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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The King Glory or Not???

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty The King Glory or Not???

Post by KillerV Wed May 18, 2016 4:31 am


It was a silent quiet night in the arena except the only sounds going on is the crowd chattering echoing inside with some camera flashing taking pictures of random surrounding like the Titantron or the stage, wrestling ring, other peoples in the audience, they're all waiting for the start of the match or something but not entirely sure, most of the news for tonight is well kept secret, hidden from any spoilers as possible.... until now.

Just like as it feels after hundreds of people thinking of who is showing up tonight or who is against who or wanted to see some hot wrestling chicks to check out, but with a very familiar music starts playing, instantly everyone reacts like instinct with loud boos and theres a big reason for that, Killer King approaching on stage.

He wore black shoes, wrestling black pants, no shirts on and his signature black leopard mask with red eyes, easily can be seen from very far distance. King appearing which is something going to be bad, very bad, he roars out loud flexing his big guns full of muscles and some people up close, can see he is holding a mic, guess he wants to rant as he making his way down to the ring until he can roll himself in and moving to the center, a perfect view due to his massive size.

"SHUT UP! I have something important to talk about!" He shouted on the mic which everyone didnt shut up like he asked them to, instead they booing him even louder than before, some even risking to throw some half empty water bottle at him, but wouldnt reach very far. "I wanted to let everyone know, even reminder that I should be the next champion! I have defeated many, MANY opponents from every sides around here, from Friction, Kawaii, Tension, muscular type, tiny type, speedy, power, whatever! I have beaten every one! Not all, but very significant amount though!" He paused for a moment to catch his breath while everyone booing him even more before he continues to rant even he thinks its important. "I know theres more out there waiting to get their asses kick, I dont know their names though, Im sure they're popular like me..... but once they lose to me, oh I'll remember them alright, big time! So anyone back there is still alive and not afraid, GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE AND FACE ME! We can do whatever the match you want, I'll do it, hentai, cage match, whatever! As long that your ass is in my filthy hands! HAHAHA!" He then stood there eyeing on stage just waiting whoever coming out.

Second goes by and still no one showing up......

King is about to raise his mic to taunt them out again........

"Come on you stupid bitch.... just get out here RIGHT NOW!"

KillerV- Character Select

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Join date : 2011-07-14
Age : 40

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty Re: The King Glory or Not???

Post by TiefBlau Wed May 18, 2016 12:43 pm

Heather had mostly just kept herself in Friction more than anything. She liked the competition there and made quite a few good rivals and relations with the rest of the girls. Today t hough, she was paying a little visit to Tension, the place where she spent quite a bit of her time during her first real run in the company. She was in the back, watching the monitors as she saw what was going on in the ring. She grinned a little. The idea of taking on someone like that and staking her claim back as one of the toughest girls in the company was just rushing through her head. She nodded a little, quickly making her way out and to the arena.

Her music played over the speakers finally as an answer to King's words, Heather making her way out to the stage area, dressed in her purple fishnet top, black bikini top underneath, black baggy pants, and her boots. She stood there with a mic in her hand, grinning as she got quite the ovation from the crowd, just basking in t he reaction she was getting for a while as she looked over all of them and then down to the ring.

"Alriight enouugh. Shut the hell up already" She let out, making her way down the ramp as her music died down. "Think just cause you're some big guy you can come out here and waste everyone's time with your little boasting? Figured I'd come around here and shut you up for once. Thought that this lovely Tension crowd would like that quite a bit." She said, a huge grin on her face as she climbed into the ring.

"Sure you know my name already..and if you don't?..Well you're even more stupid than you look. You wanna talk about a challenge? I'll take you on. If you're not afraid of a..little girl kicking your'll fight me. No disqualifications. Anything goes."


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Join date : 2011-02-01

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty Re: The King Glory or Not???

Post by KillerV Wed May 18, 2016 5:28 pm

Just when King about to rant some more, suddenly someone else music starts playing and out comes a woman appearing on stage to tell him to shut up as she talks. Her obnoxious voice squeaking on the mic as the bitch comes in the ring with the monstrous man beast inside showing she have enough guts to stands close by him.

