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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by Oathkeeper Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:11 am

Match Type- Normal
Ring Type- Official AFW Wrestling Ring
Rules- Standard Rules Apply
Win Conditions- Pinfall, Submission or Knockout

Alice West:
Erin Quinn:

Opening: "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin

Rocking her entrance, she banged her head and tried to use it's energy to give her courage. Alice grinned as she made her debut appearance, the blue haired girl was a colorful character with her short aquamarine hair, pink vest over a blue spandex body suit. The suit covered her torso but not her shoulders and stopped inches before her knee, leaving her calves bare. On her feet, she wore red converse style shoes that would have come to her ankles if she didn't fold the top of her sneaker over revealing a pink interior that made her shoes. She would climb into the ring taking a lap around it, she tried to smile and put on a brave face.  

The crowd was chaotic and was intimidating being on this side of the barrier. She was used to be the one looking in and now she was the one looking in. Alice was never a shy girl but she hadn't ever been the focus of attention for so many people. She gupled and took a deep breath before giving a wave with one of her yellow gloves. The crowd gave a generally positive response which also caused the sound of digital camera shutters taking her in .

"Alright! Alice." She said in an Australian accent before slapping both of her cheeks with her hands. "You got this!"

Not that Alice would be opposed to fighting a hentai specialist, she would prefer not to. It was an area of expertise, she refused to learn and Rei, the wrestler that took her on as her understudy, made it horribly clear how exploitable a weakness that was. Alice felt anxiety in her heart and anticipation bursting in her chest but all in all, she was exited. She let a smile slip from her face. Alice did it, she made the final step of being a professional wrestler, get in her first match. Although she had become a professional a few months ago after receiving her license and her AFW contract, this was the moment of truth. After years of training, learning Japanese and training under Rei, she was here!

Now, came the easy part as her mentor said, she just had to fight the hardest she could. She hoped she didn't make too much a fool of herself for  a first timer. Alice also hoped to the gods of wrestling, her opponent didn't violate her in the ring. She shuddered at that but also reddened at the prospect.

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by noob Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:31 pm

Erin waited patiently backstage as her opponent made her entrance. She had to admit, Alice had good taste in music. The red head was starting to reconsider her choice in opening themes. It would be too late for that though as "I'm Shipping up to Boston" started playing throughout the building, giving Erin her cue to make her entrance. Having been in a few matches already, the red head no longer felt the usual pre-match nervousness. She was just excited to go against another wrestler and hopefully slam them down hard.

Erin came out from back stage clad in her purple and black sports bra and bottoms, fitting snugly around her body. The crowd cheered as she waved and made her way down to the ring. "I hope everyone's ready for a great match!" She'd yell to the audience, trying to get everyone more pumped up for the main event. Erin crawled into the ring and would raise her hands, once again just enjoying the crowd's energy. The red head would soon turn her attention to her opponent, waving slightly and flashing a grin as she walked up to her.

Alice was not the first blue haired girl that Erin had gone up against. The red head would find it slightly odd that there were more wrestlers with such unnaturally colored hair. "Oooo. You're my second opponent with a Blue head. Super weird." She commented, now looking the woman over as she approached her and held out a hand to shake. Seeing her opponent fully covered, Erin was starting to feel a bit underdressed for the occasion. She looked at Alice, then back at herself, then back at Alice. "I think one of us is under or over dressed," She continued with a slight laugh. "But anyway good luck! You're gonna need it if you want to take me down." Erin finally got out all she wanted to say. She liked starting off a match fairly friendly and hoped that it would stay that way until the end.

The red head would finally make her way towards the corner of the ring and lean against the turnbuckle where she would wait for the bell to ring and start the match.

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Join date : 2016-08-28

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by Oathkeeper Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:37 am

"Well, you're actually my first opponent ever actually!" Alice explained as she took her opponent in. She liked Erin immediately which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Alice enthusiastically accepted the other woman's hand and shook it with a smile. "My name's Alice. Alice West pleased to meet you. Erin Quinn right?"

"Hmm?" The blue haired woman tilted her head to the side and then self-consciously put an arm around her chest until she realized Erin was referring to herself. Alice had been a self conscious about her body suit, it didn't leave much to the imagination despite covering most of her body. "Oh, no! I just- I'm new here and to wrestling really. I'm just a little shy but my manager wanted me to wear something with more skin. However, we reached a compromise with this."

Alice twirled a stray hair from her bang as she laughed nervously. As the two made some distance between each other, she flashed back her opponent a smile.

"Right!" She supplied with a smile. "I'l wish you look too that way you can't use 'luck' as a excuse after this newbie crushes you."

Despite being the novice, she didn't need lessons in being competitive or how to talk trash. Despite her liking the fact, she had such a likable person as her first opponent. She didn't want the Irish girl pulling any punches just cause she was new.

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by noob Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:42 am

Erin couldn't help but grin as her opponent returned her banter. "Oh and yeah, I'm Erin!" She responded, realizing she forgot to introduce herself. "I guess that mean's we're both in the right place." The red head already liked her opponent. She seemed fairly nice and had a ton of spirit which would make for a fun match. Erin just hoped she wouldn't crush that spirit by the time the match was over. For now though she would just smile and try to focus on the task at hand, getting in some good moves.

Erin strolled to the corner where she waited until the bell rang. "Welp, no turning back now!" Erin yelled to Alice as the bell rang. The Irish wrestler would make her way back towards the middle of the ring, looking to  invite her foe into a test of strength.If there was anything Erin was confident about it was that she would have no problem overpowering her opponent.  She knew not everyone liked to go along with it, but Erin was confident that her opponent wasn't going to go in for a cheap shot. Her goal would be to try to push her opponent back into the corner and judging by the size difference between the two wrestlers, Erin hoped that wouldn't be too much of an issue if her opponent cooperated.

