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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by LunarWolf Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:44 pm

Standard Match

Rules: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, K.O.

Atalante was rather happy to get a second  match so soon, she hadn't expected things to be going this smoothly in her transition over towards AFW as a whole. Though now that she had a match lined up and so far the crowd seemed  to  enjoy her. After all, she did have a small following  from her time in Europe and it  seemed  that it helped her garner a bit of attention as she came over to Japan. She Grecian would roll her shoulders a bit as she checked to make sure that her outfit was on correctly and that everything was as it should be, she tilted her head a  bit and looked up at the cat ears she wore. She was a woman of her word, so she wouldn't take them off....though she wondered if these were  another reason why she was getting such attention here in Japan, perhaps both a blessing and a curse.

After she was done fixing her outfit, the Green-blonde woman would make her way towards the gorilla position and let the stage hands know she was ready. Allowing them to do their  work as  they finished the last minute set up. She would wait patiently as she adjusted her gloves  and made sure they were snugly hugging her hands. She waited as her music would start up as Change the World by MAN WITH A MISSION began to play out of the speakers, with it Atalante stepped out onto the ramp to a relatively warm reception from the crowd, as she would start to head down the ramp and make her way down  towards the ring. Choosing  to give a handful of high-fives to the crowd on her way down until she reached the squared circle.


Climbing up on top of the ring side, and grabbing onto the top ropes, with a yank on them Atalante would launch herself up and over  the ropes in a smooth motion  showing off a bit of her agility as she landed on her feet in the ring, walking around a bit in the squared circle before she'd turn to walk towards her corner, facing the corner itself as she would start to do a few stretches  and then turn around to  look on at the top of the ramp, awaiting to see who her opponent was going to be for this match.

Last edited by LunarWolf on Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by Iceman Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:09 pm

“Good thing you could come. Forgive the haste in me calling, but you got booked for a match. It will take place next Friday night.”

“Alright, do explain the details.” Lilliana had been called urgently by Masako, no summoning to her office this time and she was thankful for that. Right next to the former military cuddled Reiko, trying to tease her in order to make the American lose her focus. Finally, Lilliana managed to dismiss her girlfriend.

“You are going to face a Greek oponent. It is going to be her second match but as far as I know she has a wrestling background in Europe. I couldn’t get much information but she knows what she is doing. Expect some competition. Oh, and she has… nevermind, I will let you discover that by yourself. That should be all. Sorry again for calling you so late, but I wanted you to have enough time to prepare. Have a nice night.”

Captain Reynolds:

Lilliana was bouncing back and forth to keep her body warm while waiting for her entrance theme to start. The crowd got some of her solemn ways in the previous match and even if it wasn’t the best for making a rep she would keep going with it. This time she felt less stiff while walking towards the ring, taking some time to give some high fives to her new fans. After her debut people reacted good to her first showdown, and that reassured her confidence. Reputation was an important fact in a wrestler’s career after all.

Finally the former soldier made her way to the ring and stepped inside. As she walked to her corner she gave a first look at this Atalante. She was in fact a little bit taller than Lilliana, that would give her the edge in reach, but what caught the brunette’s eyes was the bright blonde and green hair and… were those cat ears and a tail? Definitely not the most orthodox of wrestling attires, some heel rivals might even try to take advantage of it by pulling it, but not Lilliana. She decided that if her rival got to be nice enough she would ask about it. When called by the ref, Lilliana stepped to the center of the ring as usual, expecting her rival to do the same.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by LunarWolf Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:53 pm

Nodding her head as she saw her opponent descend towards the ring, the closer she looked the  better of a look Atalante could get of her opponent, she saw that long brown hair, the grey attire, she looked quite professional. She had a toned body, they seemed to have a pretty similar build. Stepping out of the corner as Lilliana came into the ring, Atalante would move her way up to the center of the  ring.

She'd noticed the eyes of her opponent stare a bit longer at her ears and her tail,  though it seemed as if she didn't question it. Atalante was usually grateful when she wasn't questioned about it, though she'd been wearing this sorta thing for years now...she was pretty much used to it.

