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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by RJD Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:14 pm

Zoey would for the first time in a long time be a little nervous as she waited backstage to enter the Arena, after what happened in one of her previous matches she knew that the crowd wouldn't let her forget about it, she would get angry just at the thought of it and end up punching a wall before picking up all her equipment. Zoey would be carrying bagpipes which wasn't quite a regular part of her enterence, however desperate times called for desperate measures.
" Highway to the danger zone " would start blasting through-out the Arena and just as expected she could hear boo's before even entering the Arena, but upon Zoey coming into the sight of the fans they would all start chanting and yelling " ass kisser " too which Zoey would blow into her bagpipes in a tune that somewhat resembled her enterence and somewhat just angry loud blowing which Zoey didn't mind, since it blocked out the sound of the damn annoying fans; Zoey would walk down to the Arena while having a competition with the crowd to see if they could shout louder than both her music and her bagpipes before she got the ring and had to enter the ring which would then be when the ref would remove the bagpipes from Zoey's person and hand them towards an outside official, Zoey having little else to block out the fans taunting, booing and yelling would have to just resort to telling them to " Shut your trap you fucking arseholes " as loud as she could before walking to her corner and waiting for her opponent to make her enterence, luckily for Zoey the taunting of the fans seemed to stop as they waited for the arrival of the other competitor.

RJD's Misfits

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by Valyn Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:31 pm

Mystis's music came on after Zoey had entered blaring across the arena which immediately sent the corwd into an absolute frenzy. Mystis was quickly becoming a fan favorite and she was more than ecstatic tthat was the case. She had gotten warmed up back stage and had put on something special for this verbal submission match. She was wearing a tight hugging red tank-top that showed off her midriff, a short matching red skirt and panties underneath and some boots. She checked herself out one last time before running out from the curtain on to the stage to face her opponent!

She came out to thundering down the ramp a large smile on her face as she slapped her friends hands who were loving the outfit and the enthusiasm. She slid right under the ropes and popped up onto her feet and twirled for the crowd. She giggles and looks to Zoey grinning at her opponent giving her a wink. "Let's have a good match alright!" She'd grin and head to her corner waiting for the bell to ring.



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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by RJD Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:42 pm

Zoey would watch as her opponent made her enterence and the audience cheered for Mystis, Zoey truthfully was glad that her opponent was someone the fans seemed to love so much, it just made it easier for Zoey to upset the fans.
Zoey would be slightly intimidated by her opponents attire and wink that would suggest something somewhat indecent might be on her mind, though it was kind of ironic for Zoey to think this considering her usual attire in matches was probably about as revealing as some of the more erotic attires of other wrestlers.
"Well if you pull your weight we will " Zoey would respond to Mystis, doing her normal trick of lifting her head up high and purposefully looking down on Mystis as she said this, some fans would laugh a little at this as a few fans had came to like Zoey's ridiculously over the top and somewhat silly way of trying to piss her opponents off.
As soon as the bell rung Zoey would walk towards the middle of the ring and put her arms out, hoping for Mystis to be foolish enough to take the test of strength, though if Mystis had any knowledge of Zoey as a wrestler then she would probably know not to accept the handshake.

RJD's Misfits

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by Valyn Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:56 pm

Mysits just giggled at Zoey's antics and gave her another wink she didn't mind a heel of a opponent definitely one that was this cute. Still though she knew she was in a match and would need to be careful or she'd end up on the wrong side of this match. She rotated her shoulders taking a breath as the bell rang and watched as Zoey made her way into the the center of the ring.

She made her way towards her opponent watching her closely as she had never seen her opponent wrestle before. She'd lift her hands up for the test of strength and would grasp a hold of Zoey's hands. Thinking this was just going to be a straight forward ordeal she'd immediately start pushing having no clue what Zoey had in store for her.



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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by RJD Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:05 am

Zoey would wait till Mystis had already locked hands with her and then would quickly throw her own body forward and launch a hard headbutt against Mystis which would get boo's from the crowd both as she was preparing to do it and as she did, since this was becoming somewhat regular in her matches it seems the crowd was starting to catch on to it, Zoey would really need to think up a new trick or the crowd may actually start warning her opponents about not only trusting Zoey but the exact tricks that she had planned.
Zoey after headbutting Mystis would take just half a second or so to recoil in pain before turning around while she was still right in front of Mystis and trying to wrap her arms around Mystis's head and then Zoey would bend her body forward while dropping to a knee and using her strength to pull down Mystis as Zoey dropped to her knee, hoping to send Mystis over her body with a somewhat sloppy but quick and hopefully powerful snap-mare.

RJD's Misfits

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by Valyn Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:17 am

Mystis had no clue what was about to happen or any time to stop it as all of a sudden Zoey's head slammed into her own. She let out a small cry as she moved back holding onto her head unable to hear the booing crowd or much less focuses on anything than the splitting pain in her head. So as Zoey came back for her she was unable to do anything. She struggled uselessly as Zoey wrapped her arms around her head and in one effective motion sent her over her shoulder. Her back hit the ground with a hard thud as she arched in pain and groaned rubbing her back.



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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by RJD Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:22 am

Zoey would hum a little bit after looking at the floored Woman. " Chivary is dead and I'm the one who killed it, so next time I do that, don't accept the lock hen " Zoey would say before yelling at the crowd " Shut up!" Then going for a elbow drop on Mystis, despite how badly Zoey has been dominated and destroyed for pissing people off and focusing on the crowd, it seemed she was never going to stop doing it.

RJD's Misfits

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by Valyn Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:29 am

Mystis laid there rubbing her back thankful for Zoey to yell out to the crowd instead of focusing on her giving her a much needed breather. So when Zoey came at her with the elbow drop she rolled out of the way leaving nothing but canvas for her elbow to strike. She'd quickly get to her hands and knees and if Zoey was still down she'd do a short range dive splash right onto her!



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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by RJD Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:35 am

Zoey would foolishly give her opponent all the time she needed to move out the way before her elbow drop and would end up driving her elbow against the mat hard before her slightly taller opponent splashed onto her, luckily the move didn't have much momentum behind it but Zoey would still let out a surprised yelp as her red haired opponent dived on her.

RJD's Misfits

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Join date : 2013-10-09

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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

Post by Valyn Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:43 am

Mystis let out a small oof as she landed on Zoey and grins as she looks down at her opponent. "Alright now you are exactly where I want you." She smirked as she quickly moved to straddle her opponents waist and reach out pulling her opponents head under her arm and put her in a head lock giving a good squeeze. This wasn't to get her to submit but to just wear her opponent down.



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Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match  Empty Re: Zoey Hamilton vs Mystis - Verbal submission match

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