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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by acuyra Sat May 05, 2018 4:30 pm

...was she trying to pin her?

That was the question that immediately took over Liberty’s mind as she laid on the floor and Lucky Chloe scrambled over her. It couldn’t have been right, though. This woman was as green as green could get, but she wasn’t seriously trying to get a three count on her after two minutes of wrestling off of a drop kick of all things? No. She had to be setting up for some kind of a submission hold or a headlock or-


Holy shit, she actually was trying to pin her. Off a drop kick. A dropkick. Liberty had a great-grandmother with a bad hip and bad knees and bad ankles and bad just about everything that could be bad and she could’ve kicked out from that.


The only reason the count even got that far was because Liberty had been so unbelievably flabbergasted that she was left stunned for a single second, and when that second passed, she kicked out with the force of a bucking bronco, hurling Chloe off her at full force and rolling over to her chest. ”You tried to pin me? Are you for real?” Her eyes widened further as an even more ridiculous idea popped into her. ”Please don’t tell me a dropkick to the chest is your finishing move. Just...just don’t.”

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by killcarrion Wed May 16, 2018 6:59 am

Call it hopeful optimism, or a newbie wrestler's young naiveté, but Lucky Chloe's scurrying attempt to pin down Liberty did have some sound reasoning behind it. Chloe simply wanted to end this match as soon as possible, even if it was by a fluke roll-up that fans would discredit for being pure luck and nothing else. but she knew that the longer she spent tussling with this ugly grossout of a woman, the bigger the chance she could have more of her outfit torn, shredded...eaten, whatever this weirdo with a busted up face had in store for her.

And with pin count actually going all the way up to "Two!!", Chloe's hopes and dreams looked like they could be-!!

"Wahooph!!!"...cruelly dashed, as the kitty-cat idol was catapulted forward to go tumbling head over heels before resting on her back. Lucky muttered a dejected sigh while raising herself back up, glaring bitterly at the hardcore advocate who was at first was trying to take apart her outfit...and now she was trying to take apart her wrestling skills!! Lucky chloe suddenly demonstrating a lot more courage than you'd expect as she scurried up to be standing over the slower Liberty still shoving herself off the canvas.

"W-Whatever!!! You're just mad you almost got beat, and that you're about as cute as a sack of bricks!!! I'll bust out my Ultra Super Special Kawaii Finishers when I'm good and ready!!!" Chloe screeched from up above with her arms stiffened downward and adorable fists clenched. Chloe looked to the left, and looked to the right...not knowing what to do she just raised her foot and stamped down on one of Liberty's gloved hand.

Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by acuyra Wed May 16, 2018 4:06 pm

Liberty was starting to feel some fear.

Oh, not for the match itself, mind you. She was about 99.9999% sure that this match was in the bad already, that the only way Lucky Chloe was going to pull this off was with some form of divine intervention, and she couldn’t imagine any god pathetic enough to lend her a hand.

No, the fear welling up inside as she started to push her way back up came from the words that flew from Lucky Chloe’s mouth. The weird, stupid words. It was starting to look like winning this match would be more of a mercy kill than anything. Not the best notch on her record. ”Pfft, really?” She snorted, shook her head at the idea of this woman having ‘finishers’. ”What’s your final move, huh? A snapmare? A hiptoss? A chop? A-”

Liberty was about to suggest an arm drag, when Lucky’s foot came down and her entire hand enrupted in pain, forcing a short shriek out of the former champion. Hissing and cursing under her breath, she wound up rolling away, nursing her aching digits while she tumbled.


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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by killcarrion Thu May 17, 2018 3:25 am

Sheesh...what did Liberty expect? Chloe came into the arena tonight assuming she was going to be wrestling some z-tier jobber for some effortless squash match, than she would be off backstage to promote/hawk her latest compilation album, "Kitten Caboodle". If she knew she'd be wrestling some flabby ogre with greasy hair...well, she probably would have her publicist demand a different opponent. But if that didn't work, she would have better prepared herself with more flashier, cutesy wrestling moves.

Whatever...she was doing fine anyway. The former hardcore wrestling champion now nursing her freshly stamped digits after enduring the worst Chloe had to offer. Which was not only having her fingers being crunched, but Chloe's bratty tantrums as well. It was up to Liberty to decide which was worse, but she had it coming. There was something about this grotesque lard butt talking trash about Chloe's wrestling style that was making her eyebrow twinge in irritation, until finally...

