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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by RadiantKarna332 Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:41 am

Nanami honestly couldn't believe that she managed to gain an upper hand against Jessica Wright. With a timely strike to the knee to a kick to the side of her head, Nanami managed to bring down the red-clad wrestler, and Nanami was planning to keep up with her momentum, not wanting to break it now that she was leading the match. But first, Nanami would let her satisfaction known by punching her fist to the air. "Alright!"

Right after that, she would come closer to Jessica and go to grab a handful of her violet hair, trying to forcefully pull her up so that she could put her into a headlock. Considering how strong Jessica was, Nanami needed to make sure that her hold around the Violent Violet was tight in preparation for her next move.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by LtLukas Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:57 am

The Violent Violet was fairly groggy. It was a normal reaction for a woman who had just nearly had her head kicked in. The painful throbbing in her head nearly overcame all of her feelings, but she managed to cling to the internal drive to keep going. She heard her opponent say something, and she heard the roar of the crowd. Anything smaller than that could not be detected. Jessica was not sure it would matter if she could.

The lights darkened above her. There was a taut pull on her hair, and Jessica found herself being pulled upwards. A strong arm went over her neck, and Jessica winced. This was not a good situation, not at all. Then her look of pain dissipated. Jessica knew how to get out of this. She wrapped her arm around her opponent, then attempted to use her superior strength to lift her over and back for an impressive, if impromptu, suplex.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by RadiantKarna332 Wed Aug 23, 2017 2:18 am

Having locked Jessica's head into a headlock, Nanami was planning to bring her opponent down into the mat face first with a running bulldog, which wasn't in her usual repertoire, but that could serve its purpose all the same. She knew that she shouldn't give Jessica a chance to recover and turn this match around, so she prepared herself to run in order to execute the move.

But, before she could use the move on her opponent, Jessica wrapped her arm around her, and with an impressive display of strength, the Violent Violet lifted Nanami over, throwing her over with an impromptu and improvised suplex. "Gyaah!" Nanami cried out in surprise when she was lifted up before landing on her shoulders. "Oughh!!" She grunted.

Right after she landed, she flopped onto the mat and laid spread eagle, unable to comprehend what was going on. Her harsh landing earlier seemed to have stunned her quite a bit, thus making her unable to immediately move herself in preparation for any follow-up attack that Jessica might throw at her way.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by LtLukas Wed Aug 23, 2017 2:51 am

As Jessica lifted her opponent, she wondered exactly how badly Nanami had underestimated her. She was the Violent Violet, an unholy terror whose reign of brutality was enough to make even the most hardcore wrestling addict shudder. A blow to the knee and then a kick to the head were not enough to keep her down, not even close. She waited for the impact, for the sound of flesh on mat.

Then it came. No one particularly liked Jessica, but they had to admit that she was good. All of the years she had spent in a wrestling ring meant that she knew what was coming most of the time, and her prescient abilities were on display here. The second she heard her opponent hit the mat, she was up and at 'em. Jessica knew that now was not the time to make braggadocious gestures towards the crowd.

No, that was for later. As soon as Jessica was up, she was down again. Only this time, it was her whole body. She went to the air, and spread her arms and legs wide, so there was no chance that she would miss. And when she came down, she came down hard. The Violent Violet was a solid, and strong, woman.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by RadiantKarna332 Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:05 am

Still lying on the mat, Nanami wondered what the hell happened. One minute she had put Jessica in a headlock, preparing to bring her down with a running bulldog, and then the next thing she knew was that she was thrown back into a suplex. Perhaps she got a tad overconfident after successfully downing the Violent Violet earlier in this match with her kicks, and she had to pay dearly for such a faux-pas.

And while Nanami was trying to regain her bearing, she saw Jessica above her, and the red-clad woman then brought herself down onto her, crushing Nanami under her weight. Due to her state, Nanami was unable to move away.

"Huorghh!!" Nanami gasped, eyes widened after taking Jessica's weight on top of her. Her legs shot up upon impact before flopping down onto the mat. The move seemed to have taken quite a lot out of the newbie, and she somehow knew that Jessica wasn't even done with her yet.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by LtLukas Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:31 am

Jessica felt the splash. It was woman on woman, sheer old school wrestling incarnate. The ring shook as she landed. From her vantage point, it was as if the entirety of the Earth shook along with her, and she did not care enough about the outside world to find out one way or the other. There were many who would be proud of Jessica for having done just such a move, but again, Jessica could not find much motivation to care.

