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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by DizzyKnight Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:15 pm

Haruka Hirayama
Lady Caroline Talbot
Standard 1v1 match; victory achieved via pinfall, disqualification, KO, or submission.


Haruka was pretty excited as she waited backstage for her signal, she had another match! and so soon after her debut aswell! perhaps someone at AFW had taken interest in her, but it seemed more likely that it was pure coincidence. She didn't consider herself to be a good or even particularly unique wrestler, though comparing herself to the more well-known members of the company roster didn't help her all that much. Sitting backstage waiting for the event to begin was strangely more heart-pounding than the actual fight, the same could be said of her debut, her mind racing with all the possible worst-case-scenarios that might happen.

Eventually, her music hit, and she quickly moved out into the arena to another warm reception, bringing a smile to her face and quickly steadying her pounding heart and trembling hands. She made her way down the ramp, waving and blowing kisses in both directions at the more excited members of the audience. When she made it to the ring, she bounced up onto the apron and dived over the top rope, performing a cartwheel when she landed just to show off somewhat, though it did please the crowd.

Haruka wore the same outfit as she had debuted in, a simple green sports bra with matching short-shorts, both outlined with gold lines. Her elbows and knees were protected by plain, but quite thin, pads in the same green as her bra, matching up quite nicely with the rest of the set, and finally the same toe-less green thighhighs. She still insisted on not wearing boots or shoes to the ring, even when her teacher requested that she did, finding the feel of the cold arena floor and canvas on her feet to be far too good to pass up.

The music faded out and the lights dimmed to near total darkness while her opponent's entrance was set up. She didn't really know much about who she was fighting, only that she had a very strange name, one that wouldnt have seemed out of place in the cafe she worked at. Hopefully it wasnt someone who visited that place, since the customers always seemed to be weird perverts.

Last edited by DizzyKnight on Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Dizzy's Knights

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by Deus Machina Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:10 pm

The Countess of Shrewsbury was sitting on a bench, in the locker room, located on the backstage. The young english noblewoman was excited for her debut on the AFW, a league with great prestige around the globe, something that, previously, was only possible on her dreams, since Caroline never imagined that she would make it to such position on the wrestling world, since she was just a small girl that was lucky enough to have been born on an aristocratic family and to have survived during her service on Afghanistan. Nevertheless, there she was. Patiently drinking a cup of tea to calm her from her excitement, while waiting for her time to enter the arena.

It was an Yamecha Tea, which Carol bought from a local store in her way to the match. She had been in Japan for only a few weeks, which has been a fascinating and weird experience to her, being in contact with such different and wonderful culture that is the Japanese one.

Lady Talbot finished her tea just when her opponent's theme song started playing. The match was close to it's start. Despite being already dressed up for it, with her red bra and shorts, and have trained for this confrotation, she was not feeling ready, like there was something missing, something forgotten that had to be done... "No", she thought, "It is only the excitement stirring the blood on my veins". So, Carol took a deep breath and rose up, while waiting for her opponent's theme to finish, pointing out that she was already on the ring.

And so, Lone Digger from Caravan Palace ended, making Caroline rush towards the door to the arena, where she waited for her song to start. Then, Lady Talbot heard the drums from that lovely British military march.

- Once more unto the breach! - She said, to herself, quoting Henry V, from Shakespeare, while entering the arena.

She walked elegantly and calmly towards the ring, with so much class that it almost seemed that she was marching, something which she was trying her best to don't do it, since the music brought back vivid memories from merry times serving on the British Army.

- Entering now, the debuting wrestler from the United Kingdom, Lady Caroline Talbot! - Said the announcer, on her microphone, announcing her entrance and debut. "Well, that wasn't some proper heralding... But that's okay I guess...", she thought, kind of disappointed because of the lack of her other titles and names on the announcement. She was a noblewoman after all. However, she would have to leave this worries to other time, since she was approaching the ring and the match would start shortly after.

