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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by acuyra Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:19 am

From the sidelines, Mariah breathed a sigh of relief - and arousal - at the sight of her lover taking control of the situation. They were out of the woods yet, with her arms still clearly out of commission for the time being, but her worries were quickly evaporating. Bubbles was in control. Bubbles was dominating. Now came the fun part.

Bubbles, meanwhile, was whistling at how far she managed to make Kura fly with that kick. She could still knock a pigskin pretty far, just like her high school days.

”Sorry,” Bubbles came strutting up behind her, moving with a slow, deliberate gait, still opening and closing her bad hand like she had an invisible stress ball in the middle of her palm. The audience was getting into this now, settling on who was they wanted to root for, and the section of the audience that had chose her as their champion were starting to get riled up. They had a good idea of what was coming.”Probably were a lot gentler ways to do that, I know. But somebody went and turned off my arm. So,” She slid her foot along the canvas as she came to Kura’s side. ”Gotta do this the rough way.”

‘Rough’ was what Bubbles advertised and she delivered as promised, giving Kura a stiff kick in the side, hitting right on the ribs. No finesse, nothing fancy, just a straight, brutal kick. That was just to get her flipped on her back, though - the real damage came when the Virgin Killer leaped up, kicked her legs out, and dropped her full weight down on her opponent’s lap with a thunderous butt drop, mashing Kura into the mat when their hips collided. She lacked the ninja’s speed and grace, true, but she had more than enough strength and size to do damage in her own way, and she was looking forward to demonstrating.

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by Yori Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:09 am

Tumbling with falls was relatively easy given good control of ones body and proper training. There was nothing that could ready you for a stiff kick from someone like Bubbles, and it was apparent to her this wasn't even the best the woman could do.

Thinking of that didn't really help her cope as the big woman's foot hacked into her side like a battle-axe. She rolled onto her back if only to escape some of the bite of the blow, eyelids fluttering as she felt the pain crippling her ability to react. She saw the big woman heave herself up into the air and found herself unable to move.

Bubbles weight hit her with all the grace meteorite, benting her at the waist as her legs and arms shout skyward before she went limp against the mat with a low pained groan.

Her open uwagi flutters around her leaving her chest open and bare as she writhed beneath the big woman. One of her legs tried to push her body up to buck the juggernaut from her, but did absolutely nothing before the sole of her foot simply slipped down along the mat. Breathing seemed to be the only thing Kira was currently capable of as she lay sprawled beneath the Virgin Killer.

Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by acuyra Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:38 pm

As Bubbles leaped into the air, she almost regretted going for such an extreme move so early on. It was dangerous, for one thing. She was no dainty flower, and her weight could crush women much bigger than Kura with ease. If her opponent was unlucky enough, this was the sort of move that could require a hospital visit.

But she didn’t have much of a choice, here. Kura was good. Too good. Her aching arms were proof that this wasn’t a woman she could take lightly.

So down she came, turning her butt into a crushing weapon, hammering the smaller woman into the mat, watching as she writhed around in anguish beneath her. It was an oddly haunting sight, like some majestic beast caught in a snare, helpless in her defiant beauty, and her bared chest didn’t go unappreciated. In fact, that sight alone bought Kura some extra time, because Bubbles just had to even things up.

”Sorry, again.” She took a moment to get comfortable, sitting on Kura’s lap with legs astride. She shifted her hips back and forth, working against her with a slow, heavy grind. Just a little something to make up for the pain. ”But now we’re getting to the really fun part.”

With her good hand, Bubbles undid the knot that kept her breasts confined, tugging it loose and letting them spill free. With a wild playfulness all over her features, she pulled her top off all the way and hurled it out in the audience, making a bit of a ruckus as a few of them scrambled to catch it.

