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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Kaylee Val Halan: The California Dream

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Kaylee Val Halan: The California Dream Empty Kaylee Val Halan: The California Dream

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:57 pm

Name: Kayle Smith
Alias: Kaylee Rush
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: American
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Alignment: Neutral
Entrance Music: Alice in Chains - "Check My Brain"
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Naturally a blonde, but dyes it different colors
Eye Color: Grey

Attire: Same as pic, however, she has different colors of the same outfit, and often dyes her hair different colors to go with it, changing up each match.


In the ring: In the ring, Kaylee is a quick, cunning, clever, and aggressive, yet playful, opponent. She sees the ring as a place where a person is required to do their best, no matter what, and while she has no intention or desire to injure, seriously harm, or maim her opponents, she makes it clear that she has no intention of going easy on anyone either, willing to hit them hard and use hentai on them, even if they don’t want it. At the same time, she fully expects the same to be done to her, and while she of course, gets frustrated when hurt or losing, or disappointed if she loses, she’ doesn’t like the idea of holding grudges, offering her congrats. Upon winning, she’ll do similar, thanking her opponent for the match and, if they are upset over the hentai, trying to make amends.

Outside the ring: Outside the ring, Kaylee is just a sweet, caring, flirtatious, laid back, and playful girl, always looking to try new things, enjoy old things, and have good times with good friends. Whether it’s shopping, exploring, going out to eat, activities, or just smoking some weed and staying home and listening to music or watching old wrestling tapes, her default mood is happy, perky, and energetic. She’ll also be quite the tease, often wearing some kind of skimpy outfit, when she can get away with it, and even get handsy, to tease and flirt with people. Should they refuse her advances, she’ll brush it off...should they times ahead.

Wrestling Style: Kaylee can be considered a Jill of All Trades: In that, while she does a little bit of everything, she isn’t a master of any of it. Thus, she can do simple hard strikes, and more common submission holds, grapples and flying moves, but nothing overly advanced, and she lacks knowledge in how to counter, reverse, or escape certain advanced moves and holds. Where she makes up for it though, is using her hentai abilities and blending them into her fast paced, hard hitting, wrestling style, adding some form of sexuality to each hold and hit, to distract and mess with her opponents heads, making them feel pleasure, and make them cum before defeating them.


Boobplex: A german suplex, where Kaylee grabs her opponents boobs instead of her waist. Sometimes done off the turnbuckle or ring apron, sometimes into a pin.

Medicinal Prescription - With her opponent on her front, Kaylee lays on their back, trapping their near arm between her legs, and grabbing their far arm, pulling it back tight and hooking it under her arm, pulling the opponent up and exposing their upper body in a Rings of Saturn hold, wrapping her arms around the opponents neck and pulling on them until they pass out or submit!

Kaylee Clash: Kaylee bends her opponent over between her legs, hooking them and lifting them up for a piledriver...only to lift them higher, legs around her neck, so she can step over their arms and jump down, planting them chest, breast, and waist first onto the mat. Can be done from the top rope, or transitioned into from certain moves. Often after, Kaylee will either roll them over into a pin, or float over and transition the hold into the Medicinal Prescription.

History: Kaylee didn't have what most would consider a normal childhood. Growing up as the daughter of a porn star and a professional wrestler, it’s doubtful that was ever truly in the cards.

Her father, a hippie stoner, who enjoyed ranting about "free love" and other such things, was a minor star in the adult film industry, a fact that he never bothered to hide much from her, even at a young age. Her mother, a strict, but caring, woman, was a second generation wrestler, working for the Slamazons league, traveling all over California with some of the brightest names in the western indy scene - Carolina Banks, the Maid of Might, Bubbles Burste.

Due to her mothers desire to have a third generation wrestler in the family, Kaylee quickly developed a love for the business, from playing around in the ring at a young age to starting her official training at the age of 15, as part of the Slamazon's "Future Stars" promotional program, where she and others her age were trained and even performed in short matches during intermissions of Slamazon shows.

