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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Moving Fast

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Yori Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:43 pm

Perhaps the fastest and firecest blush Cicilia had ever given her. The sheer bluntness of it hit her like a brick. The surprise was apparent in her face, but she couldn't find any flaws with her logic. She giggled softly, smiling up at Cicilia. "Oh... And just what are you going to do about it?" There was a hit of challenge in her voice, a playfulness in her eye.

Still, she found herself drawn back to Cicilia's lips, coaxed by her gentle touch. She sighed softly into their kiss, resting her weight against Cicilia. Her hands continued to slip up and down along the boxer's arms, sweet encouragement to hold her so close. As her lover's hand slipped over her shirt to lay upon her chest she let slip the faintest of purrs.

Her hands slipped from Cicilia's arms to wrap around her body. Her fingers splayed themselves out across her back, roaming down to slip down along her body. Upon reaching the girls pants she tried to creep her hands underneath, wiggling them between  to grasp a firm playful hold of one of her lover's butt cheeks in each palm, giving a squeeze.

Moving Fast - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Cicilia Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:25 pm

Cicilia couldn't help but laugh at her girlfriend's INTENSE and sudden blush, her deep red face just so SO cute.... It only encouraged her to kiss her even more... What would she do about it, huh...? Well that would come in time... Patience, patience.

As the two of them kissed, kissed and kissed some more, Cicilia's own blush was invoked when Sayumi's hands actually slipped under her pants, taking her butt-cheeks in her palms and giving them a hearty squeeze. Her eyes snapped open wide as she gasped at the sudden sensation, caught completely off guard by her lover's boldness. She blinked, then smiled widely, pressing her lips right back against hers, resuming their kiss. Cicilia's hips would slowly begin to sway, trying to shake off her shorts with the help of her lover's graceful hands... She wanted to make her grabbing easier... t'would help them both immerse in the moment...

Meanwhile, as payback, the German's hands slipped up to the beauty's chest, taking a breast in either hand and giving them a nice squeeze too. She found her body falling out of her control, acting automatically as her fingers slowly massaged those soft, pillowy boobs... Her mind faded to a numb black as her kisses started to pick up in speed, demanding they feel more... taste more...

"Unnnh..." Cicilia moaned softly, her breath already growing hot and they hadn't even gotten to the GOOD stuff yet. "...Sayumi...."

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Yori Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:05 pm

Sayumi felt Cicilia's hips shifting, giggling softly into their kiss as she gently rubbed and squeezed at her girlfriend's backside. It only became aware to her after a few moments of this she wasn't just grinding herself up against her hands, but trying to slip free from her bottoms. She smirked into their kisses, trying to make a conscious effort to not lose herself just yet. She found it to be the hardest when Cicilia was tender with her in this way. There was no rough sensations to focus away from the passion, only their intimate embrace. Her fingers curled around the edge of Cicilia's bottoms, tugging them down along with the girl's undergarment if she wore one.

As she remained in Cicilia's grasp, she slowly circled the two of them, though each gentle squeeze and stroke upon her breath gave her pause. A torturous encounter that screamed for her to let Cicilia take her. She sighed softly into their kisses, the affections were almost to much, she could still turn this around, give herself a moment to bring the other girl under her control long enough to see them moved. She reached down as far as she could, sliding her hand down and around between Cicilia's legs from behind, fingers gliding up over the girl's exposed sex in small calming strokes.

She teased gently as she slowly walked Cicilia backwards, guiding her towards their bedroom. Her body pressed itself firmly to the other woman, making it a more difficult task to fondle her chest. Sayumi pulled her lips away with a hot huff, quick to place them upon the woman's neck before the boxer could recapture her. She suckled gently, peering carefully over the top of the boxer's shoulders to watch where she was going. Should she walk them back into the dimly lit room, she would nudge the door behind her closed. It served no real purpose, past the sumbolic nature of Cicilia being locked into an enclosed space with her.

Moving Fast - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:01 am

After a few minutes of struggling to get free of her pants and practically melting into that rear fondling, Cicilia finally got her point across to her girlfriend, the lavender beauty finally pulling down her pants only to reveal that she wasn't, in fact, wearing ANY underwear. Cicilia blushed a little more as the truth became evident, smile sheepishly into their kisses. Be prepared for anything, right...? Meanwhile, her lover began to press HARD into her, turning them slowly in a direction Cicilia couldn't care too much about at the moment...

She whispered with heavy breath, breaking their kiss. "Wh...what are y-" Her question was cut short by a loud, sultry moan ringing out as her lover's fingers caressed her sex... It was only a second later did she realize that cry came from her, darkening the red that splashed her face. She shivered and moaned, gasped and winced, her legs closing up around her lover's fingers as they two of them slowly began walking somewhere somewhere, trading kisses that cut off the main way Cicilia could express her pleasure. Her lover was leading her somewhere and the boxer was completely helpless but to follow. Normally she was the dominant one, controlling her partner with her kisses and caresses but this time, Sayumi had her...

