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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by LilyStar Wed May 06, 2020 4:18 pm

She’d pay her no mind, the pain began to pulse again, sending jolts down her body then back up in waves. Fully recovering would take time but she couldn’t stop fighting. The cry told her everything she needed to know: Aphrodite was stuck and she had no way out. The hair pulling didn’t help either but they’d have to deal with that.

With one swift motion, Veronika would attempt to use the blonde hair tightly held in her grip to swing the so called Goddess head against the mat. She was going to make this as painful as possible, her hopes of giving them a headache to match her own.


Her attempt would bang their head twice, just for insurance before dismounting before she fainted her own valor by being seated on someone so conceited. Of the blonde began to feel how she felt and perhaps groggy, the barbarian would take advantage of it, sliding her legs between their knees, shifting their legs in and out before slamming down her right to hopefully lock in a figure four leg lock.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by SimplyMoon Sat May 09, 2020 1:42 pm

Aphrodite's squirming had no effect in her attempts to escape, effectively pinned down with the referee keeping close to watch for a shoulders down on the mat scenario that would start a pin count. It definitely didn't help that Veronika's kept a nice firm grip on her long hair, her scalp being punished with each passing moment there was. Then there was the strikes or what you could call them as the blonde goddess's head was slammed into the ground twice, disorienting her and stopping her protestation.

She could feel the weight of the barbarian off of her body, still laying there shaken. Aphrodite would try to get back up but was too slow, unable to stop her opponent as she locked in a hold, one that wasn't going to be very nice as the figure four leg lock was in place. The goddess of love now gritting her teeth as she attempted to escape the painful submission.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by LilyStar Sat May 09, 2020 8:37 pm

Veronika held a cold stare as she continued her assualt. Victory seemed to be the only thing on her mind as she bashed the blonde Goddess’ head into the canvas with their silky hair. Dropping her opponent, the Russian moves on to inflict new sources of pain into a coward like them.

Her stomach began to ache from the previous blow, her head pounding in her ears yet again. They didn’t look it, but Aphrodite wasn’t weak by any means. All the more reason to push her attack. With her legs intertwined into the pale set in front of her, She slams down her own leg across the set to send a shock to through their calves and up to their thighs. Veronika lifts herself up off the mat to suspend the hold and make it a bit more difficult to find any footing for the blonde woman.

She still remained silent except for the soft growls erupting from her throat, a primal groan to signify the solider in her coming back to life. The Russian shifts her leg down, wrenching Aphrodite’s legs to make her whine or cry out in pain. This feeling that crept into her was slowly taking over. A part of her hated it, wanted it to go away so she could focus but another part of her deemed it just and fair like an angel and devil playfully coaxing her morality.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by SimplyMoon Sat May 09, 2020 10:55 pm

"Ahhhh!!" she would cried out as plenty of pressure was put upon her knee, the hold even getting worse once the barbarian raised herself up to apply even more pressure upon the limb. The goddess bellowed out a crunching her face as she took in the pain the best she could. Aphrodite was a goddess, not some simple gutter trash ruffian like the one putting her in such pain.

Through her howls of pain and maybe somewhat unnecessary theatrics, Aphrodite knew how to get out of this, she just needed to work at. She'd begin to rock her body, attempting to turn her body over and reverse the move. If successful then the blonde goddess would now be the one putting pressure on Veronika, but with her arching her back it made it far more difficult.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by LilyStar Sun May 10, 2020 12:32 am

Everything was going her way, Aphrodite was crying out and struggling in her hole but something seemed to click in the blondes head. A switch h that seemed to give her a shred of hope that she could turn this around. Veronika wasn’t sure what to make of it but to keep putting on the pressure until she felt her body shifting. The light quakes were making her hands placement a little uneasy, trying to keep her balance became a challenge.

It wasn’t until it was too late did the Russian understand. Her body rolls over, legs still locked up against the Goddess but it was her legs in pain. Her calves screamed as she found herself, face first against the canvas. The blonde goddess managed to counter her hold and she planned to make it hurt. When they curved in their back, the strain really piled on, forcing a sharp cry from her lips.

Damn it..damn it! What was she supposed to do now. Veronika couldn’t reach back and clock her nor could she undo the hold in current position. Wait, ropes! Where are the ropes? She frantically searches for her way out, she’d crawl to it if she had to just to get out this and beat down Aphrodite a peg or two.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by SimplyMoon Sun May 10, 2020 1:43 am

Aphrodite couldn't help but smirk a little bit as she lay on her stomach, now having reversed Veronika's very own submission and paying her back for the pain wrought by her, "O my... looks like things have fallen in my favor," she says still feeling the pain from not just the submission but the barbarian slamming her head twice down hard onto mat.