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by Yori Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:29 pm

Ordinarily she would have been overjoyed as the woman bumped and rubbed up against her. But on any given day such things were not preceded with two hundred some odd pounds crashing down upon her lithe form. While the thought was appreciated, the pain with each roll of Bubbles hips on her tender body seemed to outweigh the sensation she really wanted from their contact. Se was thankful for the brief halt to the onslaught however, coveting time to recover as if it were a precious commodity. Her arms shifted back behind her, forearms pressed to the mat as she propped herself up. Her entire body rocked with Bubbles motion, it was hard not to with such commanding strength. There was a perky bounce to her chest as she swayed under the rhythmic motions of the giant.

She made no attend to hide her satisfied smile as Bubbles worked her top free. though she had a lingering regret for not removing it herself when she had the chance earlier. She took in a deep breath with a content sigh as her upper body shifted just slight enough she could lift one arm from the canvas but remain propped upright. Despite her place of disadvantage, she dared to press onward to lay her hand upon Bubbles' breast to work her palm down into it, testing the landscape of a place she knew she would be exploring far closer throughout the match.  Feeling the weight of her, the give, her thumb playfully brushing itself back and forth over her nipple.

Her lids lowered slightly, lips pursing as she stared up at Bubbles, stroking the woman as much as she had been allowed. Her head tilted thoughtfully as she bore into the giant with her twinkling golden eyes. She did well to hide the regret tucked back within her mind, obscured by a smoldering "Come hither" look she was smothering Bubbles with at current.  She wanted this, but knew she needed to wait. If Bubbles laid herself down on top of her, fully, there wouldn't be much she could do to combat her superior weight, not without a trump card.  She just needed her to get a bit closer.

Kura craned her neck slightly as she leaned up, though still too far from Bubbles to ask. She drew in her lips, wetting them within her mouth before pursing them again to Bubbles, glistening on full display, trying to draw her in. "Is this the part where I squeal?" She questioned softly, almost welcoming the idea on the surface and in her mind.

Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by acuyra Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:39 pm

Bubbles never lacked confidence in her breasts. They were all natural, despite what idiots on the AFW fan forums seemed to think, and she was proud to let anyone who dared have a feel. So when Kura reached up to touch one, intent on getting a real feel, she made no move to stop her. Of course not. She welcomed the contact. Loved it. Desire it. Lowered her chest to give her even easier access.

”There we go.” Bubbles mewled, a noise unbecoming of her size but one she couldn’t resist, as Kura worked her breast with expert finesse, manipulating it like the strings of a fine instrument she’d long since mastered. She was already learning new things from this woman, even with their short time together, and Bubbles wagered she had a few lessons to impart, as well. Emails would have to be exchanged when they were done, here. Assuming they were both still conscious, obviously.

She was rising up, sitting up, showing some impressive resilience despite the damage she’d taken. This was nature, as if there were some invisible magnet between the two of their lips, inexorably drawing them closer and closer still.

Bubbles wouldn’t fight that. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to take a precaution or two.

As Kura pulled up, Bubbles brought her legs around and wrapped them around the sly fox’s midsection, crossing the behind her. She didn’t put up too much pressure yet, but she wanted the message to be clear: she had her, and any funny stuff could be punished.

”Maybe.” She whispered a single, cryptic answer, before she brought her head down and pressed her lips against Kura, hungrily forcing her tongue inside with a ravenous kiss.

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by Yori Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:33 pm

Once Bubbles wrapped her legs around her midsection the trap had been ruined. She was certain of it came down to it, she would be able to apply a pinching necklock that could put the larger woman out, the question would be how much of her would be left by the time she succeeded. A pity. She would have to come up with something else. Until then she was going to enjoy herself and not worry on it too much.

"I can't wait."
Once Bubbled had lowered herself enough, Kira slipped an arm up and around the back of her neck, using that to pull her up into their liplock. She fed on Bubbles hunger, teasingly flicking her tongue about, playfully avoiding too much direct contact, making the larger woman work for it.

She moaned gently as she pressed against one another, her lips tensing and relaxing as she allowed Bubbles to take what she wanted from their kiss. Kura wasn't demanding of it, yet. Another taste from the earlier sample of what the American had for her was pleasing enough in its own right.

