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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by k0hryuu Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:17 am

Misuzu Kishitani vs. Noel Vermillion
Lingerie Apartment match
Both fighters dressed in lingerie. Victory via submission or KO.

After a bit of a long fight with her roommate Momoka, Misuzu had to take a bit of time off from the AFW to recover. At least the two of them made up with each other and the end, and ultimately nothing really came out of it, other than a lot of bruises (particularly around their breasts and crotch). Because of that, however, she now had quite a bit of experience when it came to fighting in an apartment living room. Also while fighting in her underwear too, conveniently enough. She already knew her opponent for tonight was a pretty timid blonde who Momoka already fought and humiliated once, so she was hardly worried about it. She'd get more than enough chance to relieve some frustrations and have some fun tonight.

The perverted ninja entered the area where the match was to take place, basically a replica of a small apartment within the AFW building. It was sparsely furnished, with only a couch and a coffee table, though another doorway off to the side was left open and appeared to lead into a bedroom with a twin size bed inside. She smirked slightly, making note of it as something she could use later. Of course, with her chest being almost flat as a board, Misuzu almost never wore a bra, not that she owned very many, and just showed up completely topless, in only her black lace panties. Casually flopping her tiny body out on the couch, Misuzu lounged there as she waited with a lecherous grin on her face, already eager to get things started.

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by d_ultsch Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:32 am


Noel was not in a good mood. This was not the first time Noel had to wear a skimpy outfit to a fight but she never liked showing off so much skin, especially she didn't like wearing something that emphasized her flat chest. Noel also didn't know what she was going into as Noel knew nothing about her opponent. Noel would enter the apartment to immediately notice Misuzu half-naked on the couch. "Ekkk. Why don't you have a top on?" Noel would yell out as her face immediately turned a deep red as she looked away from Misuzu.

This match was already not going Noel's way as she was greeted by the topless Misuzu. "Put a top on please. I can't fight you like that." Noel would say as she would turn to look at Misuzu hoping that the girl would take her advise and at least put a bra on.


The Den

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by k0hryuu Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:46 am

Misuzu couldn't help but giggle at Noel's reaction. The innocent ones were by far the most fun and easiest to torment. Getting up from the couch, the petite brunette slowly and seductively walked across the room towards the bashful blonde. "Too bad~ I didn't bring one with me~" she teased.

"But if it bothers you thaaat much..." a cruel grin crossed her face as she suddenly grabbed at Noel's top, "Why don't I just borrow yours?" Misuzu asked with a lecherous tone in her voice, wasting no time as she tried to strip her foe right off the bat.

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by d_ultsch Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:59 am

Noel was too bust blushing and trying not to look at Misuzu's chest to stop her opponent from just walking up to her and ripping off Noel's top. Noel immediately felt a breeze on her small chest and Noel let out a shriek as her face turned a deep crimson. "No, give me that back." Noel would say as she would try to slap Misuzu across the face before reaching for her top.

Noel hated when her opponents played dirty but all Noel could focus on was getting her top back before Misuzu started to fight back.


The Den

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by k0hryuu Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:14 am

Misuzu grinned as Noel's bra came off easier than expected, giving her a good glimpse of the girl's bare chest before a slap to the face send her staggering away. She was able to keep the blonde from snatching her top back, however, crumpling it into a ball and tossing it away from Noel as soon as she regained her footing.

"No need to act so modest~ I already got to see a lot when you fought Momoka-chan~" Misuzu taunted, attempting to retaliate with a backhand slap across the blonde's chest. "I was pretty envious, but now it looks like its my turn to play with those cute little boobs of yours."

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by d_ultsch Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:29 am

Noel watched as her top was tossed away but before Noel could move to grab it Misuzu's hand slapped across Noel's nonexistent breasts. Noel stumbled backwards holding her chest while glaring at Misuzu. "Give me my top back." Noel said before Misuzu mentioned Noel's fight against Momoka. "That was a fluke. I won't let that happen again." Noel would say as she began to look really worried as Noel remembered how bad that match had gone for her. "You just stay away while i grab my top." Noel would say as she would walk towards her top while keeping her eyes on Misuzu.


The Den

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by k0hryuu Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:46 am

"Not gonna happen~" Misuzu chuckled as she lunged at Noel, trying to grab her by the hair before sending a knee up into her gut. "But I'm perfectly fine with it if you don't wanna fight back~"

Assuming the blonde was weakened enough, the pervy ninja would attempt to drag her even further away from her top and throw her down to the carpet. "We're just getting started, but maybe I should get your panties out of the way too~?"

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by d_ultsch Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:53 am

Noel didn't have the chance to get to her top as Misuzu grabbed Noel's hair. "Let go of Ufffff!" Noel couldn't finish her sentence as Misuzu's knee slammed into Noel's gut. Noel's hands wrapped around her stomach as Misuzu tossed Noel to the carpet. "You stay away from my panties." Noel would cough out as she would try to crawl away from Misuzu before Misuzu could attack Noel again.

Thing's were looking pretty desperate for Noel. So, when Misuzu would try to attack again Noel would kick her leg out to try and land a blow between Misuzu's legs. Noel may not like fighting naked but that didn't mean that Noel wouldn't fight dirty to keep her dignity.


The Den

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by k0hryuu Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:13 am

"Why don't you make me?" Misuzu continued to taunt Noel, chasing after her before bending down to try and grab the girl's panties. However, before the pervy ninja could get her clutches on them, the blonde's leg kicked up and slammed her right in her privates.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Misuzu let out a scream as she fell to her knees, hands clutching at her aching womanhood. "Ouughhhh... you..."

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

Post by d_ultsch Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:36 am

Noel felt her foot connect with Misuzu's crotch and that brought a small smile to Noel's lips. "Serves you right, you, YOU PERVERT!" Noel would yell out before kicking her foot out again. This time Noel would aim for Misuzu's stomach to try and weaken Misuzu even more. "I won't be beaten by some pervert who is friends with that no breast girl from before." Noel said as she would not let this end like it did with Momoka.

Noel would slowly get to her feet before moving towards her top again hoping that she had weakened Misuzu enough for her to grab her top and put it back on.


The Den

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Lingerie Apartment Match!  Misuzu vs. Noel Empty Re: Lingerie Apartment Match! Misuzu vs. Noel

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