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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix)

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The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix) Empty The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix)

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:16 pm

It was fine sunny day as Ari Nagawa walked down the streets, eyes scanning the various of stores on both sides of her. It was a boring day for the Champion and because of it she decided to go out and satisfy her sweet tooth. Dressed in casual clothing of a white dress and black leggings, the white haired WAM Wrestler would soon spot a rather nice looking bakery! It looked like a cozy little store from the location with a steady income of loyal customers, although at the moment there were only a few people looking at the various sweets and treats.

Ari would step through the door and was treated with the delicious aroma of freshly baked goods that tickled the appetite of the Champion as she took another deep breath to inhale the scent of yum. "Haaaaaaaaaaa~" she let out, walking up to the display and beginning to look at all the different pastries that all looked simply delectable. As much as Ari wanted to sample each one, she didn't want to over indulge on the sweets. She wanted to find the right one to simply make the day worth it as her eyes continued to scan across the selection, leaning over to get a closer look...


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The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix) Empty Re: The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix)

Post by Stalix Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:40 pm

Whenever Ali would find herself with nothing much to do, the Bakery was pretty much the most obvious choice that she would go for. Though her reasons for going does go past just to get some tasty treats....

Not that many would so know but for Ali Nariki, she loved to go into a bakery and see the delectable treats and sweets, admiring them and it's presentation. As a student of Molecular Gastronomy, she witnessed more than just "it must taste good". She highly values not only the culinary aspect of cooking but the artisan aspects as well. To Ali, to be a successful chef in the modern world, a chef must exercise both of these traits to the highest potential. As such, even her cooking reflects this, showing the true artistry and beauty behind the ingredients that makes up her dishes. And she could always admire when a baker even gets those things right in spades.

This particular one that she stumbed upon was simply divine. She breathed in the aroma, oh so familiar to her. Ali wasn't the only white haired woman that took a liking to the shop but while the other had long hair, her hair was shorter, although with a longer left bang that reaches the bottom of her chin. Dressed in a long white coat, a black dress underneath, Ali looked at the tasty treats with fascination, licking her own lips. She wondered if they taste as good as they looked on display.

Stepping inside, her gaze wondered on the lovely baked goodies being made. There was just so many and she looked for the best one. The one that really takes the cake, pun intended. Her gaze would soon focus on the one treat that another woman was looking at. Despite how the treat looked so good, this woman looked rather familiar....well there is only one way to find out.

Coming towards the fellow white haired woman, she leaned in to get a closer look as well. "Such a lovely treat, don't you think?" Ali would say with a smile on her face, her ruby like eyes scanning the minute details of the delicious goods

Posts : 87
Join date : 2018-01-28

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The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix) Empty Re: The Sweetest of Treats (for Stalix)

Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:23 am

While she was looking through the assortment of sweets, looking at the different variety that was to choose from. They all were good, there was no doubt about that, however each one seemed like they were missing something.

Putting a finger up to her mouth, she was pondering on which one to pick from, which delicious flavor that was going to leave a lasting impression with delight. But it just came back to the same problem, she didn't know what flavor she was looking for, strawberry, something more creamy, or perhaps something that she's never had before? There was so many options that she had great difficulty in actually picking.

However, something piqued her interest that broke her out of this deadlock in her mind.

She heard a lovely voice as she turned her head and saw the most wonderful sight of a cute girl greeting her, with beautiful pale skin and marvelous red eyes as Ari's features soften into a warm smile. She definitely liked what she saw. "It is....although, I'm not sure I know how I feel about it." she let out, before pointing her finger towards a strawberry cake. " looks delicious enough...but is it better than the others?" she expressed herself, but funnily enough, she only gave the cake a split second look before her eyes locked back on the cutie next to her as they both leaned towards the display.

"What are your thoughts....Ms...?" she trailed off, looking to catch the name of her fellow sweets admirer.


Posts : 9903
Join date : 2010-07-05
Age : 32
Location : New Mexico

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