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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Lunchador Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:22 pm

At ringside, Blanco was watching Holly get stretched out while he felt powerless to do anything about it. He could hear Ami's taunts from in the ring over the combination of the crowd, and Holly's own, helpless screams. Blanco could only scowl, and shake his head. Holly was getting completely owned, by the bluenette supermodel. Blanco was tempted to throw in the towel, at this point, as the AFW veteran seemed to have her beaten at every turn. Still, the luchador knew how important this match was, to Holly. He shook his head, refusing to throw in the towel as long as there was any chance the British Bombshell could still fight back, and pull off the win!

Holly, meanwhile, was still trying to turn things around and get herself closr to that win. Struggling, body shaking with the effort, Holly managed to force herself up toward her feet. And, miraculously, Ami seemed to give up the hold! Doubled over, bum in the air, Holly let out a massive sigh of relief as the excrutiating pain in her arms subsided. That respite, however, would be short lived, as Ami's toned legs snapped around Holly's neck!

"Aah!" Holly squealed, as she was trapped in the leg lock. "Nnnnghh," she moaned, as she felt Ami's thighs close in around her neck, her shin up against the Brit's throat! Holly's arms flailed from side to side, as she tried to escape in a panic! Holly went to her knees immediately, just before her legs started kicking back, ending with one splayed out behind her. Holly's face went bright red, as Ami cut off the flow of air to the Brit. Placing her hands against Ami's toned legs, Holly tried pushing, a desperate and decidedly less technical escape attempt than the Brit would have given, if she weren't so incredibly fearful, at the moment!

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Teenwrestler Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:52 pm

The supermodel was hitting two birds with one stone, torturing Holly and taunting her while agitating her boyfriend and manager,Gato at ringside. The supermodel tried to play her cards right, asking Holly first and after she was being stubborn and refused to give up, she turned to Gato and tried to force him to throw in the towel for her but he too respected his girlfriends decision and decided not to give up for her, not unless she herself gave up.

"Not a good boyfriend are you? Oh her suffer then" she said with a cruel smile as she began to change tactics, locking in a scissors now. The supermodel laughed at her opponents silly tactics to squirm her way out of this submission move, Ami's hand moved up around Holly's hair to play with it, then her fingers pinched her nose- then her fingers going down to her mouth, her fingers hooking around inside of her lips to fishhook her mouth to further insult her, while her legs squeezed around her neck as tightly as possible while she simply shook her head when Holly tried to use her hands to get Ami's legs off.

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Lunchador Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:33 pm

Blanco paced in tight circles around his position at ringside. Hands on his hips, head shaking, there was nothing he could do but wait for Holly to surge back. Or not. He could tell the buxom Brit was weakening in Ami's grip, slowly choking the life out of her. Frustratingly, Blanco knew Holly was better than this, she should have been able to figure out a way out of this. However, with Ami's thighs clamped down tight around Holly's head, there was no way she could hear any advice or encouragement he might try to give. He was right there, but Holly was still all alone, in the ring!

Holly was still struggling against Ami, still, in the middle of the ring. Unfotunately, the Brit's struggles were growing visibly weaker, as time went on. Her legs were trembling, her body quivering as Ami kept the leg scissor locked in. Holly stared down tearfully at Ami's sadistic grin, letting out a high-pitched "Hhhnnnn~!" of anguish. There was fear and humiliation in Holly's face, as she looked at the sheer joy her opponent was experiencing while she dominated her. Holly felt totally helpless, useless to act against the supermodel. "Nnnnuh," Holly tried to protest, as Ami pinched her nose, strated fishhooking her to further Holly's absolute humiliation. The crowd jeered, as Holly went lower. Her body was going totally limp, hands falling from Ami's legs as she slowly melted into the mat.

"Ref! Call that!" Blanco shouted, coming to life as he saw Ami's fingers probing and poking at Holly's mouth. "Break the hold, dammit, that's an illegal fishhook! Come on and do your job!" Blanco didn't know how much good it would do to get the ref to break the hold, however, even if he fishhook was an illegal hold. The damage was done, and from the looks of Holly, there might not be much left that the poor British Bombshell's body could take.

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Teenwrestler Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:14 am

The supermodel could sense that Blanco was getting impatient and worried for the missus. She loved messing with other people's emotions and she was loving the fact that Gato could only stand there, feel helpless while the supermodel could torture the Brit right infront of his very own eyes.