There, not only did her skills quickly grow, Kaylee taking to wrestling like a fish to water, but she quickly discovered something of an exhibitionist side to herself, loving the crowds cheers when she did a big move, and loving the attention she gained. In fact, it caused an issue when she was 16, as she began discovering and exploring her own sexuality, leading to a couple short lived hidden relationships with her fellow trainees, a couple more risque moves, and an attempt at slightly skimpier outfits, wrestling proving an incredible outlet for her desires and least, until she gave up on subtlety and started making out with an opponent in the ring before hitting her finish, earning her a serious lecture from her mother about how that was just NOT how wrestling was done.

But those yearnings couldn't be denied, and thus, she began something of a double life, training and competing during the days, and on certain nights, sneaking into the ring with a like minded trainee, engaging in more erotic matches.

It was finally after a year or two of training that Kaylee was told she was finally going to get to face the main stars of the Slamazon roster in official matches. She grew up loving and idolizing them all of course, but the one who caught her attention most was a second-generation star that her mother was often feuding with: Valley Doll.

Though they never met directly, Kaylee developed a major crush on the blond, and, ironically in accordance with her mothers personal wishes to have a second generation wrestler in the family, took up wrestling training for the bulk of her life, hoping to face the Doll someday. And, maybe, she would’ve, if the company hadn’t folded before she’d get the chance.

Her mother was sitting on good investments and her father was still doing a lot of work, so her family was secure. There were plenty of indy leagues around, and she had made a bit of a name for herself, so making a living wasn’t the problem for Kaylee. However, even with all that, she still had desires that burned. She wanted to wrestle, but found it hard to fit in with other independent federations that filled Slamazon’s gap. Thanks to her desire to express herself sexually bleeding and blending into her wrestling work, despite her attempts, her style was a little too intimate, she had trouble dealing with the close contact and separating her intimacy and desires.

Enter the AFW. She heard about it soon after the fall of Slamazons, and became instantly hooked. It was a unique federation, one that not only allowed such intimacy, but championed it. It was populated with stars she adored, like the sexy hentai queen, Natalia the Dream and the badass fighter Angel, one of the best wrestlers in the world. It was everything she could have hoped for. It was the perfect place to both test her wrestling skills and explore her sexual, as Kaylee discovered watching it one night,it had Valley Doll.

She was in.

It took 3 years after the fall of Slamazons, full of wrestling across California and even other parts of America, growing and developing her in ring skills, as well as her hentai ones, taking advantage of any hentai themed matches she could take part of (to the point of working under a mask in them, just so nobody that knew her would recognize her.) Between a flashy style, flashy (and increasingly skimpy) outfits, and even flashy hair, she gained a name for herself, to where she was working in the new top league in California, (where a lot of Slamazon's ended up migrating too themselves), and facing and defeating the women she grew up learning from, defeating former Slamazon champions to gain the promotions top belt, which earned enough interest to gain her an offer from AFW itself.

Now she heads for Japan, looking to finally fully embrace her desires and ambitions in the land of the rising sun.

Fun Facts:

Kaylee is a third generation wrestler. Her Grandmother, Cassandra, wrestled in the 70’s, under the name of “Cassanda Val Halan”, in a parody of popular rock group Van Halen, and having an attire parodying groups and artists like Alice Cooper, Arthur Brown, and KISS. Starting in the late 80’s, her mother, Jessie, joined her in the ring as a tag partner and opponent as “Jessie Val Halan” herself parodying Van Halen under Sammy Hagar’s leadership, and hair metal bands like Poison, Warrant, W.A.S.P. and Motley Crue.

Kaylee used to sneak around into hentai indy leagues in California, wearing a mask to hide her identity, to keep her family from finding out. Sadly, this failed as, a year before she went to Japan, she lost a hentai match, and had her mask torn off, revealing her identity. While her father and grandmother were accepting of her choices, asking only that they be sent matches of her wrestling “clean”, so that they could watch, her mother was PISSED, claiming that kind of “filth” was disrespectful to the business, and that, as long as Kaylee did that sort of distasteful thing, she would not be welcome in her home. The two haven’t spoken since.