Then, Carol entered on the ring, simply passing by the ropes, going trough them, not elegantly as she would like, but also not on a messed up way. Waiting for her on the ring was her adversary, Haruka Hirayama, a blonde Japanese wrestler who recently debuted herself at AFW. She was wearing a green atire and to beautifully match with it, she had bright and majestic green eyes, which contrasted with Carol's blue ones.
Deus Machina
Deus Machina

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by DizzyKnight Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:17 am

When Caroline appeared at the top of the entryway, the audience gave her a warm cheer, being excited to see yet another new face in the AFW's impressive roster. Haruka gave a smile to the Lady as she made her way down towards the ring, the blonde maid standing with both hands behind her back and both feet together in a rather cute vaguely servant-like pose. The match looked to be an interesting one, with both wrestlers roughly even in size, despite Caroline being some 18 pounds heavier than her Japanese counterpart, she was still four inches shorter. It was unlikely either fighter would get much of an advantage over the other simply by their body shape.

As Talbot reached the ring, she made a fairly simple movement to get in, simply climbing in through the center rope. She looked to be 'inspecting' Haruka for a moment, checking the slim Japanese wrestler over from head to toe, getting a slight blush and giggle from her. "Kon'nichiwa, miss!" she called out, raising a hand out from behind her back to give a small wave. She was indeed dressed in a lot of green, though her hair appeared to be tied up with a blue ribbon, possibly the only thing on her that didnt fall into the green or yellow scheme her outfit consisted of. "I hope we have a good fight" she followed up with.

Dizzy's Knights

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by Deus Machina Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:11 pm

A lovely giggle from her opponent was heard by Caroline, interrupting her line of thoughts about Haruka. The english girl, quickly drove her attention to the Japanese wrestler, clad in green with some small details in yellow. She greeted Lady Talbot by waving her hand and speaking in both english and Japanese. "Good thing she speaks the best language on the world, besides her own native tongue", thought the noblewoman, appreciating her language profficiency.

- Hajimemashite, Haruka! - "Nice to meet you, Haruka", Answered Carol, on her fluent Japanese, however she changed back to english before both girls could have a conversation on the local language. - I would love to keep chatting in Japanese with you, however I feel more comfortable speaking the Queen's... Well, I am sure that we will have a splendid match!

The match was about to start, and, surprisingly to herself, Carol was being able to contain her anxiety, patiently taking the last observations of her opponent. Hirayama was taller than her, however the foreign Countess was heavier than her. Both of this differences were quite small, yet, they could be cleverly exploited by both wrestlers if they knew how to do it. However, Lady Talbot could not put too much thought on that, as she would have to concentrate her mind on adapting to her opponent's movements when the match started.
Deus Machina
Deus Machina

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by DizzyKnight Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:22 pm

"I think so too." Haruka replied kindly, still smiling at her soon-to-be opponent even with just mere seconds left before the bell was to ring. She shuffled away a short distance and moved herself into a better stance for fighting, her green eyes locked with Caroline's deep blue ones. With both girls lacking footwear, neither would have any advantage or disadvantage related to their feet, the pair would each be as vulnerable to toe-stomping or footlocks as eachother in theory, but Haruka would rather not step on someone's bare feet, knowing first-hand how painful it can be.

When the bell rang a moment later, Haruka quickly stepped forwards and threw her arms out to try and lock up with the English noble, a test of strength that would hand the advantage over to the strongest or smartest wrestler if they could overpower their opponent. Caroline's weight advantage and better musculature would give her an edge in the struggle, but Haruka would be careful to give ground if she felt she was about to fall, making it seem (at least from the audience's perspective) like an even matchup. If Carol proved too much for Haruka to hold off, it'd become her goal to get the Englishwoman to push her against the ropes, which would get the referee to break them up.

Dizzy's Knights

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by Deus Machina Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:11 am

The bell rang and Carol decided to use her usual strategy: Remaining on the defense until her opponent attacked her. Yet, sometimes her adversaries decided that they would use the same strategy, something that would usually ruin this kind of plan, but Lady Talbot had a counter for that, which is teasing her opponent to attack her.

However, she did not need to tease Haruka, because the Japanese wrestler advanced towards the english newcomer, with a surprising speed, at least to Caroline, who did not expect her opponent to be that fast. But she placed this disregard aside and started focusing on a way counter her opponent's action, which was to throw her arms against the Countess.