Meanwhile, it was easy for Ami to sit on her butt and her legs were around Holly's head, squeezing her out as hard as she could. Her legs flexed as she jerked her legs a bit while tightening it even more to really make sure her breathing was limited. Further, she added insult to injury, pinching her nose, smacking her cheek and finally fishhooking her mouth to embarrass the Brit infront of everyone.

Ami ignored Gato, who was fuming at the referee for not doing his job- rightfully so. The confused official quickly turned around and tried to persuade the supermodel to let go and after an initial refusal, she did comply with his request and eventually did let her go when she felt Holly sinking into the mat.

"Well,well,well....stubborn till the end huh? Check her referee" she said as she slowly unwrapped her legs from Holly's neck, allowing the referee to check whether she was out or not.

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Lunchador Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:27 pm

Blanco looked on, shaking his head. Holly had gone utterly limp, sinking to the mat, as Ami choked the life out of her body. The British Bombshell had refused to tap out, unwilling to submit to the infuriating supermodel. And now, it looked as if that supermodel had forced her to take a nap, right in front of the entire arena. Had Holly simply traded one humiliation for another?

The ref came down to check her over. Holly's red, tear-soaked face gave no discernible signs of life. The crowd went silent, as it appeared the supermodel had put an end to her hated foe. Those who had been rooting for Ami cheered, lightly, anticipating her win. Those who had rallied behind the bombshell held their breaths, hoping the fight wasn't over, yet.

The ref lifted Holly's arm, at the wrist. When she released it, Holly's arm flopped lifelessly to the mat. Some fans cheered Ami's name, while others clapped to try and rally the Bombshell.

"Come on, Holly!" Blanco shouted from ringside, hands on the ring apron. "Come on, you can't let this bitch beat you!" He began pounding his hands on the mat, rallying some of the fans to do it as well, trying to rally their fighter back to life. From beneath the mask, however, Blanco was clearly worried that his girl was finished.

The ref lifted Holly's arm again, and once more it flopped lifelessly to the ground. At this point, even the ref seemed to have given up on Holly. She lifted the arm a third and final time, a look of pity on her face. This third time, however, Holly shocked the arena by rallying! Once released, Holly kept her arm aloft, clenching her once-limp hand into a fist!

The fans cheered, Blanco let out of a sigh of relief. Holly held her arm high for all of them, the sound of their voices and support having reached through the fog and brought her back from the brink! But the Bombshell knew she had to act fast- Ami was still choking her out, and she needed to fight back! Tensing her arm, Holly dropped a hard elbow strike right into Ami's thigh. Running on adrenaline, Holly did it again and again, trying to pummel the supermodel's toned and perfect legs until she could force her to break the hold!

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Teenwrestler Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:48 pm

The supermodel had it easy, she had to take a seat behind Holly while her legs were around her head and she squeezed away, harder and harder each time Holly would resist and refuse to give up. "*Yawn* This is easy, a nice leg day work out for me, I could read a book too"she said, mocking her further as she seemed to sink down to the mat, offering no resistance now. "What? Over already, Fiiiine. Referee, check her"she commanded the referee while still laying down on her butt, her legs around her neck not squeezing so hard so much as she knew the match was done and dusted at this point.

Ami quickly turned her head to Gato, who was shouting at his missus to get up. "You be quiet AND watch your mouth"she hissed at that bitch comment. "It's over mr.luchador, she's done...she's out there's no way she's getting back up n- huh?" suddenly Ami's attention turned towards Holly when she didn't hear her hand fall flat to the mat the third and final time, instead it stayed up and clenched into a fist as the Brit began to smack Ami's thigh, causing her to moan out and her scissor grip weakening.

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Lunchador Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:24 pm

The crowd's voices began to rise, as Holly's body did. Everyone from Holly's fans her opponent seemed to think the match had been lost. Seeing her come back to life, fighting from the very brink of defeat, got the fans rallying behind her. Blanco began leading the fans in a rhythmic clap, pounding out a beat in time to Holly's forearm strikes against the supermodel's leg.

Ami's grip weakened, as Holly beat down on her. Some of the color began to return to the Bombshell's face, as she felt her airways open up. Gasping, Holly started to get herself back upright. Planting her boots on the mat, Holly pushed herself upright. Her head was still in the hold, but the Brit was able to get her generous bottom into the air, straightening her legs as she got herself closer to upright.

