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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:53 pm

Natasha's work upon the breasts of Velvet was going quite well from where she was laying, hints both subtle and not so subtle coming from the German woman as her mouth and fingers explored those delicious mounds. Her efforts came to an abrupt halt however as Velvet heightened the pressure around Natasha's waist, those legs of hers crushing the trapped Frenchwoman with a strength that continued to impress her. Her misfortunes did not end there either as Velvet began to violently shake her back and forth, grinding her tits over Natasha's face with such intensity the woman found herself growing dizzy, made even worse from the overpowering scent of Velvet's chest that filled her senses.

Her hands never left Velvet's breasts though their gentle groping from before was replaced with a firm and unrelenting grip, Natasha latching onto those mounds for dear life as she was shaken about. It didn't do anything to slow Velvet down but she still felt better squeezing the woman's tits.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:37 am

After having squeezed and shaken Natasha about from left to right long enough to leave her more than a little breathless, Velvet Valentine rocked her hips firmly to her left handside so as to roll herself and the trapped Russian over onto one side. Still held within a deep embrace, the Valentine carefully stroked that back of Natasha's lush blue hair before withdrawing her right hand from around the back of her opponent's head...

Anka still had her left arm hooked smartly around Natasha to keep her face in against her hot and moist bust, while her right hand roamed down the Russian's body with a teasing caress.

"I zink... for ze occasion... you have kommen a little.." Her finger tips scritched against the inner side of Natasha's left hand breast, searching and finally nestling with a finger tip grip just under one of the edges of the oval shaped opening in Natasha blue and black wrestling attire "How you vould say... Über gekleidet..." The Valentine hummed a chuckle, her confidence returning with the reversal of fortunes between them "Vell ma petite fleur.. ve can fix zat.." And with that, Velvet Valentine tugged firmly on the material with the intention of break it open at the bottom and liberating  Natasha's breasts to freedom from the confines of the tight attire

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:54 am

While she couldn't see anything beyond Velvet's breasts Natasha was quite certain the world was spinning beyond them, the frenchwoman not even noticing that she was now laying on her side until she heard Velvet's voice. It took several more seconds before Natasha realized the furious grinding of her face over the German's bust had ceased, her grip upon those mounds loosening but not ending entirely, Natasha resuming her loving stroking of them now that she wasn't being shaken about. It seemed as if Velvet had a similar thought though, only she wanted more than to simply touch.

"Want to see more of this flower I see." Natasha could now pull her face a whole half inch away from Velvet's breasts, enough to speak at least and catch a small breath. Her own breasts shifted about uncomfortably under her top as Velvet yanked on the fabric back and forth, leaving it to Natasha to slide a hand between them and grip the bottom silver buckle of her top, a soft click sounding just before another tug from Velvet made her top burst open at the bottom.

"All things break when you know the right buttons to press..." Her warm breath brushed across the tops of Velvet's breasts, Natasha moaning as her chest came free with a soft kiss upon each of those lovely mounds quick to follow. Her hand now turned to Velvet's covering, such as they were, her fingers seeking out those pasties to peel them away.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:31 pm

Satisfied with the bottom half of Natasha's brand new attire pulled apart to free up her bust line considerably, Velvet Valentine started to loosen up on her opponent only to find her pesky naughty little fingers catch ahold of the edge on either sides of the heart pasties. The sticky pulled off with a very faint sound like velcro being pulled apart of its tight meld, revealing the dual shaded nipples underneath. The German French babe let out something between a grunt and a groan as she closed her eyes briefly..

"Oh I zink you'll find I know alllllll ze buttons." She said softly but confidently and then before Natasha could do any more, Velvet Valentine broke the body scissors and moved to start climbing to her feet, her hands still around the back of Natasha head to hold her close to her breasts as she hoisted her opponent up to her feet at the same time. Once up, the Valentine snatched her arms down around the blue haired woman's waist and back... It seemed that Anka was quite determined to exact some kind of premonition that a Velvet embrace was Natasha destiny. But instead of going for the bear hug signature move as her freshly bared nipples pressed right into Natasha's breasts, the German French heaved up on the Russian's body...

Her nipples scrapping down over Natasha's bust and into position where it poked against the underside of Natasha's breasts, the Valentine turned sharply and tried to come back down towards the mat with Natasha underneath her back first in a side belly to belly suplex

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:28 pm

There was still one clasp left to go on Natasha's top but before she could do Anka the favor of finishing the job of making her topless the Valentine began rising back to her feet, dragging Natasha along for the ride. She thought to use this transition to escape but Velvet was frustratingly on top of things and kept her head stuck firmly up against her chest. "I would hope so, otherwise this won't be as much fun as I had hoped." The comment was barely out of her lips before Anka wrapped her arms around Natasha's waist, giving her a moment of deja vu to their meeting in the locker room. Remembering how things had gone for her back then Natasha grabbed Velvet by the shoulders, pushing to make holding onto her a more difficult task for the larger woman.