"Tch...FINE. Dunno why you're so hung up on finishers, maybe you're some weirdo masochist. But if you've ever been to one of of my super special awesome concerts, you'd know I always take fan requests. And if you want a finisher, baby, I'd be more than happy to hit that high note for you~..." Chloe impishly stated before reaching down to clamp onto Liberty's head with her fluffy paws and situate her chin on Chloe's shoulder. Thankfully, they were already near a corner turnbuckle. So with a cutesy Lucky Chloe winking pose before she started scrambling up the turnbuckle pads, Chloe would attempt her ★ ★ ★ Genki Super Rocket ★ ★ ★ finisher to bring this show to an early finale.

Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by acuyra Thu May 17, 2018 8:18 am

Honestly, this woman was just more annoying than anything. Liberty couldn’t recall the last time she’d taken on someone who was just this outright irritating - she’d fought tougher, wilder, crazier, meaner opponents, but none were so grating as Chloe. What made matters worse was that all that annoying crap actually worked out well for her - the finger stomp made an opening, and Liberty was fully expecting her to take advantage of it.

She didn’t have to wait too long, as it turned out. Lucky Chloe, eager as usual, grabbed her by the head and placed it on her shoulder. ”Um…”

This somewhat confused Liberty, as Chloe took a second to set up whatever she was going for, as if her opponent was stunned. Getting her fingers stomped hurt, sure, but not that bad. She was still lucid. Perplexed, but lucid. ”What are you-”

Liberty’s unfinished question was answered as suddenly scrambled up the turnbuckle, going for what she assumed was meant to a Sliced Bread. She couldn’t say for sure, though, because there was no way in fucking hell that she was going to let her complete that move.

Oh, she let Chloe get about halfway through it, let her leap high and reach her apex. But instead of letting her come down like she wanted, Liberty merely held her there, gave her a moment for the fear to sink in, then hurled her over the ropes into open space, for what would surely be a nasty landing. Unless that stuff about cats landing on their feets applied to her, too.

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by killcarrion Fri May 18, 2018 12:43 am

Lucky Chloe didn't know what the big deal was about when her trainers tried to cram as much wrestling know-how as they could in the brief moments in between the rehearsals for her dance routine. They tried instilling in her all of the basics along with more complicated grappling techniques that Chloe was only kind of half-paying attention to while she was checking her twitter page on her phone. Here she was, having only absorbed about half of that, and was still beating up the former hardcore champion and about to posterize her with the finisher she's been belly-aching for this entire time. Chloe was hoping to keep this finisher under wraps to make for a grand star-studded finale, but the way Liberty kept badgering her about having a lame finisher, the more she wanted to showcase it early and shut her up about it already.

Chloe felt her adrenaline pumping as she offered her fans an adorable winking pose as a send off salute before blasting off and putting this dark-haired ogre lady to sleep, but Chloe's spirited enthusiasm would hit a snag once she found herself hanging in mid-air instead of twisting around towards the ring. Chloe frantically pedaled her legs like a flailing and fussy child in an adult's arms, overcome with fear and dread but not really thinking Liberty was seriously considering throwing her...


Chloe's heart sunk along with the rest of her as she was proven wrong and pitched overhead, stopping the hearts of all of her die-hard fans for the millisecond she was airborne before she did indeed land on her sneakered feet...but still go tumbling forward in kitty cat ball until her back smacked the barricade. The dizzied idol now crumpled into an upside-down ball against the padded wall, hunched over herself and groaning miserably while fans above her started asking for her autograph.

Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by acuyra Fri May 18, 2018 7:22 am

Up and over Lucky Chloe went, flying through the air without the greatest of ease, careering to the floor below as gravity had its way with her. It was kind of a beautiful sight, actually. Time seemed to slow as this bright, human shaped manifestation of cuteness went soaring through the air., hair whipping around, limbs flailing, helpless and headless.

”Huh. She did land on her feet.”

That Lucky Chloe did. Granted, she didn’t stay on said feet for long, quickly rolling off and smacking into the barricade, which left her in a crumpled heap. But, for a split second, it was kind of graceful. Impressive.

Liberty took a moment to blow her fingers, getting them nice and cool, before she dropped down and rolled out under the bottom rope. Her first instinct was to take the fighting to Chloe and hammered her around some more, maybe even ram her face into the barricade a few times. A good way to make her shut up, at the least. But she stopped in midstep, as a better idea occurred to her. This was a hardcore match, so…

”Table time!” She lifted up the apron’s skirt, reached under, and pulled out a table while the crowd cheered, happy to see the ante upped. It would take her a moment to get it properly set up, but once she was done, the real fun could start. More than worth the minor diversion.

