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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by Teenwrestler Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:03 pm

That Pele kick came out of nowhere, he wasn't expecting such a move within Valley's arsenal and paid for it dearly. Smacking him head on, Trent Masters was left stunned from that kick and he staggered back until his back hit the turnbuckle, leaning against it. Still recovering from that kick, Trent wasn't prepared for Valley's swift and quick offence when she came running towards him and leaped up in the air to gain momentum in order to strike his chest with a stiff elbow strike.

The strike forced a loud, audible groan from Trent, which hinted of anger and frustration too. "Arghhh!" he hissed in pain before stumbling down onto a seated position in the corner, clutching his chest while Valley Doll took control of this wrestling match.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by acuyra Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:02 am

It was good to hear the frustration in Trent’s voice, a sure sign that she was getting under his skin, making him angry. Perfect, really. Angry opponents were impulsive, angry opponents made rookie mistakes, and she was an ace when it came to punishing that sort of thing.

She launched him into the corner and got better results than she was expecting. She thought it would just be enough to put him  up against the turnbuckle, but no, it put him flat on his butt, which gave her some options.

Instead of charging straight to him, she dashed away to the opposite corner and turned at the last second, letting her back hit the pads. From there, she bounced off and charged across the ring at full, blazing speed, closing the gap in a hurry. The moment she was close enough, Valley leaped up, tucked her legs in, and tried to plant both of her knees into his chest with a meteora delivered at ramming speed.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:42 pm

The elbow strike was quick and stiff, it did its job of not only getting Trent frustrated but had the leader of the esteemed wrestling faction go down on a seated position against the turnbuckle. His hands would move up to cover his slightly sore chest but he was already thinking of ways on how to pay Valley back.

With him seated down, Valley would begin to sprint to the opposite corner and would turn at the last second, bouncing off the corner to gain even more speed and momentum, she would charge Trent at full speed looking to drive his knees into his chest. The leader of the Dominion had been observing her from the moment she started to go for the opposite corner and played possum, right up until she came close enough to him whereby he rolled out of the way causing her knees to crash land against the corner, narrowly missing her target.

The Masterpiece, meanwhile, would roll up onto his knees. "Tch, nice try" he commented before getting up on his feet. Not wanting to let this opportunity slide, Trent would attempt to reach down to grab Valley by the waist from behind looking to force her up on her feet and try to deliver a quick German Suplex to throw her back onto the middle of the ring.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by acuyra Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:53 pm

Going, going, close now, almost at the target, and-

He moved.

Valley gritted her teeth and braced for negative impact, as Trent managed to evade her meteora at the last second. She had to give it to him, it was well timed, avoiding her at just the right moment, when she was clearly too far into the move to do anything else. Thankfully, the meteora was a low-risk sort of move. All she did was crash into the pads with her knees and roll off them, which wasn’t much worse than what would’ve happened if she’d hit.

Now, she just had to get back up, spin around, and…


Valley was surprised to find a pair of strong arms around her waist, gripping her tight, and by the time she properly registered who they belonged to, she was already flying through the air. The German Suplex was a move that she could easily counter with a flip, if she was ready for it - but she didn’t have that luxury, here. So up she went and down she came, crashing down hard on her shoulders and ragdolling away after the impact.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by Teenwrestler Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:10 am

Using his sense of better judgment and timing to his advantage, Trent just about managed to avoid getting kneed into the chest. The result was that Valley would crash into the pads with her knees and Trent rolling to the side but quickly making his way back up to his feet, moving behind Valley who was, herself, in the process of getting back up to her feet.

The Masterpiece wrapped his arms around her waist, aiding Valley up to her feet and slamming her back onto the middle of the ring by executing a thunderous German Suplex. The fall look brutal, with Valley crashing down hard on her shoulders and ragdolling away. Trent would follow up on his offence, making his way towards the downed Slamazon and using his foot to push her onto her back before pressing his boot on top of her chest for a cocky pin.

"You aren't as good as people say you are, nor are you as good as you think you are." Trent would say, glaring down at her as the referee kneel'd beside them and started the pinfall.


