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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:31 am

After all the effort it had taken Natasha to haul Velvet back up to her feet she couldn't help but pause for a moment to appreciate the woman in front of her, holding her in place by her hair while she clutched at her stomach. "You look tired Velvet, here, let me help you down." Natasha said before sharply pulling on Velvet's silvery mane, pulling her head in between Natasha's knees before jumping backwards and then down to the mat for a pedigree! If she could just get the big woman down flat on her front Natasha would have easy access to what she truly wanted, able to slide her hands down the woman's backside to the curve of her delectable ass.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:25 pm

Doubled over, Velvet Valentine's cheek ended up nuzzled up against the side of Natasha's thigh and ass for a moment before the Russian blue haired woman forcefully pulled her head by the hair to slot down between her thighs as Anka's hands gripped around the outside of her opponent's knees

"Nh.." Anka grunted out in a hot breath against the inner side of Natasha's thigh muscle. With the Russian stripped of her top half the way she was, the Valentine could feel her naked breasts lightly touch down upon her back as Natasha lean forwards to grab Anka's arms up around behind her. The German French babe was only given a moment to prepare herself for what was about to come before Natasha jumped up, forcing Anka to jump with her and her legs to go out horizontal with the mat as they came crashing down into the pedigree.

"UNGGH!!!" Anka huffed out, most of the brunt of the impact seemed to be taken on her bust that was flattened to the canvas underneath her weight. Her head snapped up a bit as her forehead made contact with the floor, but Natasha's crotch firmly against the back of the Valentine's head prevented it from going anywhere as she lay against the mat stunned. Her ass proving to be quite smooth and warm to the touch as Natasha's hand slid intrusively down over its curves

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:23 am

Wiggling her hips as she stretched her arms out in front of her, the Frenchwoman's now practically naked breasts pancaked outward over Velvet's back, her nipples stiffening even further as they were dragged across that creamy skin of Velvet's. Natasha was settling in for what she hoped would be a lengthy stay on top of the downed Velvet, her knees pressing against the sides of the other woman's head just firmly enough to keep it right where it was, no more. Natasha could have turned it into a headscissor but she wasn't interested in hurting Velvet, no her thoughts had already turned to pleasuring the beast of a woman beneath her.

"Now lets rid ourselves of what little clothing you have left, unless you object?" Natasha paused to listen for just a moment before pressing onward, her fingers plucking at the string that made up Velvet's thong to drag it down around the woman's knees. She would take it slow, her chin resting just above Velvet's plump rear so that she could exhale between those lovely legs, the warm air brushing past Velvet's sex until Natasha brough her index and middle fingers from her right hand and laid them down upon Velvet's rosebud. They would slide down between the Valentine's thighs until they were gliding over top of the woman's labia, sliding up and down along those soft lips while Natasha tenderly kissed Velvet's rear.


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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:34 pm

The heat of Natasha's womanhood bathed over the back of the valentine's neck and head, her breasts pressing and mushrooming against the German French woman bare moistened back. Whereas normally the victim of a pedigree would be turned over onto their back and either let be or pinned, Natasha maintained the position with her thighs and knees pressed in against the side of her opponent's head, keeping her trapped facing down against the mat

Anka was still too dazed to give a verbal response to Natasha's statement, then the Russian went about slipping her fingers carefully down between the buxom woman's large butt cheeks to pluck out the thin material of her scarlett pink thong. Velvet Valentine let out a faint huff of air against the inside of Natasha's thigh as the woman pulled the clothing down over her thighs to leave her nether regions bare and vulnerable. The Valentine started to shuffle and try and get her knees under her, but with Natasha's waist firmly planted against the back of her shoulders, the German French babe was only able to incline up her lower end... With Anka butt pointing upwards, Natasha ended up with even easier access to the treasure trove she sort underneath

"Nhh..!" the Valentine grunted out as the tips of Natasha's fingers found her sex deep between her thick thighs, her hips wiggled a little as Natasha's lips tenderly placed themselves against Anka's smooth ass cheek