Once shes finished talking like a pip squeak mouse, then its King turn to respond. "Ah yes I know who you are.... Heather Sunderland, the one who managed to defeat my ex partner Kent Quick, thats a huge upset on him." He then slowly moving close to stand couple foot from her. "But, the difference betwewn him and me, I KNOW I'll defeat you AND accept this NHB match, anything goes... just wondering...." King stepping in even close so the snout of his mask nearly up close to Heather face. "Are you good enough to beat me, Queen of Jobber Heather?"

King would slowly lowering the mic down and continues to stare into Heather face, not going to attack her or anything, but want to send some shear fears into her eyes and mind.

With King mic lower down so no one can hear what King gonna tell her in private so its just her and him. "Dont you love to lose? I can clearly help you with that since im sure you need it really badly, jobber queen."

KillerV- Character Select

Posts : 8962
Join date : 2011-07-14
Age : 40

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty Re: The King Glory or Not???

Post by TiefBlau Thu May 19, 2016 2:56 am

Heather stood in the ring in front of him with that wide grin plastered on her face. Nothing was making that falter as she stood proudly, having no doubts in this little challenge. She watched as he went on before she heard him call her "Queen of Jobber"--A title that honestly made no sense to her. She tilt her head slightly with her hands on her hips, blinking a few times as she was honestly a bit confused.

She tapped her foot as he gave her that look, standing as tall as she could before him, shaking her head. "If you're trying to intimidate me, it's not gonna work. I'm not like some of the cowering girls that you faced up till now." She let out, slightly insulted from the little staredown.

As he leaned in though, saying what he did just to her, she clicked her tongue--lowering her mic as well. "The hell are you talking about? I love to lose? Dabbling in some sort of tabloid magazine or something? Those aren't good for you you know. Some people actually start believing what they read from those silly things."


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Join date : 2011-02-01

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty Re: The King Glory or Not???

Post by KillerV Thu May 19, 2016 3:30 am

While both Heather and King are up each other faces, well Heather face against King beastly mask, glaring at each other as they're exchanging words his soon to be opponent seems to be confused thinking King is being delusional saying things that isnt true about Heather, unless, he can MAKE it happen.

"What? You dont think my words arent true or something? You do know that.... whatever I say, always comes true."

Then King stood up bringing his mic up to his snout and turning around walking away from Heather. "Everyone! Ladies and gentlemen! Its official! Our match gonna be No Holds Barred anything goes! And it should start like... you know... right now!"

King would drop the mic and turning around attempting to pull his fist out and back, like the beast about to smack her with his biggest punch to Heather face, but he only wanted to psyche her, freak out the purple haired babe just to humiliate in front of everyone.

KillerV- Character Select

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Join date : 2011-07-14
Age : 40

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty Re: The King Glory or Not???

Post by TiefBlau Fri May 20, 2016 1:47 pm

"Ha--so you're even more full of yourself than I thought. Ridiculous. We'll see where that gets you in our match."

She put her hands on her hips as she watched King walk away, boasting about the match, causing her to tap her foot a little. Saying it would start right now caused her to tilt her head a bit, figuring he would want to at least prepare a bit first--but if that's how he wanted it, Heather would be more than happy to oblige. She let out a long breath, narrowing her eyes as he dropped the mic, putting herself on guard.

As he turned around, seeing him pull his fist back, Heather wasn't about to let it happen. She didn't know that he wasn't actually going to punch him--but she wasn't about to take any sort of risk in calling a bluff. She leaped up, trying to catch him as he was closer to her, turning in the air to grab at his head, trying to slam him on the mat with a cutter.


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Join date : 2011-02-01

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The King Glory or Not??? Empty Re: The King Glory or Not???

Post by KillerV Fri May 20, 2016 3:57 pm

King just gloating for awhile and wanted to absorb a lot of attentions to himself, everyone knows who he is and everyone knows who she is. Just that King wanted all for himself especially when he plans on defeating Heather that his ex partner Kent Quick couldnt, he will NOT be in the same fate to lose in their match.

Just as King turning around about to feint punch to scare Heather, little did he know that his soon to be opponent jumps up to catches his big head by her arm and pulls him all the way down slamming for the impact Cutter. "UGHHH!" The beast bounces on the mat once as he lay there facing down stunned from the move, everyone just go 'OHHHHH!"

He couldnt believe he fall for that and he should of attack her for REAL but no, his scare tactic backfired on him. Now laying on the mat slowly moving his hands up to clutches his head, groaning from the out of nowhere Cutter.

KillerV- Character Select

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Join date : 2011-07-14
Age : 40

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