And it was HOT!

By the time they reached their destination, Sayumi had been suckling on her neck much to Cicilia's approval, signaled by the soft moans and gasps escaping her lips. As the two of them slipped inside the dimly lit bedroom, Sayumi nudged the door shut behind them, leaving the two of them alone in a dark, quiet, enclosed space together...


Cicilia would HAVE to try and pull away from Sayumi's masterful lips before she melted on the floor right there her breathing heavy, her lids falling over her eyes as she stared at her lover with the utmost approval... GOD she was in love right now... So much, in fact, she didn't even take notice to the additions Sayumi had made to her room just yet... She was far to enraptured with the beautiful woman before her...

"I love it when we think alike..."
The German sighed before slowly moving to the edge of her bed, pulling Sayumi with her... Cicilia stared at that shirt and pants heavily before her sanguine eyes pierced the dark to find her lover's aquas... Lets see if she understood what she was thinking now...

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Yori Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:29 am

Sayumi had taken her sweet time guiding them to the bedroom, softening her lover up along the way. With no real resistance to her affections, she felt almost obligated to take advantage of her girlfriend's inability to resist her. She giggled sweetly as she kissed and suckled, her fingers taking long loving stroke upon her sex.

When Sayumi did assume control, it was normally by seizing it from Cicilia's own weakness in the moment, and not giving her a moment to reclaim it. She knew enough from their competitive matches that deep down the boxer loved it when she was able to work around her power, and Sayumi liked to play to that from time to time.

As she nudged the door behind them closed she extended her foot enough so the door latch clicked softly. Now it was time for them to have some fun after a long day of work. The two women slowly made their way to the bed, bumping up against it. Sayumi lifted her head smirking devilishly at her lover's words.

She gave Cicilia a small shove to throw her down onto the bed, motioning for her to move back to the middle of the matters before climbing on after her. Her fingers slipped down along the edge of her t-shirt, drawing it slowly up and over her head to toss it aside. Sher shook out her short lavender hair, letting it bounce in place to border her face.

She slowly unbuttoned her jeans wiggling them down her hips and thighs until they dropped to her ankles. Stepping out from her pants she kicked her feet up, one at a time to pull off her socks. Before Cicilia she stood in a simple black pair of bra and panties, it seemed as though those weren't coming off just yet as she crawled up onto the bed, roaming over the sheets like a predatory cat coming for Cicilia.

Moving Fast - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:09 pm

Cicilia was pushed on the bed by her girlfriend, slowly inching back into it's center as Sayumi slowly began stripping for her... It was moments like these that REALLY showed her how lucky she was... Fantasies like this FILLED the heads of girls her age ALL the time: having someone so gorgeous and sweet take off their clothes for you, let alone what would happen next! Cicilia's lips curled into a soft, loving smile as Sayumi crawled onto the bed after her in only her underwear, crawling around it's top like some kind of jungle cat, stalking her. This was only getting hotter and hotter by the second... She could feel her cheeks BURNING as her lover got closer and closer, her body practically shaking with anticipation! Her sanguine gems locked onto Sayumi's aqua pools, her breathing growing heavier and heavier by the second and she wasn't even doing anything!

This seemed to be her strength, foreplay... Sayumi was far more adept at taking it slow, drawing out every moment and making them shiver with pleasure... Cicilia was always more of a freight train, taking control with her strength and using it more than her wit to assert dominance... As much as she enjoyed being on top, seeing her lover come after her like this was just on a WHOLE other level...

The things I'll do to her.... Cicilia thought, craving the feel of her skin against hers. ...The things she'll do to ME.... She smiled wider than ever, her skin tingling in anticipation! She needed her so bad but she didn't dare move... This was Sayumi's show... And she wouldn't be so callous as to interrupt it...

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Yori Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:47 pm

Cicilia seemed to either be on the defensive, or was allowing her to make the first move. With time on her side as her girlfriend waited she was in no hurry and instead played up the theatrics of the moment. Sayumi slowly began to circle Cicilia as she crawled playing up the idea the girl we're actually prey. She licked her lips as she drew ever closer.

She lowered herself slightly on the bed, her backside up a bit, wiggling for just a moment before she pounced Cicilia to tackle her into the sheets. Arms thrown wide to wrap themselves around the girl so if the initial lunge didn't knock her over, she could forcibly drag her down so Sayumi could position herself on top of her.

She immediately plunged her lips down to Cicilia's tender neck, going to work on the girl to make up for lost ground with her strip tease. Long wet kisses and playful nips at her skin. She would pushed herself down on Cicilia, wiggling to get on top of her just right so each rock of her body would grind their chests together blissfully, regardless of the layers of clothing between them.

