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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches

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2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches Empty 2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches

Post by killcarrion Tue Dec 28, 2021 6:07 pm

2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches 0emmncw

In what's meant to be a unique diversion from the norm, I've opted to set up this thread as a podium for award winners to actually accept their trophy's. The ceremony itself takes place within the AFW arena in Tokyo with the wrestling ring converted into the presentation you see pictured above, all surrounded by an audience consisting of fellow wrestlers situated close to the ring with fans seated farther away from the talent. You can decide to have no one special be the presenter that hands the award to you or even assign someone to special be the presenter of your specific category, such as a celebrity or wrestling legend. Otherwise the circumstances under which your character accepts is entirely up to the roleplayer. Please bear in mind that winners are only allowed one post to accept, although if you have story-line ideas that require more than one post than you will have to contact me first. Also, this is completely and utterly optional. I'll close the polls and announce the winners in a weeks time on January 4th.

2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches WwUELpB

2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches Empty Re: 2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches

Post by Valicon Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:17 am

First called to the stage were Shad and Rebecca Owens, the former looking quite dapper in a custom tux while Rebecca wore a rather modest yet beautiful crimson gown. The Redhead also accepting the prestigious competitor of the year so she was full of emotions right then so Shad took the mic to speak for their tag team of the Year acceptance speech. This prompted a mixture if reactions from the crowd who loved Rebecca but hated him.

"I know there are most of you back in the fans section who would just love to see me get clobbered right now, and I can hardly blame you. After all I hardly seem the individual who inspires people. But I guess enough of you love Rebecca about half as much as I do, and that gave you the gumption to give us this award, in spite of our relative newness to the company. Well you need not worry about that any longer. We have overcome the trial, we are here, and everyone should be on the lookout now, especially if you hold one of those shiny belts. Starting today, with this first Step, my Wife and I are putting all the title holders on watch. And since we are accepting the tag team award, that seems like as good a place as any to start." He passed the mic over to his wife, grinning from ear to ear as he bowed low.

Valicon's Roster

2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches YuH7iit

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2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches Empty Re: 2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches

Post by Valicon Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:37 am

After her husband's rather bold proclamation to the AFW universe, it was now Rebecca's turn.  Unlike Shad she did not hide behind that grinning mask, her whole emotional range was on display.  As she took the mic the cheers rang out for the newest darling of AFW, Rebecca Owens.  

"I know it's cliche at this point, but if you had told me last year that I would be standing here accepting this award, I probably would have called you a liar a d put you through the nearest piece if furniture.  Seeing it now though, not once but twice, I can help but be reminded again of why I got into this in the first place.  I love to wrestle, to fight, to constantly chase ever higher challenges to prove myself as the best.  I do it for you all" she said pointing out to the crowd of fans and fellow competitors alike.  "I do it for the one man who's love has brought me this far, and for myself."  

She took a few moments to wipe away her tears before continuing.  "Thank you all for this honor.  I don't intend to stop or slow down in any way, and like Shad said, we are aiming now for Gold.  And now I lay down my own challenge, to myself and those who are the pinnacles of this company, it's champions.  I fully intend to Win each title.  It may take years, but thst is my word to all my fans, because you all deserve nothing less than my best.

Valicon's Roster

2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches YuH7iit

Posts : 671
Join date : 2021-06-20
Age : 33
Location : Petersburg, VA (USA)

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2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches Empty Re: 2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches

Post by killcarrion Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:18 pm

Temptations arose as to whether she should bid herself an early adieu once she confirmed the cameras weren't directed towards her. Contractual obligations only required Death to attend ostentatious events like these, not specifically partake of them until it's official culmination anyway. Still, high brow events like these did somewhat intrigue her on a base level due to her absolute unfamiliarity with them, although how glamorous and sophisticated a gala event could be that revolves around people pummeling the ever-loving shit out of eachother is up for debate. Hence why she at least made an attempt at dressing for the occasion with a sparkly sequin dress that matched her hair color. Walking around in high heels without wobbling took some...adjusting. Although she almost faltered again when blinded by the camera lights on the red carpet. This awards show being one of the few times people could see her in public and without blood on her knuckles added more of a spotlight on herself than others, she imagined. But the night progressed as per the norm. Death stretching out her back and not even noticing what award they were up to when...