"God, your tits are practically holding me up!" Natasha gasped out seemingly all at once, the bluenette talking quickly now that the pressure was on. Then with a quick turn and an even faster trip down Anka slammed Natasha onto the mat with all the weight of the other woman crashing down on top of her, flattening the Frenchwoman whose breasts mushroomed out as far as they physically could.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:05 pm

Velvet Valentine let out a warm and somehow slightly French accented huff, almost like a whispered "oui.." as her body came down on top of Natasha in the side belly to belly suplex. Her large breasts flattened on top of Natasha and made her upper body bounce and bob up a little.

The Valentine finally moved back up a little onto her knees, giving Natasha a rare moment of no body contact between them. Anka still wanted to wrestle Natasha body around quite a bit, but she prefered to "fix" Natasha attire up before doing so. Reaching down she allowed her hands to cup and slide over the outsides of her breasts before grasping her wrestling attire near the shoulders and tugging at them to try and relieve theRussian completely of the upper part of her clothing

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:48 am

Natasha came quite close to asking for the license plate of the bus that just hit her but her body overruled her as replacing some of the oxygen that had just rushed out of her lungs during the suplex was apparently more important. She laid on the mat with her arms spread out to either side, eyes staring right up into the arena lights while she focused on breathing for starters, her breasts rising and falling as she took deep breaths. It would have been more difficult if Velvet had remained on top of her but thankfully she rose up off of Natasha, giving the bluenette a rather great view of the woman's ever impressive bust. Not that Natasha wasn't rather blessed in the chest department herself but Velvet's were ridiculous.

It did not take Velvet long to reach down and fondle Natasha's breasts, the Frenchwoman gasping slightly upon first contact, though she hummed pleasantly while those hands slid up over her mounds. With one clasp down it only took the woman a few hard tugs to pry open the other, Natasha's top bursting fully open without any resistance from her. In a match like this clothes never lasted long seeing as neither competitor truly wanted them to.

"Oh've stripped me...whatever shall I do?" The teasing was swiftly followed by a kick from Natasha thrown at the side of Velvet's head, Natasha turning over onto her side to fire it off. Her body promptly made its complaints about moving so soon after the suplex known to the Frenchwoman in the form of a stabbing pain in her lower back, Natasha enduring as she then tried to roll away and get back to her knees.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:02 am

After stripping the top half of Natasha's attire, Velvet Valentine took a moment to admire her handiwork and the soft supple Russian mounds that lay in front of her. Although she was smiling she definitely had the look of a predator about her hungry eyes, a predator that was carefully looking at an almost captured prey. The Valentine started to lean forwards over Natasha...

"Now ma sveet.. ve sha- AH!!" Anka yelled out as she was caught in mid sentence and off gaurd by Natasha kick from the ground, the Russian's foot striking the side of the German French babe's head and sending her sprawling to one side away from her. Velvet Valentine fell to her side with a thump, allowing Natasha to roll away from danger as she propped herself up on one forearm and used her other hand to feel the side of her head where Natasha had hit

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:43 pm

Letting herself breathe a sigh of relief Natasha needed a moment to catch her breath and calm down, her heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute, the bluenette focusing on slow, deep breaths while wiping the sweat from her face. She could still smell Velvet as strongly as before even then, courtesty of all the boob sweat smeared all over her face. "Ma sveet..." She repeated softly, accent and all, as she returned her gaze to Velvet. She stumbled her way back up onto her feet as she closed the distance between them, Natasha reaching down to take Velvet by her mane, wrapping the woman's flowing silver hair around her fingers before pulling up to drag her back to her feet where a knee waited to slam up into her stomach.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 3 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:48 pm

Velvet Valentine shook her head a little from side to side, feeling somewhat stunned by the unexpected kick to the side of her cheek. She didn't seem to see Natasha coming until the Russian was on her, grasping at her silvery grey hair.

Anka cried out as Natasha started dragged her to her feet by the painful hair pull. She grabbed at her opponent's wrists to try and lessen the sting of her roots being pulled out. As the buxom woman got fully to her feet, Natasha drill up a deep knee straight into her exposed belly. Puffing out a warm mouthful of air into Natasha's face, the Valentine hopped up and stuck her large butt out behind her.. Doubling over fowards in front of Natasha as her hands released the wrists and instead clutched around her own stomach

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