"Mmm hmm hmm..." She pulled away briefly to blow a heated breath along Cicilia's neck and collarbone where she had already left her mark. "Now that I have you... What to do with you~" She was treating her light embrace as if it were a cage, her dominance already assured. She kissed along Cicilia's jawline slowly making her way to her ear to whisper softly. "This is for being such a distracting tease..."

Sayumi playfully nibbled at Cicilia's earlobe as one of her hands slipped free from holding itself around the girl. Her body lifted, just enough where she could rest her plan down over too of Cicilia's breast, giving a firm squeeze through the fabric before she started to massage her girlfriend. "You should get rid of this..." She suggested seductively, seemingly wanting Cicilia to strip her too for her.

Moving Fast - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:59 pm

Cicilia's blush only deepened as her excitement increased, turned on to the extreme with they way Sayumi played with her. Acting like a monster-cat, the lavender beauty stalked all around her before returning to her spot in front, raising her rear in the air the way the creature she embodied would before a pounce. The German waited eagerly in anticipation, propped up on her elbows as she stared at her lover, DARING her to do it...

And so she did...

The Boxer was tackled to the bed by her lover with ease, the lavender beauty landing on top of course, wasting no time landing the killing bite... Cicilia moaned lewdly as her little predator nipped and kissed at her neck, their chests pressed and rubbing against one another with only her shirt between them keeping their boobs apart. It was so hard to breath she was moaning so loud, her eyes shut tight in order to cope with the sheer amount of arousal Sayumi was inflicting upon her so soon! She would've been impressed if there was room enough to feel such a thing! She shivered as her lover pulled away, her warm breath blowing over her pale skin as she stared up at her love... She questioned what she'd do with her, kissing all along her jaw that made electricity spark through her skin wherever she touched her, every touch and feel they shared amplified. Her own hands wandered up and around her lover's back, fiddling with her bra strap shamelessly as she maintained eye-contact with her the whole time.

"...Love me...?" Cicilia offered, gasping softly as her lover took her earlobe between her teeth. Her...? a tease...? She couldn't tell whether she was just insulted or complimented right then... She didn't have much time to debate it, however as her lover's delicate, masterful hand took her breast in her palm, kneading it in just... the best way she's ever felt...

"mmmmmmhhh..." she surpressed a cry of pleasure, still working to get that bra off... It was only fair! "You do it.... I'm busy...."

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Yori Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:12 pm

Sayumi missed a beat when Cicilia refused her. The seductress persona she had adopted falling away as she reverted back to her normal self. Her cheeks puffed up in a familiar quirk of hers surfaced whenever she got angry or flustered in her cutsey way. She narrowed her eyes as she slowly leaned back in, planting her lips on Cicilia's neck to blow a big wet raspberry into her sensitive skin as punishment for refusing.

Sayumi's bra was pretty easy to remove depending on how decent Cicilia is at unclasping them blindly. No funny tricks, no clothing puzzles like her hentai gear. Just an every day bra. One of the few garments she owned she didn't make.

She would still however reach down to tug at Cicilia's shirt, lifting it up. Though she didn't try to remove it. Instead she slipped underneath it, stretching out the fabric as she burrowed underneath. It was stuffy inside, no doubt. Filled with the scent of her lover, with endless access to her body. She pawed at Cicilia's navel playfully as she sought out to kiss her way to her girlfriends breasts.

It was off, watching the giant mound of Cicilia's shirt move about as Sayumi explored already charged lands. There wasn't much for Cicilia to look at or touch like this. Just her girlfriend rooting around under the shirt she hadn't removed.

Moving Fast - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Moving Fast - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Fast

Post by Cicilia Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:38 pm

Cicilia closed her eyes, expecting Sayumi to plant another kiss on her neck. Her lips did, in fact come in contact with her skin, tender as always at first... before blowing a massive RASPBERRY RIGHT INTO HER NECK! Cicilia's eyes shot wide and her body froze, completely shocked out of her arousal if only temporarily. Such an act almost completely broke the mood the two of them had constructed up until now, a fitting punishment for Cicilia refusing her lavender master. She whined softly in protest to her lover's cruel, cruel judgement, but then smiled widely as she had managed to undo that pesky bra, tossing it to the floor nearby never to be seen again until later.

She reached up above her head to help her lover pull off her shirt, assuming that's what she was doing until she felt her head actually slip underneath the fabric. Her shirt strained and tightened against her back as her lover crawled deeper and deeper underneath, somehow the invisible nature of what her lover was doing to her navel providing an air of sexiness that made up for that cataclysmic break in mood earlier.

"What're you...."

She didn't get much farther, her question cut off by a soft, sultry moan escaping her lips... Sayumi's own had begun kissing up her body from under her shirt, the very thing meant to keep her body from strangers only aiding her lover in violating her... God, she loved how inventive her lover was....

"I... S-s... mmmnnn..." She tried to speak but a corus of moans escaped her lips as she felt her lover rooting around her.... It was embarrassing how wet she was getting already...

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