Offering her hand  towards Lilliana, the Green-blonde woman would like to start this match off clean and friendly with a handshake. " Atalante Pallas, May the best woman win." She'd speak with a nod following her words.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by Iceman Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:56 am

As her blonde and green-haired rival made it to the center of the ring Lilliana's thoughts raced: what kind of rival would that be? She couldn't try and think of what kind of tactics would suit her based on her body. Being a bigger woman than her she would probably have lots of endurance. "This one will be a tough one.", thought the former soldier.

But when Lilliana felt actually relieved was when Atalante friendly offered a sportswomanly handshake and introduced herself. Even if her debut wasn't terrible, Lilliana would rather engage in a friendly rivalry than in a scornful one, and seeing Atalante going for a friendly approach put her mind at ease. She shook the Greek's hand as she nodded at her in respect. "Lilliana Reynolds. Let's just have a good match." This was what she wanted, to test herself against some decent rival and not some punk out of a gang. The referee also looked satisfied with the greeting as she sent both women to their corner before signaling the bell to ring.

With the match starting Lilliana thought it would be a nice approach to see how strong her rival was, so she walked to meet her while inviting her to a test of strength.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by LunarWolf Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:23 pm

Atalante would nod her head as she saw Lilliana take the offered hand, a slight smile would creep up on the face of the stoic huntress. She would nod her head as Lilliana showed a fair deal of respect as well. "I'm sure we will." Atalante spoke out as she would then step away from Lilliana and walk up towards her corner. When the bell finally rang she'd step out of the corner and walk up towards the center again.

Seeing Lilliana raise her hands up, offering the green-blond woman a test of strength. Raising her right eyebrow a bit before she would walk forward and raise her own arms, slowly bringing the hands together with Lilliana's as she would take the offered test of strength, clasping her hands together with Lilliana's and entwining their fingers.

After she had a firm hold on both of Lilliana's hands, Atalante would start to flex her arms and push against her opponent, trying to force the former soldier backwards.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by Iceman Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:05 pm

A very welcomed difference between Lilliana’s debut match and this one was that her rival looked friendly enough. The woman looked in good physical shape, and her strength and style of fighting were unknown to the former soldier, but no matter how hard the challenge Atalante represented could be, being a combat in a friendly and sportswomanshit terms made a lot of an improvement from Lilliana’s last match, so full of tension and scorn. The American was silently grateful for this as the bell rang.

Atalante agreed on the test of strength and her fingers interlocked with Lilliana’s. This showed that the Greek was brave and confident in her skills. And that confidence was well deserved based on what happened after. When their challenge started Lilliana’s pushed with all her strength, not wanting to hide her force as she noticed that Atalante was pretty strong as well. In order to keep the pace the former soldier had to give everything to her pushing, her face turned in a frown of exertion as her forehead rested against her rival’s. After some seconds of intense raw strength challenge Lilliana felt the hold falling into stagnation. Not wanting to overexert herself she planted her feet and tried a little extra push aiming to finally get the upper hand.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by LunarWolf Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:23 pm

The two women agreed to the test of strength and with it the two of them would press into one another, arms flexing as they started to try and overpower one another, forehead's pushing together as the Huntress met the gaze of the Captain, she would feel the intense power of Lilliana and try and match it. After a few seconds it seemed clear as if the two of them were locked into a stalemate. The crowd seemed to be enjoying the sight though as the contours of their bodies were pressing against one another.

Similarly sized bust mashing together as soon enough Atalante would feel how Lilliana leaned forward a bit more, overexerting herself as she planted her feet against the back and pushing even harder, the strong legs of Atalante held the ground of the Grecian, those strong legs flexing...but Atalante was as wise a warrior as she was a strong one.

