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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by WrestleMind Wed May 22, 2019 3:59 am

Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: 
An Angel Faces A Beast.
One three count pin to win. Hentai permitted.

After quickly getting dressed in her favorite wrestling gear Charlotte marched to the ramp entrance and waited impatiently. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot repeatedly.  "What's taking so dang long!?"

When the twang of corny country music began to irk the audience she suddenly appeared in the spotlight and gave everyone a highly exaggerated salute.

Charlotte Lee:

The Bull of a woman stampeded down the ramp, her body jiggling like jello in an earthquake all the way down. In the corner of her eye, she noticed a few people holding signs sporting her name. They contained messages like: "The Big Belle Rocks!", "Charlottes #1", and her favorite: "Charlotte can sit on me any day!" As fun as it would've been to interact with her fine fans, she was too impatient. "Sorry guys! I have a date planned tonight and I don't wanna keep my gentleman caller waiting!"

After one final wave to her growing fanbase, Charlotte rolled her hefty body under the bottom rope and into the ring. With a labored grunt, she jumped to her feet. Finally, the Big Belle rested her massive utters on the top ropes. She started down the ramp with eyes glowing like hot coals. "Come on down pretty boy... If you're as tough as you are gorgeous we might have some fun"

Last edited by WrestleMind on Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

Howdy i'm WrestleMind and there's nothing i appreciate more than honest feedback and discussion. Wanna tell me I suck? You would make my day! Razz
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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:23 am

This was proving to be a very interesting day indeed. Going from a photo shoot, to being cajoled into a sudden match, wasn't exactly an unusual thing in AFW. In fact, from what Ryo could recall, this was actually the second time in the young mans career that he had ended up in a situation like this, as he adjusted his speedo and wristbands backstage, waiting for his music to play.

While Charlotte had certainly gotten a nice reception from her growing fan base, the relative newcomers pop was little compared to the reaction when "Sledgehammer" began to play, large amounts of men and women beginning to whistle and catcall as the ever popular heart throb began making his way down the ramp, clad in nothing but his wristbands and speedo, going with the pink option this time around.

Ryo's ring attire::

After a couple minutes slapping hands and taking a couple selfies with fans, Ryo finally entered the ring, grinning at the southern belle. "Wow. You look HOT in that outfit! You ready for a fun time? Not gonna get mad when I strip you naked and fuck you senseless for the pin, right?" he asked, immediately going for the bold statement as he stretched his lithe and limber body.

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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by WrestleMind Mon Jun 24, 2019 11:44 pm

Charlotte was certainly into the young lad casually standing before her. Yet his brash confidence that had just so recently seemed so charming to the big belle was starting to piss her off. "Hey now friend, you better show me a little respect to you'll make me madder than a wet hen!

Charlotte gently placed one of her paws on the brash boy's shoulders while clenching her other fist. "Now sonny I'm an honorable and conservative lady. So if you want to... Frick me... You're gonna have to earn it! Now... You ready for the bell doll?" Despite her high and mighty talk of honor, Charlotte planned on sucker punching Ryo as soon as the bell rang.

Howdy i'm WrestleMind and there's nothing i appreciate more than honest feedback and discussion. Wanna tell me I suck? You would make my day! Razz
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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:04 am

Ryo chuckled a bit as as Charlotte placed an arm on his shoulder, seemingly brushing off her words...but also taking note that she did have a rather...noticeable size advantage over the boy.

Still, he had fought bigger opponents before, and had won. He had little to no reason to expect this match to go any different. He'd woo her, stun her, and then give her his hard D and finish her off.

How hard could it be?

Then the bell rang and *BAM*, a meaty fist smacked into his face, sending the speedo clad boy yelling a curser, stumbling backwards and falling through the ropes and onto the floor below!

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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by WrestleMind Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:26 am

Charlotte could smell blood in the water. That tumble outside of the ring looked painful and this cowgirl wasn't gonna miss her chance to tame this bull. With a broad smile on her lips, she rushed through the ropes. Yet in the heat of the moment, the clumsy girl tripped on the bottom rope and went tumbling herself. 

