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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Deus001 Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:54 pm

Eliza was in a private cab that was departing from the Tension arena in Kyoto, she was dressed in a large red formal coat, a creamy white blouse. As well as a black leather skirt, red leggings and knee high boots. She had a composed look about herself, but inwardly the dancing passion was all over the place. Why? Because Clyde just lost the Tension World Title, to that stupid bluenette Ami Takeuchi. She had been on Eliza's radar since those comments she and her Brother made, that match was just the cherry on the cake. Eliza considered herself an even tempered woman, it took a lot to get under her skin. But those two were the exception, they made this personal in Eliza's mind.

The British woman instructed the driver to take her to the hospital, and pronto. For now she'd put her anger towards the Takeuchi's in the back, right now her concern was going to be Clyde. He hadn't been moving much after it all, and once the staff got him out Eliza promptly departed also. Thankfully at this time of night there wasn't much traffic and sure enough Ms Harenwood arrived shortly at her destination.

Eliza promptly paid the driver, giving only a pause to get her change. In contrast to the surprisingly warm weather that had been occurring back home in Britain here it was clearly getting into that time of year. Eliza sighed and promptly made her way into the hospital. She was getting looks from people who perhaps knew of her, given her popularity amongst the fans of Tension it wasn't surprising Eliza was a local celebrity.

"I'm looking for someone who's been admitted, Clyde T Gastin. Former Tension World Champ." Eliza said, hesitating with the first word of that second sentence. But she didn't show it outwardly. The receptionist might have been inclined to follow the news of Tension, as he promptly said where he was and a nurse was even there to lead the British lady.

Eventually it came to a certain ward, the nurse would say to Eliza "Please wait here. I will see if he wishes to speak to anyone." Ms Harenwood understood. The nurse promptly approached the cowboy in the room and said "Clyde-san, there's someone by the name of Harenwood Eliza wishing to see you. Shall I send her in?"

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Lobo Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:58 pm

Clyde Gastin was laid out on his hospital bed with his head wrapped up in bandages, staring silently up at the unfamiliar ceiling above as he replayed the events of the night in his head. How everything went bad. What he could have done and that his reign was over. Knowing he was a failure in the ring and a bigger one outside of it. He just wasn't good enough.

He snapped out of the brooding when he heard the nurse. His eyes going wide. He didn't think Eliza would come or WANT to see a loser like him.

He was almost too ashmed to let her see him so broken.

"Go 'head..." Clyde mutterd as he turned his head from the door.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Deus001 Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:19 am

Eliza was almost thinking of not coming here, more so for Clyde than her. Perhaps he'd prefer not letting the British woman see him in the current state, Eliza would probably do that if the roles were reversed. Given that she took pride in her looks, and certainly wouldn't agree to a no DQ match under most conventional situations. While Eliza knew she risked her well being in every match she had, there was too much that could go wrong. And it could you in the hospital.

Still Eliza didn't want to contemplate on that, right now Clyde's well being was her concern. If the cowboy didn't want her there Eliza would understand, but he had decided to agree and allow Ms Harenwood in. The nurse came in and motioned for her to come in, wordlessly the dancing passion nodded and walked in.

She gave a quiet gasp when she saw the state of Clyde, it served as a reminder of what could happen in wrestling. But it was a decision she made to be one, and she wouldn't turn back on it. Though for the sake of the cowboy Eliza gave a small smile and made to take a seat next to him, crossing her legendary legs out of habit.

"Uh hi Clyde, you......look like shite." Eliza said before biting her lip, she couldn't sugarcoat it. Side from maybe signing a bandage of his later, she coughed before going on with "Have you just woken up?"

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Lobo Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:27 pm

"Feel like shit." He replied with a smile as he was amused by Eliza's blunt response as she sat down next to him. He could hear her every step along the hospital tile, the sound of her skirt sliding against itself as she crossed her legs. Her honesty amused him.

"No... Woke up with a flash light in my eye when they were checking the damage... Doctor said it ain't all that bad on the account of my thick skull but... Yeah..."
Clyde sighed before he sighed against the hospital bed.

