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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:12 pm

Cecilia held Misaki up on her shoulders, for the first time in her life Misaki felt heavy. That was a proof to herself just how tired she was. The Swede took a step forward and was just about to send Misaki's legs flying behind her and drop down, but before she was able to do that the busty woman started to kick out with her legs and then drove and elbow into the side of Cecilia's head.

The blond staggered on her feet as she then felt Misaki slip off of her shoulders and then that arm came around her neck and pulled her into a nasty dragon sleeper. Those legs of Misaki's came up around her waist and hugged her tightly as the Swede tried desperatly to remain up on her feet. If she dropped then she might just be done for.

She couldn't answer Misaki, she was too push trying to lean forward. Her chest being forced to push forward, her arms moved up to grab at Misaki's arm that was around her neck, trying to tug and pull on it, attempting to find some way to make the painful hold of the Berserk ace less painful and less draining.


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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:17 pm

The crowd were stunned and excited at the same time, once again Misaki proved that even though the odds were stacked against her she would never quit. Reversing Cecilia's finisher and locking in the Misaki lock. Her sweaty body was pressed up tight against Cecilia's back, her breasts mushroomed against her back as Misaki had her teeth gritted, sweat flowing down her lovely frame as Misaki pulled Cecilia's head back further and further while her biceps tightened around the neck of the Swede.

"You're going down, whether you like it or not!"she would roar, squeezing both her arms and legs around Cecilia's refusing to let go as she could feel the words she wanted to hear were about to soon come out of Cecilia's mouth. "Ask her....."she demanded the referee to ask whether the blonde quits.

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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:21 pm

Cecilia pawed at Misaki's arm and struggled as much as she could right now, she soon enough dropped down onto one knee and could feel herself going lower...once she was done on the mat it would be over. There would be no return. The Swede grit her teeth and remained defiant though. As much as she could....

Baring her teeth and huffing out what little air she could the Swede tried to push herself up to a stand yet again. She wasn't about to let Misaki beat her...not in a match like this! Her pride was on the line and AFW's pride. The Berserk ace couldn't be allowed to beat the AFW ace in an AFW arena no less!

Cecilia tried to hammer her right elbow back, attempting to hit it into Misaki's ribs, she'd try and throw another...and another. Hoping it would weaken Misaki's hold enough for the Swede to try and grab two handfuls of that hair and yank Misaki forward. Trying to throw and flip Misaki over her and throw her down onto her back on the mat!


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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:25 pm

Misaki felt her opponent claw at her arm but she was like a koala stuck to a tree, hugging onto her opponent and simply refusing to let go. Misaki would further pull back Cecilia's head while squeezing harder and harder, really feeling the heat from the match as she was exhausted and was only holding onto her opponent by sheer will power.

Cecilia dropped to one knee and half the crowd were on their feet while the other half shocked! Misaki was almost there it seemed until....she felt a barrage of elbow shots fire into her ribcage. First, her legs fell of her opponent's waist, she kept a hold of her opponent's neck until her hair was once again targeted. She let out a girlish shriek as Cecilia used her hair to fling her over her shoulder and flip her over down onto her back to power out of the hold. Misaki moaned out in pain, panting as she was sweaty and at the mercy of her opponent.

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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:30 pm

Cecilia would hunch forward with her hands on her knees as she stood towering over Misaki Toyoda. The Swedish powerhouse would pant out and look down on Misaki, coughing out as she would attempt to speak...but her throat hurt far too much that all she managed to get out was a raspy coughing sound.

She soon dropped onto her knees and moved to try and roll Misaki over onto her front. She'd pant out as she'd then proceed to try and move on top of Misaki, turning around so she was facing Misaki's head. " G-good...try....Now it's my turn..." Cecilia out through a raspy and pained voice. She'd try and take a hold of Misaki's head and pull it up in underneath her armpit for a dragon sleeper like hold of her own. Proceeding to then attempt to catch Misaki's closest arm with her free arm and lock the Berserk ace up in her submission finisher Gleipnir! A deadly dragon clutch as she would put a painful torque onto Misaki's back as well, paining Misaki's back and neck as she refused to let a single breath of air get down into the busty babes lungs!


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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:37 pm

Misaki was spent, it seemed she gave everything she had to her opponent and it was still not good enough. Cecilia proved to be too much for Misaki as she looked up on the blonde, who looked down on the brunette. Misaki couldn't say anything as Cecilia complimented her before dropping down on her knees turning the Ace over onto her belly, to which Misaki offered little to no resistance.