"Craaappp!" She yelled as she plummeted towards Ryo. Charlotte was bound to smash into the handsome boy like a grand piano dropped from the rooftop. Assuming he didn't role out of the way...

Howdy i'm WrestleMind and there's nothing i appreciate more than honest feedback and discussion. Wanna tell me I suck? You would make my day! Razz
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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:55 pm

Ryo wasn't entirely certain what had happened. He thought he had Charlotte fairly pegged, a goofy southern belle who considered herself a "lady", (didn't all women from the American South consider themselves ladies? Considering all he knew of the American South was from classic American films, it seemed so.) but he hadn't expected her to just randomly deck him in the face without warning at the start of the match...nor had he expected the blow to come so quickly he couldn't dodge it!

As he lay on the mat though, groaning and rubbing his jaw, he had to admit, she had a hell of a right hand. He'd have to watch out for tha-OHSHI-.

His thoughts were interrupted yet again by Charlotte, only this time by sight of the woman somehow...slipping off of the ropes, her shadow from the spotlights covering Ryo completely, the teen only barely managing to roll out of the way before she came crashing down onto the floor next to him, nearly squashing him!

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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by WrestleMind Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:03 am

The Big Belle, not too quick in the noggin, wasn't able to bring her hands up before slamming onto the padded concrete, inadvertently bonking her head. Luckily her heavy body acted as a sort of airbag. Absorbing a lot of the impact. 

In a daze, Charlotte looked about before finding Ryo sitting next to her. "Whoo sorry about that honey... Almost crushed you! Anyways... Let's get back to that ass whooping!" though she put on a show of strength her little spill had decidedly put Ryo in control for the time being.

Howdy i'm WrestleMind and there's nothing i appreciate more than honest feedback and discussion. Wanna tell me I suck? You would make my day! Razz
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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:09 am


Too close.

While Ryo prided himself on his rather slim and svelte figure, he had to admit, it put him at a disadvantage against the bigger and stronger types in Tension. Charlotte had a serious weight advantage over him, and if she had landed on him, his night might have just been over right then and there.

Luckily, she hadn't, and now, that fact put the ball right into the speedo boys court. Getting up to his feet, still a little dizzy from the opening jab she had cold cocked him with, and staggered over to the ring apron. "Speaking of asses..." He said aloud, before giving Charlotte's bikini bottom clad butt a hard slap while she was still down. "That was a hell of a shot you knocked me with babe...kinda mean though wasn't it? Mean girls get spanked!"

he yelled, aiming several more slaps towards the southern belles backside while she was still down!

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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by WrestleMind Tue Aug 13, 2019 7:41 am

This would not stand! Having her ass slapped while she was on her hands and knees hurt her pride immensely and her body a little.

Ryos taunting words were salt in the wound. "Urghh shut up you scoundrel...  I'm not a girl... I'm a woman!!!"

The proud southern belle would not allow her ass to be slapped forever, yet she allowed it for now with gritted teeth. The dizzy girl needed a few moments to get her bearings; Ryos meticulous slaps gave her that. Once he had gotten his fill of slaps Charlotte would shoot her foot back,  aiming for Ryos stomach.

Howdy i'm WrestleMind and there's nothing i appreciate more than honest feedback and discussion. Wanna tell me I suck? You would make my day! Razz
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charlotte - Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete) Empty Re: Ryo Kamiya Vs. Charlotte Lee: An Angel Faces A Beast (Complete)

Post by Old_Man_Tai Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:35 pm

The boy couldn't help the smirk on his face as he spanked the larger women, getting some laughs from the crowd. He was an entertainer at heart after all, and this was quite the entertainment, seeing a sassy southern belle get spanked!

"Heh! Cmon, can't you take a little slap to the-OOOF!"

Ryo's taunts were cut off however, as Charlotte's large leg kicked back, smashing right into his lower gut. Kicked right in the bread basket with such power, the much leaner and lighter fighter backed away, bending low, wheezing and clutching at his toned stomach, temporarily unable to attack her again, all while the referee began her ring out count, yelling out "ONE!" while holding up a finger.

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