"I went out there against both of them ta' prove that I was a real champion. That I didn't need no help. But I guess I proved the Takeuchi's right...I wasn't good enough to keep the title by ma'self... I needed you against Reira and Emi, didn't I?"
Muttered the defeated cowboy as he wondered if he had truly become a coward.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Deus001 Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:26 pm

Eliza was certain in how Clyde felt in body, in her career she had been fortunate not to have sustained injuries that landed her in the hospital. It was more because she refused to compete in match types such as no DQ, such a choice served the dancing passion well. As it allowed her to compete many times and thus earn the renowned status she had today, however Eliza wasn't completely unwilling to get her hands dirty as evidenced when she got involved in Clyde's first title match.

Still it seemed that Clyde was going to be fine, well as best as could be given the state he was in. Thick skull indeed, he'd bled during the match with Reira and still kept trucking. The cowboy didn't say anything about a concussion but Eliza chose not to prod into that, patient confidentiality and all that. Sides it be worried about later.

Clyde promptly spoke about how Daisuke and Ami were seemingly proven right. Eliza was going to of course retort to this, but knew that it'd be best to get the words out the system. Ms Harenwood simply leaned forward and put her hand under her chin and tilted her head.

"To be perfectly honest Clyde. Daisuke and Ami are a couple of bastards, like the ones in high school who believed they were hot shite because they were a year older than the others in their class. The only way Ami is even going to be able to hold onto that belt is if her Brother aids her or cheats, plus Daisuke might even get jealous. And that can be the end of it." Eliza said, she didn't hate anyone quite like the way she did with them.

The dancing passion then chuckled and said "Trust me their time will come. Clyde with Reira, recall that I never struck her in the match you had with her. Emi was simply in self defence, I was there because I wanted to support you. Not because you needed me to obtain victory." given that Eliza was at the forefront of it all it seemed she had applied some thought to that process. Clyde needed that reassurance in her mind.

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Lobo Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:10 pm

Clyde sighed deeply, Eliza's words brought comfort because he knew she was right. He was just upset how everything had gone down. Even that Patty O'Mally probably thought he hid behind Eliza a little. It was something that ate at Clyde.

"...Yer right but even then... Maybe I did need ya... Daisuke and Ami took advantage of the fact I was alone... I just thought maybe I could show everyone I was tough enough ta' do anythin'." He said solemnly as he gripped his sheets and grit his teeth tightly.

"But I was wrong.... I wasn't good enough. I lost the title like I lost Mercy." Clyde muttered bitterly his eyes began to water, feeling like he had lost everything. He just wanted to lash out because of his failures.

"I'm just not good enough anymore, Eliza... I'm done. I wasn't good enough for her and... I sure as hell wouldn't be good fer you, not as a partner, a manager or even a..." He stopped and huffed through his nose, feeling like his head was ringing. His chest ached and he felt like everything he had fought for had just crumbled to dust.  He felt like he had lost his identity.

"She told me that you and me were an item... And if we weren't, we would be eventually... But I did everythin' ta prove her wrong, like I could make her jealous and bring her back. Been havin' sex with different women just ta' forget about her and prove her wrong, even though I knew I fell for you the night we had dinner and danced... Heh... What kinda guy does that?" Grumbled the cowboy as he sucked on tears.

"...I asked fer you ta' not be in the match because I didn't want people to think bad about ya, for helpin' me." Admitted the cowboy as he buried his face in the pillow.  "I dunno if I'm ever gonna be myself again. I was champion but I still felt empty inside, with you next ta' me... I miss her that much..." The blonde sighed and held back more tears as best he could.

"Find a better man ta' follow. I ain't... I ain't goin' nowhere but down anymore."

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Deus001 Sat Sep 24, 2016 12:09 am

If Eliza could say anything that could be considered negative about Clyde it was the fact that he was often led by his emotions, it was something that could be good as well. But it also meant that pride and other negative things could form in someone's head, Eliza knew it and had seen it in the past given her aristocratic lineage, granted it wasn't the likes of Game of Thrones but was still nasty. Would things have been different had the dancing passion actually been ringside? Maybe. Though Eliza didn't believe in the what ifs, there was no point.

Clyde then spoke about Mercy. Eliza knew this was bound to have happened, the dancing passion had been relatively tame with regards to that matter. It wasn't that Ms Harenwood was celibate, it was just that there hadn't been anyone that interested her. Growing up various boys fawned over her and sought to take her hand on the dancefloor, however Eliza was picky with regards to who she'd go with. They had to interest her, not simply view her as someone that could boost their status.