"Uhn! R-release mee~!" Holly cried out, as she squirmed in Ami's grip. Gritting her teeth, Holly summoned whatever strength she could; if the supermodel was going to let go, Holly figured it would only be after she forced her to. With the adrenaline rush of the crowd behind her, and the renewed energy she was feeling after fighting her way out of total, humiliating defeat, the Brit was feeling bold enough to try something bold.

With Ami's grip loosened, Holly was able to get another arm into Ami's space. Latching onto Ami's arms around the wrists, one in each hand, Holly began to pull. Lifting from her knees, the Brit began to try and pull the slender supermodel up off the mat! "Rrrrghhhh," Holly moaned, the effort taxing her. But, if she could manage to get her opponent off the mat, the payoff would be worth it: slamming Ami's back down hard, with a sitout powerbomb!

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Teenwrestler Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:19 pm

Ami was beginning to get worried as her opponent started to rise back up. She was no longer slipping into unconsciousness but manage to hit blow after blow to the supermodels thigh and manage to make her loosen up her hold from where the Brit would break out of it. The crowd and Blanco did their part to cheer her on and support her, all that helped her to fight back against the bluenette.

"Mngh way, you should be OUT by now, why the hell would I let you go"she barked back at the Brit as the supermodel tried to regain her focus and reapply the hold. However, with the hold loosened up, Holly was able to get another arm into Ami's space and latch onto the supermodels arm while pulling at them, pulling the featherweight model off the mat and slam her down on her back in a devastating powerbomb


Ami's back slammed against the mats hard, causing her head to bounce off it as her world was rocked, she was stunned momentarily by that as she let out a loud moan, down on the mat and not moving much.

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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Lunchador Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:20 am

Holly's body was trembling, as she lifted Ami into the air. The crowd was cheering in suprise, Blanco clapping along encouragingly, voices rising into cheers as the Bombshell slammed the supermodel into the mat. Holly was left on her knees gasping for air, still feeling the effects of Ami's brutal choke that she'd just barely escaped.

The powerbomb had taken a lot out of the Brit. It had been a tough move, a desperate move, taken when she'd had a surge of energy. That surge was now spent, leaving Holly feeling weak once again. But, as she looked at the blue-haired supermodel, it seemed to have paid off. Ami was flat on her back, moaning, motionless. After all the mockery and pain, Holly felt as though she were taking way too much satisfaction out of that fact.

"Keep moving, missus! You can win this one!" Blanco shouted, rousing Holly out of her reverie. Nodding, the Brit pushed herself off her knees, and started to crawl over the downed Ami. Settling her own curvy body on top of the fit young supermodel, Holly settled into a pinfall. She reached out, planting her arms on Ami's biceps to hold her down. Holly's ample breasts settled in on Ami's face, smothering her a bit as Holly let her head bend low, biting her lip in anticipation of the three-count. Holly's heart was racing, hoping against hope that she was going to get the pin here, and that she'd come back from the brink to put Ami down! After coming so close to suffering humiliating, devastating defeat at Ami's hands. Now, Holly had her on the ropes. Holly hoped desperately that she had finally managed to put the supermodel to bed!


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Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson - Page 4 Empty Re: Supermodel vs. Bombshell- Ami Takeuchi vs. Holly Matheson

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:23 pm

The match quickly turned around as for one moment, it seemed as if the supermodel was going to win the match for sure but the encouragement by Gato and the crowd gave her the boost she needed and found her second wind, only to counter out of the supermodels clutches and instead turn the match around by lifting the supermodel up and slamming her down onto the mat in a strong powerbomb, Ami's head bounced off the ring mat as she laid flat on her back, totally caught by her opponents strength and ability as before the match she probably never thought Holly could ever pull something like that.

With the supermodel motionless and down on her back, this was a perfect chance to go for a pinfall and Gato exactly told her on what to do, which was just that. Her body squirmed on top of the supermodel, her arms onto Ami's biceps to pin them down while her breasts against her face to smother her a bit. Ami wriggled about just a bit, letting out a small muffled moan due to the smother but hearing the count of one, her eyes flickered and she knew what was happening to her.


Right at the count of two, the supermodel kicked her legs up, while arching her back upwards to shove Holly off her, moving to one side to lift her shoulders up and barely manage to break the pin before the three count.

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