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:18 am

"Why thank you Velvet." Natasha said softly after another kiss to the woman's hypnotic rear, not sure if she could even hear her appreciation though it was the thought that counted or so she believed anyway. After presenting her ass to Natasha like that it felt only right that she thank her, but if she couldn't hear her then perhaps she clould thank her in another way, one that Velvet would undoubtedly be able to hear or rather feel. Her fingertips brushed along Velvet's outer lips in a gentle circular motion, only teasing for a few seconds to make sure Velvet was ready to welcome her fingers further in. Judging from how wet the German beauty already was she wasn't just ready for more fun, she was eager for the show to get started. This was what they had both come for in the end, even if Natasha at least liked to pretend it was solely the competition that turned her on in these matches.

Slowly yet forcefully Natasha slid her fingers past Velvet's labia and into the depths of her warm, soft folds, stirring up the woman's honey pot for a time while she listened oh so intently to the sweet sounds Velvet would hopefully make. There was something sexy about the quiet types but Natasha didn't take Velvet for one of those, in fact she had her pegged as quite the screamer in bed. A few quick pumps of her fingers inside of Velvet would tell her which type Velvet was. "How loud can I make you I wonder?" She asked out loud, again not sure if Velvet could hear but not really caring.

Still she couldn't just ignore the rest of Velvet while her fingers were enjoying the woman's juicy depths. Natasha's breasts remained practically glued to the other woman's back, not that she could do much else with them from where she sat even if she wanted and still reach her sex. Luckily Natasha quite liked the tingling sensation she got from her nipples being dragged along Velvet's creamy skin, the Frenchwoman forcing herself as close against Velvet's back as she could to further intensify that feeling. She reached down to the front of Velvet, the hand of her's not doing anything at the moment filling itself with one of Velvet's plump tits and squeezing like she was holding on for dear life.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:10 pm

Velvet Valentine’s body remained in the low sensual curve so that her face was against the mat, her ass up in the air and her large thighs kinda hunched up against the sides of her belly. Still partially stunned from the pedigree, she wasn’t aware just how vulnerable she had made herself for Natasha until the nip came on her smooth plump rump and she felt Natasha’s hands slip between her thighs up to circle a finger tip around the opening of her sex.

The Valentine groaned and murmured out, her body tensing up a little sensitive to the touch. She started to breath out heavier against the mat as she slow came around to the prospect that she was wide open for Natasha at the moment. She started trying to shuffle on her knees from one shin to the other, trying to cut through the fog and get her defences up by closing her thighs around Natasha’s hand and prevent any further progress… But she was too slow and before Anka could close up completely, Natasha’s finger slid straight inside her like a hot knife through butter

“Ouwwfff~!” The German let out in a huff that sounded somehow slightly accented in French, her body jolting so that her butt cheeks bumped up into Natasha’s face a little. Anka blindly groped around, her hands finding Natasha's thighs as the blue haired woman's other hand found the German's breast trapped against the canvas for a firm squeeze

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:39 am

Listening to Velvet felt like sitting in the best seat in the concert hall while listening to the captivating sounds of a sympthony, not just hearing the music but feeling it as well. Each moan and gasp amongst so many other lovely sounds Velvet was singing for her were accompanied by a gentle shudder or quick exhale of air, Natasha reveling in these vibrations while hugging herself as close against the beauty beneath her as she could. Of course she rewarded Velvet with music of her own, purring as her nipples dug into the other's back, and even whistling softly while her fingers explored the slick sex of Anka's that seemed to draw her in. "One two three, one two three, just like that, dance for me." Natasha sang the words in the same beat with which her fingers plunged inside of Velvet. Each firm squeeze of Velvet's breast was random however, just to throw the woman off and give her something to anticipate.