Eliza inwardly contemplated this with how she was with Clyde, it had been similar to her past years in Britain before coming to Japan. It seemed as if Clyde was blaming himself, Eliza knew better than to interrupt him. It was best to just get it out the system. When Mercy and Clyde spoke in that party Eliza had actually overheard the entire conversation when she stepped outside. The dancing passion hadn't believed Mercy's words back then, Eliza had simply been trying to aid Clyde. Still it seemed a moot point.

Clyde had been messing around with other women it seemed, that actually didn't surprise Eliza. Tension was a place where men and women freely mingled after all, and being the champ was bound to have attracted attention to him. Though inwardly it pained Eliza to think of that, so she blocked it out. Still Clyde probably did that to block the pain out, but it was only a temporary solution to a long term problem.

The cowboy asked that Eliza go, find another guy to hang with. Only going down from here, it did seem like that. When the UK Elite lost the tag belts they more or less vanished, only just now coming back around. Ms Harenwood lifted her eyebrows and shook her head.

"Clyde. I'll tell you right now. I'm not going anywhere, it's my decision to stay. I'm a grown arse woman aren't I? I get it you miss Mercy that's understandable, but don't let it take away from who you are. I believe in you, and I won't let you go down. You aren't going to do that, no way in hell. I don't know what you'll do when your out this hospital, but your not going to mope." Eliza said, Clyde might be surprised by her words. But Ms Harenwood had seen moping before, and it wasn't healthy.

Still Eliza knew she didn't want to seem like she was blowing up at Clyde, so she then said "Your a good person that does what he says, I know that. And it's more than what can be said for most." Ms Harenwood inwardly wondered why there weren't more guys like him back home.

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Join date : 2013-04-18
Location : Edinburgh, UK

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Lobo Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:19 pm

Clyde's sulking, all his self doubt got put on hold as Eliza got stern with him and told him that she wasn't leaving, that she believed in him and wouldn't let him go down. Hearing it was enough to make Clyde look at Eliza with pained, teary eyes, letting him know that despite his shortcomings, he wasn't alone. He had her. Mercy was gone and he had to accept that.

Without a word, Clyde sat up from his bed and looked at Eliza before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him, wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders as he hugged her deeply.

"T-Thank ya.... Eliza...." He muttered as he let all his strengths go and surrendered to how he felt.

"I-I.... I dunno what I'd do without ya..."

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Deus001 Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:45 pm

Clyde might have a mess in mind and body, but Eliza knew that wallowing in it got you nowhere. And she thought about what her Mother might do, that was to give the person a proverbial kick up the backside. It was allowed for a bit, given that folks were emotional by nature. But in the competitive nature of Tension and wrestling it couldn't really stick around, Clyde probably knew this deep down given that he'd spent much more time in this line of work than Eliza. As much as the dancing passion didn't want to think it, he might have found himself in this situation or at least a similar version of it.

That said though Eliza was taken by surprise when Clyde would without a word sit and pull the British/French towards him, she didn't expect that but thankfully her years of dancing experience meant Ms Harenwood kept her poise. Eliza hadn't actually been hugged all that much, certainly her Mother and Father did. But outside of her family she had been scarcely held, Clyde was probably needing this though. She at first tensed up, but after a second Eliza relaxed in the cowboy's hold.

"It's okay Clyde. Don't think about that too much, it's not healthy. Don't worry, we'll get things sorted out. Maybe take some time off and relax, your due it. My folks ask about you, maybe once your out we could look into taking a trip to Britain. If you wanted of course." Eliza stated with a smile, two birds could be dealt with one stone here.

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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Location : Edinburgh, UK

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Oh dear.....(For Lobo) Empty Re: Oh dear.....(For Lobo)

Post by Lobo Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:48 pm

The moment Eliza told him that maybe he should take time off, the cowboy pulled back and looked into Eliza's eyes with a smile before honestly being surprised that her PARENTS of all people asked about him and that he should go with her... To Britain!?

"Meet yer folks? So soon!?" He was flattered that Eliza told her parents about him. He was honestly a little shy about meeting them but at the same time, a vacation away from AFW with just Eliza sounded amazing.

"I'd gladly go with ya ta' Britain." He said very cheerfully before his eyes narrowed a bit. "...After I get my title back." He said with fierce determination, feeling spurred on by Eliza's words.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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