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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Distinguished Competition: Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!)

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Distinguished Competition:  Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!) - Page 5 Empty Re: Distinguished Competition: Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!)

Post by Lunchador Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:16 pm

Holly looked from side to side, like an animal looking for an escape route. Her eyes widened in shock as Ryo taunted her, even ran his fingers through her hair. "Let ... rr! Let go!" she protested, weakly trying to push him off. The smug look and confident posturing were gone, replaced by shock and panic as Holly continued to recoil. "AAHH!" she squealed, as Ryo's unforgiving knee slammed into her all-too-soft breasts. From that point, Holly's body was his to manipulate, the combination of shock and pain too much for her to recover from.

Only able to sob in pain, Holly offered no resistance as Ryo dragged her right back to the center of the ring. Holly only whimpered, at the mention of a "rematch." The next thing she knew, her body was turned upside down, legs sticking straight up into the air, long hair dusting the mat. Her stomach lurched, at the sensation of being flipped over like this. But worst of all, was the placement.

Holly could feel Ryo's face right on her lady bits, with nothing she could do about it. The British grappler could only wonder how this had happened, thinking she'd been so dominant, so confident just moments ago. Worst than that, though, was when the Brit opened her eyes. "AAAH!" she screamed, getting a literal faceful of Ryo's member. "Oh- Oh God! No! No!" she protested, shaking her head back and forth, trying to deny that this was actually a thing that was happening to her. Unfortunately, all that accomplished was to cause her face to brush and rub involuntarily against the underside of Ryo's manhood, undoubtably making the situation that much worse. "N-no! Please! Stop!" she gasped, tears and a bit of involunatry drool covering her face as the suffering girl lost any and all remaining composure. All she could do now was beg for mercy, and try to figure out how things had gone so completely, horribly wrong!

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Distinguished Competition:  Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!) - Page 5 Empty Re: Distinguished Competition: Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:57 pm

Despite her struggles, Ryo managed, if just barely, to hold her in place, licking and rubbing against her, the Ryo Delight proving to be more of a humiliation for the bombshell than anything else, though Ryo couldn't resist a moan as her soft face and lips were rubbed against him.

Finally, when he felt himself unable to hold her up any longer, he suddenly dropped to his knees, planting the girl headfirst onto the mat, with only his discarded speedo offering any bare kind of "cushioning" from the impact.

But the move didn't end there, as after dropping her on her head, her legs flopping onto the mat, he spun himself over, sitting nude on her chest, butt rubbing against her boobs, knee's pinning her arms down, as his not fully hard member still had contact with her face, the boy reaching back to hook one of her legs for a pin attempt!


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Distinguished Competition:  Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!) - Page 5 Empty Re: Distinguished Competition: Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!)

Post by Lunchador Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:21 pm

Holly hung in the air for a moment, helpless.  Her body was hanging in Ryo's grip on full, helpless display, her face struggling against his member with helpless, futile vigor.  "Auughh, no ... Please, stop ..." she whined, as the final bits of grace and honor that she'd insisted upon earlier fled from her persona.  "Uuuhhhh, nonono ..."  she was sobbing, now, wet face rubbing energetically against Ryo's manhood, unable to spare herself a single bit of dignity as he displayed his dominance, over her.

When the two of them finally dropped, Holly head was rocked against the mat.  The sudden shock of pain went up her spine, making her entire body convulse as Ryo put her to sleep in full view of the fans.  When he dropped her, Holly fell spread-eagle onto the mat.  Her legs and arms went wide, highlighting how helpless and weak she looked as Ryo knocked the formerly haughty wrestler out, and left her lying on the mat, helpless.

To make matters worse, the force of her impact knocked Holly's generous breasts right back out of her ring gear.  She'd fought hard to get them wrangled in, again, but the impact of the Ryo Driver had put them right back out, in front of the entire audience.  As Ryo straddled her for the pin, his thighs would swing right across her soft, sensitive, quivering flesh.  Pinned against the mat, Holly was powerless to fight back.  Her legs kicks back weakly, but lacked any strength and power to save her.


Soon after that, though, the Brit and her remaining fans realized she had nothing left.  Holly's fate was sealed, humiliated beneath the naked figure of her oh-so-irritating opponent.  At ringside, her mentor and protector was still recovering from the well-placed sucker punch he'd eaten, earlier. Blanco was just coming to, in time to hear the ref count.  Holly, meanwhile, was lying humiliated and exposed in the center of the mat.  Both members of the wresting couple were laid out flat, forced to soak in their absolute failure.  Holly's humiliated body sat beneath Ryo like a trophy, spread eagle and breasts in full view, all of her protests for dignity and honorable treatment having clearly come to naught ...


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Distinguished Competition:  Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!) - Page 5 Empty Re: Distinguished Competition: Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:21 am

Unable to resist some sexy taunting, Ryo leaned forward, humping against Holly's face for the final two pinfall counts.

The bell rang, his music playing as he stood up, admiring the unconscious blondes breasts before planting his foot between them, bending down to grab his speedos from under her head, raising them into the air as his new found fans in the crowd cheered loudly for him.

"Damn babe, you're tough to put away. Hope I get to face you again!"

He said, pulling his speedo on before leaving the ring, victorious in his debut match. Wait till Tai and Chigusa heard about this!

Check out the recently revamped Roster Page, now with pics!

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Age : 34

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Distinguished Competition:  Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!) - Page 5 Empty Re: Distinguished Competition: Holly Matheson vs. Ryo Kamiya (Debut!)

Post by Lunchador Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:03 am

The audience reaction was mixed: some felt pity for Holly, being beaten and debased like this. Most, however, were enjoying the sudden turn of events: the formerly posh and poised Brit, forced to nap in the center of the ring and getting reduced to a hump-toy by her opponent.

Holly was just lucky to be unconscious, completely unaware of Ryo's manhood bumping and grinding against her soft face while she couldn't do anything about it. Going back and watching the tapes later, however, was certainly going to be hell. Revenge would certainly be on Holly's mind at some point, but for now, there was nothing. Just the gentle rise and fall of her bare, generous chest, the only sign of life from the Brit.

After Ryo had taken his leave, Blanco had recovered enough to roll into the ring, try and collect his girl's body, and get her backstage. After all this, Holly was going to need a good amount of recovery time, both physically and mentally, before stepping into the ring again.

Winner: Ryo, via pinfall.

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