Unfortunately Velvet's hands managed to find their way to Natasha's thighs which likely meant she wouldn't be the only one inside the other before too long. It left her with quite the difficult conundrum, whether to stay the course and see if her lead would hold or to change things up and risk letting Velvet interrupting her, but choose she did and Natasha rose upright on her knees to slide further down Velvet's back. Natasha had to let go of the other's breast so she placed that hand upon Velvet's ass instead while her fingers resumed their song from before, trying to settle in on top of the woman's lower back.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:32 pm

Anka body jolted and shuddered each time Natasha counted up melodically only to thrust her finger inside her love tunnel, after a few moments the German's sex started to quiver as the count drew closer to when she had been conditioned into believing another thrust would come. Her smooth and hot milky white skin was splattered with sweat droplets here and there, she realize she had to do something about this... With the way Natasha was working on her sex, the Valentine didn't know how much longer she'd be able to hold out.

She tensed a bit, her fingers curling tightly against Natasha thighs as she prepared to try and lift Natasha or grab at her ass or something... but then Natasha quite simply lifted upright, Anka panted and gasped, her hands going down to the mat as it seemed like the Russian was giving her some reprieve. She felt Natasha scoot forwards, her inner thighs rubbing against the sides of Velvet Valentine's body... Anka was just starting to get up onto all fours when Natasha's crotch and butt pressed down against the small of her back, forcing the German French babe back down into the curved position with her knees proping her hips and butt up in the air.

"owwwh.. zut.." The Valentine breathed out across the canvas as her cheek was pressed back down flat against the floor. She knew that Natasha had a much better position on her now and it wasn't long before Natasha hands went right back between her thighs to continue going to work on her mound. Velvet Valentine's arm reached out in front of her for the ropes but she was no where near and after just a second or two, the forearm came back down to rest against the mat as Anka's sweet sounding pants picked up in volume and tempo. Her thick cushiony thighs pressed tightly against Natasha's wrists, but were unable to prevent Natasha's movement as Anka's clear juices leak out warmly over the Russian's fingers and palm of her hand

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by daemongirl Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:53 am

"Oh don't mind me Velvet, just go ahead and relax...lay down and enjoy all that I can deliver..." Natasha's voice was calm and relaxed while she worked her fingers inside of the German beauty currently sprawled out beneath her rear, a soothing melody to lull Velvet into allowing the French heiress all the time in the world to make her feel good. "If you had just played nice before, you remember back in the locker room, well you could have experienced this and far more Velvet..." To further make her point Natasha curled her fingers inward, letting her nails drag along the woman's outer lips, just a light scratching to spice things up before her two fingers plunged back into the warm depths of the woman's sex.

Velvet was helping Natasha's fingers quicken inside of her as her juices had begun to flow, yet another unmistakable sign that Natasha was on the right path to getting what she wanted most in that moment. It was also getting her quite hot under her nonexistent collar, so much so that Natasha's hips began to rock back and forth on their own, her nether lips parting as she dragged them along Velvet's spine. A low purring could be heard coming from Natasha, her other hand stroking along the curve of Velvet's plentiful rear for several seconds. A slap against the other's ass now and again to liven things up even more.

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VelvetValentine - SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear - Page 4 Empty Re: SS 17 Velvet Valentine vs. Natasha Loclear

Post by Kelsea Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:24 am

The Valentine let out a deep groan as Natasha curled her finger inside her sex to drag her nail and the tip of her finger along the upper inside of her passage, illustrating the fact that she could have pleasured the German as she was doing now. Velvet Valentine hands gripped into a fist, fingers scraping against the canvas as she tried to withstand the building pleasure that Natasha was starting to stir up inside her core.. But despite her best efforts to try and keep calm and concentrate on getting out of this hold, Anka felt her heart starting to beat harder and faster while her breathing rate increased similarly to match.

Natasha's mound pressed and rubbed right into the small of the German French babe's back, feeling quite hot and moist so that the Valentine was sure that it was not just her getting all riled up at this moment. Anka bit into her lower lip, Natasha's finger working inside her starting to make her chunky thighs quiver with pent up pleasure... She was quickly ascending to the pinnacle, her pussy lips throbbing and starting to contract around Natasha's digit, she wouldn't be able to hold out for very much longer.

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