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by killcarrion Sat May 26, 2018 8:29 pm

Japanese businessman in the skyboxes who had billions of yen invested in the perky pop-idol nearly jumped out of their seats and had their own mini heart attacks from watching their most lucrative investment being chucked out of the ring and reminded that she couldn't fly. The kitty-cat idol felt like all nine of her lives had flashed before her eyes, and yet for her it felt like an eternity was spent rethinking her life decisions in mid-air.

Luckily, cat-like agility and being a nimble light-weight helped mitigate the fall damage from agonizing to just aching as Chloe rolled over herself before slamming into the barricade. All of her weight now resting on her shoulders now that she was hunched over herself with her black tail tapping her grumbling face. The precipitous plummet still had Chloe's adrenaline pumping even after she was grounded, and she quite honestly would have been content to just stay there the rest of the night and wish this entire situation away if not for the rumblings going on around her. She turned her head to the side and through one wincing eye with upside down vision, she watched Liberty go searching for something under the ring apron.

With a bit of shuffling, Chloe would finally tip over and flop to her knees. She massaged the back of her head while gradually motioning back up to her feet, now glaring bitterly at the grungy hardcore weirdo who just friggin tossed her out of the ring and could've ended her aspiring career!!!! Who the hell did she think she was?!?!

Chloe whipped her head around and found the closest weapon she could find, which was only a plastic, over-sized, novelty candy cane left over from her earlier pop-idol concert. With righteous fury and not much common sense, Chloe would gnash her teeth and haul her "weapon" back and smack Liberty in the back of the head with it!!!'s just a shame it was hollow...with the top half flying off...leaving nothing close to a concussive impact as Chloe looked at the top half of it before looking at Liberty with wide-eyed innocence and a wavering smile with terrified laughs...

"Umm...heheheh...y-ya know...M-My offer for those official Lucky Chloe kitty cat earphones is still on the table~~..."

Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by acuyra Sun May 27, 2018 12:57 pm


The crowd cheered Liberty on as she pulled one of wrestling’s most iconic props from the shadows, putting it on display for all to see. Smooth wood. Sturdy legs. Nice, flat surface. It wasn’t too thick, of course - nothing was worse than a table that refused to break. She followed all the proper steps, making sure it was just the right distance between the ring and the barricade, just far enough that she’d be able to get Lucky up onto the apron without much hassle.

But what to go for once she had her up there? So many good options. She was feeling a powerbomb, maybe even her lungblower combination finisher, but that would be a little silly since Lucky’s back would hit her knees, not the wood. Or maybe she could put her on the table and do a Market Crash. It had been a while since she’d had a good flight, and Liberty was looking forward to the look on her foe’s face as she came flying towards her, and-

Liberty’s little fantasy was abruptly interrupted when something hit her. Something light. Something soft. She spun about quick to find herself staring at Lucky Chloe, wielding a giant candy cane. Because of course she was.

She looked. She listened. She stared. She waited for Lucky to say what she had to say. Then, she reacted with a swift boot to the gut.


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Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women

Post by killcarrion Thu May 31, 2018 4:31 pm

As the top half of Chloe's festive, colorful, but ultimately useless "weapon" went spiraling overhead and into the extended hands of a lucky fan at ringside, Chloe briefly reminisced to a few days earlier. When the set designers in charge of decorating the ring for her adorably perky AFW debut came to her with concerns about the flimsy nature of the some of the decorative props and requested extra funding towards procuring some of the more durable, sturdy, and flashier ornaments that wouldn't break if handled improperly...Chloe, being the frugal ringmaster of her show, harshly turned them down over the phone while she was on her way towards a meet and greet/press briefing with the AFW head honchos.

But Chloe was immediately beginning to regret skimping on this one expense as she meekly stared up at a hulking brute of a woman who was also still not being exceptionally receptive towards Chloe's continued attempts at blatant, peaceful negotiations. Guess she wasn't much of a music fan...

Chloe's cowardly pleas came with a few timid, shuffling movements backwards should her negotiations fall through once more, but her retreating motions as well her steady breathing rate would both be impeded by a sudden punt straight to her gut. The kittenish idol dropping her cheaply made candy cane and hunching over herself with a guttural groan, cradling her stomach with a wincing flinch.

Lucky Chloe vs. Liberty 'Libby' Vella - Hard Luck Women - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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