"And the award for Best Gimmick goes to...*drumroll*...DEATH BUNNY!!!!"

...she balked in mid-stretch from hearing her name bellowed by the presenter, settling herself back down in her seat and gawking at the podium as cameras brought the world's attention right down upon her. Knowing this award was reserved for the more eccentric of personalities on the league made this an interesting award pill to swallow. Even moreso being the fact that this was not a fabricated gimmick in anyway. How the woman who dresses like a bee and obsesses over her Queen, or the giant woman baby, or the girl who dresses like a black cat 24/7 didn't walk away with this one is beyond her. Huffing out in begrudging acceptance, Death began striding out of her seat and up towards the podium to overwhelming applause all around her. She'd clasp the award in her hand and take a moment to inspect it before turning her attention back towards the microphone as the applause started petering down from her rabid fandom. She'd adjust the microphone to better make up for her height and clear her throat, half-lidded indifference to her eyes as she scratched the back of her neck in contemplation for what to say before speaking into the mic as thousands in the arena waited with bated breaths...


Death indifferently uttered with a slight shrug of her shoulders before sulking off. Striding down the steps award in hand. All to a raucous ovation.

2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches Empty Re: 2021 AFW Award Show Listing And Acceptance Speeches

Post by Diesel_Electric_Razor Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:58 pm

After the first two came and went, First being the rising stars of the Owens couple. In particular the wife of the two with the lovely French redhead Rebecca Owens being the winner of 'Competitor' of the year bracket, delivering a fairly rousing speech to the crowd that promised great things in the future for the pair, Very nice.

Following the Owens couple's acceptance speech, An absolute legend of the AFW circuit would make her way to the podium with the Award Show Presenter introducing her with a quick drumroll and a dramatic pause that seemed to go on forever before finally she made her down to accept her awards, This being none-other than the woman, the myth, THE UTTER LEGEND!... A Thoroughly bored Death Bunny! ... Who subsequently brushed off her award with a simple chuff of disinterest to a standing ovation from the AFW Universe ... So with those two out of the way? Who was next on the list of award winners? Well of all the people that the AFW universe could have chosen for the award ceremony, one of the most unlikely candidates to appear trotted out to a unsurprising pop from the assembled crowd. It was of all things, Young Jasper Arthur Rhys, clad in his khaki Ugg boots and practically wearing the same attire he wore for his Showdown match mere months ago, the boy wore a warm smile with the subtlety of a Fire Truck responding to the scene of disaster.

Yeah, he's a happy kid.

"And the Award for Breakout Star goes to...! *Drum Roll* ...Jasper Arthur Rhys Of Wales!"

"Helô and Shwmae Tokyo!" He spoke aloud into the Mic, pride swelling through the rookie as he looked around at all those who'd come for the show, subsequently taking a deep breath, the boy would compose himself as he continued with his rather unplanned speech. "I never thought I'd make it this far... Coming all the way from a poor little farming village in the heart of southern Wales to this?... Bloody amazing like. L-Like I just can't make it clear enough to you lot how much it means to me that you all support me." taking yet another deep breath, the boy would shake his head to try and hide the tears of gratitude forming in his eyes. "I really can't... *sniffle* AFW Universe, I humbly accept this award, and I promise you all that I'll make 2022 a year worth remembering!" He shouted aloud for the crowd, wiping the tears off his face with his jacket sleeve. "And.. And... I dedicate this award, w-well first all the fans who've supported me from my days in the indy leagues back h-home to... well, here. I also dedicate it to all the new friends I-I've made while here... But most of all, I dedicate this to my D-Dad back home, H-He's n-no big name, He's a fireman But..." Jasper paused briefly to reconstitute himself. "...He's my hero and I hope he and Mum watching me now, I-I miss them so much but, I promise them I won't return home until I've taken home a title belt!... That you can count on AFW Universe! That you can always count on!" Finishing the improvised speech, the boy would flash that same smile that made him so beloved in the UK Indie scene and the AFW circuit. With that all done, the boy would look around at the crowd one last time, finishing off his acceptance speech by quickly uttering aloud that patriotic rallying cry of his. "CYMRU AM BYTH!" Before then taking a deep breath yet again and then gently grabbing the award he was handed and walking down the steps with it, holding it carefully in his hands, humming the Welsh national anthem to himself as he went along.

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