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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Lunchador Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:50 pm

Vida gasped for air, as she struggled to recover from the blinding pain in her thighs.  As Emily taunted her from above, the latina rookie could only continue to gasp, and try to suppress some sobs.  It was humiliating, getting picked on while she couldn't do much more than struggle not to cry, but there wasn't much Vida could do about that now.

The aspiring luchadora tried to crawl away from Emily, as the redhead approached her.  She couldn't get far, but she still had to try.  Regardless of how pathetic the attempt might be.  Vida was trying to think back to her training, some kind of evasive movement she could take.  No matter what came to mind, though, it seemed like Emily was coming on too hard and fast for Vida to keep pace!

To that point, Emily reached out and captured Vida's ankle for a punishing ankle lock.  Vida's eyes widened in horror as she realized what was happening.  'Noooo~!" she cried out, hands practically clawing at the mat as she tried to get away.

Emily locked the hold in, and began to wrench!  "Aaaiiiieeeee!" Vida screamed, at the top of her lungs.  Instinctively, Vida pushed her shoulder against the mat, and tried to roll her body out of the hold.  Even if she could manage that, though, she realized in horror that Emily had done more damage to her leg than she could bear.  What could she manage, on only one good leg?

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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Panda Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:06 am

The Latina's attempt to crawl away was, if nothing else, amusing to the redhead. All the same, Emily soon caught up to her, locking in the ankle lock and taking a moment to take in Vida's screams. The girl had proven surprisingly willful, not submitting even after everything the redhead had put her through. Her tenacity was definitely something to respected, but it also presented an interesting challenge for Emily.

At this point, her mind was working to figure out some hold that stood a decent chance at actually getting a submission out of her. With the fight that Vida had put up, she deserved something a bit more spectacular than a simple Boston Crab or something along those lines, assuming that such a hold was capable of finishing her. It would be an interesting question as to what would do the trick indeed...Perhaps just one hold wouldn't quite do it...

Almost as expected, Vida continued to fight back against the hold, pushing against the mat to try to roll her body out of the hold. Deciding to put a stop to that, and also wanting some time to think it over, Emily put a sharp twist on the hold to force her back onto her front. If she could manage that, Emily would let up on the ankle lock, though she'd keep hold of Vida's leg, and step forward before going down to one knee, placing that knee squarely on Vida's back, between her shoulders. If she could manage that, the redhead would try to pull Vida's leg back over her neck, intending to lock in a Stretch Muffler to give herself some time to think.


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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Lunchador Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:47 am

Vida was clawing the mat in a panic, as she scrambled to get herself away from Emily. The malicious redhead was digging into her hard, pulling her apart piece by piece and Vida was failing miserably to find herself a way out of it. Now, all she had left was to cry out in pain, and try desperately to claw her way to safety!

Worse, her attempts to writhe free of the dominant Emily's grip only put her in position for an even more punishing hold. Getting twisted around, Vida was rolled onto her taut belly for the stretch muffler.

"N-no, please," Vida protested, eyes widening in fear as she realized how bad this situation was getting, for her. "No! N-no!" Her arms flailed wildly, but to no avail. In seconds, Emily had Vida twisted around, her chest pressed hard into the mat and her leg firmly in the redhead's clutches!

"Nnnneeeyyyyyaaaaooowww!" Vida screamed out, as her spine was twisted and compacted into a perfect "c" shape! Vida's wide brown eyes opened wide in terror, her jaw dropping to the floor in horror. She was completely at Emily's mercy, body twitching and straining against the hold. The referee came in, asking for Vida's submission. Delirious with agony, Vida shook her head in protest. She would continue the match. Her pride still too strong, she refused to surrender the match, just yet. However, whatever Emily had planned for her next, the suffering young latina was completely at her mercy.

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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Panda Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:25 am

For the first time since the match started, the redhead found the Latina's screams fading to the background for the moment. While she'd certainly had fun with this, the rookie's resilience had been nothing but admirable, and if nothing else she deserved a proper finish. Maintaining the hold, Emily found herself given pause as she tried to work out a proper finisher. Really, this should've been something she'd worked out long before the match, but better late than never.

Allowing a few moments more to figure out the right combination of holds, the redhead soon let up on the stretch muffler as inspiration struck.

"If nothing else," Emily said, keeping hold of Vida's leg, "You've got my respect for lasting this long."

Having gotten that out of the way, the redhead swiftly got to work, making sure Vida was on her front. Isolating the leg she'd attacked with the Stretch Muffler earlier, the redhead started to get the luchadora into an STF. However, instead of going for the facelock part of the hold right away after locking Vida's leg into place, Emily first grabbed hold of one of the Latina's arms, locking it behind her back with an impromptu hammerlock that Emily kept in place by threading one of her own arms through in the process of locking in the facelock.

"Guess what," Emily said, the hold leaving her head very close to Vida's, allowing her to speak softly into the Latina's ear, "I pretty much came up with this hold on the spot. Just for you. Aren't you proud?"