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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by acuyra Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:51 am

So there Valley was, recovering from the German Suplex. She was hurt, sure. He had a good German Suplex, but at the end of the day, it was just that - a German Suplex. One of the most common moves in wrestling, right behind the DDT. Super heavyweights like Dasher could finish people with a German Suplex, and while Trent was a hefty man, he was not Dasher Inoba. The match had just started. She was far from done.

That was what made what he did next all the more baffling - he tried to cocky pin her.

After one German Suplex.

And they said Gwendolyn was cocky. Jesus…


The second count happened only because Valley was so flabbergasted, but it knocked the sense back into her fast, and she sprung into action. She twisted around and raised her shoulder, getting the foot off. That wasn’t all she did, though - at the same time, she grabbed the ankle that he’d so graciously put in her grabbing range, wrapped her arm around it, and used it as an anchor as she swung her leg off the floor and aimed a hard kick at his knee, going right for the patella.

She was still hurting from the Suplex, far from though with that, but she’d be damned if she let him get away with his little prank.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by Teenwrestler Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:09 pm

One German Suplex was surely not enough to take down the famous Slamazon down. That fact was obvious enough and despite so, Trent would attempt a pinfall purely to see the reaction Valley would give him after he would attempt a rather cocky pinfall. The Masterpiece looked down on Valley, figuratively and literally but said nothing but waited for the inevitable to happen. While it caught him by surprise that she managed to let it get to two, eventually Valley would twist to her side and thrust her legs up to kick out.

Instead of simply resetting though, the Slamazon was quick on her feet and mind by quickly grabbing onto his extended leg and wrapping her arm around it. "Tch" Trent clicked his tongue in annoyance, trying to pull it away before feeling a hard kick to his kneecap. The sharp pain felt him rocked and the Masterpiece fell down onto one knee, clutching his knee.

"Argh! You're really starting to get on my nerves now..." he growled in anger whilst trying to get back up on his two feet.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by acuyra Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:33 pm

Right on target.

Her move was more out of spite than anything, just wanting to make him pay for that cocky pin. Competition, she didn’t mind. Getting ragdolled was old hat, as far as she was concerned. But if he wanted to make this personal, he’d get the personal treatment, and all the pain taht entailed.

Also, it had the nice little effect of bringing him closer to the floor. Closer to her range.

”Give it time.” When he came down, Valley spun about on her back, so her feet would face his body. She brought her legs in, tucked them tight, then uncoiled them in a single burst, shooting them out fast and sending both heels towards his upper body.

”It’ll get worse.”

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by Teenwrestler Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:13 pm

The sudden jerk he felt on his knee thanks to the hard kick curtesy of Valley was enough to send the Masterpiece staggering down onto one knee. A quick glimpse of his facial expression would be good evidence to show that he did not like that one at all and was quite pissed at being taken down to his knee like that. That was backed up by his words too and now Valley all but confirmed that she had gotten under the skin of the leader of the Dominion.

Now that the two were more closer than when he was on his feet, Valley began to execute the second phase of her plan. She distracted him with a cryptic message before reeling back her legs and suddenly shooting them towards his upper back. The impact was loud enough to be heard by the fans in the front row and impactful enough to send Trent hurling back and fall down onto his back.

"Urghhh!" Trent cried out, clutching his chest whilst on his back.

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Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start  - Page 2 Empty Re: Trent Masters vs. Valley Doll- A bitter start

Post by acuyra Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:50 am

Did that hurt Trent? It was hard for her to tell at this angle, but she sincerely, truly hoped it did.

She hadn’t been that good, but thanks to his grandstanding, she’d had a little time to recover, and she knew how to spend it. The blow landed well, dropping and making him ache, so much that he wasn’t moving around for a little bit. He was a good target. She could take advantage of that.

As soon as he went down, Valley rolled away, pushed up, and took off in a hard dash, heading towards the ropes parallel to Trent. She hit the ropes to build up momentum them came striding back towards him with long, fast movements. Building up speed, steeling herself, readying for the plunge.

She leaped up, flipped forward with her legs coming up and over in arc, and tried to come crashing down on Trent with a Somersault Leg Drop.

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