste another single second of her precious time in this den of testosterone infused muscle-heads, the Russian secret agent found certain monetary benefits to lingering around the AFW facility long after she had accomplished her mission by defeating the best this league had to offer. Dressed in her form fitting leather stealth-suit and nestled away in the dimly lit confines of the main accounting office in the Tension building, Krys' fingers typed furiously away at a keyboard as if she were possessed. Downloading a significant portion of funds from the company's account into her own off shore-fund was taking more time than she had planned out back in her apartment, but with one final mouse click the process was underway...

Krys leaned back in her office chair and stretched out her back, a slight crick in her neck from squeezing into the ventilation system. The downloading process was taking forever, so she started spinning around in her chair out of boredom. Defeating Killer King was as primal an exhilaration she had experienced...but now that she was the best Tension wrestler in the league, (in her mind), there was a certain sense of...ennui, she couldn't quite shake. The addicting high had now had it's tumultuous low, and now Krys was eager to find another way to scratch that daredevil itch of hers.

While spinning in place in her chair, she would casually glimpse over to a corner of the room. An overhead monitor was displaying everything that was transpiring in the ring, the Spetznaz spy stopping her spin cycle when she heard her name mentioned...

...500,000 yen would have to suffice. Krys sneered at the overhead monitor before yanking out her thumb drive and hustling out of the room with a pep in her step.


After several minutes of being a potential no-show, the haunting vocals of Krys' theme would blast over the speakers to an oddly jubilant reception. The Emerald Viper would saunter out towards the middle of the ramp with a mic in her hand to a sound she never expected to hear...fervent applause.

Defeating King having been a boon to her popularity that she found particularly amusing considering that five minutes ago she was pilfering funds straight from the company simply to see if she could get away with it. Though she was fairly confident a good portion of those cheers were simply due to how tightly her leather stealth suit clung to her shapely form and the scintillating amount of cleavage she was showcasing. Krys raised the mic to her mouth, her emerald eyes glaring towards King and his crony.

"Aww...Has ze dethroned King become so terribly lonely that he ze only friends he can dig up are equally pathetic and inept losers? Anyone who is hopeless enough to accept training from some has-been in a jaguar mask like you...well, at least you're young cub already has a mask to hide behind when he is embarrassed in front of everyone..."
Krys smirked while cautiously approaching the ring, maintaining a safe distance in case the brutish King wanted to try his luck and come bull-rushing at her. "Zat kick must have dislodged somezing important, hm? Of course I vill gladly accept the challenge, but tell me. If I can defeat ze so-called "Killer King" in my first match...vat makes you zink you're hopeless pupil has any better chance to succeed vere you have so clearly and utterly failed?"

Happy New Year from Killer King! JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Happy New Year from Killer King! Empty Re: Happy New Year from Killer King!

Post by KillerV Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:43 am

Killer King with his client training BTM to be as good as King and will gonna have him put through a test if anyone, especially against Krys who beaten the beast somewhat fair yet out of nowhere to knock his mind out like a light, taken down to the mat allowing her to beat him, her first match against anyone and took out the biggest, baddest most dangerous man around.

Now hes calling her out to come and accept the challenge for King request. Then her music playing out loud as she coming out taunting the both masked wrestlers that she really giving out a big question about she defeated King so how would BTM gonna beat her if he is much smaller than the beast and not nearly as strong? Well BTM gesturing King to offer him the mic so he can respond that to her.

"Hey! Krys isnt it? Do you think I cant beat you? Sure you have defeated Killer King but you havent defeated me yet! Im not overpowered like him, but Im strong enough and fast enough take you on! He raise his arms up feeling bit more confident, showing he is willing to put Krys in her place and show the new and improved BTM will defeat her in his first match. "What do you say we have a match right here, right now?! Name a match and I will accept it! Then, you're going down to a count!"

King then takes the mic from BTM to talk too. "There is NOTHING wrong with my head! I can handle you myself you know! Just now, putting all my efforts and training to BTM mind and body so he can kick your skanky ass! Just accept the challenge and will see my client gonna beat your ass!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Age : 40

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Happy New Year from Killer King! Empty Re: Happy New Year from Killer King!

Post by killcarrion Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:08 pm

Scoring a clean win over Killer King was practically a career accomplishment in it's own right, one that a majority of Tension competitor's may have only dreamed about. Especially the scores of women who were brutally victimized by this brutish neanderthal. It was a worthy high note to hold your head up on after firmly accomplishing what she had set out to do, but like a cat burglar coming out of retirement for "one more score"...Krys found the thrill too intoxicating to pass up, smirking intently while the odd couple played hot potato with the mic before raising her own.

"Well...zat doesn't quite answer my question...but I suppose zat's simply because ve all already know ze answer anyway. If you vere too frightened of losing to me for a second time, "Killer", it's actually a strategically sound move to send out a subordinate to do ze dirty work for you." Krys teased while continuing to approach the ring , now fixing her emerald gaze on the lowly lackey who suddenly found it so easy to mouth off to her.

"But fine, I'll entertain ze precocious kitten, and leave him in an even more pathetic state zan ze mighty jaguar behind you. Let's make our little dance a simple and standard affair, my malen'kiy kotenok. Oh...and you're precious master can observe your dismantling from the locker rooms. He's lost ze right to see me in action firsthand. Zose are my only conditions before we get ze fun underway. Besides..."
Krys smirked while seductively tracing one her fingers from her inner thigh up her abdomen to the zipper on her leather vest, clicking it down one more notch while she stood on the ring apron. "...wouldn't you like to have me all to yourself?"

Last edited by killcarrion on Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:08 am; edited 1 time in total

Happy New Year from Killer King! JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Happy New Year from Killer King! Empty Re: Happy New Year from Killer King!

Post by KillerV Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:58 am

"What? I didnt give you the answer you were looking for? Here, clean your ears out and listen carefully. I am NOT afraid of you or anything! Instead, Im taking a bit of break since Im NOT 100% since you fucked my head up, SO, I rather have my client to take you on instead of me, got it?!"

Then BTM asking King to hand him the mic so he can say few words of his own. "Look, toots, I aint here to get talked down front of everyone while we're not doing anything, so why dont you come here and get this match start it huh?" When he hears Krys conditions only to take her on is by having King to leave the ring and not allowed to see it up close first hand, King of course doesnt like it one bit and BTM eyes on Krys as shes teasing him with that finger of hers tracing down her body just to make BTM blushed, which he is trying his best not to, but King interrupted him. "Grrrr fine! I'll leave, he will defeat you you bitch!" Then he getting out of the ring away from Krys knowing the referee or security would stop him from trying to hurt her, once she get a good distance from him, he would come up to the ramp and leaving the arena and heading to the locker room with the big tv to watch it live. For BTM, he is standing there, loosen his arms up at the center of the ring, hopping side by side, ready for his re-debut match against Krys. Course BTM respond is quiet as he couldnt just give her an answer she wanted it, she knows the answer just by looking at him.

Official match continues here....

KillerV- Character Select

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Happy New Year from Killer King! Empty Re: Happy New Year from Killer King!

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