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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Lunchador Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:23 am

Vida was suffering like she rarely had. Emily was ruthless, and the stretch muffler was brutalizing the rookie. Emily did eventually let up on the stretch muffler, but it didn't do Vida much good. She could feel less pressure on her lower back, and her leg no longer felt like it was moments from popping out of place. However, it was all she could do to gasp for air, and try to push herself past the crippling pain.

Instead, Vida got dropped onto her chest. Panting, arms hanging above her head as she lay flat on the mat, the rookie was easy pickings for Emily. And, sure enough, the ruthless redhead got right back to work. Before Vida knew it, Emily was locking her ankle into place and twisting her arm helplessly behind her back!

"Eeeearrrghh!" Vida whined, as her body was twisted and stretched in on itself. "D-dios mio, no! No, por fa-" Vida was cut off suddenly, as Emily locked her face into the hold. Writhing in the hold, Vida struggled and squirmed. But, she was going nowhere! Tears were running freely from her face, as she struggled for freedom. "Nnnnnngh! Nnnnnuh!" Vida cried out, her cries muffled by Emily's facelock. Vida didn't even understand this move, which Emily had apparently innovated just to destroy her. Nor could Vida think of a way to escape it. The girl's body deflated as she realized she had only one choice: for all the pride she had, that had brought her this far, it was over. Sobbing, Vida tried to cry out her submission. Tried to beg for it, even. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure if anyone could hear her, with the way Emily was cutting her off!

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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Panda Thu May 04, 2017 11:38 pm

With the brutal hold locked in, it was only a matter of time before Vida gave up. Of course, with her blood rushing as it was, Vida's pleas to be released barely registered. The redhead took her time breaking the luchadora down, slowing putting on pressure on every joint locked in the hold to the very limits. The feeling of her quivering flesh pressed against herself, her hot breaths on Emily's arm, all of it was intoxicating to the redhead, who couldn't help a shuddering sigh as time went on and she pushed the hold further and further.

Still, it had to come to an end some time, and after what felt like and eternity, Emily finally released the hold, untangling herself from the cute little luchadora and bringing herself to her feet, breathing heavily as she looked down at her opponent.


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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Lunchador Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:05 pm

Vida's eyes were wide open in pain and terror, as Emily held her tight against the mat. Her mewling submissions grew louder and louder, until she was shouting into Emily's arms! “P-please! Pleease~ no mas! No mas!” The ref stooped over them, waiting for it to be official before calling for the bell, Vida's pitiful pleas finally being heard.

Vida felt small and weak, trapped under Emily's domineering hold and completely unable to get herself to safety. It felt like Emily was grinding her down, slow and deliberate, with full confidence that the formerly perky little luchadora couldn't do anything about it. Vida's body was Emily's to toy with and torture at her pleasure.

When Emily finally released the hold, Vida let out a body-shuddering sob. The luchadora buried her face in the mat, trying hard to hide her tears. The rookie wrapped her arms around the back of her head to hide herself, but helpless sobs continued to rack her quivering body. Vida had, shamefully, submitted to many of her opponents in the past. None of those holds, however, were half as painful as the one Emily just used against her. And none of them had made the poor little latina feel so small ...

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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Panda Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:26 pm

Looking down at the shuddering Latina, the redhead found that she couldn't help feeling more than a little respect for the luchadora who'd put up far more of a fight than she'd come across thus far in her time in this league. Sure, she'd gone down all the same, but Emily owed her some respect for the fight she'd put up, and the redhead wasn't much for owing people.

Allowing a sigh, the redhead squatted down on her haunches, putting a hand on the luchadora's shoulder and giving her a quick shake.

"Hey, you put up a good fight there," Emily admitted, "That chop contest left me running pretty low. Now come on. Even when you lose, hold your head high knowing that you did what you could. Move on. Maybe you'll catch up to me one day. I can wait."


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For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz - Page 6 Empty Re: For the Thrill of the Fight: Vida Fenix vs. Emily Blascowicz

Post by Lunchador Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:38 am

Vida was beside herself, lost for a moment to total despair. “E-every time ...” she whimpered, staring with wide tear-strained eyes at the mat. Breathing hard, Vida tried to get her body back under control. She simply couldn't stop trembling.

The last thing the young latina expected was for Emily to start complimenting her! Vida actually gasped in shock that Emily paid her any kind of compliment after that fight. Vida had felt small, pathetic and weak after she'd tapped out in Emily's brutal grip, but apparently she'd earned some respect!

“Th-thank you,” Vida pushed herself up onto her knees, raising her head. She looked disheveled, wet, but she tried to hold it together. “I-I … try so hard ...” Vida took a deep breath, tried to get herself back under control. “I-I will move on. I'll keep fighting. And next time we meet, Emily, I'm not gonna be the same weak little girl you beat here, tonight! I promise you that!” Vida fixed her jaw, and gave a confident nod. She was trying to convince herself, more than her opponent. It mostly worked. When she found her strength, Vida began to crawl toward the edge of the ring, hoping she could keep in any further tears until she got backstage. Let Emily celebrate her victory, Vida told herself. Someday, that chance would be hers!

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