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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by RadiantKarna332 Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:36 am

Yukari's Onigashima Driver was successfully executed, and she took a while to look at the downed form of Belinda. Smirking cheekily, she would then push the Swede's arms aside so that she could see the cutie ogre while she was pinning her down. To make it even more embarrassing for the Swedish cutie, Yukari would press her own bountiful breasts against Belinda's.

"This win is mine, Belinda!" Yukari said as she would try to pin Belinda down, going for a pinfall. The referee would come over next to them and start counting for the pin.


Yukari's smirk widened. She knew she would win this round. She could feel it.


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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by LunarWolf Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:14 pm

Belinda had been pretty well laid out by Yukari's finisher, a move that had put the Swede now on her back with her arms draped over her head and stomach, which didn't take long before Yukari removed them so she could look down at the Swede's face. All the while she pressed her generous bust down against Belinda's bust and pushed her weight down against the blond cutie.

The referee was quick at the count, getting it up to a two count before then slamming their hand down for one more count. "THREE!" The second fall was with that over and it went to none other than Yukari Tooru.

Belinda groaned out and tried to shove Yukari off of her weakly, rolling over onto her side and then her hands and knees, panting out as she would rub her head a bit. " Uughn...Now you've done it Yukari...You're going down hard!" The Swede let out as she would start to try and push herself up towards her feet.


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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by RadiantKarna332 Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:37 am

When the ref counted up to three, Yukari let out a delighted squeal, finally getting a fall for herself. Removing herself from her rival, she grinned at her audaciously, listening to the Swede as she also got up on her feet. "Heh... let's see if you can try, Belinda... you're the one who's going down hard!" Yukari declared.

Still, Yukari was feeling a little exhausted after their prolonged battle. Her finishing move earlier in particular had taken quite a lot of her strength, and she needed to get another win in order to emerge as a victor in this match. So, preparing herself, the Ao-Oni dropped into a stance, readying herself to grapple with the cute Swede again. This time, she would give it her all in order to take her rival down, and make her admit that Yukari Tooru was the better wrestler between the two of them!

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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by LunarWolf Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:40 pm

Belinda started to get up to her feet as her rival had a wide grin on her face, no doubt feeling very proud about getting the pinfall on the Swede in such a dominant manner as she did. Whereas Belinda's had been a chance of opportunity, Yukari had been able to turn things around and hit the Swede with mighty slams until she was put down for the three count.

The Swede would narrow her eyes, panting out as she got to her feet and got into her grappling stance. She would inch her way closer to her rival. The two of them getting closer as then the blond would try and step forward and go for a lock up, trying to wrap her arms around Yukari's head and neck, pushing their generous busts into one another and forcing their tits to mushroom against one another as she locked up with her rival. Trying to go toe to toe with her blue ogre rival in a full force grapple to determine who was strongest!


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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by RadiantKarna332 Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:35 pm

Now clashing again in another contest of strength, Yukari would try to exert her strength in order to prove it to her rival that she was the better one between the two of them. Growling as her tits were mashed and mushroomed against Belinda's, the Ao-Oni would press on, having no intention to hold back anymore. She would win this match, whether Belinda liked it or not!

"Hyaaaaahhh!!" With a mighty cry, Yukari would try to give herself a leverage by kicking Belinda's feet from under her, so that she could push her down and bring her to the mat. From there, Yukari was planning to straddle her and deliver forearm smashes right on her face as she sat on her stomach!

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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by LunarWolf Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:15 pm

Belinda and Yukari where once again locked up and looking to show which one of them was the strongest, yet it seemed as if Yukari was more interested in winning at this point! As Yukari decided to kick the Swede's legs out from under her, causing her stance to crumble and it allowed Yukari to take the win in the lock-up where Belinda was pushed down onto her back.

The buxom blue colored rival of hers seated herself on the Swede's stomach and then fired down a forearm strike right into the blond's face. " Uughn!" Belinda cried out as she would glare up at Yukari, looking to reach up and grab Yukari by her outfit, and try to throw Yukari to the side and attempt to roll them around. Looking to ram her forearm down against Yukari's face in return if she was able to roll them over.


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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by RadiantKarna332 Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:00 pm

Hearing her forearm hitting Belinda in her face and the sound of her grunting motivated Yukari to double her effort, but her plan was thwarted by the Swede grabbing her by her outfit before she was thrown aside. "Uurghh!!" Before she knew it, their positions were reversed, with her blonde rival being on top of her. And then she took forearm strike to the face.

"Uunghh!!" The hit hurt quite a bit, but the Ao-Oni wouldn't let the Swedish cutie have her way with her however she wanted. In retaliation, Yukari would try to lash out her arm, attempting to hit Belinda right onto her ample chest!

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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by LunarWolf Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:33 pm

Belinda had rolled Yukari over and quickly tried to straddle the blue haired beauty, but to her surprise after she had thrown her arm down and smacked it into Yukari's generous bust, the buxom blue colored rival of hers fought back by throwing a hard punch right into one of Belinda's breasts, smashing right into the mound and flattening it.

" GuuH!" Belinda gasped out, coughing out as she would shake her head, glaring back down at Yukari as the Swede would try and return the favor! Looking to throw a hard right hook straight down into Yukari's left tit! Trying to flatten it in retaliation!


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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by RadiantKarna332 Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:50 am

Yukari was looking to flatten Belinda's tit one more time, but before she could do that, the Swede returned the favor,  throwing a hard hook straight down into her own tit, and the Ao-Oni let out a loud cry of pain. "Ngyahh!!" Due to her boobs being flattened much earlier, it hurt quite a lot.

"Y-you'll pay for that!!" Yukari cried out before she brought up her hands to the side of Belinda's head, clapping them right on her ears before attempting to shake it violently. "Hrrgnghh!!!" She would try to disorient the Swedish cutie by shaking her head left to right.

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Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure - Page 8 Empty Re: Yukari "Ao-Oni" Tooru vs. Belinda Northman - Clash of Azure

Post by LunarWolf Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:39 am

Belinda couldn't help but smirk a bit as she flattened Yukari's tit, she was about to reach back with her right arm again as she was looking to repeat the process but this time with the Ao-Oni's right tit! However, before she could perform such a the buxom blue colored rival of her's brought her hands up and clapped them together hard.

Thunderclapping Belinda right over her ears. " Uugh!" Belinda gasped out in pain and surprise as the clap disoriented the blond, which only escalated with the buxom Yukari Tooru grabbing a hold of the Swede's head and started to violently shake her from left to right! " Hhnghgh!" Belinda grunted out and she brought her hands up, grabbing at Yukari's wrists as she was being more and more disoriented by each passing second now.


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