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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Music to their ears [For Rei]

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Music to their ears [For Rei] Empty Music to their ears [For Rei]

Post by LunarWolf Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:46 am

This had been a rather fun night, Belinda had decided to head to some fun little concert here in Tokyo in the middle of summer. It felt like a perfect way to relax and you know...not let things bother her as much as they were. Looking to clear her mind a bit with this little concert, that was the reason that she had gone here tonight. It had been a rather well done concert by some pretty small time bands, and she had enjoyed herself so far. Belinda was wearing a pair of black jeans short shorts and a tight fitting t-shirt. A pair of black knee high boots along with a few colored light stick wristbands around her left arm.

Currently the young blond stood in line at the stand right outside of the concert, they were selling shirts, posters and all sorts of things that had to do with the bands that had been playing tonight. It seemed like the perfect chance the get some momentous of this night. There was only a handful of people in front of her, a slur of Japanese men and women....though there was something that clearly stood out, long vibrant red hair on a very pretty woman who stood right in front of her now. It wasn't that common to see someone as beautiful as the redhead that stood in front of the blond cutie. The young blond would soon start to hum along at one of the songs that had played tonight as she simply waited in line at the moment.


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Music to their ears [For Rei] Empty Re: Music to their ears [For Rei]

Post by Rei Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:43 pm

It had been Aless' goal that she not dwell on thoughts about wrestling and her recent match tonight; for the most part, she had succeeded. But as she stood in line, purposefully occupying herself with mumbling lyrics and bouncing lightly to the music that was still playing quietly on the speakers as everyone dispersed from the night's concert, her fingers ended up moving to one of the bruises that she had sustained while she had fought Peggy - a bruise she was proud of. She wanted more of them, from more opponents like Peggy.

She shook her head lightly to send the thoughts away. No, she was here to dance and flirt and relax, as always, not to be excited and anxious - which she always was around the gym at the arena these days.

She resumed her bobbing, and briskly took stock of who was in line with her. It was unsurprising that most of them were Japanese, most of them decked out in the same blacks, whites, and grays that Aless sported with her tank top, black jeans skirt, and black, strappy heels. It was a rock concert she had attended, after all. She had probably danced up against some of them at some point during the night.

A look over her shoulder, and she froze. A blonde head was directly behind her, and Aless was almost certain once she studied the woman's features that she recognized her as someone from AFW. The redhead whirled back around. It was a ridiculous fear that she had, that someone would bring up her in-ring match - she had worn a mask and made her hair as unrecognizable as possible - but seeing someone familiar made her nervous, anyway. She stared at the ground, wondering if the woman had noticed her.


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Join date : 2015-04-17

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Music to their ears [For Rei] Empty Re: Music to their ears [For Rei]

Post by LunarWolf Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:19 pm

Belinda looked on at the redhead as she turned her gaze towards her, the redhead was quick to turn back....looking rather startled. Belinda was a but surprised about that and now that she thought about it the woman looked kind of familiar...she wasn't sure where she had seen the woman but she kinda felt like she had to learn where.

The young blond would try to softly poke at the beautiful redheaded woman's shoulder, " Uhmm..excuse me ?" She let out as she would try and bring her other hand up to wave, she spoke English of course as Belinda's Japanese wasn't very good. She also kind of figured that the redhead would probably speak English as well. " Do I know you from somwhere ?" She asked as she'd throw a kind and friendly smile towards the beautiful woman.


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Age : 31
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