It was becoming however evident that such a submission wasn't going to work for too long as Veronika using her far more superiors strength it appeared to pull herself rather literally out of the hold, crawling over to the ropes. Aphrodite knew well enough to get out of it quick and make her distance as the referee called for an end to it. She'd crawl forward, rubbing her sore leg before quickly getting up. She couldn't come at the barbarian with the referee in the way and waited for the time to continue.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by LilyStar Sun May 10, 2020 2:54 am

The Russian would claw her way toward the ropes, which was a fair distance to say the least, the hellish hold soon taking a little bit of her soul the longer it stayed locked in. Veronika couldn’t look Aphrodite in the eye after they mocked her predicament. She was right and giving her that satisfaction of looking straight into her dastardly pools and showing her desperation was a feeling she couldn’t allow. Every pound forward, every inch gained, she felt the hold loosening, like the blonde goddess was giving her a break and soon enough that became a reality.

As their legs became untwined, the pain began to settle in along her right knee and left calf. The mismatch of pulsing pain was enough to send a hand to comfort it. Veronika had underestimated her opponent, and again felt the terrible fate of letting her guard down. With the referee splitting the two apart, Veronika would get to her knees, pushing up to her feet. She was surprised as her brain received the damage report but her heart still demanded that she go on.

Clutching her fist, her knuckles would pop as her instincts tried to take over, forcing her mind to fight for survival. She was making a plan now, a plan to take away Aphrodites advantages, break down her very foundation.

Shifting her body into a stance, she’d grit her teeth as the reminder of pain called to her but she had to push that away, make her body understand that she could take it. With a lock-on to the Goddess, she’d make a mental note where to go, what to attack. This next round wasn’t going to be pretty, she could feel that.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by SimplyMoon Sun May 10, 2020 4:13 am

"Mwahahaha!! You ruffian brute... is that all your best that you can throw at me?" she says, flinching slightly as she rests on her leg a bit and feels the throb in her head. This barbarous fool had managed to screw her up rather a bit without doing that much so far. She was going to have avoid those further strong attacks unless she wanted to find herself unwilling put down upon the mat in pain once again.

No, Veronika wasn't an opponent to brute force. She was one that needed a more elegant touch. One that would slowly tear the larger woman apart and bend her rather literally to her will. All she need was to get her down and out and she knew a few ideas to do so.

"Got you all riled up, I tend to have that effect. It's okay though, jealousy is only natural, after all my beauty is astounding," she smiled outwardly bending forward to show off a bit, though internal she was sinisterly grinning.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by LilyStar Sun May 10, 2020 4:47 am

She clicks her tongue, did this woman ever shut up? Acting so pompous and annoying seemed to be some of their strongest qualities besides being a royal pain in her neck. She could see what she managed to do had an effect on the smaller wrestler but it didn’t help that she had suffered too. Veronika figures her best course of action was to suck Aphrodite into a trap or at the very least make them play on her terms. A feat easier said then done with someone as conniving and dastardly as them.

The ex-solider opted to be silent. She’d speak her mind when she had something meaningful to say, the barking of a dog didn’t interest her. The tanned amazon would scoff as the blonde leans and bows forward, boasting about her looks yet again. “Trash.” she said, staring intently at the recipient of the word.

She’d take advantage of their bow, the time it would take for her to stand up straight or back away could cut any reaction time. That was what she’d be aiming for. Veronika launches forward, her legs growling with frustration at their short lived break. She’d attempt a feint, posing to go from the front, the Russian would suddenly shift and side step to end up at the Goddess’ back. If her maneuver was successful through the pain that followed, she’d make use of her hopeful newfound position and wrap her arms around the pale woman’s waist. Holding her tightly against herself, the Barbarian would attempt to lean backward to practically throw the blonde back for a German suplex if her plan found success.

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The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha - Page 3 Empty Re: The Barbarian clashes with The Goddess! Veronika vs. Aisha

Post by SimplyMoon Mon May 11, 2020 1:44 am

"What'd you say bar..." she wouldn't be able to finish as the larger woman moved rather quick, Aphrodite stopping what she was doing to quickly try and move out of the way as it appeared like Veronika was trying to come in from the front to grab her. It was only at the last moment that she saw too late what her true intentions were, suddenly the barbarous fool juking her out and getting behind her, quickly wrapping arms around her toned waist.

Her eye's widened as she felt the weight shift, knowing exactly what she was going to try and do. At this point it was utterly helpless to escape as soon she found herself suplexed into the mat, landing on the back of the neck and shoulder. Pain shot through her body with her legs spread wide in the air giving the audience a rather good look of her barely concealed crotch.

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