The Englishwoman was then, suddenly, involved on a test of strenght, with her arms locked up with Haruka's. "Hmm, she is more aggressive then I thought... Interesting, I suppose...", thought the British blonde. Her adversary in green was having the upper hand, because of the momentum of her charge, what made Lady Talbot retreat a few steps back. She counter attacked, attempting to push her back a little, just to get close to her and perform an elaborate attack.
Deus Machina
Deus Machina

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by DizzyKnight Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:36 am

The pair's hands locked together and Haruka took the lead right away, forcing the shorter wrestler to back up a few steps. It didn't take long for the extra momentum to vanish, and the two wrestlers stood un-moving in the center of the ring, each pushing and straining against the other. Haruka put one foot back a fair distance to try and steady herself, but timed it very poorly, as it came at the same time as a hard shove from Carol, putting the Japanese girl off-balance and sliding backwards.

She tried to get her feet back into a stable stance, squirming and struggling with desperation in an attempt to stay on her feet. It'd only take one more hard push from the Noblewoman to put the green-eyed local down on her butt, though the situation presented an opening for almost any attack she'd like to use. The opening seemed to be closing fast though, as Haruka's feet were moving quite quickly, her reliance on Caroline for support disappearing fast.

Dizzy's Knights

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by Deus Machina Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:36 am

Carol's advance seemed to her to be working superbly, as Haruka was being forced to get down, more and more, as the British wrestler pushed her back constantly. "It seems that all that strenght back at the army is having it's results... Fantastic!", she thought, while smiling, as she struggled with her opponent in green.

Her Japanese opponent was off balance and her feet were moving quickly, as she tried to stabilize herself. The time had come for Lady Talbot to do what she was planning, the very reason why she did this push against Haruka. She was going to apply the "Back Heel", an wrestling move inspired by a judo movement.

So, the Countess, positioned very closely to her adversary, moved her right leg to reap Haruka's own right leg, at the back of the thigh, with the objective of causing her unbalance, what would allow Carol to slam Hirayama on the canvas, which was her final objective with this move.
Deus Machina
Deus Machina

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by DizzyKnight Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:09 pm

With Haruka's slim body off-balance, it didn't take long for Caroline to notice and move in to exploit her new advantage. One of her British opponent's legs slipped around the top her own thigh and yanked back quickly, sending the Japanese maid's right leg upwards away from the canvas, while the rest of her body went the other direction. Being on the canvas might not be so bad, or so Haruka thought, perhaps the newer girl would make a mistake or attempt a move Hirayama had practiced against.

Regardless of what she was thinking, it still didn't feel too great being dropped on her butt like that, the impact making her let out a "Gnnf!" sound and blink hard. After landing, she'd try and yank Carol's hands down to bring the Countess down with her, attempting to throw both legs around her opponent's abdomen to apply a sort of body scissor, her thighs squeezing in around Lady Talbot's belly while Haruka pulled on her hands. Not the strongest or more painful hold, but it'd at least slow things down a little and hopefully prevent the former soldier from continuing her offense.

Dizzy's Knights

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Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut Empty Re: Haruka Hirayama vs. Lady Caroline Talbot - Caroline's Debut

Post by Deus Machina Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:36 am

Haruka was thrown in the floor and her plan had worked. "Smashing!", thought the Countess, just after applying her judo move, adapted to wrestling, and throwing the Japanese girl on the floor. However, this sudden joy, which she could not hide on her facial expressions, quickly turned to surprise, as Hirayama threw her legs around Carol's abdomen, while squeezing her belly with her tights and pulling the Englishwoman's hands.

Lady Talbot could feel her stomach being pressured from both flanks, hurting it quite a bit. However, to escape from this body scissor created by her adversary, she was split between what path she would take in order do free herself. Yet, she had to decide  quickly, and that is what she did.

The British girl then proceeded to use her own arms to free them from the pulls coming from Haruka. Once she did that, she would retreat backwards, pushing back with the strength of her body, and with the help of her arms, if necessary, with the objective to escape from the body scissor, freeing her abdomen from the Japanese's legs.
Deus Machina
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