She traced her fingers up along Bubbles' leg, pressing her hand firmly against the toned inside of her her opponents thigh. Her fingers splayed themselves out to massage their way slowly to encroaching between her legs. She had finally allowed their tongue to coil along one another now, taking rough long lashes with her tongue in time with her hand at work.

Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by acuyra Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:04 pm

In most cases, this sort of lull to the fight would’ve brought protests from the crowd. They were here to see action, after all - hot, R-Rated action, but action all the same. They could see two women making out anywhere, with just a simple Google search on their phone and a private place to watch. Here, they came to see combat, violence and sex mixed together in their purest forms.

But here, there were no complaints. All present appreciated the rarity of what was going on, and none more than Mariah.

She’d seen her wife make love with more women than she could count. Most often, they were overwhelmed by her lust, taken over by her power, thoroughly dominated. Kura was different. While she wasn’t the first to boast such a feat, it was rare to see someone her size get Bubbles so heated and pressed in such a short time. Most often, that was only the sort of challenge she found with other amazons, her own ilk. But Kura was a different breed. Wild. New. Dangerous.

Bubbles was drawn to her, pressing more with every slip of their tongues. As pleasing as this position was, she found herself wanting more, far more, from it, and she knew she had to move on. She unlocked her legs and decided to put her arms to the test, wrapping them around Kura’s body, pulling her in for a hug. It wasn’t tight enough to be truly painful but she already had enough strength back to keep the woman close, as she rose to her feet, never ceasing their kissing frenzy for a moment.

Bubbles marched forward, heading towards the corner, lifting Kura’s feet off the ground as she moved. Once more, she was able to break the kiss long enough to say a few taunting words. ”Still impressed, right?”

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by Yori Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:17 pm

Kura had lived most of her life in a cage of ideals. Discipline was the foundation, solid, unquestionable, in which all other things gave rise from. Honor and duty comprised the bars, ones which had been presented to her as unbreakable. Though she had found with time and commitment she would manipulate them easily enough, bend but not break. Enough to taste freedom. Patience completed the enclosure. It held the bars in place hand in hand with discipline.

She had forsaken duty, some would argue honor as well, but had never turned her back on the two others. They were part of her life both inside and outside of the ring.

Strong of mind and confident of body, her discipline allowed her to live within her emotions but never become enslaved by them. She had stopped suppressing her desires long ago, instead choosing to embrace them, own them, and come to command them in time.

As their kissing drew on within the ring, even from a disadvantageous position under Bubbles, enveloped by her legs, it did nothing to quell her ever rising intensity. She pushed back more with each thrust of their tongues, pulling herself up into Bubbles as tightly as she could. With long luxurious moans muffled within the Virgin Killer's mouth she did everything she could to stoke the fire burning inside of her foe. Someone as powerful as Bubbles could easily take what she wanted whenever she desired. How would she react when someone gave her more than what she had been anticipating? She wished to find out and was willing to hide her time until she could.

Her patience soon paid off as Bubbles stirred to change their positions. She pulled herself up into the larger woman's embrace, easing the two of them between their transition. As the giant rose however, she parted their kiss, granted so much more freedom in which to exploit.

She lowered her head to claim Bubbles troat for herself, playing the role of the ferocious animal backed into a corner. Kura's lips left a long trail of suckling kisses down along her neck and collar. Each wet spot left as she went would tingle as she exhaled  hotly over the woman's body like dragons fire to make tingle her bath of domination.

Her palms roughly traversed Bubbles' arms, rolling her hands over every pronounced muscle, feeling the paramount of her foes strength. She purred loudly and lewdly as her back arched, grinding their chests together. Her legs weren't left to dangle for long.

One hand slipped back behind Bubble's keg, the sole of her foot sliding up and down the woman's thighs, firmly enough to impede her movement to a degree. The other had slipped itself between her legs, thigh and knee pressed firmly against the woman's crotch, dragging her powerful leg up along Bubbles' covered sex, even pressing her knee directly upon it to twist and grind when their closeness allowed for it.

