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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:53 pm

Smacking the back of Juri's head into the canvas the blonde would huff out and look donw at the stunned Juri. She would keep her hold on that hair as she remained seated on Juri and after a second or two she would try and pull Juri's head up and force it in under her right armpit. Tightening her arm around that head after she released the hair of Juri....Belinda would then shift around and roll over onto her own back. Trying to pull Juri up on top of her and lock in a guillotine choke hold!

After which those legs of Belinda would shoot up and try and snap around that waist of Juri, trying to flex her thighs and give Juri's waist a tight squeeze just as she would do with her arm just around that head and neck.


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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:58 pm

The nasty bump to the back of the head left Juri stunned whilst on her back. Her head was ringing and she was groaning in pain but was still at the mercy of her rival who was looking to get some payback. Belinda would pull Juri's hair once more, lifting it up off the mat before trapping it under her right armpit. "Nrgh" Juri grunted knowing what was coming next. Her arms would move to her back and would start to pound her lower back.

A couple of strikes later, the blonde fell down on her back and pulled Juri on top while scissoring her waist trapping her in a brutal body scissor and chokehold submission. "Uuughh! *cough*" Juri coughed and wheezed, struggling on top of the blonde.

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:14 pm

Having pulled the head of Juri up in under her armpit and locking her arms around it tightly, Belinda rolled the pair of them over and took the bottom position. Her legs snapped around Juri's waist and she locked in that Guillotine Choke. Looking to one up the submission expert of Miyabi with a tightly locked submission hold of her own.

The Swede would hear Juri cough and wheeze as she struggled on top of her, but the blonde would just try and tighten her hold. " Don't call me Kid...Juri." Belinda let out through gritted teeth, clearly frustrated with Juri and her constant condecending attitude.


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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:19 pm

No doubt Juri was in a lot of trouble at the moment,. The Guillotine choke hold and scissor hold submission was a formidable submission move and Belinda was putting it to good use. Her arm tightened around Juri's neck to choke her out while her legs would constrict the Black Widow's waist to restrict whatever little air she could breathe in. For now, the Ace was being outshined in her own game.

"*cough* K-kid...." Juri said, smirking whilst being choked out. Her hands would raise up towards Belinda's face, she would lightly dap her fingers around the blonde's nose and mouth just to get a feel of where her beautiful facial features were. The Black Widow would clench her fist before raising them in the air and driving a punch aimed at Belinda's nose.

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:27 pm

Belinda felt Juri struggle and shift in her hold but she knew that she had locked in a tight one and that Juri wasn't going to be able to free herself anytime so by trying to wiggle her way out free. She heard Juri cough out though and then throw that nickname in her face again. Belinda would click her tongue in frustration....trying to tighten her holds even further to punish Juri!

Though as she did that the dark haired wrestler would bring her hand up and pat at her face, Belinda tried to shift and turn her face away from Juri's feeling fingers, but she wasn't able to stop what came next. As Juri brought her fist down right on her face and nose, smaking Belinda and forcing her the recoil. Her arms left Juri's head and her hands went to cover her face as her legs just remained around Juri's waist. Not squeezing but still scissored around it.


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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:35 pm

Knowing full well that repeating the hated name she had for Belinda would get her into trouble and to no surprise to her it did. Belinda tightened both holds and Juri really felt her body being constricted, she was on the verge of passing out. However, it was a risk the Black Widow was going to take because the more she kept Belinda angry the more she knew the blonde would not wrestle the way she would normally would.

Then, Belinda's face was smacked hard by a vicious punch which would make the blonde release Juri. Gasping for breath, Juri pushed up onto her hands and knees looking down on Belinda while drenched in sweat. Wanting to bring in the big guns, Juri would reach out to grab Belinda's hair and get back up on her feet, dragging Belinda up too.

She would drag the blonde near the steel cage and using the grip of her hair, would smack Belinda's face into the steel cage and kept her face pressed against it, grinding it up and down. "Give. Up." she said.

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:54 pm

Belinda tried to keep protecting her face as Juri pulled herself up towards her feet and then took a hold of Belinda's short blonde hair, using it to pull and guide Belinda up to her feet and following over after the Miyabi Ace, as the black widow would drag Belinda over towards the cage!

Once there her face would be smashed right into the cage wall and Belinda would cry out. " Aaah!" As the cage rattled from the impact, as if that wasn't enough Juri decided to start dragging her face up and down across the wire mesh of the cave. Belinda winced and struggled, her legs shifting as she stood and tried to push away form the cage wall.


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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by Teenwrestler Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:28 am

Dragging her to the steel cage, Juri figured it was time to use her surroundings to her advantage. Grabbing the hair of the blonde, the Miyabi Ace would shove her rival's face into the cage before smearing that pretty little face of hers against the cage to really bring the pain to Belinda. It was clear Belinda was in some discomfort as she cried out loudly in pain. Struggling against the punishment, the blonde would try to push away from the cage.

"D'aw what's the matter? Don't like it? Fine, you little baby" she hissed before dragging her away back to the middle of the ring. With Belinda's back turned towards Juri, the Black Widow attempted to grab her rivals chin with both hands before leaping up and pressing her knee against the back of the blonde before letting gravity to the rest of the work. Dropping on her back, Juri would deliver a harsh backstabber to Belinda.

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:03 am

Belinda fought against her current position as she tried to push her face off and away from the cage. It seemed as if it worked as Juri soon got too annoyed with it ot try and drag her face across the wire-mesh any further. Letting an angry hiss as she felt her hair being pulled further though, yanked and pulled along by it as Juri got them to the middle of the squared circle. Shaking her head and trying to pry those arms off of her hair, until suddenly they did leave her hair, instead those hands of Juri grabbed onto her shoulders and she was violently jerked backwards.

Sent falling backwards, Belinda soon crashed flat down onto those knees of Juri, as the Black Widow struck, sinking her fangs into the back of Belinda with that backstabber! "Aaaaaahhh!" Belinda howled out in pain as she would practically bounce off of those knees and flopped onto her front, her boots kicking down into the canvas as she reached back with her arms to try and soothe the pain in her back.


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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

Post by Teenwrestler Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:41 pm

Going on a roll against one of the more formidable opponents in AFW, Juri was doing a great job to wear down the blonde. First, she would show her ruthless side by grabbing Belinda's head and shoving her face into the steel cage, grinding that pretty little face against the steel structure before dragging her away and giving her a harsh backstabber to take her down to the mat.

Her howls of pain were music to the ears of the Miyabi Ace who would grin in satisfaction. Not content with, she would move towards the blonde to grab her by the hair to pull her up to a seated position before driving her knee into the small of her back while clutching her chin with her hands and yanking back in a chinlock submission.

"You're no match for me, kid." she whispered.

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AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman - Page 3 Empty Re: AV 20 Juri Sanada vs. Belinda Northman

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