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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by dlamp Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:39 pm

Maelle paused. Rareta's words... cut deep.

Maelle knew her faults as a person. She was brash, haughty, and despite her low birth in noble society she was still proud of her heritage was a French and Japanese woman of high society to a fault. She tended to cause trouble and rarely suffered for it due to her charisma. She was never afraid of a fight, whether a verbal debate or a physical bout. She knew she pulled her shy friend into more trouble than she was use to, but... hearing from Rareta's mouth struck a sharp crack in Maelle's haughty armor. And those words cut Maelle's movements and struggles short.

And it was all Rareta needed.

"A- Noooo!" Maelle's hesitation costed her dearly. Her bikini top was ripped off with little struggle, and the crowd roared its approval of Rareta's actions as Maelle's small breasts were presented bare. Not much of a chest to be frank, nearly childish in their size, barely humps, but it was an honestly humiliating act that had the Noble nearly in tears, both from the betrayal of Rareta's words and the embarrassment of her action. But Rareta wasn't satisfied with just that. She quickly moved to Maelle's bottoms, wanting to have Maelle completely naked for the victory.

"NO!" It was a loud bellow, unfitting a Noble, but fitting every bit the warrior Maelle was deep down. Her hand quickly snatched Rareta by the wrist, keeping it inches from her bikini bottom. "I won't let you, you damnable rabbit!" It was now Maelle's turn to speak candidly. For all intent and purposes, Rareta was merely being competitive in her attempt to humiliate Maelle. She stripped Maelle, had her in tears, and was going to try and finish the job and win the match. A respectable showing from a competitive view. But... both had said too much, too many feelings came out. As much as Maelle wanted to remain professional, she wanted to break Rareta more. "Don't blame me for your lack of courage!" She snarled back, her eyes narrowed. "I fought all the battles I started! I made sure to take most of the blame in our escapades! And I looked down on you because you were so weak!" Her grip tightened. "Do you know how aggravating it is seeing such a weak heiress prance about her company while her invest feed her money and gifts?! All the while I live in a mansion where my own family hates me for being born?! If I was even a single step higher in my birth I'd crush you!" She bared her teeth at her friend. "I WILL crush you!" Then, Maelle moved her legs.

"I'm no mere Kawaii that rolls on beds and winks to a crowd, little rabbit!" She wrapped her legs around Rareta's waist, reaching to forward to grab more of her friend's arm and pull it back for a makeshift armbar. "You of all people should know better than to mount a judoka! ESPECIALLY ME!"

The Azure Squadron

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by Valicon Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:53 pm

Rareta was angry, and had much reason to be so. But she had never really looked at things from the other side. She knew that Maelle had had things rough because of the circumstances of her birth, but she had always seemed so chipper, so brave, so beautiful to the super shy heiress. If she was being honest, she was simply jealous of Maelle's strength, a strength she had never seemed to posses. Rather than mentioning it though she had let the conflicting emotions stew and fetter until they were all coming out now, in all the wrong way. There was a part of her which hoped that things could be repaired, but odds are that irreversible damage had been done.

The worst part was the sting, the words cutting deep as she held the bottoms aloft, 2 seconds before she was pulled into that makeshift armbar. Now her cries of rage turned to screams of agony as she tried to free her arm from the vipers embrace. The rabbit had again been bitten, and this time too much vemon had been released for her to recover.

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 YuH7iit

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by dlamp Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:21 am

Maelle's elegant face twisted in rage. Rareta's screams were more annoying than pleasant. She wasn't much of a sadism, not for physical pain at least. She like breaking her opponent's emotion shields, liked seeing them in tears and lost in their lust as she had her way with them. But causing pain, trying to dislocate Rareta's arm as she was currently doing? She hated it, almost as much as she hated her slip in controlling her emotions. The Gentle Way wasn't meant to be used like this... but she was already here, and she wasn't going to falter. Her pride wouldn't allow it.

"Submit!" she ordered, wrenching Rareta's arm further. "If you can't take the pain then submit and admit your weakness!" It wouldn't end the match, Maelle knew that. In all honesty even if Rareta tapped or submitted Maelle wasn't obligated to release her. It wasn't that type of match. But... she still had her principles, her standards. She didn't want to injure Rareta too far. Even now, even with all the righteous fury building in her heart, Maelle would still give her friend just a bit of mercy... if the rabbit was wise enough to know her limits.