She was trapped by Bubbles arms, a prisoner within her hold, but it seemed as though it did nothing but assist her here. She had taken from Bubbles the most controlling aspect of them embrace and turned it all in her favor. She took from this opportunity was much as she could, as she knew it was fleeting.

"Saddened actually."
She remarked with a hint of mischievousness in her voice, betraying the truth to her words. It was time to take control back, even if she would have been content to be draped across the turnbuckles and ravaged as Bubbles was likely to do. Her shoulders rolled back, arms stretching out behind her. They suddenly collapsed inward, arcing around for both of her open plans to slam on either side of Bubbles' head to box the woman's ears. She would have her freedom.

Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by acuyra Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:11 pm

The sensation of a woman, writhing in here grasp. Hot breath pouring over we neck, heating up droplets of saliva. Heartbeats against her chest, fast and growing faster, as her breasts pressed against and slid about smaller pair. The heady scent of two sweating bodies, mixing in the air.

Oh, yes. Bubble had been here before. How many women had managed to get some headway on her, surprise her, only to wind up like so many before them: in the corner, getting mauled as the Virgin Killer ravished and ravaged them?

Kura was a special case, though, because most women wasted their energy putting up a fight. Kura? She made the process more enjoyable on Bubbles’ end. It seemed like every part of her was focus on giving pleasure, as their legs slid together, their breath mingled, their breasts slapped together on the way to the corner.

The knee against her crotch was a wondrous touch, and a subtle reminder that Bubbles would have to remove another layer of clothing at her earliest convenience.

For now, though, it was time to focus on working her opponent over in the hottest fashion she could imagine. She pressed Kura into the corner and smacked her lips, looking over the ninja’s body as if it were a feast laid out before her. Her eyes searched every inch, unsure where to start. The breasts? They could use a good licking, and she wondered if she could get a good squeal if she bit hard enough. Oh, but that neck. Bubbles wanted to leave a hickey or two. Maybe a little working on the ears, while she pressed hard and humped?

Yes. Yes, that would do. For now.

She was just about to get to it, when her opponent stirred to life, rearing back and shooting forward with a flash of movement. Before Bubbles could even think of defense, her head was rocked with the double-slap, wrecking her equilibrium. She opened her mouth with a silent cry and released the hold on reflex, so she could stagger away and grasp her dizzied skull.

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Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust - Page 3 Empty Re: Kura Shimizu vs. Bubbles Burste - Avatars of Lust

Post by Yori Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:51 pm

Kura leaned back along the corner as Bubbles stumbled back, her arms stretching out along the ropes, fingers clenching over the cables. She drew in a deep breath, cooing softly as she admired her handiwork, but there was no time to remain idle.

She leaned herself back, hopping of the ground as her legs tucked inward, drifting up nearly to a complete horizontal angle. Like a close ranged blast from a shotgun she thrust out her legs, aiming to dig her heels into the Bubble's midsection, trying to double the woman over. Once her own feet touched the mat again, she  jumped herself up, catching the soles of her feet on the middle ropes before launching herself to dive up and over Bubbles' head.

She twisted in the air to land flat across the woman's back where she moved quickly, fluidly. Kicking a leg up and over her head to capture the woman's throat within the crook of her knee. Her other led snaked down between her legs, hooking her thigh from behind to help cement her place upon Bubbles' back. reaching over the woman she drew back one of her arms, wrenching it tightly to constrict the movement at her shoulders. Lastly her free arm buried her elbow at Bubbles Kidney, pressing down hard and firm, looking to cripple the woman's fight at the source while Kura's limbs worked towards bending, stretching, and choking the larger woman in an octopus hold.

She rocked them violently, pulling at the larger woman to try to bring her to the ground in a favorable position to prevent her for being able to make use of her weight against the modern day ninja. If she managed to get the massive woman to the floor where she could reign her in properly, she'd rubbing her bountiful breast sensually up along her back, dragging her tongue up along the side of her ribs with long loving licks. Some more pleasurable incentives to submit along with everything else she was doing.

"Am I impressing?" She purred softly, though she drifted back to the work at hand, not waiting for a response.

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