She felt Cecilia slither on top of her like a snake, her boobs pressing down on her as she was laying on her back with her body facing her head. She would soon straighten up and wrap her arm around Misaki's neck while grabbing her closest arm, beginning to pull back viciously as she locked in her finishing submission move. Misaki could not breathe, her only free arm clawing at Cecilia's arm but her grip was too strong, she was too weak and could offer no resistance. After a while in the submission move, Misaki offered no resistance, she simply admitted this position and allowed Cecilia to punish her in this hold. The referee concerned, placed the mic infront of the almost unconscious Misaki who refused to say anything. "Do you quit?" the referee girl asked her, Misaki....said nothing.

Still not offering any resistance, a whole went past and Misaki was now in alot of pain....she thought about her AFW career, her Berserk career....she couldn't risk not wrestling at all, she had to do this....for Berserk. When asked one more time, Misaki replied...."I.....I quit.....I quit" weakly but loudly enough in the mic for the whole arena to hear.

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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:43 pm

Cecilia kept her holds tight and locked in on Misaki, this was the finisher of hers that had earned her most of her wins if she thought back about it. She considered it her final weapon in most cases and it was looking as if this match was the same. With Gleipnir locked in, a submission hold she had named for the symbolic meaning, it was a submission hold that would trap even the strongest and mightiest of foes. As Gleipnir had done in norse myth to the mighty Fenrir.

The blond tightened her hold little by little, as much as she could. Misaki soon wasn't offering up any resistance at all and the ref-girl moved in and asked that question. The Swede's heart stopped beating as she was waiting for the answer from the Berserk Ace. Then finally it came, she let out those words and the bell rang. As soon as the bell rang Cecilia unwrapped her arm from Misaki and let her foe drop down onto her bouncy chest on the mat. She would pant out as she remained seated on Misaki's back for a bit....sweat dripping down from her down onto her rival.

She had won...damn it was tough, but the blond had pulled ahead! She raised her right arm into the air...half-way. She didn't have the strength to raise it anymore, but the ref-girl was quick to help with that as she raised Cecilia's arm up and helped her up to her feet. The blond stumbled as she was declared the winner and then doubled over and placed her hands on her knees. She panted out and shook her head.

" Dammit...You're fucking tough...for a bitch. You know?" Cecilia let out as she would look over at Misaki with a wide grin on her face.


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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:50 pm

It was over, it was finally over and Misaki could not believe it. Perhaps there was more to Cecilia than she thought. She might be arrogant, cocky and a total bitch but she was someone who could back it up and not just talk the talk. She had gone through hell, she dragged Cecilia to hell with her but still the blonde came out on top. She was released and she fell flat on her face. Her body drenched in her own and her opponent's sweat as she laid there, not moving at all.

For a good couple of minutes, Misaki just laid there with a smile on her face. She heard Cecilia call out to her and she soon squirmed forward, slowly pushing up on her hands and knees as she looked up at Cecilia, with a smile. Misaki would shake her head, "Not as tough as you it seems"she would say genuinely as she slowly pushed up on her feet, adjusting her custom pink one piece. She would take a couple of seconds to compose herself, she just lost....she just quit.

Misaki would then extend her hand, "You did it, you won fair and square.....put it there, I still think you're a arrogant bitch who needs to be put in her place....but you're a damn good wrestler, best I've ever faced"she would say stepping in towards her.

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Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match - Page 10 Empty Re: Cecilia Northman Vs. Misaki Toyoda: III - I Quit Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:55 pm

Cecilia laughed out a bit as she heard Misaki's words, it was true but the blond would simply ignore it for now. She waited for Misaki to move up and compose herself as she herself did the same. Reaching up to a full stand again as she would nod her head. Hearing Misaki's little speech the blond would roll her eyes and shrug her shoulders.

" Maybe so...but you're pretty arrogant yourself. It was a damn good match though..."
Cecilia let out as she would see that hand, stepping in and giving it a firm handshake. Grinning widely towards Misaki as they were both bruised, tired, beat up and covered in each others sweat.

" You put up a good fight Misaki. No one can deny how tough of a wrestler you are...even if it's being the second best." Cecilia teased as she would then let go of Misaki's hand. " Challenge me anytime you want. I'll be happy to take you down again an again and keep proving who the better wrestler is." Cecilia said, her words may be arrogant but her voice was sincere. She had enjoyed her fight with Misaki a whole lot and practically asked the woman to challenge her again in the future.

Last edited by LunarWolf on Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


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