Kaylee had originally wanted, and was going to be, brought into wrestling alongside her mother, as “Kaylee Val Halan”, and she would have been parodying either grunge rock artists of the 90’s, or the pop star/boy band groups of the early 2000’s and early 2010’s. As a result of the falling out between her and her mother however, she was forbidden from using the family gimmick. While she is sad she never got to be part of that legacy, she admits that having the freedom to express herself however she wanted from that point on is something she’s immensely proud and protective of.

As of 2020, has started using "Kaylee Val Halan" as her name and adopting the gimmick as her own, refusing to let her family issues keep her down.

Kaylee is a fangirl of several AFW wrestlers, and has a goal of getting all their autographs and facing them all. While certain girls stand out, such as Angel, Valley Doll, Adrian Kytes and others, but her favorite by far is former hentai champion: Natalia “The Dream”, whose beauty and style helped inspire Kaylee’s own, to where she nicknamed herself “The California Dream” in tribute to Natalia.

Growing up with access to porn sets and womens locker rooms, Kaylee has long since gotten over any issues with nudity, her own, or others. To her, being nude is simply natural, and when at home, she enjoys being nude, or at least in short shorts and a tank top, or bra/panties, even when company is around. It’s only for formal or serious situations, or when her friends make her, that she’ll prefer to go with more covered up clothing.

While not a druggy or anything, Kaylee was introduced to weed early in her teens, thanks to her hippie father, and still enjoys smoking it to relax after a hard day. Her father even finds ways to sneak her baggies of it when he sends care packages to her, and she’s always happy to share.


Bubbles Burste: Kaylee's trainer during her teen years in Slamazon, and the only person who knew of her hentai dreams and supported them. Bubbles was an immense supporter when Kaylee needed her, and taught her well, and they stayed in contact over the years. Now both in AFW, they are not only good friends, but are clearly ready to resolve any sexual tension that once existed between them.

Valley Doll: Kaylee's first and biggest crush ever, Valley was Kaylee's biggest inspiration, not only to become a pro wrestler in the first place, but to also to seek out the freedom of being her own person instead of being stuck under her mothers influence all the time. Eventually they would meet in AFW, where Valley helped Kaylee get used to the place and train a little...and Kaylee sort of let her crush on the woman get out of hand, cosplaying as her and coming on to her without the womans permission. Eventually, after a match, the two put issues behind them, (after a great night of passion) and are now on friendly terms.



Match Record: 4 Wins, 1 Losses


Kaylee Rush defeated Makoto Aihara via Submission (California Dreaming Figure Four Headscissors)
Kaylee Rush defeated Bubbles Burste via Pinfall (Orgasm into pin)
Kaylee Rush defeated Valley Doll via Submission (Ear Nibbling/Grapevine Stretch)
Kaylee Rush defeated Yukina via Orgasm (Hentai Match)
Yuki Onno defeated Kaylee Rush via Pinfall (Frog Splash)


1. Kaylee Rush debuts in a match against a Rumble Roses Veteran! WIN

2. Kaylee runs into her idol, Valley Doll, backstage!

3. Kaylee has her second match in Friction! LOSS

4.  Kaylee gets to spar with her idol!

5. Kaylee cosplays as her idol, Valley Doll, to take on Valleys old Slamazon rival, and her trainer, Bubbles Burste! WIN

6. Kaylee fucks up and things between her and Valley take a drastic turn

7. Kaylee Rush vs Valley Doll: Slamazon Battle WIN

8. Kaylee and Valley chat a little post match

9. Having defeated Valley Doll, Kaylee earned a night of passion with her idol, and tonight, she claims her prize.

Attire Pic:

Kaylee Val Halan: The California Dream 86afe110

Check out the recently revamped Roster Page, now with pics!

Posts : 9575
Join date : 2008-04-29
Age : 34

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