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Join date : 2016-08-28

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by Oathkeeper Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:24 am

Alice nodded as she got her head in the game with the bell ringing. The blue haired girl stepped forward as Erin challenged her to a test of strength right off the bat. She hesitated not unaware of the size difference between the two. There was little chance Alice could win but with a grin, she accepted locking their fingers together. With their fingers locked, Alice immediately got overwhelmed by the other wrestler's strength. When it came to strength, Alice was honestly just mediocre, average. Erin was definitely at least a class above her in the brute strength department. However, Alice wouldn't go down easy because although Erin was steadily forcing back to the corner, the blue haired girl made it bloody difficult.

"Ghhh!" Teeth clenched, she would delay the inevitable for at least a while longer, face red and arms trembling from the effort. The stubborn part of her refusing to admit the Irish girl was stronger than her.

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Join date : 2010-02-06

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by noob Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:11 am

While Erin was pushing her opponent back, the other girl wasn't making it easy for her. The red head grunted as she continued to try to get in a better position and shove Alice towards the ropes. "You're...pretty strong." She would admit, "But not strong enough." Erin appreciated the effort that it was taking to move her smaller opponent, but she didn't want to waste too much effort on the one task. As the pair approached the corner, Erin would try to use all of her strength in a sudden shove to bang the blue haired wrestler against the turnbuckle. If she managed, she would follow up by driving her knee towards Alice's stomach as she attempted to knock the wind out of the wrestler.

If Alice didn't struggle too much then Erin would try to wrap her arms around the wrestler's body and squeeze her in a tight bear hug, pressing the two wrestlers firmly together. One way or another she wanted to leave her opponent breathless.

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Join date : 2016-08-28

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:43 pm

Alice grinned at the compliment but her opponent was just too strong before she was shoved into the corner. She hit the turnbuckle causing the ropes to shake from the collision, she brought up her hands but before she could say anything. She felt her opponent drive her knee into her stomach causing her to gasp for air and lurch forward. With one eye open, she grimaced in pain as her opponent wrapped her arms around her. The girl's eyes opened wide as she pushed down at her opponent's shoulders as their opponent's body crushed against her. She let out a yell of a pain as her feet kicked at the air, her feet not touching the ground as she squirms in Erin's clutches.

"Gaaaaaahhhh!" She cried out as she arched her back.

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by noob Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:54 am

Erin had her opponent right where she wanted her, off her feet and in a tight bearhug. She was fairly satisfied with the reaction she was getting out of Alice. The red head let up slightly only to squeeze again with more pressure, her arms digging in to Alice's sides. "Oh come on, it's just a little hug." Erin teased as she tried to squeeze the air out of her opponent.  Erin would start to shake her opponent in the air a little, jostling her around in an attempt to disorient her Alice.

Once Erin felt that she had given Alice a big enough hug she would take a step back with her then twist her body and throw the girl down to the mat with a suplex. She would stand over her foe and look down with a wide smile. "What was that about crushing me newbie?" She taunted, hoping Alice was still in the mood to come up with a witty response.

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Join date : 2016-08-28

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by Oathkeeper Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:37 pm

"Ugh! J-just a little hug?" Alice repeated a little short of breath, her legs swinging around even more. "You're...such a jerk!"

Alice blushed a little feeling a little embarrassed that the Irish girl was swinging her around and woman handling her. She couldn't adequately defend herself and Erin was literally toying with her. It wasn't how she imagined how the first few minutes of her debut going but she told herself to persevere.

"Ugh! Gh!" Alice grunted as she was suplexed to the mat, she panted a little trying to get back the air her opponent repeatedly kept knocking out of her. She blushed at Erin's standing form looming out of her as she threw back her words at her. Alice grit her teeth but then grinned up at Erin.

"Hah! The match isn't over yet! I'll be the one standing over you in the end Erin, mark my words!" She said rolling away from Erin and into a low crouch. She would drive off her feet from a sprinter's pose. She would try to land a spear and drive her shoulder into Erin's stomach, tackling her opponent from a really low angle knowing overpowering her opponent was out of the question. Kicking off her feet, she would try to drive her opponent into the mat and landing on top of her.

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Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut] Empty Re: Alice West vs Erin Quinn [Outback Kid's debut]

Post by noob Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:33 am

"I'm just a jerk cause I'm winning." Erin said with a grin. She knew if Alice was on the other end, she wouldn't be the jerk. Erin wasn't even trying to be mean. If she wanted to, Alice probably would have been stuck in the hug for far longer.

Unlike her opponent, Erin was quite satisfied with the start of her match. Already the red head had her foe on their toes. She was toying with Alice and from the look on the blue haired girl's face, she knew it. Just to rub it in Erin had thrown in a bit of a taunt. It wasn't like her opponent was in much of a position to do much about it. Alice seemed to still have plenty of fight left in her, firing back a declaration of her own. Erin would stick her tongue out at her foe before responding. "Yeah dream all ya want. We both know I'm gonna win in the end." She stated simply.

Erin was about to grab Alice when the smaller wrestler rolled out of reach. "Well I guess you're quick." Erin mumbled as she watched Alice get into position. Suddenly her opponent charged right into her, knocking her right off of her feet and on to the mat. "GAH!" The red head yelled out as she landed on her back. She didn't think her opponent would be able to knock her off of her feet like that, but it seemed Alice knew what she was doing.

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