The Azure Squadron

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by Valicon Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:50 pm

Rareta cried in absolute agony, her arm and shoulder feeling like it was on fire. She tried everyday she knew to escape the hold, from moving her body to going for the ropes, to even trying to hit Maelle. None of it worked and left Rareta with one option. "OK, Please let me go, I'm sorry, I submit" she hated saying those words, giving her friend even more to work with, but if she did nothing, then her arm would surely break.

Valicon's Roster

Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 YuH7iit

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by dlamp Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:46 am

"Gh-!" Rareta tried. Oh, the little rabbit scrambled and thrashed like a dying animal. She desperately went to the ropes, mindlessly tried to thrash out, even striking at Maelle a few times for freedom, but the Noble's anger far exceeded her willingness to show her friend mercy at this point. She wasn't going to let go. Mercy went out the window the moment her and Rareta snapped at each other with personal barbs. It was only a fight to the finish now.

And a fight Maelle had a leg on, as Rareta finally submitted.

"... ... ..."

Of course, no bell rang. It was submission by armbar, not humiliation. Maelle didn't even have to let go. Not really. But let go she did, release her hold on Rareta's arm and peeling herself off her friend, getting to her feet. "Stand up." She ordered. "I'm far from down punishing you. Stand up. So I can bring you to tears with shame and pain."

The Azure Squadron

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by Valicon Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:33 pm

For one brief second, the pinkette contemplated ignoring the order and going on the attack again. But the pain was still too fresh in her mind, still too vivid to consider anything that might get her back into that hold again. So with tears running down her face she stood clutching her arm and waited fir the hammer to drop.

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 YuH7iit

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by dlamp Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:43 am

There was a silence throughout the ring. The crowd said not a word as Rareta seemed to debate Maelle's order. There were a few murmurs in the stands, but as Rareta finally decided to rise the crowd was on edge. Maelle on the other hand waited with an almost impatient and sour expression. Her eyes examined Rareta as if she was an animal. Her arm was badly damaged from the armlock and her face was in a mess of tears. She didn't look like wrestler anymore. Not to Maelle. No, she looked like a lamb sent to the slaughter.

And Maelle was to be her butcher.

"I'll at least commend you for standing," It was the only thing she said before rushing forward. There would be no mercy this time. Maelle was crushing this girl.

Her hands reached out, aiming to grab the hem of Rareta's gater belt to pull and drag her down to the canvas again, giving a brutal wedgie in the process.

The Azure Squadron

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by Valicon Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:39 am

Rareta had no time to reconsider (not thst she would have) before she was dragged back down to the mat, her lower bit, pulling painfully and embarrassingly up into her ass. She tried to wiggle away, like a rabbit caught in the coils of a powerful snake, but just like the rabbit, there was no hope and she could feel her garter belt digging into not only her ass but her slit as well, causing a mass if confusing feelings to flood her body, Judy as a flood was building withing her.

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 YuH7iit

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by dlamp Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:38 pm

Maelle kept a tight hold around Rareta's gater belt, making sure the trip down was as uncomfortable and embarrassing as she could making, really trying to pull her friend's panties deeper into the slit. All the while the Noble's eyes were sharp and vicious. She was in no mood to let go, show pity, and especially show mercy. "No." She practically snarled the word out. "You're not going to brave through this," She released on hand from the gater belt, moving to forcefully push Rareta's face toward Maelle's narrowed eyes. "You're going to scream for mercy by the end of this, Rareta. I swear it."

And then, she pushed her face forward for a kiss.

Not an intimate kiss. Not a kiss to shock or stun her friend with surprisingly passionate affection. No, it was a kiss to violate her. To force her mouth into Rareta's and take what little innocence and meekness the girl had left before moving to truly break her.

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

Post by Valicon Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:42 am

In her weakened and battered state, she was close, so very close to giving up. But as she was released, her ass and slit sore from where her outfit had rubbed into them, she suddenly got a vision. Two young girls playing in a secluded part of her family's resort. Suddenly it shattered as a mocking laugh seemed to fill her head and the scene shifted to to the same two girls but now older and one tormenting the other without end. This was her fate if she lost and that was not something she would just meekly accept, the rabbit still had at least one more kick.

As she was brutally kissed, her good arm grabbed at whatever she could of Maelle's bottoms and just like she had experienced moments ago, wedgied the hell out if her friend. Tugging on the outfit for all she was worth

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 YuH7iit

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Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rabbit in a Snake Pit (Maelle vs. Rareta)

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