If Lilliana wanted to stick her neck out like this, then she'd bite! Atalante would suddenly try and stop holding Lilliana at bay, looking to use her might against her and  fall backwards, raising her boot up to press it into Lilliana's breadbasket and then try and throw her overhead with a monky flip. If it hit, Atalante would try and jump up with her legs to flip overhead as well,  trying to land on top of Lilliana in a mounted  position, hands still clasped  together as she would try and go for a mounted pin attempt.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by Iceman Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:52 pm

Lilliana wasn’t the best when it was about raw strength, she knew that and wasn’t overconfident in her skills, but the former soldier had also a speck of pride and wanted to show off. After her first match she had much more confidence in her skills and trusted her instincts. A test of strength was also a very good way of assessing one rival’s power so that was the reason the American tried a more aggressive approach and kept going with her pushing.

But Atalante was just about to prove that she wasn’t only a very decently strong woman but also a cunning strategist. While both wrestlers’ bodies mashed at each other and Lilliana focused on her personal feat of strength the Greek was planning something else that would literally flip the tables on the match. With a sudden move, all the strength the Captain was applying was used against herself when Atalante stopped pushing and fell backwards. Unable to stop her momentum, Lilliana panicked when she realized that her rival wasn’t falling but executing a monkey flip!

But hitting the mat with her back wouldn’t be the end of it, as Atalante also used the momentum to make her flip complete and land sitting on top of Lilliana, locking a spectacular pinning maneuver that got a round of cheering from the crowd! “D-damn!” Captain panicked as she noticed her hands completely locked and how the count was starting. But it was just too soon to lose like that. She still had some strength to her and even if her upper limbs were locked, she still had her legs free. With a sudden burst of strength the American tried bridging her body in order to pry Atalante off and break the pin.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by LunarWolf Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:20 pm

Kicking up with her legs after she flipped Lilliana right over onto her back and with that monkey flip, Atalante showed a bit of her athleticism and acrobatic skills as she flipped over and landed with her rear on those taut abs of Lilliana, mounting the brunette and pinning her down, with a firm grip on her hands she pressed her upper-body down  against the canvas.

Though before the referee even had time to raise her arm after getting into position, Lilliana countered the pin by bucking her legs and hips, bridging up and forcing Atalante to roll off of her and release those hands, rolling away a little bit before jumping up to her feet and facing Lilliana, Atalante would flash her a slight smirk.

She was quite impressed with the power of Lilliana, but also the quick-wittedness that she had just witnessed from the Captain. She'd lean forward a bit and inch forward...she'd then try and use her her speed, bursting into a lunge and going from zero to a hundred, as she'd try and drive her shoulder into Lilliana's gut for a quick spear-takedown.


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Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas Empty Re: Lilliana Reynolds Vs. Atalante Pallas

Post by Iceman Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:14 pm

Luckily for the Captain, it was too early in the match and the former soldier was too fresh to get surprised and defeated like that. Her wild bucking took care of her rival who had to retreat when it proved too difficult to maintain the pin.

The match was still very young, but Atalante had shown a quite ample set of skills. The Greek was strong, but also cunning and smart, and now was about to show one more remarkable ability. She was fast. Not fast as in “wow, she ran to get the bus.”, fast as in “I cannot believe that blur is a person coming at me.”, and that was exactly what Lilliana was thinking at that point.

It looked like Atalante wanted to give honor to the Huntress who shared her name, and the Greek didn’t want to concede the dictating hand. The blonde looked quite comfortable with being the one determining the match’s rhythm and wouldn’t quit the offensive. She went for a slow approach until she used a burst of speed to spear Lilliana in the stomach. Nothing could the former soldier do to avoid being hit, the Greek proving just too quick to be dodged, but she could try and use her rival’s move against her just as the Huntress had done before.

Just when her rival’s shoulders impacted on her abs Lilliana would wrap her arms around the woman’s head and neck. Then, while the momentum took both women to the canvas she also used that moment to wrap her legs around the Huntress’ waist. When their bodies touched the mat Lilliana would have the upper hand as she locked a powerful guillotine choke, keeping her rival in a position that made her unable to move properly.


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