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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Mystery Dragon Thu May 05, 2016 9:54 pm

Standard match

Lion began playing throught the arena and soon enough Amy appeared in her typical getup, letting out a primal roar to the audience before beginning her her slow crawl down to the ring. As she came to the steps she removed her fake claws and wig before getting in the ring.

From there she pranced around the ring moved to her corner to await her opponent. She'd been told she'd be in for a fight this time around which she always loved to hear. Now all she had to was wait.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

Posts : 6257
Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Cirno Sat May 07, 2016 4:36 am

It hadn't been to long since Karina had stepped foot in the ring again, but it seemed this time she might actually get a match more to her liking. The conditions were pretty boring, though when she glanced at the TV to watch her opponent's entrance, she raised a brow. It seemed this woman was dressed up like she was some kind of cat or predator. She would would raise from her seat once it was time for her intro, yawning as she headed for the backstage.

Soon she stepped out, wearing her more casual schoolgirl outfit rather than the punkish looking one, with the first top button of her blouse opened for some breathing room. She stepped down the ramp, doing a simple stretch with her arms as she made her way down the ramp and to the ring. She didn't seem to care much for the crowd even though it was sometimes a delight to hear them cheer or boo, mainly because it helped her decide what kind of matches they would enjoy seeing her in.

She rolled into the ring, right under the bottom ropes before she made her way back up onto her feet, doing a few more stretches to get herself warmed up for the fight, keeping one eye on her opponent.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Mystery Dragon Sat May 07, 2016 9:20 am

Her opponent looked relatively uninterested in everything as she came down to the ring, almost blocking out everything around her entirely which rubbed the blonde the wrong way. Did she think this was gonna be some walk in the park that she'd just arrive beat her down and leave? If Amy didn't have enough motivation to take her down she did now, she wasn't going to be overlooked.

"So your the famous Beast or Carnivore everybody told me about." Amy said as she looked Karina up and down. "Don't look like much of either but I'm willing to bet there's more to ya. Well there better be if you wanna last 3 minutes in here with me." Amy boasted to her opponent as she prepared herself.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

Posts : 6257
Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Cirno Sun May 08, 2016 4:26 am

Karina turned her attention at her opponent, soon bringing her left hand up and slamming her right fist against it, rolling her shoulders as she was just about ready to fight, letting her opponent talk for the time being as Karina was all warmed up and ready to begin, simply waiting for the bell to get things started.

" Huh. I was thinking the same thing about you. " Karina would finally reply casually, hearing the bell ring right afterwards and would push forward from her left forward, quickly closing the distance between them as her arms raised, her hands seeking to grasp Amy by the shoulders so she could force the woman into a tight lockup.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun May 08, 2016 4:43 am

Amy kept her eyes on Karina as she casually warmed up, apparently not feeling like Amy warranted any concern still, well if she was trying to rile up the blonde before the match she had succeeded as Amy could think of nothing better then to just charge in and take her head off the minute the bell rang.

However as she prepared to do that Karina charged in and brought her hands up, Amy instinctively did the same and the two started the match in a lock up. Pushing with all she had, Amy made sure not to give any ground to her opponent and give her more reasons to lord over her but after awhile in the struggle Amy merley opted to raise her knee and drive into Karina's belly to get the advantage.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

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Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Cirno Fri May 13, 2016 3:08 am

Karina was going to find out what kind of strength Amy had at her possession, and what better way to get the results then to use a Test of Strength! She smirked when the woman locked up with her, keeping her eyes on her opponents as her arms tensed and flexed, trying to show off her strength right away in an attempt to overpower the woman.

She should have seen the sneaky knee move coming as it was quite often used in these types of things, though even when it rammed into her exposed stomach, she could not help but grin, realizing that she was stronger than Amy just from that one attack, though it was mainly because she thought the woman couldn't win the lockup without striking her, which did wind up Karina a bit.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Mystery Dragon Fri May 13, 2016 3:20 am

Seeing Karina grin despite Amy getting the advantage was a little disturbing but not so much that Amy pondered it much she had to maintain control now that she had it, she couldn't waste time and let Karina get aback into the fray. "Not bad but let's see if you have anything other then strength going for you."

With that Amy would let go of one of her hands as she pulled Karin in close with the other one before driving two quick punches int Karinas belt to make her fold up. From there Amy would hook one of Karinas arms over her neck and pull her in for a back to back suplex, arching her back as she attempted the move.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

Posts : 6257
Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Cirno Sun May 15, 2016 4:25 am

Karina wanted to respond, though she was given two more punches before she could, forcing her to cough softly and bend forward, enough for Amy to capitalize on that as she was pulled in and brought down in a back to back suplex. There was little she could do to stop it, other than giving that neck a squeeze before the impact came.

She groaned loudly in annoyance, trying to slowly roll away from Amy so she could get back up onto her feet to defend herself.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun May 15, 2016 4:32 am

Karina was thrown up and over in the suplex and hit the ground hard just as Amy planned before she rolled through to continue. However as she got up she saw that Karina had also begun back tracking as she tried to roll away from her and get up.

"No you don't." Amy said as she ran after the escaping beast and pressed her boot down on if she could to stop her. If that succeeded she would run to the ropes to jump of them In a Lionsault to to crush Karina under her weight.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

Posts : 6257
Join date : 2016-02-04
Age : 28

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

Post by Cirno Tue May 17, 2016 3:04 am

Karina pushed against the canvas once she had created enough distance between the two, but it seemed Amy was up faster and closed in quick enough to bring that boot upon the Beast's back to keep her down, causing Karina to release a soft grumble, forcing her to behave for the time being while she looked for a way to turn the tables and get her own strength to pulverize this woman.

That opportunity came when Amy went to the ropes to jump off them leaving Karina with little time to roll to the side and away, allowing Amy to only hit the canvas rather that Karina's softer body. Karina would take the chance to quickly roll on top of Amy, trying to keep the woman down so she could straddle her lower back.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine Empty Re: Amy "Lion" Evans vs Karina "The Beast" Rine

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