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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Felis: The Vice-Warden (Security/Other Help)

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Felis: The Vice-Warden (Security/Other Help) Empty Felis: The Vice-Warden (Security/Other Help)

Post by Chaos Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:45 pm

Name: Felis Bastes Kaosu
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Height: 165 cm / 5ft 4’’
Weight: 53 kg / 116 lbs
Species: Neko
Alignment: None (Vice-Warden/Helper)


Style: Pure Randomness
“I like to be Random you know!”

Endurance: “I Don’t know myself really!”
Strength: “I forgot”
Speed: “I can go to that rock over there and come back! Wanna see me do it again?”
Defense: “Is that for how good I am to counter??”
Technique: “What?”

Abilities:So far it apparently could open warp gates in plain or even on other surfaces. Outside of that, a few times one of the warden claimed she seemed to somehow stop time. She also has a rather slow regeneration and even survives what could seem some impossible feats like missing her head or heart, which she calls her “Survivability”. It is still unknown if it could hold more, but it is out of everyone’s curiosity to know.

Tasks: As a “Vice-Warder” her job is to simply minor tasks, help cleaning, bringing drinks and foods to the warden and substitute even other smaller staff members like the janitor, jobs that she can’t cause much problems in. She is forced to do them, to keep her busy however she is still monitored, for safety.


Visual Appearance:


On a break:


Savage and Dangerous:

Felis is a rather happy, energetic and playful person and that was rather infectious. Like a child, she always wants to play around and no regards for consequences or mostly anyone else, except her partners which is ones she wants to play with. Annoying is also another way to describe her as other wardens find it so and some other staff might also think so. But this doesn’t mean when she can’t be act normally sometimes, where she drops the childish part and acts more seriously, her voice also adjusting to this change

However she could be rather vicious and sadistic at times, even probably creeping out some amount of people just due to this extreme shift in personality, maybe even maintaining some of childish behaviour, this was her when she was still free. When mad, she becomes slightly unstable where it is hard to talk to her and to calm her anger until what angered them is fixed, gone or given something that might call her attention or she enjoys.

Out of all of this, she doesn’t care about “Safety”, “Justice”, “Law” or anything that some other party may believe as she knows she is there just for a job and people can keep her under supervision.

Since very young, Felis was ditched by her parents, before being giving to some weird scientists that were interested in some “power experimentation”. Her dimension was one where powers were quite rare but there were still some individuals who were born naturally with them or earned them in some unknown way and so they were quite priceless. They started it when she was really young, testing and implementing powers on her so they could later give to other people, either to give to people that needed them like police forces or other services or sell to the highest buyers. To do so they made her train to prepare her body to be able to hold these, but they also had to test these so between training and testing her body was always under a great strain, aside from being extremely painful.

The first was Warp Gate, something that she quickly got the hang of and at the start seemed rather easy, but each time they wanted more gates, further away, another countries, continents, dimensions... It started to become too painful, open and keeping them was worse than it seemed, but they always wanted to keep go further, however far from the worse... As they would bruise her, break her bones, twist them and even cut her limbs, the process was slow and painful and that quickly messed up mentally, probably being of the main factors for her mental scarring. It has reached a point where she even tried to kill herself, but never could and only caused more pain and twisted her mind even more. The feel to keep her safe and away from truth, Felis’ subconscious made her act like a kid to preserve her innocence and remember when she was still sane.  

For last they decided to give the ability to control time, more specifically stop it. This only made it worse, as for someone who was mentally broken seeing they have the ability to seemingly stop the world was... Destructive. But it maybe was a way out, she continued training and tried her best but she couldn’t pass the 5 second mark, so she had to get out on under 5 seconds.And so,  she waited for the right time before stopping time and letting her anger, sorrow, sadness take over, in other words, She snapped, and started attacking all the scientists and causing havoc on the laboratory as much as she could in those 5 seconds. Her unyielding rage made them try to stop her, their attacks ended harming her too much ending up destroying both her legs.

Scarred, she panic and using everything she could, she opened a warp gate to somewhere else, Another Universe and after passing out

After arriving in what seemed somewhere called “Gaia”, she got saved by the people that took care of security, “The Wardens”. Her legs got replaced with what seemed like puppet legs, but something rather interesting happened, her legs started to regenerate and fuse with the prosthetics. Knowing about her mental issues, The Wardens tried to help her, accepting her into the job and started teaching her, however her difficult personality became a problem, making it hard to control and teach, especially with her powers. This continued as the feline like woman started to create some havoc and they decided she was too dangerous to let her run around free specially with her condition, so they decided to restrain her and give her to a specific warden to continue her job.

Fun Facts:
Sugar Lover-
Felis loves all types of candy, which is what is mostly used to calm her down when she goes berserk, which is rare, but still useful to have around.

Cat Talk- As much as a human she might look like, she also can act like a cat sometimes and had a bad times to sometimes end her phrases with a “Nyan” or “Meow”.

Boss for Fun- Her objective was to beat a warden and try to take her spot so she could make all other play with her whenever she wanted.

FnF Information


Have a Ticket To ChaosLand
Chaos Park of Fun

Posts : 287
Join date : 2018-10-26
Age : 23

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