No, all of her focus was now on ripping this woman apart. Jessica got up. The blow had an impact on her too, but she doubted that it was half the impact that it was on Nanami. Then a cruel idea came to her. A fescennine grin spread across her face, and Jessica started her task.

The Violent Violet bent down, and grabbed at Nanami's hair. Once she pulled her up, she would move to bow her, and tuck her in the same headlock that Nanami would perform on her. Only, Jessica's hold was considerably tighter, and she severely doubted that Nanami had the fortitude to pull off what Jessica had just done.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by RadiantKarna332 Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:49 am

Nanami moaned, her whole body aching from the body splash. She began to think that this match had been a mismatch from the very beginning. There's no way she could fight against such force. But, there's no way she would just give up like that. She would continue fighting back to show her opponent what she's made of.

But, she suddenly felt a stinging sensation on her scalp as Jessica grabbed her by her hair, and then she was put into a headlock, the same one that she had used on Jessica earlier. This one was tighter than the one that Nanami had subjected to her, and due to her still reeling from the body splash earlier, Nanami couldn't muster enough strength to push herself out of the hold.

"Hhnngh..." Nanami moaned, pawing on Jessica's bare thighs weakly as she attempted to free herself from the headlock, which was an ineffectual effort, from the look of it.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by LtLukas Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:57 pm

There it was. Jessica had Nanami, dead to rights. Usually, she went for a punch to the gut to start off this particular combo of hers, but she would take what she could get here. Jessica took a few steps forward. It was quite the distance, given how tall she was. For most people, it would have been to build up a little momentum, which Jessica did not entirely mind. But for the most part, she wanted her opponent to know that she could lead her all around, like a dog.

And like a dog, she could put her down. Jessica went for a running bulldog, and came at it with full force. The Violent Violet forced Nanami's head down, hopefully causing even more pain to her opponent. Jessica was not going to earn herself a lot of love tonight. Not from the fans, and certainly not from Nanami.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by RadiantKarna332 Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:34 pm

Nanami was bent down as she was put in the headlock, squirming helplessly in Jessica's hold. She was still too winded from the splash earlier, and she didn't get a chance to recover her strength to fight back. So, the only way she could fight back was to free herself first, but Jessica certainly wouldn't allow that to happen. "Hnngh..." Nanami moaned in pain, still struggling to break free from the headlock, to no avail. She was pawing at Jessica's arm that was wrapped around her head, trying to pry the arm off of her, but due to her current condition, it was a difficult thing to do at the moment.

And then, Jessica brought her down with a running bulldog. Nanami hit the mat, face first, violently. "Oughhh!!" She felt like her brain had been scrambled inside her skull from the impact alone. After being slammed into the mat with the running bulldog, Nanami could not think clearly due to the pain that she got from the impact. And due to this, she had become an easy prey for the Violent Violet to pick on.

Seeing what the red-clad woman had done to the newbie, the crowd showered her with resounding boos, while there were some who were calling for Nanami to get up. But, it was difficult for the Japanese woman to get up, as she was still stunned from having her head driven into the mat earlier. It would take her a while to even regain a smidgen of clarity.

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Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred - Page 2 Empty Re: Nanami Tomonari vs. Jessica Wright: No Holds Barred

Post by LtLukas Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:42 am

Some heels liked it when their opponents struggled. Jessica was not one of those women. Pecking order mattered to her than reaffirming it every five seconds, and Jessica had very little patience for Nanami. She clawed at her like a cat stuck in a cage, causing the Violent Violet to seethe. When she brought the bulldog to its end, she made sure to use way more force than necessary. This woman had to understand that Jessica was not going to play around.

And she had to understand it very quickly. Jessica got up, undeterred by the pain in her ample rear. The way she went about bending down struck many in the crowd as odd; it was both methodical and primal, sensuous and brutal. There was a plan, clearly, and people ceased their booing for a second to see what it might be. Those who were calling for Nanami to rise to the occasion were going to have their wishes granted.

But it would not be in the way that they perhaps would want it to be. When Jessica rose, it was with a fist of Nanami's hair. She wanted the girl to stand up, because that was a good first step in getting her to run. The Violent Violet sent her opponent running towards the ropes, and was soon bounding after her. She wanted to use her impeccable sense of timing to launch a missile drop kick at her opponent the second she bounced off the ropes, hopefully sending her opponent flying out of the ring.

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