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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Serpon Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:06 pm

Triple Threat Match
Victory via by pin or submission

It seemed that now everyone was ready to fight. Finally, the rock star could do some damage and kick the asses of her opponent. The question was now who to attack? Saori had a chair and could defend herself. Mississippi, on the other hand, was defenseless but if she attacked her, then Saori could come in and hit Valrie with a critical blow. Attack either opponent was going to leave her in a possible bad situation.

The referee would slide in the ring as the Canadian rock star decided to then charge forward with the chair in hand. She would make her way towards Saori, attempting to close the distance between the two. Once she got close, she would reckless swing the chair at the Japanese wrestler. Valrie was trying to currently take down who she saw as the biggest threat, after all, she had always lived by the mentality of go big or go home.

Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi 3l9yoRWTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi AjbwxKgTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi DUhLLRtTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CDNLQYlTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CbtFHPg
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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by k0hryuu Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:13 pm

As the bell rang, Saori continued to wield her chair defensively. Mississippi continued to concern her greatly, but it was hard to ignore the fact Valrie had a weapon as well. Either way, she found herself in the uncommon position of not wanting to be an aggressor, though the angry rockstar quickly made the decision for her.

"Tch...!" Saori grunted, quickly swinging her own chair up to deflect Valrie's. The two metal objects clanging against each other like clashing swords, while the impact sent the larger Japanese weapon staggering backwards a few steps.

"We do still have some unfinished business..." Saori growled, lunging forward and swinging her chair back at the rockstar this time.

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Tatyina Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:14 pm

Mississippi carefully watched as the two beauties clashed. She winced at the clanging of the chairs but was relieved to see that neither of them had gone after her. She'd have hated to have bloodied up her dress with someone else's blood.

Shifting away for the moment as the match was made official, Mississippi edged towards the corner so she could watch the brawling beauties' chair fight. Something rather intriguing to witness from such an up close place. However, she did make sure to hold her scissors tightly in her grip. She made need them soon enough. Eventually one of them would get the upper had.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Serpon Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:49 am

Valrie charged forward and attempted to bring her chair down upon Saori, only to have it deflected away. This suddenly left her vulnerable, as the rockstar had not actually been thinking properly was simply giving into the rage. Due to her reckless charge, she was left exposed and couldn't properly defend herself when Saori swung the chair back. The end result was Valrie getting hit on the side, making her drop the chair and land hard on the ground. Though the match had just started, taking a chair shot was something that left her in a bad situation and for the moment she wasn't going to get up.

Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi 3l9yoRWTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi AjbwxKgTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi DUhLLRtTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CDNLQYlTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CbtFHPg
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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by k0hryuu Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:22 am

With her counterattack disarming Valrie, Saori glanced over towards Mississippi, who apparently was not making a move yet. Those scissors still made the Japanese woman feel very uneasy, but she knew the violent rockstar wasn't about to stay down after one hit either.

"Tch... Goddammit..." she grumbled under her breath, tossing her own chair to the side and leaping towards the downed Valrie, attempting to put a boot to her face. Better to deal with her problems one at a time, after all. Assuming that they'd let her at least.

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Serpon Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:49 pm

The match had just started and things were already looking terrible for Valrie. Not even a minute had passed since the bell rang and she had already taken a brutal chair shot while the other two wrestlers in the match had not taken a single hit yet. Her body was hurting but she wanted to get back into the fight, wanted to show everyone that she wasn't going to be taken down so easily.

She would try to start to get up but before she knew what was going on, she would be hit in the face by a brutal stomp in the face. Her debut was now going terribly. Her natural instincts got her to cover her face before attempting to roll away, trying to get out of the ring so that she could recover for a bit.

Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi 3l9yoRWTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi AjbwxKgTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi DUhLLRtTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CDNLQYlTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CbtFHPg
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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Tatyina Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:37 pm

Now that the two seemed fairly focused on one another, Mississippi looked over the girls. As Saori tried to stomp down on 's face, Mississippi took a step forward and then, with a quickness that belied her usual languishing pace, she opened her scissors and clutched them at the fulcrum, then ran past Saori.

She stuck out her scissors and slashed the edge at Saori's back and then slid out of the ring, baseball style. She quickly spun around and with a flourish closed her scissors and clutched them tightly to her once more.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by k0hryuu Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:42 pm

"That's right, you better AAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Saori shouted angrily at the fleeing Valrie when a sharp, searing pain sliced across her back. Writhing in agony, she caught a glimpse of the crazy Mississippi slipping right past her, scissors in hand. Reaching over her shoulder, the Japanese woman could feel her t-shirt sliced cleanly open, and just a little bit of sticky fluid coming forth from exactly where her back was stinging.

It didn't even take a moment to register exactly what had happened. "YOU PSYCHOTIC BITCH!" Saori ran towards the ropes and leaned over the edge, roaring down towards the American woman, her pain temporarily forgotten as she seethed with rage. "THAT'S DANGEROUS AS FUCK! WHAT THE HELL!?"

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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Serpon Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:15 pm

It seemed that Valrie had gotten a break when her two other opponents started to fight among each other, or at least that is what it sounded like to her. Right now she was still hurting badly from the attack but had managed to roll towards the ropes before rolling out of the ring. Hitting the floor sure did hurt but hopefully, now she was out of everyone sight. She would take a moment to catch her breath and attempted to start to gather herself but it would be a while before she got back to her feet.

Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi 3l9yoRWTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi AjbwxKgTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi DUhLLRtTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CDNLQYlTriple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi CbtFHPg
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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

Post by Tatyina Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:53 pm

Mississippi backed away and held her scissors up at as a shield as Saori angrily loomed over her. She flashed the angry giant a coy smile and shyly turned her head.

"Now, now..." She purred softly. "Yer gonna come after lil ol me? I was just feelin lonely, that's all. Y'all were havin so much fun. Then I got excited and then my hand slipped." Mississippi bowed her head courteously. "You sure can go on back to that pale lil siren if ya like." Mississippi said, pleasantly while waving the back of her hand at Saori limply.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi Empty Re: Triple Threat Match: Valrie vs. Saori vs. Mississippi

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